tony blair gets it right ( the sun)

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lady cop
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tony blair gets it right ( the sun)

Post by lady cop »

sorry Scrat...i think i posted here and then deleted, i do that sometimes just to drive people nuts.LOL...the author of this thread is a criminal loon and i won't dignify his specious comments. i hope he has ripped out his hard drive and left town, because scotland yard is on his dumb arse for advocating petrol bombs.
lady cop
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tony blair gets it right ( the sun)

Post by lady cop »

hopki605 wrote: what makes you think you are so safe living in sunny florida .

it may be all sunshine and disneyland for you but you need to come to england

and see for yourself places like bradford leeds and the drug riddled police no go areas in nottingham instead of making your snide comments from across the pond.

you need to see the deprevation in the north since we have lost our mining industries closed pits closed factories and street violence and drugs.

you yanks have a lot to answer for it is your gangland violence and street culture which has found its way to england.

you say yourself you have a gun that makes you no better than the loonies that carry guns here.

we need to seperate ourselves from america the pm tony blair needs to get his head from up your presidents arse and start running england for england not a joint venture with the yanks.

in a nutshell YANKS GO HOME and let us get back to being english..:-5hey stupid...what the hell relevance do you think this post has?? you are the jerkwad who advocated killing innocent people. and in fact i AM moving to England, i am engaged to the Englishman Bothwell. i carry a gun, not because i am a looney you dumbarse, but because i am mandated to do so because of nutjobs like you. sunshine and disney??? HA, try crackheads and murderers. you couldn't do my job on your best day. why the hell don't you give it up and stop posting here, you have not made sense since the first post. i have some credibility here, you do not. i am beginning to think you are retarded and someone loaned you a computer. (apologies to retarded people everywhere.) ....p.s....could you spell CAT if someone didn't spot you the C and the T?
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tony blair gets it right ( the sun)

Post by Accountable »

hopki605 wrote: what makes you think you are so safe living in sunny florida .

it may be all sunshine and disneyland for you but you need to come to england

and see for yourself places like bradford leeds and the drug riddled police no go areas in nottingham instead of making your snide comments from across the pond.

you need to see the deprevation in the north since we have lost our mining industries closed pits closed factories and street violence and drugs.

you yanks have a lot to answer for it is your gangland violence and street culture which has found its way to england.

you say yourself you have a gun that makes you no better than the loonies that carry guns here.

we need to seperate ourselves from america the pm tony blair needs to get his head from up your presidents arse and start running england for england not a joint venture with the yanks.

in a nutshell YANKS GO HOME and let us get back to being english..:-5
Um ... Hop? America's founding fathers were English, subjects of the Crown. Our culture stemmed from English culture. The gangs and drug dealers in the north of England probably aren't American (that's an assumption on my part; I could be wrong).

Florida has Disney World. Disneyland is in California.

I'm unaware of American culpability in the loss of your mining industry.

I believe that while you're pointing one finger at us, you're also pointing three at yourself (trite but true).
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tony blair gets it right ( the sun)

Post by BabyRider »

hopki605 wrote: what makes you think you are so safe living in sunny florida .

it may be all sunshine and disneyland for you but you need to come to england

and see for yourself places like bradford leeds and the drug riddled police no go areas in nottingham instead of making your snide comments from across the pond.

you need to see the deprevation in the north since we have lost our mining industries closed pits closed factories and street violence and drugs.

you yanks have a lot to answer for it is your gangland violence and street culture which has found its way to england.

you say yourself you have a gun that makes you no better than the loonies that carry guns here.

we need to seperate ourselves from america the pm tony blair needs to get his head from up your presidents arse and start running england for england not a joint venture with the yanks.

in a nutshell YANKS GO HOME and let us get back to being english..:-5
WOW!!! Florida safe??!?! I gues this twit has never heard of the absurdly high amount of crime resulting from dope industry there. Hey Hop, have you ever heard of cocaine and marijuana? If you need to learn about it, go to Florida particularly Miami, and ask some of the drug cartel there. I'm sure they'd be happy to give you an education.

How very typical....blame America and Americans for everything. I've always been aggravated at the blatant lack of personal responsibility and accountability that this world displays, now I understand where it comes from. Morons like this. Let's not think for one second that England has ANYthing to do with creating this problem for damn yanks have sent our criminals over there and said, "Have a ball!! Go wild!!" Hopki, you are as pathetic as the rest of the idiots who want to sit back, whine about the conditions of their society, but instead of doing something constructive about it, blame someone else. You are weak, and a blithering idiot. I'm sick and f**king tired of the entire world blaming America for THEIR problems. Get up off your dead collective asses and DO SOMETHING. Quit expecting us, after you blame us, to fix all your crap for you!!!

