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Never played FF...recommendation for first?

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2011 11:45 pm
by Hfjslfj
Somehow, some way, I missed out on every Final Fantasy game. I loved Mario RPG, Chrono Trigger, Lufia, etc when I was a kid, but never played Final Fantasy.

However, I am aware this is a huge gaping hole in my game history cirriculum.

Which ones should I start with?

Never played FF...recommendation for first?

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2011 11:48 pm
by koan
You start with opening your eyes. Let them adjust. Then try to remember who you are. The identity will seep in slowly. Alongside that will come the knowledge that you have no control over what will happen to you and the best escape is to become a cyber figure that is reborn whenever it dies.