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The Dross of British Police...

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 8:53 am
by Oscar Namechange
Police officer who downloaded 'extreme' animal porn walks free from court... after claiming he 'didn't realise it was illegal' | Mail Online

Ian Bower: Paedophile special constable who fled Britain after jail release is convicted of child abuse in Cambodia | Mail Online

'Dedicated' PCSO who won bravery award is jailed for drugging and raping teenage girl | Mail Online

There was a time when folk looked up to the police here and getting Into the police force was an honour.

Three new stories In just one day of the dross we appear to be recruiting these days. It's nothing new. The tabloids are full of stories like these on what appears to be a daily basis and they are only what makes the tabloids. Many go unreported. Over 1,000 serving police officers have criminal records ranging from assault to lying under oath.

Many police officers believe that the moment they don a uniform, we are supposed to respect and admire them.

Why does Britain recruit such dross?

How about a radical shake up Cameron ?

The Dross of British Police...

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 9:15 am
by spot
I may be obtuse, but does an animal actually get excited if it's shown porn - and if not, what's wrong with showing porn to an animal?

The Dross of British Police...

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 9:26 am
by Oscar Namechange
spot;1398940 wrote: I may be obtuse, but does an animal actually get excited if it's shown porn - and if not, what's wrong with showing porn to an animal? If you can find anything anywhere In the article about an animal being shown porn, then you may have a reason for attempting to divert this thread off tangent.

I asked a serious question. Do we need a radical shake up In recruiting of British Police?

The Dross of British Police...

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 9:39 am
by spot
oscar;1398942 wrote: If you can find anything anywhere In the article about an animal being shown porn, then you may have a reason for attempting to divert this thread off tangent.
I don't open your links, they're usually nasty. I saw the words extreme animal porn.

The Dross of British Police...

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 9:41 am
by Bruv
Spots bored.............

The Dross of British Police...

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 10:01 am
spot;1398940 wrote: I may be obtuse, but does an animal actually get excited if it's shown porn - and if not, what's wrong with showing porn to an animal?

It depends on the animal I suppose. Rabbit porn seems to be on the uprise. Sheep, cattle, and horse porn has gotten old hat. They've all been there done that and seen the DVD's.

The Dross of British Police...

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 10:25 am
by theia
Bruv;1398946 wrote: Spots bored.............

Well, I'm surprised! I thought the OP would lead to another of his tirades against the police.

The Dross of British Police...

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 10:51 am
by spot
theia;1398950 wrote: Well, I'm surprised! I thought the OP would lead to another of his tirades against the police.

Tirade, madam? Tirade? Me? I think not. Perhaps the word you seek is "analysis".

The Dross of British Police...

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 10:51 am
by Bruv
theia;1398950 wrote: Well, I'm surprised! I thought the OP would lead to another of his tirades against the police.

Are you intimating that Spot is anti police ?

You are obviously not reading his posts correctly......he will allege.

The Dross of British Police...

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 11:49 am
by spot
I'm all in favour of policing, I just wish it were done competently.

Extreme animal porn. Is it the animal that's extreme? I think not. I think it's the porn that's extreme in which case the article's about extreme porn for animals. Which led me to ask whether an animal actually gets excited if it's shown extreme porn - and if not, what's wrong with showing extreme porn to an animal?

The Dross of British Police...

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 11:55 am
spot;1398953 wrote: I'm all in favour of policing, I just wish it were done competently.

Extreme animal porn. Is it the animal that's extreme? I think not. I think it's the porn that's extreme in which case the article's about extreme porn for animals. Which led me to ask whether an animal actually gets excited if it's shown extreme porn - and if not, what's wrong with showing extreme porn to an animal?

LOL...The porn, is people having sex with animals and recording it. It's not people bringing their horses in the living room showing them DVDs of animals or people having sex. It's hard to get a horse to watch TV.

The Dross of British Police...

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 12:06 pm
by spot
YZGI;1398954 wrote: LOL...The porn, is people having sex with animals and recording it. It's not people bringing their horses in the living room showing them DVDs of animals or people having sex. It's hard to get a horse to watch TV.

You cannot be serious. For one thing interspecies sex isn't possible, the differing dimensions... hens don't have... But that's not the point, it's that even if anyone were so appallingly daft as to attempt it, no audience exists capable of becoming excited by it. Why would anyone download a video for sexual gratification if it's incapable of engorging their bits. It makes no sense.

The Dross of British Police...

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 1:18 pm
spot;1398955 wrote: You cannot be serious. For one thing interspecies sex isn't possible, the differing dimensions... hens don't have... But that's not the point, it's that even if anyone were so appallingly daft as to attempt it, no audience exists capable of becoming excited by it. Why would anyone download a video for sexual gratification if it's incapable of engorging their bits. It makes no sense.

You're singing to the choir.

The Dross of British Police...

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 1:28 pm
by theia
spot;1398951 wrote: Tirade, madam? Tirade? Me? I think not. Perhaps the word you seek is "analysis".

Okay, I give up :)

The Dross of British Police...

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2012 3:10 am
by Snooz
Spot would have been more enraged if these had been American police.

The Dross of British Police...

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2012 3:56 am
by Bruv
spot;1398955 wrote: You cannot be serious. For one thing interspecies sex isn't possible, the differing dimensions... hens don't have... But that's not the point, it's that even if anyone were so appallingly daft as to attempt it, no audience exists capable of becoming excited by it. Why would anyone download a video for sexual gratification if it's incapable of engorging their bits. It makes no sense.

Sometimes I wish I lived in your world, that world where logic rules.

The Dross of British Police...

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2012 4:29 am
by spot
Bruv;1398961 wrote: Sometimes I wish I lived in your world, that world where logic rules.

