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Argh, ****, Kill

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 1:43 am
by koan
Argh: there was a strange thread fine tree based worm writhing and twisting in apparent agony while I puffed on my morning cigarette. It was just within morning view, which is only half of normal vision, and I originally thought it was a strange piece of lint playing in the wind until I realised it was moving independently of the breeze.

****: It became disturbing because, though it hardly seemed sentient, it was not moving in a way that indicated happiness. I was tempted to put it out of its misery but didn't particularly want it on my shoe as, though I was sure I wouldn't see it, I would know it was squished there all day.

Kill: The wind picked up, blowing in my direction with a ferocious gust. The worm disappeared and I know it was in the wind path headed for the direction of my person. I looked and could not see any way of detecting if it had landed on me.

The day got only slightly better. It's over now though.

Argh, ****, Kill

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 12:40 am
by koan
Another one of those.

I wanted to punch at least three people in the head today. One of the reasons I was okay not doing that was because a client wrote the manager a letter describing in hilarious detail why he's so surprised we don't punch some of customers in the head.

So thank you to the guy who made me laugh.

To hell with the people who made me want to punch them in the head.

Thank you that I occasionally get to express to a client what I'm really thinking because they're too stupid to figure out what I'm saying.

Thanks to the people further back in the lineup who speak their sympathy with their eyes.

To hell with the people who are deaf and use non specialized phones as a communication tool.

To hell with people who can't just be a pain in the ass once to do all their business but have to come back a number of times and be assholes in less than 24 hours for no good reason. Get organized with your bullshit.

Thank you for hot lunches and a thermos that keeps coffee warm all day.