If it were up to me, you'd get your wish, and all us "yanks" would be gone, never to be seen again from your country. Then when you NEED our help, you'd get the bird instead.

As for the guns, don't get me started...I'm still waiting for an explanation about that comment to me in another thread. Care to take the opportunity now? I won't hold my breath, because fools like you usually make an obscure statement like that and run, denying it was said, unable to back it up.

America safe, huh? Guess someone wasn't around on September 11, 2001.

My apologies to all my friends in England who aren't as stupid as this guy. I know you're not all like this. You smart know who you are.
[FONT=Arial Black]I hope you cherish this sweet way of life, and I hope you know that it comes with a price.
~Darrel Worley~

Bullet's trial was a farce. Can I get an AMEN?????

We won't be punished for our sins, but BY them.

lady cop
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tony blair gets it right ( the sun)

Post by lady cop »

HIGH-FIVES AND HUGS BR!!!....hoo haa. wouldn't you love to get this dirtbag out from under his rock?? i sure would. he wouldn't know what hit him.
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tony blair gets it right ( the sun)

Post by BabyRider »

lady cop wrote: HIGH-FIVES AND HUGS BR!!!....hoo haa. wouldn't you love to get this dirtbag out from under his rock?? i sure would.
High fives and hugs back, babe. I would LOVE to get him out from under there, but slugs like the damp and dark.
[FONT=Arial Black]I hope you cherish this sweet way of life, and I hope you know that it comes with a price.
~Darrel Worley~

Bullet's trial was a farce. Can I get an AMEN?????

We won't be punished for our sins, but BY them.

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tony blair gets it right ( the sun)

Post by The_Mod_Squad »

I never thought I would say "Well done Tony Blair" either!!!!! I just hope that he has the guts to stick to this plan - and doesn't just string us all along while terrorism in at the forefront! It is really annoying me that as a white woman I can't have an opinion on any of this without being branded a nazi or racist! Grrrrrrrrrrr! It's enough to start germinating the young seeds of racism! Anyway, because of my frustration I have just started my own forum: maybe anyone who is interested in this subject may want to join me to discuss it without feeling like you're a baddie! Many thanks :)
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tony blair gets it right ( the sun)

Post by Accountable »

The_Mod_Squad wrote: I never thought I would say "Well done Tony Blair" either!!!!! I just hope that he has the guts to stick to this plan - and doesn't just string us all along while terrorism in at the forefront! It is really annoying me that as a white woman I can't have an opinion on any of this without being branded a nazi or racist! Grrrrrrrrrrr! It's enough to start germinating the young seeds of racism! Anyway, because of my frustration I have just started my own forum: maybe anyone who is interested in this subject may want to join me to discuss it without feeling like you're a baddie! Many thanks :)
Wouldn't it be great if we could wage a war and nobody get angry about it? AAAAaaaahhhhh
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tony blair gets it right ( the sun)

Post by The_Mod_Squad »

Noooooooooo! lol! That's the point - I just want to talk! Make love not war! Political correctness has gone mad and I fear what I might say - even what I might think because I may offend some person or other! Anyway thanks again for reading and responding... peace :-6
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tony blair gets it right ( the sun)

Post by Accountable »

Come introduce yourself proper then. Bothwell's Pub is neutral ground where we have fun & sing songs ... and laugh about the bad singing. My treat.
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tony blair gets it right ( the sun)

Post by BTS »

lady cop wrote: hey stupid...what the hell relevance do you think this post has?? you are the jerkwad who advocated killing innocent people. and in fact i AM moving to England, i am engaged to the Englishman Bothwell. i carry a gun, not because i am a looney you dumbarse, but because i am mandated to do so because of nutjobs like you. sunshine and disney??? HA, try crackheads and murderers. you couldn't do my job on your best day. why the hell don't you give it up and stop posting here, you have not made sense since the first post. i have some credibility here, you do not. i am beginning to think you are retarded and someone loaned you a computer. (apologies to retarded people everywhere.) ....p.s....could you spell CAT if someone didn't spot you the C and the T?

Correct me if I am wrong.................. but I see nowhere in his post saying anthing you state? Killing people?

Show this dumb bumbkin........

All I see is suggesting deportation.........
"If America Was A Tree, The Left Would Root For The Termites...Greg Gutfeld."
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tony blair gets it right ( the sun)

Post by Accountable »

BTS wrote: Correct me if I am wrong.................. but I see nowhere in his post saying anthing you state? Killing people?

Show this dumb bumbkin........

All I see is suggesting deportation.........
This guy tap-danced all over LC's toes in all 7 of his posts. It's quite the drama if you care to go back & read. :D
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