i'm gona lose 30 pounds

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i'm gona lose 30 pounds

Post by Carl44 »

over the last few years I've put on about 50 pounds ' she who must be obeyed is so worried about my health that she broke down and said she was scared of me dyin

so here is the plan

1) no alcohol

2) high protein low carb diet

3)go back into Thai boxing mma training and more exercise

4)no snacks

5) try not to die of boredom

6) ask the lovely people on this forum for support and any tips promoting weight loss

possible 7 break up and find a woman who likes lardy guys :sneaky:
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i'm gona lose 30 pounds

Post by Carl44 »

holy crap its worse than i thought only managed 14 and a half push ups 10 years ago i could easy do 80 :(

official weigh in tomorrow am i think i'm about 17and a half stone (230 pounds )

with about a body fat % of 33% according to my scales
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i'm gona lose 30 pounds

Post by Carl44 »

ouch this is not good maybe I'd better lose 40 pounds

weight 17 stone 12 pounds or 250 lbs or 113 kg

body fat 34.5 %

mystic Jim's prediction

first week possible weight loss 6lb most of this will be fluid

fat % will jump up to about 36% as fluid leaves and your weight goes down you have a higher % of fat left

stopping drinking not a problem i'm very strong minded

I've never smoked no probs there ' sweets puddings take or leave, BREAD i love sandwiches big prob

fat free milk after a week normal milk tastes funny

i'm gona join a gym today

crap all this weight problem i've no one to blame but me i put it all in my mouth on the end of a fork or poured it all in from a pint glass

any one else got a load of weight to lose please let me know how your doin it and how your doin doin it and just how your doin

thoughts at this moment i'm depressed but determined:(
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Bill Sikes
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i'm gona lose 30 pounds

Post by Bill Sikes »

jimbo wrote: any one else got a load of weight to lose please let me know how your doin it and how your doin doin it and just how your doin(

I need to lose some weight - IME it's either slow or time-consuming. Cutting down

on calorie intake is the slow way, and not easy. Exercising is the fast way, but

takes time out of one's day. I found walking very good - a few years ago (8?) I

lost 3 stone in less than two months by walking to the pub every day (twice at

weekends), having a few pints, and walking back. This with a low-fat diet with

plenty of carbohydrates and just enough protein. I need to lose about 25Lbs.

This time, I think that I'll combine a lower-calorie diet with much less exercise -

I'd probably be OK with about 40 mins. daily.
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i'm gona lose 30 pounds

Post by weeder »

Walking is great. I was " going for a long walk every evening" Stopped a couple of weeks ago, and I feel my thighs are bigger. I have to start again
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i'm gona lose 30 pounds

Post by RedGlitter »

I recommend Weight Watchers. A plan you can still eat on. :)
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Bill Sikes
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i'm gona lose 30 pounds

Post by Bill Sikes »

weeder wrote: Walking is great. I was " going for a long walk every evening" Stopped a couple of weeks ago, and I feel my thighs are bigger. I have to start again

I was asked by a couple of old ladies in the pub whether or not I was a model!

That was on 9 miles a day, and twice that at weekends. All that and beer too!

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i'm gona lose 30 pounds

Post by Carl44 »

its been a total disaster

my day and the diet , my cousin who has not been out for 2 years since the cowardly and brutal murder of his brother asked me to go out with him , i of course said yes his other bro joined us sad storys funny stories and lots of drink flowed ,.... i got very drunk

the diet will restart on Monday

if you want a good laugh at my expense see my other post ... my humiliation is complete
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i'm gona lose 30 pounds

Post by cherandbuster »

Jimbo :-6

Have I told you how MUCH I enjoy your company in our Garden?

