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The brain Hardwired to believe in God.

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2018 12:00 pm
by Mickiel
I saw this short interesting suggestion today;

Why we are born to believe in God: It's wired into the brain, says psychologist | Daily Mail Online

I have always felt, in my adult thinking, that human sub consciousness may be just as powerful as our consciousness itself. Seriously affecting our awareness. We can't help a lot of our thinking, and some of it we can, and who knows the difference between that thin line of reality. I happen to believe that the " Thought of God" is a very strong one, in fact I think that is just obvious. Even many unbelievers in God, still think about " A God at times." And conversely, I think many believers in God, question the existence of God at times , they just are not comfortable admitting to such. I know I have questioned it during my belief. And those questions did not harm my belief.

How did my belief get there in the first place? Well first the obvious;

The way I was raised was a factor

My learning was a factor

My view of this world became a factor

My emotional content seemed to develop along the lines of belief , more so than unbelief

The majority of my peers were believers

I was drawn to the bible , seemed drawn to God really, so its easy for me to give this " Hard wired concept" Some notice.

Listen, I could say the same thing about my relations with women , instead of becoming gay in my life, I was just drawn toward women, it just seemed natural to me, or one could say, " It was just for me." Just like eating meats, liking sports, reading, writing; the list of being hard wired does not just include God. But why not include God and that be accepted as " Normal?" I have nothing against gays or vegetarians, but my life just went along as it did, and whenever the first thought of God popped up, it just did.

Can the brain have thoughts before we even think of them? Interesting premise I think. Gets back into the question of human will and if its really free or not.

The brain Hardwired to believe in God.

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2018 1:15 pm
by Mickiel
The author surprised me in his article when he suggested that some ardent Atheist resisted the idea of having a transplant from murderers because of the notion of there being hard wired tendencies there in the organ of the donor. I guess even I would think twice about that, which some may view as a frakenstien fear.

My life even highly suggest that I may have been hardwired concerning God, as far back as I can recall. I know I had to be somewhere between 5 and 10, just to take a guess and speculate on it. I don't think I had Atheist thoughts back then, but I just can't be for sure about it. Those came much later as I was exposed to secular knowledge about religion and God in some schools. The stronger thoughts will just kind of persuade one along their evolutionary thought process; and I certainly do consider thoughts of a God as evolutionary and powerful. More powerful than man in my view. To consider things more powerful than anything else that you know of is evolutionary and in many cases radical.

Which is more radical, belief or unbelief is a matter of opinion. Before I walked into the door of belief, did I already believe? Before I thought about God, was I already thinking of him? Well the right to believe was already there , as was the right not to believe. I even tended to date only believers at first, why was that?

I mean , I always have liked the thought of God; it seemed a good thing to me, still does, although I have dated some Atheist later in my life , because I saw more values that I admired in them. I welcome those values and let nothing diminish them from my mature outlook in life.

The brain Hardwired to believe in God.

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2018 2:40 pm
by Mickiel
So can we be " Predisposed to belief in God", or be made inclined to things like that in advance; I think absolutely! Its not far from preference or inclination. Partiality is in the same area. We are just made liable to our future. Can you see some of that? This can happen to so many of us in so many differing areas, not just belief in God. So its no strange thing when we can see it happening with God. And I think this is an important point.

The brain Hardwired to believe in God.

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2018 7:39 am
by Saint_
Mickiel;1518025 wrote: So can we be " Predisposed to belief in God"

So if it's a hardwiring issue...why do different religions hate each other? And why should Christianity be any more relevant than Hinduism? Apparently they are all part of the same biological instinct.

The brain Hardwired to believe in God.

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2018 12:14 pm
by Mickiel
Saint_;1518027 wrote: So if it's a hardwiring issue...why do different religions hate each other? And why should Christianity be any more relevant than Hinduism? Apparently they are all part of the same biological instinct.

Well I would say because hate is also hardwired into humanity ; its just there. I mean it comes out of religions toward each other, because its in them already. All religions do not hate each other, but enough of them perhaps do. And in my view, no religion is of more relevance than another, Hinduism is much older than Christianity, and may be more tolerant. Religion is just as much an instinct as hate. Why do some religions love each other, well because its hardwired in them to express that.

