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You Should Vote If...

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2016 8:20 am
by El Veto-Voter
You Should Vote If...

If you know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that nothing bad can result from your action.

If you can accurately predict what the winning politicians will do, and that it will all be good.

If you are willing to take the blame for everything the politicians and their minions do in your name.

If you agree with everything the political system stands for and everything it does.

If you are willing to take responsibility for the next war, the next recession, the next stage of riots, the horrors of the drug wars, and the waste of trillions of dollars and millions of lives that result annually from government programs.

If you accept being pledged as collateral for the national debt.

If you would be willing to co-sign a blank-check loan for the political establishment.

If you favor terrorism, war, mass murder, theft, pillaging, corruption, and the perversion of power.

If you are corrupt and plan to profit from the system.

If you want to force your will on other people.

Consider it carefully. Considerate people don't vote.

You Should Vote If...

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2016 1:36 pm
by Bruv
Strange logic.

You Should Vote If...

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2016 9:57 am
by Saint_
El Veto-Voter;1500769 wrote: You Should Vote If...

If you know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that nothing bad can result from your action.
Since no one ever Knows the future, your ridiculous proposition makes it impossible to ever take any kind of action.

If you are willing to take the blame for everything the politicians and their minions do in your name.

I'm OK with that.

If you agree with everything the political system stands for and everything it does.

It's not a perfect system, but it works.

If you are willing to take responsibility for the next war, the next recession, the next stage of riots, the horrors of the drug wars, and the waste of trillions of dollars and millions of lives that result annually from government programs.

As if all of those things were somehow connected to your vote..

If you accept being pledged as collateral for the national debt.

If you would be willing to co-sign a blank-check loan for the political establishment.

If you favor terrorism, war, mass murder, theft, pillaging, corruption, and the perversion of power.

Just who are you voting for?! My candidates don't do those kinds of things.

If you are corrupt and plan to profit from the system.

Would that I had enough money to actually get in the game...

If you want to force your will on other people.

Well, I am a teacher after all....

Consider it carefully. Considerate people don't vote.

No, unpatriotic, apathetic, deluded, and callous people don't vote. The rest of us get on with the job of marching humanity forward. You see...We have families and jobs and we're adults, so we're not afraid of responsibility like you are.

You Should Vote If...

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2016 3:21 am
by FourPart
What about voting if you believe that your vote will actually be taken notice of, regardless of the result, and the outcome of the vote ignored or overturned (e.g. EU Referendum). Then comes the present issue with the Labour Leadership Elections. I have already cast my vote for Jeremy, but the blatant bias of continually purging potentially Corbyn voters from having a right to vote is obnoxious. Since Jeremy took Leadership (with a record Mandate), membership has sky rocketed. Ever since then the minority Blairites have been trying to overthrow him. When they first launched the coup they did their best to stop him from having the right to stand for election at all. When this failed, they went about removing the right of those that had joined the Party inspired by him to vote for him again. Owen Smith is an utter moron, and whenever he opens his mouth he raises even more support for Corbyn. It's obvious that Corbyn will win this election, and the polls are predicting with an even bigger mandate than before, but I doubt very much if it will stop the Blairites from trying to split the Party. The problem is that it is these Blairites who are still in their positions as MPs. We desperately need another General Election so that we can deselect those who would oppose the will of the Party membership.

The main argument against Corbyn is that he will never make Prime Minister. On that matter, I don't know. However, that's not what the vote is about. The vote is about who the Party Membership want as their Leader. I believe he stands for the true values of the Labour Party. I believe he is a man of honour, principle & honesty - a rarity in politics. I would rather see him as Leader of the Opposition than I would to have Owen Smith as Prime Minister.

Owen Smith wants to do away with the right to vote. When a vote goes against him he says that the voters didn't know what they were doing, even now he is saying that anyone considering voting for Corbyn is very naive - so for anyone who might be sitting on the fence, accusing them of being naive must be a great vote winner.

You Should Vote If...

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2016 7:05 am
by Saint_
Civic duty is paramount. Basing your behavior on the presumption others will not be responsible is, in itself, irresponsible. Here's what you do: Every day you do the right thing. You model that behavior for the young and for the less responsible around you. Then, at the end of the day, you lie down to sleep understanding that you cannot change the whole world, but you have still done all you can to be the best human being you can be. And perhaps, just perhaps by doing that, you have changed a tiny corner of the world for the better.

When the majority of us do this, things really do change for the better...

You Should Vote If...

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2016 7:21 pm
by El Veto-Voter
Saint_;1500850 wrote: Civic duty is paramount. Basing your behavior on the presumption others will not be responsible is, in itself, irresponsible. Here's what you do: Every day you do the right thing. You model that behavior for the young and for the less responsible around you. Then, at the end of the day, you lie down to sleep understanding that you cannot change the whole world, but you have still done all you can to be the best human being you can be. And perhaps, just perhaps by doing that, you have changed a tiny corner of the world for the better.

When the majority of us do this, things really do change for the better...

Absolutely! I totally agree.

Getting people to concentrate on those things that can really make a difference, one individual at a time, is my reason for trying to show the innefectiveness (and huge waste) of being perturbed over politics all the time.

If people in general focused on the sort of things you are saying, instead of worrying and arguing over who to elect, then the world could become a better, more considerate place.

Thank you!