No matter what your size is

I think you're great :guitarist
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i'm gona lose 30 pounds

Post by Carl44 »

thanks that's very nice thank you loads :o

i do realise my posts need a bit of work but I'm getting there i really enjoy

the feedback from all types of people from all across the world , i'm not really

a computery type of guy and this is the first forum I've ever been on

i only joined so i could help other people that had suffered bereavement of

there loved ones i hoped some how i could how help them be happy again

and my total amazement you guys god bless ya have really cheered me up :)
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i'm gona lose 30 pounds

Post by cherandbuster »

jimbo wrote: my total amazement you guys god bless ya have really cheered me up :)


That's what we do best :-6
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Bryn Mawr
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i'm gona lose 30 pounds

Post by Bryn Mawr »

jimbo wrote: over the last few years I've put on about 50 pounds ' she who must be obeyed is so worried about my health that she broke down and said she was scared of me dyin

so here is the plan

1) no alcohol

2) high protein low carb diet

3)go back into Thai boxing mma training and more exercise

4)no snacks

5) try not to die of boredom

6) ask the lovely people on this forum for support and any tips promoting weight loss

possible 7 break up and find a woman who likes lardy guys :sneaky:

Are you certain that (2) is a good idea - look what happened to Mr Atkins

Far healthier is low fat high carbohydrate and fibre, moderate protien with plenty of water
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i'm gona lose 30 pounds

Post by Carl44 »

point taken moderate protien and loads of veg

thanks for the input
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i'm gona lose 30 pounds

Post by Bryn Mawr »

jimbo wrote: point taken moderate protien and loads of veg

thanks for the input

I've had quite enough worry with my eldest daughter (ab)using that diet - short term gain for long term problems.

Best of luck with it.
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i'm gona lose 30 pounds

Post by Ken Dockins »


I just read your post, and congratulations to you for even considering the task.

Here's more good news... Now, you've got a Certified Personal Trainer and Certified Lifestyle and Weight Management Consultant on your team!

That would be me.

As I need to ask a favor myself, let's use the barter system to exchange mutually helpful services.

I can supply approved, endorsed, and reliable body fat support to you. This is professional advice, tips, information and expertise at no cost to you at all.

Kindly, can you do something for me, as well? And, probably, you will get even more weight loss assistance by doing this, too...

Read the following letter that I'm also sending to my associates, colleages, and friends at ForumGarden. Then respond to it appropriately and at your convenience.


Dear Friends at ForumGarden:

May I ask a favor of you all?

Please post a comment to my writings on

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In return, I do pledge my appropriate assistance

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matters, including alternative complementary

nutrition, body composition or body fat percentage

improvements, diet, exercise, and ongoing weight

management information and technique.

Hundreds of people are beginning to pick up on

these articles and information. Plus, I just received

the promotion to Platinum E-Zine Articles Expert

author status.

Looking forward to hearing from you, and as

always, my best to you.


Kenneth G. Dockins

(P.S.) You can easily do the above by typing

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Click on any article that suits you, read it, and

click on "Post A Comment."

That's it, and thanks again. Please let me know

if you need further assistance or information.

Here are some of the names of my articles:

* Hoodia, Fat and Calories - The Unique Weight Loss Connection

* Internet Marketing to Increase Web Site Traffic

* Weight Loss Diet Plan Health Food Delivery Services

* Hoodia Gordoni Diet Pills (Really "Hoodia Gordonii")

* 3 Simple Steps To Lose Body Fat

* Weight Loss Winning Weight Words About Hoodia Gordonii Diet Pills

* Bigger Breasts Naturally

* Weight Loss Clarity Still Confusing

* Three Steps to Technological Weight Loss Success

* 30-Minute Weight Loss Exercise Proves Most Effective
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i'm gona lose 30 pounds

Post by Carl44 »

went to the gym yesterday :( it did not go well

come on guys i need a lardy cyberbuddy to encourage me

for i dont mind being cuddly and me thinks anorexia is a very serous disease people die from it so why dice with death if you dont have to:wah:
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i'm gona lose 30 pounds

Post by Mystery »

