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Posted: Sun May 04, 2014 11:12 pm
by High Threshold
Here is an article about the Allied and German casualties who never made it home again. The bulk of this article deals with the cemetery(ies) here in Malmö but it mentions other parts of Sweden too. It is in the original Swedish so if there are no means of translating via Google (or any other) then I'll do it myself.

De fick sista vilan i Sverige - DN.SE

A particular case is of Henry Popper, a Jew, born in Vienna, emigrated to England and volunteered for the RAF. His Lancaster was shot down over Sweden and he was buried in the Jewish cemetery, here in town. Being the only child of the Popper family it was decided that this would be the final resting place of the parents too. His father lies buried alongside his beloved son with the inscription, "At last together".


Posted: Mon May 05, 2014 6:58 am
by Saint_
Most of what I know about Sweden's role comes from two movies, Errol Flynn's "Edge of Darkness," and Kirk Douglas' "The Heroes of Telemark." I must say that I was extremely impressed to learn that without their shipment of heavy water, the Nazis fell behind in atomic research. With it, and their V2 delivery systems...they would have conquered the world.

I am very interested in Sweden, being genetically Swedish (adopted) but I've never had the time to do any research or traveling.


Posted: Mon May 05, 2014 9:12 am
by High Threshold
Saint_;1453240 wrote: Most of what I know about Sweden's role comes from two movies, Errol Flynn's "Edge of Darkness," and Kirk Douglas' "The Heroes of Telemark." I must say that I was extremely impressed to learn that without their shipment of heavy water, the Nazis fell behind in atomic research. With it, and their V2 delivery systems...they would have conquered the world.

Actually, both stories are about Norway and the bravery of the Norwegian underground, who fought heroically (even at a dramatic loss of their own civilian population) against the Nazi occupation of their country. That single action in sinking the Nazi shipment of "heavy water" by sabotage, sacrificed the lives of innocent Norwegians and is one of the most dramatic stories of WW II because of it. A very high price to pay but, as you say, probably a necessary one.

Saint_;1453240 wrote: I am very interested in Sweden, being genetically Swedish (adopted) but I've never had the time to do any research or traveling.

Sweden was officially "neutral" all through the Second World War. The truth of the matter is that Sweden did much in aiding the western Allies by way of national espionage, but because of our declared "neutral" policies very little has been told about the truth ..... and almost nothing has been translated into English. Consequently, Sweden has been slandered for having been "pro-Nazi". Sweden was absolutely NOT pro-Nazi, but due to secrecy and our centuries-long partnership with Germany many people like to link us with the short-lived Third Reich and conveniently being ignorant of the Hansa Era and our intertwined sea-going history with the Baltic Sea that go back several thousand years.


Posted: Mon May 05, 2014 12:28 pm
by Saint_
LOL! Well then, it looks like I know even less about Sweden than I thought! I'd still like to learn, though.


Posted: Mon May 05, 2014 8:34 pm
by High Threshold
Saint_;1453259 wrote: LOL! Well then, it looks like I know even less about Sweden than I thought! I'd still like to learn, though.

Ha-ha! But don't worry. It's not your fault so little has been written about it. If you're interested in Sweden during WW II you can begin with the story of Raoul Wallenberg and the mystery (still today) of his fate. I'm sure there is a lot written in English and some documentaries. There was even an American film starring Richard Chamberlain about him.


Posted: Tue May 06, 2014 7:33 am
by AnneBoleyn
High Threshold;1453318 wrote: Ha-ha! But don't worry. It's not your fault so little has been written about it. If you're interested in Sweden during WW II you can begin with the story of Raoul Wallenberg and the mystery (still today) of his fate. I'm sure there is a lot written in English and some documentaries. There was even an American film starring Richard Chamberlain about him.

Raoul Wallenberg is a great hero to the Jewish people & a 'righteous gentile'.


Posted: Tue May 06, 2014 8:31 am
by High Threshold
AnneBoleyn;1453348 wrote: Raoul Wallenberg is a great hero to the Jewish people & a 'righteous gentile'.