We love and hate, its a mixture of blessings and curses I would think.

The brain Hardwired to believe in God.

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2018 12:56 pm
by Ted
Mickiel great topic. Have had computer problems of late. Leaving for 2 months in Europe next week. As to the topic they have found very ancient prehistoric graves that clealy had some religious symbols of a religious natlure.

The brain Hardwired to believe in God.

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2018 2:05 pm
by Mickiel
Ted;1518037 wrote: Mickiel great topic. Have had computer problems of late. Leaving for 2 months in Europe next week. As to the topic they have found very ancient prehistoric graves that clealy had some religious symbols of a religious natlure.

Well enjoy your trip, I wish I could visit Europe, sounds grand!

Yes it seems the hardwiring started in prehistoric times; well began with humans beginning. I think then we can begin to say that belief in God is a part of human nature , as is unbelief in him. Both are just there. We must be fair and say that unbelief in God is just as much a hardwiring.

The brain Hardwired to believe in God.

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2018 3:01 pm
by FourPart
If it's part of Human Nature to be Hard Wired to believe in a God, then how come so many people don't believe in a God & who never have believed in a God, or even had no notion of a God? If it is Hard Wired, then why do those who follow Religions feel such a need to drum it into everyone else when if it were Hard Wired they would already believe anyway & not need persuading.

Also, I find your comment in the initial post about people 'becoming' Gay, but being 'Hard Wired as believing in a God highly offensive. It is a known fact that people don't 'become' Gay, in the same way as people don't 'become' Black. They are born that way. Religion is the primary cause of hatred on this earth caused by one person inflicting his/her Religion on someone else who would otherwise not wanted any part of it. As with any prejudice, it is learned, not innate.

The brain Hardwired to believe in God.

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2018 6:41 pm
by Mickiel
FourPart;1518046 wrote: If it's part of Human Nature to be Hard Wired to believe in a God, then how come so many people don't believe in a God & who never have believed in a God, or even had no notion of a God? If it is Hard Wired, then why do those who follow Religions feel such a need to drum it into everyone else when if it were Hard Wired they would already believe anyway & not need persuading.

Also, I find your comment in the initial post about people 'becoming' Gay, but being 'Hard Wired as believing in a God highly offensive. It is a known fact that people don't 'become' Gay, in the same way as people don't 'become' Black. They are born that way. Religion is the primary cause of hatred on this earth caused by one person inflicting his/her Religion on someone else who would otherwise not wanted any part of it. As with any prejudice, it is learned, not innate.

I find your narrow mindedness about people only being gay from birth as offensive , many made a choice to be gay after being heteralsexual first in their lives.

The brain Hardwired to believe in God.

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2018 10:34 am
by Mickiel
Mickiel;1518048 wrote: I find your narrow mindedness about people only being gay from birth as offensive , many made a choice to be gay after being heteralsexual first in their lives.

Not to get off track, but I will mention that in my view, many people are born gay, some made an active choice to be gay because they liked it, and there are some who were heavily influenced by things that just happened to them in their lives- or they have very personal reasons to being gay. And I personally don't even think its limited to those reasons alone; but I do think being gay is a hardwiring. And in many cases , for some, I don't think its easy to be gay , in some areas of experience in their lives. Gay people are just as human as anyone else, can be just as dynamic as any human , and just as frail. And I wish I could have thought these things about that lifestyle , all my early life , but I just had to learn and grow, in order to absorb a better understanding.

And that is what I really want in my life now, a better understanding. Because I know the infection of a terrible understanding , and that has been all around us all our lives.

The belief in God is no different , we have every right to better understand why we believe in a God. People infringe their misunderstandings on our lives all the time , that is just how it is ; and wisdom is just " Knowing how that is and can get!"

You know, I have never really sat down and talked to a person about what it is like to be gay; not even once in my life that I recall. But I have had discussions about belief in God nearly all my life ; never even talked with anyone about why they are in what ever sexual manifestation they live in ; I think I have kind of viewed it as private and very personal.

Interesting, to say the least. I am comfortable having speaks with you about your politics , beliefs , and various things, but get uncomfortable when its your personal sexual attractions;

well perhaps one day that conversation will come. May be long overdue ; I could use more understanding in that topic for sure.

