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Britain's civil rights

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2013 6:10 am
by Oscar Namechange
It appears that on other sites, when ever there's an Issue with America, someone will pop up and bring up the Civil Rights struggle In the 60's to shut down an arguement and attempt to make America seem far worse than us civilised so and so's.

Yet, Britain's treatment of first wave Immigrants was pretty damn appalling also and It's got me looking at how other Western Countries behaved In that era also.

There were a number of black people who made a difference to the civil rights of the black population in Britain. One was Paul Stephenson, who in 1963 led a boycott against a racist public bus company. The Bristol bus company operated a colour bar that refused employment to blacks or Asians. Stephenson, a 26 year old teacher, organised the 60 day bus boycott on the city’s buses. Thousands of people supported the bus boycott and the news of the racism made headlines. By the 28 August 1963 the bus company lifted the employment colour ban. This was the same day that Martin Luther King Jr made his “I have a dream speech”.

Civil Rights in the Uk

Britain's civil rights

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2013 8:26 am
by Arena
I was a voice from racial equality in the sixties, a fairly procarious pastime for a white guy in London, let me tell you.

What stoked my passion? Apart from feeling that racial discrimination was wrong toward coloured people ,I encountered signs in shop windows saying 'Room To Let: NO Dogs, Coloureds,Irish or Scots'. I was a twenty year old Scot and new comer to London

Britain's civil rights

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2013 9:25 am
oscar;1438582 wrote: It appears that on other sites, when ever there's an Issue with America, someone will pop up and bring up the Civil Rights struggle In the 60's to shut down an arguement and attempt to make America seem far worse than us civilised so and so's.

Yet, Britain's treatment of first wave Immigrants was pretty damn appalling also and It's got me looking at how other Western Countries behaved In that era also.

There were a number of black people who made a difference to the civil rights of the black population in Britain. One was Paul Stephenson, who in 1963 led a boycott against a racist public bus company. The Bristol bus company operated a colour bar that refused employment to blacks or Asians. Stephenson, a 26 year old teacher, organised the 60 day bus boycott on the city’s buses. Thousands of people supported the bus boycott and the news of the racism made headlines. By the 28 August 1963 the bus company lifted the employment colour ban. This was the same day that Martin Luther King Jr made his “I have a dream speech”.

Civil Rights in the Uk

Arena;1439019 wrote: I was a voice from racial equality in the sixties, a fairly procarious pastime for a white guy in London, let me tell you.

What stoked my passion? Apart from feeling that racial discrimination was wrong toward coloured people ,I encountered signs in shop windows saying 'Room To Let: NO Dogs, Coloureds,Irish or Scots'. I was a twenty year old Scot and new comer to London

So America wasn't the only racist country in years past? Wow, you could have fooled.

Britain's civil rights

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2013 9:38 am
by Arena
I was one of the crowd on June 11, 1988 at Wembley Stadium, London.

It was broadcast to 67 countries and an audience of 600 million, whilst we chanted at the cameras 'The whole World's watching'. It must have been intimidating for the regime in South Africa and indeed put the final nail in the coffin of apartheid.

We must live together as brothers or die together as fools

Britain's civil rights

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2013 9:53 am
by Oscar Namechange
YZGI;1439024 wrote: So America wasn't the only racist country in years past? Wow, you could have fooled. I'm just starting on France.

“Postcolonial racism” in France: systemic and institutional reproduction of negative representations of colonized people. - le blog aboumashimango