Republicans Steal Democrat's Color Chart

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Republicans Steal Democrat's Color Chart

Post by Accountable »

When will we learn that we can't simply categorize people by color?? Both parts of the major political party still hold the racist view that all blacks are the same, all hispanics are the same, all asians are the same ... that is until you say they're all the same; then you get castigated.

Any bets on how long it will be before they find a good name for the semites as a voting group? Of course it will have to lump all peoples of the Middle East together while somehow excluding the Jewish community (since they already are a separate group). They had to make a whole new word to corral the incredibly diverse population now neatly packaged as Hispanic. Maybe Hislamic; whadaya think?


GOP Group Tries to Halt Black Voter Loyalty to Dems

By Marc Morano Senior Staff Writer

August 15, 2005

( - A new black Republican national organization has formed to reach out to minority voters that overwhelmingly vote for the Democratic Party. The new group, calling itself the National Black Republican Association, asserts that blacks are being taken for granted by the Democratic Party and liberal black leadership.

"Black Democrats have built their power base on the backs of poor blacks and their black race hustlers like Jesse Jackson, (NAACP Chairman) Julian Bond and (former NAACP president) Kweisi Mfume scream racism, racism. They use poor black people. It's wrong, it's immoral," said the National Black Republican Association's (NBRA) chairman, Frances Rice, in an interview with Cybercast News Service.

Rice believes the time is ripe for "a new day in American politics" and is hopeful that the new NBRA can break the "unfounded loyalty between the blacks and the Democratic Party.

"The Democrats have been running urban black communities for the past 40 years and nothing has changed. Democrats have failed black communities with their failed socialist policies," she said.

Rice believes the GOP should reach out to black voters, pointing to recent speeches by both Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson before the National Urban League convention in July as proof that even liberal blacks are reconsidering their loyalty to the Democratic Party. Both Sharpton and Jackson slammed the Democratic Party for taking the black vote for granted.

"As long as we allow people to get elected off of us and deliver nothing to us, then part of our problem is that we have such low political self esteem," Sharpton told the National Urban League on July 28. "Every time we give them support for no support, we add to the marginalization of black men," Sharpton added.

Jackson echoed Sharpton's comments the following day and accused the Democratic Party of having a "weak, fuzzy ideology."

Despite these comments from Sharpton and Jackson, Rice believes her new GOP black group will still be vilified by liberal black leaders and groups.

"Even though the Republican Party continuously tried to help blacks, the Democrats have demagogued them. We now want to show blacks they have a choice. That is what we are doing. We are dedicated to it and we know we are going to be demagogued for our efforts," Rice said.

"We want to empower the people to control their own destiny, hold politicians accountable for their own promises, vote for candidates based on content of their policies and not the label of their party," she added.

African American Republicans believe the days of approximately 90 percent of black voters supporting the Democratic Party are coming to an end. They point to black home ownership rates, which have hit record levels and black income in America, which if categorized as a separate nation, would rank 15th among the world's largest economies, according to George Mason University economist Walter Williams.
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Republicans Steal Democrat's Color Chart

Post by Lon »

They need to have an Ese group as well-------ChinESE. JapanESE & TaiwanESE
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Republicans Steal Democrat's Color Chart

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They call'em Asians.

Generally well-educated. Predominantly Republican.
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Republicans Steal Democrat's Color Chart

Post by actionfigurestepho »

I think we should do away with parties entirely. I can't think of anyone who votes strictly Republican or Democrat...usually we all pick and choose bits of both parties that we like. We should rate candidates on the "are they a jerk" scale and the "will they spend my money on things I don't like" scale. Wouldn't that make voting a lot easier?
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Republicans Steal Democrat's Color Chart

Post by Accountable »

actionfigurestepho wrote: I think we should do away with parties entirely. I can't think of anyone who votes strictly Republican or Democrat...usually we all pick and choose bits of both parties that we like. We should rate candidates on the "are they a jerk" scale and the "will they spend my money on things I don't like" scale. Wouldn't that make voting a lot easier?
I would love it if we could. Just like the show Survivor, they'll find a way to build alliances. Unfortunately, the two parties (two parts of one, IMO) have changed the rules making it almost impossible for other parties to gain recognition. They're very good at marginalizing other parties with arguably more concern in the betterment of the country.