The Christian church is loosing their young over this issue;

The brain Hardwired to believe in God.

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2018 11:30 am
by Mickiel
Some study shows even things like empathy and friendship can be hardwired into us; ... tudy-shows

The brain Hardwired to believe in God.

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2018 6:56 am
by FourPart
The one thing that is Hard Wired is the yearning for knowledge. There is that innate desire to fill every unknown gap. If something is not understood it is not enough to accept that it is simply not understood, but to create something in its place in order to explain it. Just as in algebra it is an unknown variable. The Scientific approach is to accept it as such & accpt the variable as an unknown quantity. The Creationist view is to attribute everything regarding that unknown variable to a God.

God did not create Man. Man created God.

The brain Hardwired to believe in God.

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2018 10:54 am
by Mickiel
FourPart;1518115 wrote: The one thing that is Hard Wired is the yearning for knowledge. There is that innate desire to fill every unknown gap. If something is not understood it is not enough to accept that it is simply not understood, but to create something in its place in order to explain it. Just as in algebra it is an unknown variable. The Scientific approach is to accept it as such & accpt the variable as an unknown quantity. The Creationist view is to attribute everything regarding that unknown variable to a God.

God did not create Man. Man created God.

There is a yearning for knowledge; and I don't think its the end of the God story; by far.

The brain Hardwired to believe in God.

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2018 10:44 am
by Mickiel
Mickiel;1518136 wrote: There is a yearning for knowledge; and I don't think its the end of the God story; by far.

The knowledge of God is not decreasing. Its not dying out for sure.

The brain Hardwired to believe in God.

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2018 10:50 am
by Saint_
Mickiel;1518160 wrote: The knowledge of God is not decreasing. Its not dying out for sure.

On the contrary, our latest research and quantum understandings point towards quantum fields that exist after death in people, and throughout the Universe. Science is close to proving God, possibly even interacting directly or merging with Him.

The brain Hardwired to believe in God.

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2018 11:24 am
by Mickiel
Saint_;1518161 wrote: On the contrary, our latest research and quantum understandings point towards quantum fields that exist after death in people, and throughout the Universe. Science is close to proving God, possibly even interacting directly or merging with Him.

Science will play its role up ahead in knowledge, I think the union between man and God will be filled by relationship, not science. I think its going to be a " Ruler-subject" type of existence.

The brain Hardwired to believe in God.

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2018 10:23 am
by Mickiel
In Eph. 1:9-11 the bible covers " Predestination", it reveals that we exist, because we were supposed to exist. It shows how God " purposed it according to his will", not according to our will or happenstance. It said that this existence of our lives is God's good pleasure.

Predestination , or God foreordaining; God established in advance lets us know a bit more about him, he is a predestinarian. This puts him in control of past, present and future then, which is astounding. Even we can conceive those three things in just our finite consciousness. Imagine to be able to manipulate them as God must do!

The brain Hardwired to believe in God.

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2018 1:42 pm
by Mickiel
I anticipate one day getting to know God, so I am not against that assumption living within my consciousness before and being there up ahead in my future.

The brain Hardwired to believe in God.

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2018 9:07 am
by Mickiel
Mickiel;1518198 wrote: I anticipate one day getting to know God, so I am not against that assumption living within my consciousness before and being there up ahead in my future.

I think God has hardwired the future of all humanity; life itself, which is why I have hope for our future. I sense its all just in his great awesome hands, his creative peaceful, well balanced mind has it in order. I believe he really loves us all and will be there for us in his own time and way, when it comes down to it.

Is God then some kind of control freak? No, he is a great ruler , a supreme being responsible for all things.

The brain Hardwired to believe in God.

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2018 1:28 am
by FourPart
Have all the other postings been deleted or is Mickiel just talking to himself?

The brain Hardwired to believe in God.

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2018 7:41 am
by Mickiel
FourPart;1518249 wrote: Have all the other postings been deleted or is Mickiel just talking to himself?

I am having speaks with myself. Quite pleasant.

The brain Hardwired to believe in God.

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2018 5:56 am
by Mickiel
Things being hardwired within us is so popular a view, we must argue that even things like emotions are not hardwired within us;

Emotional intelligence and how emotions are 'made' | WIRED UK

The brain Hardwired to believe in God.