That's right - and I'm surprised you knew that! :)


Posted: Tue May 06, 2014 3:06 pm
by AnneBoleyn
High Threshold;1453359 wrote: That's right - and I'm surprised you knew that! :)

Where I was born & raised, EVERYBODY knows it!!!!!! and always spoke of him with the reverence he still deserves.


Posted: Tue May 06, 2014 7:45 pm
by High Threshold
AnneBoleyn;1453379 wrote: Where I was born & raised, EVERYBODY knows it!!!!!!

Like I should think everybody from Brooklyn would forget already?


Posted: Wed May 07, 2014 6:08 am
by AnneBoleyn
High Threshold;1453395 wrote: Like I should think everybody from Brooklyn would forget already?

Are you sure you're not a native American, who, out of protest to the Vietnam War, moved to Sweden which was an option in the '60's as the Swedes gave help & encouragement to a young American male (soldier) who chose that option?


Posted: Wed May 07, 2014 7:14 am
by High Threshold
AnneBoleyn;1453415 wrote: Are you sure you're not a native American, who, out of protest to the Vietnam War, moved to Sweden which was an option in the '60's as the Swedes gave help & encouragement to a young American male (soldier) who chose that option?

What? I should be all of that because I know you're from Broyklin? God forbid I should deny it if it were true. It's not, but I have met 2 Americans who fit that description. Both Sweden and Canada, as a matter of fact. I actually know a lot more than that and maybe some day I'll tell you about it.

Now back to WW II and President Rosenfeldt ........


Posted: Wed May 07, 2014 8:07 am
by AnneBoleyn
Didn't mean to give offense. Your superb knowledge of colloquial American English, even your colloquial use of Yiddish-style American English surprised me, is all. ("Like I should think everybody from Brooklyn would forget already?")

Maybe you're just a big fan of Barbra Streisand. Or Jerry Lewis (from Joisey).

Sorry for the interruption, back to the show.


Posted: Wed May 07, 2014 8:26 am
by High Threshold
AnneBoleyn;1453422 wrote: Didn't mean to give offense. Your superb knowledge of colloquial American English, even your colloquial use of Yiddish-style American English surprised me, is all. ("Like I should think everybody from Brooklyn would forget already?")

Maybe you're just a big fan of Barbra Streisand. Or Jerry Lewis (from Joisey).

Sorry for the interruption, back to the show.

No offense at all. I have a good American friend here in town. She's from Brooklyn (West Indian born) and we share a fondness for the stereo-typic, New Yawk Yiddisch character. We sometimes carry on whole conversations in pseudo-Yiddisch. Entertaining one another is our mitzvot.

I dislike Streisand and J. Lewis but I love the majority of "Jewish" comedy. Who doesn't? I sometimes think if I weren't such a pompous ass I would have made an excellent George Castanza.


Posted: Wed May 07, 2014 12:40 pm
by AnneBoleyn
"Entertaining one another is our mitzvot."

Mitzvot means the commandments from G-d. Is that the word you mean? Maybe you mean 'komish'--which means funny, silly, etc.

George Costanza was Italian, not Jewish. Funny, I'd make a good Female Costanza. Not his mother.


Posted: Wed May 07, 2014 8:41 pm
by High Threshold
AnneBoleyn;1453445 wrote: "Entertaining one another is our mitzvot."

Mitzvot means the commandments from G-d. Is that the word you mean? Maybe you mean 'komish'--which means funny, silly, etc.

Sorry dear, but mitzvah is a term also meaning "deed" - or a responsibility.

AnneBoleyn;1453445 wrote: George Costanza was Italian, not Jewish.

"George Costanza" is a fictional character supposing to be ethnic Spanish. However, his character is as Jewish as you can get, and ................ the actor is Jewish. It's not obvious?

AnneBoleyn;1453445 wrote: Funny, I'd make a good Female Costanza. Not his mother.

If I were to meet his mother you'd have to have an ambulance ready outside to take me to the loony bin.