How about this alternative: candidates are not allowed to spend their own money for their candidacy. Every candidate will get equal time/equal money from whatever election coffers of tax money the Republicrats have built up over the decades; no more funds-matching. Every party will be limited in how much they can spend in a race to that party with the least to spend.

Even playing field for candidates so voters can compare apples to apples.

Whatcha t'ink?
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Republicans Steal Democrat's Color Chart

Post by actionfigurestepho »

I love that idea. It would certainly help ensure that candidates would get equal airtime and just about the same amount of market saturation.

Dave Barry thinks that candidates should be forced to wear sponsor logos, just like NASCAR drivers. Isn't that a great idea? Of course, he also thinks candidates should be injected with sodium pentathol before debates so they'd be hilariously honest.
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Republicans Steal Democrat's Color Chart

Post by Accountable »

actionfigurestepho wrote: I love that idea. It would certainly help ensure that candidates would get equal airtime and just about the same amount of market saturation.

Dave Barry thinks that candidates should be forced to wear sponsor logos, just like NASCAR drivers. Isn't that a great idea? Of course, he also thinks candidates should be injected with sodium pentathol before debates so they'd be hilariously honest.
I love Dave Barry! I have an audio book of his in the truck. I don't recall the title but it's about Washington DC.
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Republicans Steal Democrat's Color Chart

Post by actionfigurestepho »

I believe that's the one where he talks about corporate logos...I'm such a nerd, I have most of his books. I wanted to BE him at one point in my life. I actually had a Dave Barry-esque humor column in the college paper.
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Republicans Steal Democrat's Color Chart

Post by Accountable »

I just finished listening to his trip report to Japan. My wife's Japanese, so the stuff he said really hit home for us. :yh_rotfl
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Republicans Steal Democrat's Color Chart

Post by Xxena »

Ever notice that very young children don't see race, religion choice, color

or sexual orientation ? They know others for who they are and usually

just by their names. Color charts as you call them are "learned" and it usually

comes from those in power and filters down... if one listens to TV very very

carefully you will note that there is a LOT of subliminal messaging done hour

after hour, day after day and a good portion of it has to do with pigeon holing

all of us into one category or another.. all of which is done not by the everyday

man or woman in the street but by the politicans, the wealthy and powerful movers and shakers and the lapdog of all of them ... the MEDIA. As much as Political Correctness just annoys me to no end.. its nothing more than

a 2001 update to all of the above to package it in something new and different

to appeal to the masses of the younger generations that are either coming into or already at voting age !

Not wanting to offend any readers/posters here of Color, but its only "offensive when someone that is not Black calls another black a Nig***... but if one of them calls another that regarless of the situation and why its done.. its acceptable and if used on TV or in movies its usually done for comedy purpose. If its wrong, its wrong and there should not be a double standard. But there is... we in the causcasian race are refered to as "crackers" among others things by the Blacks.. and its meant to be offensive to us as the N word is to them.. YET if its done in the media, on TV or movies or any other media form its perfectly acceptable when done to us. As i said... If its wrong its wrong and its race baiting and most of it is deliberate and for reasons the vast majority of us are NOT on the Need to Know List.

Divide and conquer .... worked well for hundreds of years and its still working today even in the age of all this technology and political correctness.

I have my days of falling into the profiling trap like anyone, but most of the time I try to see people for who they are not what they look like and what we have been

taught to accept as the stereotype for each group of us.

The difference between Congress as envisoned by the Founding Fathers and the Congress we have today is one of them inspires patriots to support it, and the other inspires patriots to buy extra ammo (Angel Shamaya):lips:
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