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2018 10:21 am
by Mickiel
Mickiel;1518378 wrote: Things being hardwired within us is so popular a view, we must argue that even things like emotions are not hardwired within us;

Emotional intelligence and how emotions are 'made' | WIRED UK

There is a study that even our racial anger may have evolutionary implications within us. Which is stunning in my view;

Hard-Wired for Prejudice? Experts Examine Human Response to Outsiders - The New York Times

The brain Hardwired to believe in God.

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2018 8:36 am
by Mickiel
Mickiel;1518407 wrote: There is a study that even our racial anger may have evolutionary implications within us. Which is stunning in my view;

Hard-Wired for Prejudice? Experts Examine Human Response to Outsiders - The New York Times

I wonder if this notion of being hardwired to think in certain mannerism's , applies in any way to those children who have shot and killed so many in our schools; and even the adult predators who have shot at crowds. What goes on in their heads? Is there anything leading them?

Like a " Spirit" or something? Heavy spirits of suggestion.

The brain Hardwired to believe in God.

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2018 11:37 am
by gmc
FourPart;1518249 wrote: Have all the other postings been deleted or is Mickiel just talking to himself?

His wires have got crossed he thinks he is god and he's created all of us because he's lonely and talking to himself would just mean he is insane..

The brain Hardwired to believe in God.

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2018 12:19 pm
by Mickiel
gmc;1518525 wrote: His wires have got crossed he thinks he is god and he's created all of us because he's lonely and talking to himself would just mean he is insane..

Wow. Well I hope you have a good day. I wish you the best in this life!

The brain Hardwired to believe in God.

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2018 4:44 pm
by gmc
Mickiel;1518528 wrote: Wow. Well I hope you have a good day. I wish you the best in this life!

That clearly didn't quite come across the way I meant it. There really is a humour barrier here I think, americans don't seem to realise when the piss is being taken out of them. I take it you are not familiar with the brain in a vat argument - a modern take on descartes evil demon. I decided a long time ago not to take such things seriously. I respect your right to religious belief and to believe what you want I have very little respect for the beliefs themselves. This isn't a religious forum if you can't take someone disagreeing with you or challenging you when it comes to such things stop posting.

There is no evidence that god exists if you can prove otherwise please go ahead. So far none of your "proofs" stand up to much cross examination and you demonstrate a complete inability and/or lack of willingness to discourse on the matter.

The brain Hardwired to believe in God.

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2018 7:18 pm
by Mickiel
gmc;1518530 wrote: That clearly didn't quite come across the way I meant it. There really is a humour barrier here I think, americans don't seem to realise when the piss is being taken out of them. I take it you are not familiar with the brain in a vat argument - a modern take on descartes evil demon. I decided a long time ago not to take such things seriously. I respect your right to religious belief and to believe what you want I have very little respect for the beliefs themselves. This isn't a religious forum if you can't take someone disagreeing with you or challenging you when it comes to such things stop posting.

There is no evidence that god exists if you can prove otherwise please go ahead. So far none of your "proofs" stand up to much cross examination and you demonstrate a complete inability and/or lack of willingness to discourse on the matter.

I would like to keep posting , but I have no intention on getting on your nerves ; I offer my apology for not meeting your expectations and I respect your disagreements. It is unfortunate that I cannot communicate with you on a level that you respect.

I hope you can see it within yourself to allow me to continue;


The brain Hardwired to believe in God.

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2018 7:11 am
by gmc
Mickiel;1518531 wrote: I would like to keep posting , but I have no intention on getting on your nerves ; I offer my apology for not meeting your expectations and I respect your disagreements. It is unfortunate that I cannot communicate with you on a level that you respect.

I hope you can see it within yourself to allow me to continue;


It's not up to me whether you keep posting or not personally I rather hope you do. Nor do you get on my nerves I just wish you would stop throwing the dummy out the pram

when your arguments aren't accepted and seeing ad hominem attacks when none exist. This is an anonymous forum I haven't a clue who you are and you really shouldn't waste your time worrying about any opinion you think I might have or not have of you. The only way you learn is by testing your ideas and arguments out on others some people make you think some do not. It's good fun. My issue with most religious posters is that they think they are right therefore no one should disagree with them.

