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Is the Universe conscious?

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2018 6:24 pm
by Mickiel
I ran across a piece that was thoughtful; ... ncna772956

Is the Universe conscious? Do the stars order themselves? Is their purposeful direction and manipulation that IS CAUSED BY LIFE OF SOME KIND? DOES THE GREAT EXPANSE HAS A MIND OF ITS OWN?

Interesting ethnics that this brings forth.

Is the Universe conscious?

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2018 3:51 am
by Bryn Mawr
Well, according to Gaia theory the Earth is a self regulating entity so why not the universe?

Is the Universe conscious?

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2018 4:18 am
by Mickiel
Bryn Mawr;1518773 wrote: Well, according to Gaia theory the Earth is a self regulating entity so why not the universe?

One thing I try to consciously do, is have peace of mind. I question myself as to if the universe is trying to have peace?

Is the Universe conscious?

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2018 6:43 am
by LarsMac
Well, if we have a God that is all knowing, etc, etc, would that not include the Universe?

The concept itself is not completely out of the question. I am not sure about the idea of planets and stars being "self-directed", but the universe being somehow self-aware isn't beyond the imagination.

Is the Universe conscious?

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2018 7:17 am
by Mickiel
LarsMac;1518779 wrote: Well, if we have a God that is all knowing, etc, etc, would that not include the Universe?

The concept itself is not completely out of the question. I am not sure about the idea of planets and stars being "self-directed", but the universe being somehow self-aware isn't beyond the imagination.

Well it is not beyond my imagination, I think there is consciousness out there,in life forms we are yet to comprehend. Hey, if solid rock can seem to grow, anything is possible out there. A force that keeps earth from being smashed to bits each day, sonic sound waves with patterns of curiosity: and just the power that is out there. Power always suggest to me the possibility of consciousness. It does not always mean its there , but it increases its likelyness don't you think?

Is the Universe conscious?

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2018 7:33 am
by Mickiel
Parts of the universe may be amoeba, extending like incredible gigantic fingers, probing the unknowns of each Galaxy. Amoeba with some kind of synthetic membranes. Life could exist in forms that do not seem alive according to our calculations and limited awareness.

Is the Universe conscious?

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2018 8:48 am
by Mickiel
'In my view the universe is alive, I do not view it as dead. If something is alive, a case for consciousness can then be began to be made. We can go forward with the investigation. One of the questions that then will arise is will consciousness always be obvious? Will it always reveal itself? To which I think the answer is no. Especially with something as large as the universe. Even within humans consciousness really has no location, I think it just seems to be located in our heads, because we peer from behind our eyes, outward. But hey, nothing is inside of our heads except skin and bone, absolutely nothing else. Consciousness is just there, inside of our whole body, encompassesing the whole self. And may well be just like that in the universe.

Is the Universe conscious?

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2018 9:02 am
by Mickiel
In my view trying to give consciousness "location" is where we bring in confusion. The effort to somehow pinpoint it, as if we can map it. I don't even think it has location within the human body, mushless then the universe. I think consciousness is more like comparison to a gas, an ethereality: one could say " A Spirit." Not as bound by simple constriction or lines and structure.

Is the Universe conscious?

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2018 4:06 am
by Orion79
Sir Roger Penrose — The quantum nature of consciousness

Is the Universe conscious?

Posted: Tue May 01, 2018 7:49 am
by Mickiel
Orion79;1518879 wrote: Sir Roger Penrose — The quantum nature of consciousness

Here's an interesting read; ... -conscious

Is the Universe conscious?

Posted: Thu May 03, 2018 6:02 am
by Mickiel
Mickiel;1518937 wrote: Here's an interesting read; ... -conscious

I think the universe is unfinished and designed for us to populate.

Is the Universe conscious?

Posted: Thu May 03, 2018 9:15 am
by gmc
You think therefore you are, I think.

Is the Universe conscious?