BBC4 showed a program this month with a pack of whales rolling on their backs to welt each other with several yards of prehensile willy, and they did this before the watershed because it offers no lewd gratification to either whale or human. I rest my case.

The Dross of British Police...

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2012 5:40 am
by theia
spot;1398966 wrote: BBC4 showed a program this month with a pack of whales rolling on their backs to welt each other with several yards of prehensile willy, and they did this before the watershed because it offers no lewd gratification to either whale or human. I rest my case.

"several yards of prehensile willy" :yh_bigsmi

Is it on I-Player?

The Dross of British Police...

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2012 5:53 am
by spot
theia;1398967 wrote: "several yards of prehensile willy" :yh_bigsmi

Is it on I-Player?

Not that I can see - it was BBC One - Ocean Giants, Giant Lives "Ocean Giants: uncovering the secrets of their intimate lives as never before".

Here's the informative and non-titillating relevant clip - BBC One - Ocean Giants, Giant Lives, Size matters

The chap discussing "Size matters" is, not surprisingly, Stephen Fry.

The Dross of British Police...

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2012 6:57 am
by Bruv
spot;1398966 wrote: BBC4 showed a program this month with a pack of whales rolling on their backs to welt each other with several yards of prehensile willy, and they did this before the watershed because it offers no lewd gratification to either whale or human. I rest my case.

A simple for instance that I have first hand knowledge of............

A girl showed me some files on her co-workers networked PC at a company I worked for many years.

The co-worker was an unmarried middle aged gentleman, a real gentle man and also a gentleman, who happened to be a little eccentric and ever so slightly weird.

I never dwelt too long on the contents, suffice it to say they were lists with images of ladies shoes.

I have long known of some people having a predilection for feet and footwear in an erotic setting, and they also show shoe advertisements on daytime TV.

Does either of the facts I have noted detract from the other ?

The Dross of British Police...

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2012 7:28 am
by spot
Bruv;1398970 wrote: Does either of the facts I have noted detract from the other ?Indeed they do not, but on the other hand you might find it hard to get anyone to say that what he was storing was extreme porn. Similarly with the pre-watershed wavers of infeasibly large tackle. Someone generating lewd gratification from it is in the same camp as your shoe chap or, for example, those who climax nightly to the early evening regional weather forecast - I'm sure Michael Fish wrote about them in his autobiography, and the letters they sent him.

These may be a potential source of erotic stimulation but "extreme porn" isn't a label they can reasonably bear.

The Dross of British Police...

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2012 9:38 am
by Bruv
I think I shall use an oft quoted phrase when discussing anything with you.

theia;1398957 wrote: Okay, I give up :)

Or ..............there is George Bernard Shaw who aptly said that Wrestling with a pig just gets you dirty and the pig enjoys it, take that whichever way you please.

And ......finally, my apologies to Oscar.....kin pointless trying sometimes ennit?

The Dross of British Police...

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2012 10:32 am
by Oscar Namechange
Bruv;1398975 wrote:

And ......finally, my apologies to Oscar.....kin pointless trying sometimes ennit?
No problem.

The Dross of British Police...

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2012 11:08 am
by spot
oscar;1398976 wrote: No problem.

I scored you one out of three, if that helps.

The Dross of British Police...

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2012 12:20 pm
by gmc
oscar;1398938 wrote: Police officer who downloaded 'extreme' animal porn walks free from court... after claiming he 'didn't realise it was illegal' | Mail Online

Ian Bower: Paedophile special constable who fled Britain after jail release is convicted of child abuse in Cambodia | Mail Online

'Dedicated' PCSO who won bravery award is jailed for drugging and raping teenage girl | Mail Online

There was a time when folk looked up to the police here and getting Into the police force was an honour.

Three new stories In just one day of the dross we appear to be recruiting these days. It's nothing new. The tabloids are full of stories like these on what appears to be a daily basis and they are only what makes the tabloids. Many go unreported. Over 1,000 serving police officers have criminal records ranging from assault to lying under oath.

Many police officers believe that the moment they don a uniform, we are supposed to respect and admire them.

Why does Britain recruit such dross?

How about a radical shake up Cameron ?

You do realise that if all you read are the tabloids you end up with a very warped view of the world. They will not be reporting on policemen doing their everyday job in a competent manner as many of them do. Next you will be coming out with the mantra that the recession is caused by immigrants, single mothers and layabouts claiming disability benefit when they are perfectly capable of working. Bit of a double standard when a play like equus is seen as art when arguably it can also be seen as intellectual glorifying of someone perversion. not that I have seen it or ever intend to some subject matter I have no interest in watching. The policeman was perhaps just watching the equivalent of pulp fiction.

Maybe if the tabloids applied their investigative skills top our politicians rather than who is banging who among the glitterati we might not be in such a mess.

The Dross of British Police...

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2012 3:12 pm
by Oscar Namechange
gmc;1398979 wrote: You do realise that if all you read are the tabloids you end up with a very warped view of the world. They will not be reporting on policemen doing their everyday job in a competent manner as many of them do. Next you will be coming out with the mantra that the recession is caused by immigrants, single mothers and layabouts claiming disability benefit when they are perfectly capable of working. Bit of a double standard when a play like equus is seen as art when arguably it can also be seen as intellectual glorifying of someone perversion. not that I have seen it or ever intend to some subject matter I have no interest in watching. The policeman was perhaps just watching the equivalent of pulp fiction.

Maybe if the tabloids applied their investigative skills top our politicians rather than who is banging who among the glitterati we might not be in such a mess.

As It happens, I have some extremely competent local police and I have nothing but praise for them. I think It's a shame when a very rotten apple taints the entire barrel but It just seems of late, police officers falling foul of the law themselves seems to be rife.

On one hand, blame the tabloids but then without tabloids, the public would be none the wiser.