If you say that the bible is your proof god exists don't be surprised if you get challenged especially on a secular forum as it is quite likely you will meet prople who have read more than one book.

If you are accepting that the brain is hardwired to believe in god it does not follow that that must mean god created the brain. i.e. that god exists. Descartes proof of god is the classic philosophocal proof of god that keeps reappearing I decided it was a load of rubbish when I was a teenager.

The brain Hardwired to believe in God.

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2018 1:54 am
by Mickiel
gmc;1518536 wrote: It's not up to me whether you keep posting or not personally I rather hope you do. Nor do you get on my nerves I just wish you would stop throwing the dummy out the pram

when your arguments aren't accepted and seeing ad hominem attacks when none exist. This is an anonymous forum I haven't a clue who you are and you really shouldn't waste your time worrying about any opinion you think I might have or not have of you. The only way you learn is by testing your ideas and arguments out on others some people make you think some do not. It's good fun. My issue with most them.

If you say that the bible is your proof god exists don't be surprised if you get challenged especially on a secular forum as it is quite likely you will meet prople who religious posters is that they think they are right therefore no one should disagree with have read more than one book.

If you are accepting that the brain is hardwired to believe in god it does not follow that that must mean god created the brain. i.e. that god exists. Descartes proof of god is the classic philosophocal proof of god that keeps reappearing I decided it was a load of rubbish when I was a teenager.

Well I am not religious , but I understand that some people "Need me to be religious", or it hurts their minds. And you can rest assured That I do not waste my time worrying about your opinions. God gave birth Jesus and had his Son Jesus create all things. And boy when he did that, it solidified our salvation. Because Jesus turned out so marvelous, that God wanted more children, his great mind became pregnant with humanity .

This is WHY we exist. Its why we are walking this earth now.

The origin of humanity came from Jesus creating the primitive man , then fine tuning them, and finally getting to Adam and Eve.. Even though I have read many books , I never brag about it, I only mention books that I have read on occasion here.

Anyhow , peace unto you!

The brain Hardwired to believe in God.

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2018 8:11 am
by Mickiel
Sometimes my conscious sense's tunes in on things , things both seen and unseen. I can go anyplace in that zone I can travel deep, but no matter where I end up in my zone, God is there.. wherever we find life or death , we find God..but you gotta to get to that

Tuned in place. You look all the things around you and you marvel at God. It's like reading the tea leaves of life. There is a tree of life and all of us are it's leaves.

The brain Hardwired to believe in God.

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2018 6:31 am
by Mickiel
gmc;1518536 wrote: It's not up to me whether you keep posting or not personally I rather hope you do. Nor do you get on my nerves I just wish you would stop throwing the dummy out the pram

when your arguments aren't accepted and seeing ad hominem attacks when none exist. This is an anonymous forum I haven't a clue who you are and you really shouldn't waste your time worrying about any opinion you think I might have or not have of you. The only way you learn is by testing your ideas and arguments out on others some people make you think some do not. It's good fun. My issue with most religious posters is that they think they are right therefore no one should disagree with them.

If you say that the bible is your proof god exists don't be surprised if you get challenged especially on a secular forum as it is quite likely you will meet prople who have read more than one book.

If you are accepting that the brain is hardwired to believe in god it does not follow that that must mean god created the brain. i.e. that god exists. Descartes proof of god is the classic philosophocal proof of god that keeps reappearing I decided it was a load of rubbish when I was a teenager.

When I was a teenager my consciousness could not accept that something cannot bring itself into existence , since it must exist to bring itself into existence. I decided that was a load of rubbish. So creation by a powerful being made more sense to me. I rejected the notion that we popped into existence as some kind of tad pole in the sea, a sea that popped up out of nowhere, then we went on land and continued a evolution that eventually turned us into apes. I don't believe that we are continuous with the idiot hierarchy of speechless apes.

After God discontinued primordial man, he created Adam and gave him consciousness, hardwired civilization into his mind, and at that point, humanity took a serious left turn and took off to become great civilizations in history!

The brain Hardwired to believe in God.