Best diet I've ever been introduced to is the diabetic diet. Good friend of mine lost 120 pounds on it, and is still fit! Problem with the fad diets is you might lose weight fast, but you typically gain it right back! Just don't give up :)
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i'm gona lose 30 pounds

Post by Carl44 »

i have really tried hard to be sensible this diet i have cut back on bread etc

exercised more i've only lost a few pounds but i have not had that dramatic

first week weight loss where you lose 6 pounds and then your fat level jumps

up by 6% and i have really felt well before when i have crash dieted i have

felt really light headed and ill so this has gotta be the better way

does any one know how accurate those bathroom scales are with the fat

measurer thing on them

come on guys old jimbo cant be the only one on the whole forum that's trying

to lose weight let us know how its going
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i'm gona lose 30 pounds

Post by cherandbuster »

Jimbo :)

I have lost 15 pounds over the past few months

I'm almost at my goal

I'm taking it nice and slow . . . that's the only way I can keep it off :-6
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Shweet tatersalad
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i'm gona lose 30 pounds

Post by Shweet tatersalad »

OK,finely some thing I can talk about that I know about.

first thing is that you need too know is that fitness is 24/7 program.

And you picking the worst time too start,right before the holidays.I can be done,you have too WANT it.Find or by a stationary bike,Put it right i front of your TV,They make some that accommodate a PC or lap top.But in front of the TV is best.I don't care if only ride for ten minutes a day.Make good use of your idle time.

If you are thinking about getting into MMA or anything like that,stretch.stretch.............stretch,mkae it part of your daily life.The most common down fall of some one trying too get in shape is fatigue and injury.

Don't starve your self,you can still eat,eat good,but small meals through out the day.Walking is a good way too start on your road too wellness.

I will give a link too one the best web sites I know so you can do some reading and get educated.You can do this,just baby steps.

And last but not least,track your progress,you will go up and down,thats normal.Fitness is a lifetime commitment.

And about number seven? IF YOU BUILD IT,THEY WILL COME!


I have more if you need them,but this has all the links you need.
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Bill Sikes
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i'm gona lose 30 pounds

Post by Bill Sikes »

jimbo wrote: i have really tried hard to be sensible this diet i have cut back on bread etc

exercised more i've only lost a few pounds but i have not had that dramatic

first week weight loss where you lose 6 pounds and then your fat level jumps

up by 6% and i have really felt well before when i have crash dieted i have

felt really light headed and ill so this has gotta be the better way

does any one know how accurate those bathroom scales are with the fat

measurer thing on them

come on guys old jimbo cant be the only one on the whole forum that's trying

to lose weight let us know how its going

I'd cut down on fat, not bread, etc. Have it, and potatoes, and so on, but don't

have butter, margarine, oil, etc. on it/them. Don't eat any processed food at

all, either. Lots of fat can be hidden in that sort of stuff.

Nothing wrong with bread and potatoes - it's the stuff that goes on 'em!

If you've lost "a few pounds" in the little while since you started, then you

should congratulate yourself, and keep at it.

It may help to "always leave yoursely just a *little* bit hungry" after a meal.
Ken Dockins
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i'm gona lose 30 pounds

Post by Ken Dockins »

Hey, Jimbo...

So, you have 7 new goals on your list, and very targeted ones, too.

Would like to know how you are coming along.

Also, as a professional reminder that may help you...

It is perfectly okay (and, in fact, even highly recommended) to lose only one to two pounds per week. No more than that is fine for long-term success at weight loss.

See you in a few. Please keep me posted.

Ken Dockins

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i'm gona lose 30 pounds

Post by Imladris »

Jimbo honeybun, I'm a fellow lardy and send love and cuddles (if we can get our arms around each other that is!!hee hee)

I've tried slimming world in the past - you have red and green days where you have either protein or carbohydrates and 'free' food and add a small portion of the other. And 'sins' for the stuff you don't really need.

I am really bad at denying myself all the great foods that I love - puddings, cakes, choc etc so I'm almost doomed to fail before I start.

