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Where's Tippi when you need her?

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 10:39 am
by valerie
From my backyard, they quite often do this: (Turn those speakers up!)

Where's Tippi when you need her?

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 6:59 am
by tabby
Val, I have 5 crows that are regular visitors to the bird feeders and their behavior is usually mild, provided no one challenges them to the food. I put out raw peanuts in the shell for the squirrels and the other day there was a squirrel/crow confrontation. Each felt entitled to one peanut in particular and refused to give ground to the other. They circled each other warily then the crow lurched at the squirrel using his feet. It looked like he had some kind of kung fu action going on! :yh_rotfl The squirrel literally jumped about 3 feet upward in utter surprise and the crow flew off with the peanut!