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2018 11:20 pm
by gmc
Mickiel;1518623 wrote: When I was a teenager my consciousness could not accept that something cannot bring itself into existence , since it must exist to bring itself into existence. I decided that was a load of rubbish. So creation by a powerful being made more sense to me. I rejected the notion that we popped into existence as some kind of tad pole in the sea, a sea that popped up out of nowhere, then we went on land and continued a evolution that eventually turned us into apes. I don't believe that we are continuous with the idiot hierarchy of speechless apes.

After God discontinued primordial man, he created Adam and gave him consciousness, hardwired civilization into his mind, and at that point, humanity took a serious left turn and took off to become great civilizations in history!

That is an argument for the existence of god that I decided was a load of bollocks as a teenager. It begs the obvious question if something cannot bring itself in to existence who or what created god? God has been and always will be just doesn't hack it all you're doing is wishing god in to existence.

The brain Hardwired to believe in God.

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2018 7:20 am
by Mickiel
gmc;1518627 wrote: That is an argument for the existence of god that I decided was a load of bollocks as a teenager. It begs the obvious question if something cannot bring itself in to existence who or what created god? God has been and always will be just doesn't hack it all you're doing is wishing god in to existence.

In my view, to avoid infinite regression going backwards in time, there had to be something of power that has no origin or beginning, that was the cause of all things existing; I view that as God. I think God created parts of himself , but I cannot explain how he has always existed. I do not understand how he has no origin that we can discern.

The brain Hardwired to believe in God.

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2018 9:56 am
by FourPart
The first words of wisdom are "I do not know". However, the Religious are lothe even to do this. That is why they feel the need to create a God figure. It is Human nature to want to learn, and when it doesn't understand something it feels the need to fill that void. That void is 'God'. "I don't understand, therefore God did it". Who created God? "God created himself". How? "He's God". It beggars belief that the Religious actually cling to this as if it's some sort of valid argument.

The brain Hardwired to believe in God.

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2018 10:58 am
by Mickiel
FourPart;1518631 wrote: The first words of wisdom are "I do not know". However, the Religious are lothe even to do this. That is why they feel the need to create a God figure. It is Human nature to want to learn, and when it doesn't understand something it feels the need to fill that void. That void is 'God'. "I don't understand, therefore God did it". Who created God? "God created himself". How? "He's God". It beggars belief that the Religious actually cling to this as if it's some sort of valid argument.

From our contemporary religious past architecture , as early as I have read about, humans had churches, buildings or places they provided that were representations of " The houses of Gods." From the end of the Mesolithic up to now, there was always a " God-house" in villages, as early as the seventh millennium, and they were surrounded by lesser dwellings. The idea of God was there. Even 6,000 B.C. show almost every village had a God house. In Sumerian civilizations, Ur, the Hittites and Babylonians, the God houses were built. Even in Egypt and China. Wherever man had language, the gods were spoken of and relevant to them.

The Inca's, and Mohican temples stood as an example that this god idea was serious in human history. And men dare speak now as if the idea of a God is illrelevant. Not knowing history.

The brain Hardwired to believe in God.

Posted: Mon May 28, 2018 3:45 pm
by Mickiel
Mickiel;1518637 wrote: From our contemporary religious past architecture , as early as I have read about, humans had churches, buildings or places they provided that were representations of " The houses of Gods." From the end of the Mesolithic up to now, there was always a " God-house" in villages, as early as the seventh millennium, and they were surrounded by lesser dwellings. The idea of God was there. Even 6,000 B.C. show almost every village had a God house. In Sumerian civilizations, Ur, the Hittites and Babylonians, the God houses were built. Even in Egypt and China. Wherever man had language, the gods were spoken of and relevant to them.

The Inca's, and Mohican temples stood as an example that this god idea was serious in human history. And men dare speak now as if the idea of a God is illrelevant. Not knowing history.



The brain Hardwired to believe in God.

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2018 3:55 pm
by Ted
I'm agnostic on that one. I simply do not know.

The brain Hardwired to believe in God.

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2018 10:39 pm
by Mickiel
Ted;1519565 wrote: I'm agnostic on that one. I simply do not know.

I know the feeling, its far more that I don't know, than I do know. I really don't know what God is, or " How" he is.

I sure would like to know.