I have also tried reductil on prescription which helped me lose 3 stone (42 pounds)

but I went back to my old eating habits and put it all back on. These things will work but only if you're prepared to accept that any changes you make are for life - which I wasn't.

Exercise is also a problem for me because I cannot do any weight bearing stuff nor anything too repetitious as I have a condition that makes that very painful.

So I've sort of resigned myself to being the size I am, which isn't horrendous it's not like I need to lose the weight of a cow or something. i get a bit fed up sometimes clothes shopping but the main thing is that i like me as I am, my hubby still loves me and so do my family.

So I've decided to accept me for what I am and just get on and live my life to the full. End of sermon:wah:
Originally Posted by spot

She is one fit bitch innit, that Immy

Don't worry; it only seems kinky the first time
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i'm gona lose 30 pounds

Post by cherandbuster »

Imladris wrote: So I've sort of resigned myself to being the size I am, which isn't horrendous it's not like I need to lose the weight of a cow or something. i get a bit fed up sometimes clothes shopping but the main thing is that i like me as I am, my hubby still loves me and so do my family.

So I've decided to accept me for what I am and just get on and live my life to the full. End of sermon:wah:

Hiya Ichick :)

I congratulate you on your self-acceptance. Truly. It's a hard thing to do and I commend you for it :-6
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i'm gona lose 30 pounds

Post by Imladris »

cherandbuster wrote: Hiya Ichick :)

I congratulate you on your self-acceptance. Truly. It's a hard thing to do and I commend you for it :-6
Thanks poppett, i love that you call me Ichick, do you know for my lunch today I had yoghurt (good), potato chips(hmm not so good) and a bar of chocolate (bad) but I don't care, I'll eat healthily tonight - life's too short to let that bar of choc escape
Originally Posted by spot

She is one fit bitch innit, that Immy

Don't worry; it only seems kinky the first time
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i'm gona lose 30 pounds

Post by OzBoy »

I think weight loss really becomes an individual thing - what works for your body type I mean. Ive had to watch my blood pressure since I was 16 (lucky me) so weight is always an issue for me and over the years have yoyoed almost as much as Oprah!!! In 1999 I lost 23 kilos ( not sure what that is in stone) and have never put it back on :D my main tricks are these Jimbo:

1. I never eat after 6pm ever

2. I do not touch anything white - bread, rice, potatoes, cream, eggs as soon as I do bang see ya fav pair of jeans - I mean I put on 5 kilos walking past a bread shop man!!!! Dont ask what happens if I actually WALK into the shop ;)

3. I eat a huge breakfast, average lunch and a small dinner

4. Its not just the fat content to look for on packets its the sugar!!!!! bad bad bad

5. Full strength soft drink - or is it pop/soda to you guys? bad bad bad

6. I drink 3 litres of water every day and eat fruit 3 times a day

7. Eating out - no garlic bread, no creamy carbonara and always ask for an extra salad instead of fries and drink a huge glass of water before you go out.

8. Walk walk walk - its the best weight loss exercise known to man. It may take a few extra weeks b4 you see results compared to higher intensity workouts but once your body is into it there is no stopping that weight coming off.

Like I said its all individual and some of my tricks may seem extreme to folks but you have to do what you have to do and its important to know and understand your body. And you certainly can tell the diffference in your bodys performance, you sleep better, have more energy and the brain likes it too!!! Good luck matey
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Bryn Mawr
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i'm gona lose 30 pounds

Post by Bryn Mawr »

OzBoy wrote: I think weight loss really becomes an individual thing - what works for your body type I mean. Ive had to watch my blood pressure since I was 16 (lucky me) so weight is always an issue for me and over the years have yoyoed almost as much as Oprah!!! In 1999 I lost 23 kilos ( not sure what that is in stone) and have never put it back on :D my main tricks are these Jimbo:

1. I never eat after 6pm ever

2. I do not touch anything white - bread, rice, potatoes, cream, eggs as soon as I do bang see ya fav pair of jeans - I mean I put on 5 kilos walking past a bread shop man!!!! Dont ask what happens if I actually WALK into the shop ;)

3. I eat a huge breakfast, average lunch and a small dinner

4. Its not just the fat content to look for on packets its the sugar!!!!! bad bad bad

5. Full strength soft drink - or is it pop/soda to you guys? bad bad bad

6. I drink 3 litres of water every day and eat fruit 3 times a day

7. Eating out - no garlic bread, no creamy carbonara and always ask for an extra salad instead of fries and drink a huge glass of water before you go out.

8. Walk walk walk - its the best weight loss exercise known to man. It may take a few extra weeks b4 you see results compared to higher intensity workouts but once your body is into it there is no stopping that weight coming off.

Like I said its all individual and some of my tricks may seem extreme to folks but you have to do what you have to do and its important to know and understand your body. And you certainly can tell the diffference in your bodys performance, you sleep better, have more energy and the brain likes it too!!! Good luck matey

This is where I have a problem - I eat every three hours on the dot - 9, 12, 3 ,6 ,9 ,12, and the last meal is probably the largest.

I wish I could loose weight!
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i'm gona lose 30 pounds

Post by chonsigirl »

Jimbo, you are loosing weight! That is positive! Slo and steady will make it stay off!
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i'm gona lose 30 pounds

Post by Carl44 »

chonsigirl wrote: Jimbo, you are loosing weight! That is positive! Slo and steady will make it stay off!

to tell you the truth i have not dieted for 2 weeks been a bad time for losing weight but i'm back on it tomorrow ,to be honest my actual physical apperance dont really bother me none, its just for the health side and to stop my partner worrying

i need to really just build up a bit of muscle and lose some fat ,martial arts is the best way for me to go ,working out with people a lot younger and fitter makes me try harder

but try i will watch this space :-3 :-3 :-3
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i'm gona lose 30 pounds

Post by chonsigirl »

Oh, martial arts! I only do tai chi........

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i'm gona lose 30 pounds

Post by rachelg »

jimbo wrote: over the last few years I've put on about 50 pounds ' she who must be obeyed is so worried about my health that she broke down and said she was scared of me dyin

so here is the plan

1) no alcohol

2) high protein low carb diet

3)go back into Thai boxing mma training and more exercise

4)no snacks

5) try not to die of boredom

6) ask the lovely people on this forum for support and any tips promoting weight loss

possible 7 break up and find a woman who likes lardy guys :sneaky:

Hi Jimbo,

I've been out of the Forum Garden for a long time, but your post made me want to help. I lost about 25 lbs. a year and a half ago and have kept it off. I went from a size 10 or 12 to a size 4. There was no cutting out any specific type of food other than junk food. We all know if something is really good for us or not. Junk food: potato chips, sugary snacks, candy, honeybuns, etc. have calories but no nutrition. I no longer consider those items as food. You should eat snacks, but healthy ones: apples, bananas, carrots (baby carrots are best) and citrus fruits. I will eat nothing from a fast food restaurant - they can pack extra calories in everything! A nice restaurant serves too much, so take home half of it and you have another good meal for later. The main rule for weight loss is: if it is good for you, you can have it in moderation. If it is not good for you, just don't eat it. I try to eat something every two to three hours, but only veggies and fruit for snacks. It might seem like you can't do without your regular snacks, but after the sugar gets out of your system, you really don't crave it anymore.

Exercise will help a lot, and so will taking up a hobby to combat boredom. I think we often overeat just because of boredom.

