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Want To Learn How To Fire A Machine gun?

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 4:50 am
by recovering conservative
When I first went on FG this morning, I noticed a banner ad for some group called Front Sight before I logged in. Watching the short six minute video clip with a reporter being taught how to fire an Uzzi 9 mm submachine gun, I'm wondering WHO THE HELL NEEDS TO LEARN HOW TO FIRE AN UZZI? And is a machine gun that can fire 600 rounds per minute legal anywhere in the U.S.? If it is, America is even crazier and hellbent for destruction than I realized.

It seems that Front Sight owner - Ignatius Piazza is offering free instructions for anyone wishing to learn how to fire a submachine gun, as a promotional tool to offer further firearms training, and possibly sell some condos at a luxury gated, gun-owning community he's building in Nevada. So, does this "right to bear arms" have any connection with the increase in unemployment and poverty? Not to mention the increasing racial tensions among wealthy rightwing white communities that want lots of guns to protect themselves from blacks and latinos. I suppose it's just like south of the border -- if you got all the money, you need walls, gates and machine guns for protection against those who might want a piece!

Want To Learn How To Fire A Machine gun?

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 5:21 am
by Accountable
:wah: Do you take meds for that paranoia?

I wonder how he got special permits for automatic weapons. I think it'd be cool to try it, and for free! Thanks for the info, RC.