Posted: Thu May 03, 2018 10:40 am
by LarsMac
Mickiel;1519012 wrote: I think the universe is unfinished and designed for us to populate.

A whole universe full of humans?

Now THERE's a scary thought.

Is the Universe conscious?

Posted: Sat May 05, 2018 5:50 am
by FourPart
LarsMac;1519025 wrote: A whole universe full of humans?

Now THERE's a scary thought.

I think the Matrix comparison of Humans to a Virus is more accurate than many of us would like to admit.

We infest an environment until it is no longer capable of sustaining us, then we spread out to infest other environments likewise. It began with taking over other Villages & Towns, then Countries, then colonising entire Continents. Now we're looking to move out into the Universe.

Is the Universe conscious?

Posted: Sun May 06, 2018 1:23 am
by Bryn Mawr
LarsMac;1519025 wrote: A whole universe full of humans?

Now THERE's a scary thought.

It would be scary if there was any practical way we could achieve it.

Is the Universe conscious?

Posted: Mon May 21, 2018 5:59 pm
by Mickiel
LarsMac;1519025 wrote: A whole universe full of humans?

Now THERE's a scary thought.

I personally believe that God has created more un-human beings than he has humans. So in my view, there will be more life forms in the universe that are not human. And I kind of sense these beings will be just as stunning as the universe in its purest newly renewed form.

Is the Universe conscious?

Posted: Mon May 21, 2018 6:04 pm
by Mickiel
LarsMac;1519025 wrote: A whole universe full of humans?

Now THERE's a scary thought.

I think more non humans have been created by God than humans, so the new universe will have far more of these beings than us in my view

Angels, dragons, animals of all sorts , new creations that we cannot now even imagine; I think its going to be wonder incarnate. The universe will be endless in its size, and part of what we will be doing, is creating just what to do with this unlimited space and time that we will have on our hands. We could create a whole planet that's a " Water theme park", a whole planet of just flowers; create whole planets with just one giant theme, like a " Lion planet" that has over one million different lions that we have created. Or planets to stop at and have a drink or something to eat, with millions of things on the menu. Sport planets, science planets, history planets, the imagination can go wild when the power is unlimited!

The things we will do and enjoy are indeed endless.

Is the Universe conscious?

Posted: Sun May 27, 2018 3:52 am
by Mickiel
Does humanity weaken or strengthen the universal CONSCIOUSNESS?

Is the Universe conscious?

Posted: Sun May 27, 2018 9:03 pm
by LarsMac
Mickiel;1519391 wrote: Does humanity weaken or strengthen the universal CONSCIOUSNESS?

If it has an affect at all, I believe it would be something akin to the bite of a gnat to the Buddha.

Is the Universe conscious?

Posted: Wed May 30, 2018 3:08 am
by Mickiel
LarsMac;1519397 wrote: If it has an affect at all, I believe it would be something akin to the bite of a gnat to the Buddha.

Astounding things Are yet our reality. But we can know some things are real

, just really beyond , God is beyond our reach, but he is real. The dialog just needs expanding The Sun is real, its beyond our ability to reach it , and yet by an astounding reality, although its 93 million miles away from the earth, we can still see it with our eyes.

The distance between us and God is real , he really is far away, but yet we can see the trappings of this ultra dynamic individual , and get all his other trash we inherited about him, out of our consciousness and learn to listen , and learn how to glean the galactic dialog.

Its not going to be an easy ride, because the things that block the truth , are literally everywhere. We were born into confusion. It is so, so very much deceptive information about God out there; we are impaled and impounded by it. The obstruction of all things concerning God is the greatest problem that I see in humanity now.

Block the truth , spread the lies. Hold humanity down, slow him down;

because the galactic beings all out there already know the potential God has already programmed within humanity cannot be stopped.

And when God finally reboots humanity , and we join his place in the eternal existence, the consciousness of the universe will just keep doing what it has been programmed to do;


Is the Universe conscious?

