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Lord Bichard proposes the retired should carry out community service

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 12:42 pm
by Oscar Namechange
Outrage as former head of benefits agency Lord Bichard says the retired should take up community service or have their pensions docked - Home News - UK - The Independent

He has caused uproar by suggesting the retired should have pensions docked If they don't carry out community service....

Is It April Fools day already ?

How utterly absurd

Lord Bichard proposes the retired should carry out community service

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 1:04 pm
by gmc
I think we should start with stopping the paying of civil service pensions to people like bichard if they happen to exceed the average national average income. Bet that would save a fortune for the taxpayer.

A study four years ago concluded the average retirement income of former permanent secretaries was around £100,000 a year.

There's a million for a kick off. The money saved could be paid to those who haven't been able to save enough thanks to their unemployment during the most recent economic crisis.

Oh bollocks let's just shoot the bastards.

Lord Bichard proposes the retired should carry out community service

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 1:17 pm
by Oscar Namechange
gmc;1408958 wrote: I think we should start with stopping the paying of civil service pensions to people like bichard if they happen to exceed the average national average income. Bet that would save a fortune for the taxpayer.

There's a million for a kick off. The money saved could be paid to those who haven't been able to save enough thanks to their unemployment during the most recent economic crisis.

Oh bollocks let's just shoot the bastards. Couldn't agree more Auld Yin...

The part of his proposal that has Irked me the most Is that his Idea for pensioner community service Is looking after the ' really elderly'....So not only does some poor sod who's fought a war and paid taxes all his life have to sell his home to pay for care late In life when he needs It the most, now, according to this pillock, he should be cared for by some 65 year old.