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Second marriage...

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2017 5:53 pm
by Patsy Warnick
Well I'll try to make this short.

My husband comes home from 1 week stay in the hospital 11/23/16 - he developed a infection in his "new" knee, they put in a dual port which I had to administer 6 shots a day for 6 weeks.

11/29/16 My Sister goes into the hospital.

11/30/16 Her husband goes into the hospital.

I have trouble with the hubby's daughter with items missing during this 3 day visit. So, I'm running to the hospital - home for the injections- to their house for their needs - OH and to the bank to order new checks because I didn't have anything else to do..! As I was racing so was my heart - Dr. put me on new meds which helped.

Unfortunately my Sister died 12/30/16.

My Sister's Hubby wants & plans to move & live with family - understandable.

The plan "That" daughter is flying in - going to the facility to pick Dad up & bring him home - pack up & fly out. People never stop surprising me. They asked me to have a sale & send the proceeds to him..! really.. I'm the landlord - my house is full and OH, your welcome. He "they" flew out Feb. 1st and I have a lot of work ahead of me..



Second marriage...

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2017 7:33 am
by AnneBoleyn
I don't understand. Are you separating from your husband? My sincere condolences on the loss of your sister. (((Patsy)))

Second marriage...

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2017 8:21 am
by Patsy Warnick

It's my Sister's husband that flew out on Feb.1st. (second marriage)

His daughter came & got her Dad out of the facility stayed in the house for a few days and flew out. Cherry picked the things they wanted - packed & left me with a house full.

They're expecting me to clean & have a sale and send the proceeds to my sister's husband..! really.. they didn't make any attempt to clear the house - sell or donate items but they up & left the house full. it's a lot of work.. This is where people don't stop surprising me.

I'm the landlord - they owe for Feb. rent & then some.

I always get screwed trying to do the right things..


Second marriage...

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2017 9:20 am
by Bruv
Don't normally get involved with 'family' things.......but.....have you any House clearing companies that can do it on your behalf ?

The contents value being agreed before hand, any balance being your rent after they take the clearance fee.

Sending duplicates of the companies estimate/fee/ etc. to your busy relatives.

Second marriage...

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2017 9:54 am
by Patsy Warnick

Yes, there are companies that will come in & give one price for the whole household and that Co. would remove all items. Sure I could go that route.

Why didn't that side of the family make arrangements to clear all belongings? All this stuff is their responsibility - I'm just the landlord.

Now my rental is full & I can't rent it so, as a landlord he's owing for Feb. rent.

I don't appreciate all this thrown into my lap.

The daughter flew in swooped up her Dad and his money & flew out. There's something wicked about this daughter - she made sure she didn't leave one roll of toilet paper in either bathroom. What do you think she's telling me???:yh_rotfl :yh_rotfl

People don't stop surprising me


Second marriage...

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2017 10:23 am
by AnneBoleyn
Glad to hear your marriage intact Patsy!

Second marriage...

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2017 10:54 am
by Bruv
Patsy..... you can't wait for them to act, they have everything they need from your property.

No purpose you stressing yourself by their behaviour.

Spend some time getting quotes, clear the place out, employ cleaners to clean and re-let......job done.

Bill them for the services at cost, plus rent due plus any amount you feel is fair for your time and inconvenience......send them any balance/bill with paper work.

Don't hold your breath waiting for a response, thanks or payment.

Second marriage...

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2017 4:24 pm
by Patsy Warnick

Thanks - I'll have to take your advice - since my brother in law left me with no choice.

your right.

I'm disappointed with their behavior and the lack of communication during all the preparation for the flight out. I ordered a large Welcome Home Cake, balloons, neighbors over to welcome him home - I was excited - they drained the air out of that excitement.

very disappointed - maybe some hurt feelings.

Oh - I was stressed a month ago.



Second marriage...

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2017 4:36 pm
by LarsMac
I'm really sorry that you're having to deal with all that, Patsy.

I'm with Bruv. Take your time, and don't do any of it for free.

Second marriage...

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2017 11:30 am
by ZAP
I'm so sorry for the loss of your sister, Patsy, and sorry that you're having all this turmoil caused by evil people.

A niece of mine, daughter of my oldest brother was evil like that--selfish all her life, grabbing everything she could and totally uncaring of others feelings. When her mother, after divorcing my brother, had a yard sale the daughter was selling things and one of the items was a painting that my mother had given as a wedding present. It had sentimental value for my mother and you would have thought that the evil granddaughter would have given it back to her but no, she charged her for it--same as if she were a stranger. Not surprising for this witch though. When her other grandmother refused to loan her more money, the witch told her she hoped she died a lonely old woman.

You are a caring, thoughtful person Patsy. They are not--they're users. I hope you get the problem solved and don't let it distract from the good in your life or from your personal good and well-being.