Posted: Wed May 30, 2018 4:14 pm
by FourPart
The term 'God' basically equates to "Something Unknown". Even the most devout believers would probably accept that much. The difference between Science & Religion, though, is that Religion is quite content to let it remain unknown & use that as an explanation for all things. Science, on the other hand, takes the unknown & seeks to understand it. This is why since Religion began the Churches have always persecuted those who would seek to overturn Religious Dogma by explaining things with hard facts. Lightning is not an indication of God's anger on the unrighteous. He is not throwing spears at everyone. Plagues are not caused by God, once again as a penalty on the supposed unrighteous. They can all be explained Scientifically. Similarly, pretty much everything that is that ittributed to a 'God' in the Religious world can be explained Scientifically, and as more & more things prove to have such explanations the more & more it demonstrates the improbability of the existence of a 'God' as anything but an 'Unknown' factor in an Algebraic Equation.

Is the Universe conscious?

Posted: Thu May 31, 2018 4:26 pm
by Mickiel
FourPart;1519435 wrote: The term 'God' basically equates to "Something Unknown". Even the most devout believers would probably accept that much. The difference between Science & Religion, though, is that Religion is quite content to let it remain unknown & use that as an explanation for all things. Science, on the other hand, takes the unknown & seeks to understand it. This is why since Religion began the Churches have always persecuted those who would seek to overturn Religious Dogma by explaining things with hard facts. Lightning is not an indication of God's anger on the unrighteous. He is not throwing spears at everyone. Plagues are not caused by God, once again as a penalty on the supposed unrighteous. They can all be explained Scientifically. Similarly, pretty much everything that is that ittributed to a 'God' in the Religious world can be explained Scientifically, and as more & more things prove to have such explanations the more & more it demonstrates the improbability of the existence of a 'God' as anything but an 'Unknown' factor in an Algebraic Equation.

I think God can and has used anything to get his point across, lightning and plagues are not excluded from him if he so wishes. And that usage includes science, I think God can do anything.

And I am not so inclined to say what he cannot do.

Science is just as arrogant as religion, in my view.

Neither one of them means anything to God , I would say. God perhaps uses science more than he does religion; again, this is my view. Ands neither one of them really means anything to humanity.

Is the Universe conscious?

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2018 4:04 pm
by Ted
The difference between science and religion: Science concerns itself the the materiality of life and religion with the spiritual aspects of life.

Is the Universe conscious?

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2018 10:46 pm
by Mickiel
Ted;1519566 wrote: The difference between science and religion: Science concerns itself the the materiality of life and religion with the spiritual aspects of life.

I think all religions are simply surface dwellers , they do not know the deep things of God and his incredible existence. Religion gets more credit than they really deserve. I like how some religions help humanity in areas where they are really suffering. And I think science has done some incredible things on their journey to unpack this truck load of knowledge that we know as life.

Is the Universe conscious?

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2018 5:43 pm
by Mickiel
Mickiel;1519613 wrote: I think all religions are simply surface dwellers , they do not know the deep things of God and his incredible existence. Religion gets more credit than they really deserve. I like how some religions help humanity in areas where they are really suffering. And I think science has done some incredible things on their journey to unpack this truck load of knowledge that we know as life.

The air itself is the Universe breathing. All motion in the universe can be described as the universe breathing; inhaling and exhaling. A giant awesome living eco system.

Is the Universe conscious?

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2018 12:10 pm
by Ted
Some cosmologists think that each individual cell has consciousness.

Is the Universe conscious?

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2018 4:50 am
by Mickiel
Ted;1519716 wrote: Some cosmologists think that each individual cell has consciousness.

That would be radical.

Is the Universe conscious?

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2018 12:33 pm
by Ted
Karen Armstrong was and is correct when she says many people have no idea what religion is. "Fields of Blood". With in that spot she mentions Dawkins.

Is the Universe conscious?

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2018 2:46 pm
by Mickiel
Conscious is a miracle . simply no doubt about it.