Hope this helps:)
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i'm gona lose 30 pounds

Post by Carl44 »

rachelg wrote: Hi Jimbo,

I've been out of the Forum Garden for a long time, but your post made me want to help. I lost about 25 lbs. a year and a half ago and have kept it off. I went from a size 10 or 12 to a size 4. There was no cutting out any specific type of food other than junk food. We all know if something is really good for us or not. Junk food: potato chips, sugary snacks, candy, honeybuns, etc. have calories but no nutrition. I no longer consider those items as food. You should eat snacks, but healthy ones: apples, bananas, carrots (baby carrots are best) and citrus fruits. I will eat nothing from a fast food restaurant - they can pack extra calories in everything! A nice restaurant serves too much, so take home half of it and you have another good meal for later. The main rule for weight loss is: if it is good for you, you can have it in moderation. If it is not good for you, just don't eat it. I try to eat something every two to three hours, but only veggies and fruit for snacks. It might seem like you can't do without your regular snacks, but after the sugar gets out of your system, you really don't crave it anymore.

Exercise will help a lot, and so will taking up a hobby to combat boredom. I think we often overeat just because of boredom.

Hope this helps:)

thank you very much rachelg

after all the fighting going on in this forum i'd made up my mind to find some where elsr to post my feelings and thoughts and then a stranger that i'd never even spoken to takes the timeto post this advice and i realise there are some really nice people out there and its people like you doing things like this ..... thats what the forum is about not the fighting

thanks :) :) :)
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i'm gona lose 30 pounds

Post by Carl44 »

chonsigirl wrote: Oh, martial arts! I only do tai chi........

i had a tai chi dvd instuctional i just felt a bit silly doin it on my own how does it work for you ?
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i'm gona lose 30 pounds

Post by cherandbuster »

jimbo wrote: thank you very much rachelg

after all the fighting going on in this forum i'd made up my mind to find some where elsr to post my feelings and thoughts and then a stranger that i'd never even spoken to takes the timeto post this advice and i realise there are some really nice people out there and its people like you doing things like this ..... thats what the forum is about not the fighting

thanks :) :) :)

Forum Garden at its best :-6
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i'm gona lose 30 pounds

Post by rachelg »

jimbo wrote: thank you very much rachelg

after all the fighting going on in this forum i'd made up my mind to find some where elsr to post my feelings and thoughts and then a stranger that i'd never even spoken to takes the timeto post this advice and i realise there are some really nice people out there and its people like you doing things like this ..... thats what the forum is about not the fighting

thanks :) :) :)
Your very welcome!:)
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i'm gona lose 30 pounds

Post by Carl44 »

Hamster wrote:

Jimbo Tai Chi is great for weight loss and overall health.

Just close the curtains so no-one can see you! :o

thanks hammy on both counts the concern for my health is touching

so is your concern for my nieghbours having to watch me :wah: :wah:
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i'm gona lose 30 pounds

Post by chonsigirl »

I agree with Hamster, I do Tai Chi for strength and mobility.
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i'm gona lose 30 pounds

Post by Carl44 »

chonsigirl wrote: I agree with Hamster, I do Tai Chi for strength and mobility.

i will look into it thanks chonsi

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i'm gona lose 30 pounds

Post by zinkyusa »

Jimbo the best exercise I've ever had is 30 minutes a day on a punching bag..Make sure you wear gloves!!!!!
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i'm gona lose 30 pounds

Post by Carl44 »

Hamster wrote: Jimbo I only say this because I remember the look on my poor neighbours face when he looked in and saw me "scooping the moon" :-3 :o

roger daltry and the rest of the who wondered why hammy would not settle for an autograph like the rest of the fans:wah: :wah:
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i'm gona lose 30 pounds

Post by Carl44 »

zinkyusa wrote: Jimbo the best exercise I've ever had is 30 minutes a day on a punching bag..Make sure you wear gloves!!!!!

the best workout i do is a bag routine on my 6 foot kick and punch bag

its an audio cd by the great bas rutten and it tells you combo's to do not for the faint hearted any one want a copy i'll post it to you willingly

good luck you'll need it :wah: :wah:
Ken Dockins
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i'm gona lose 30 pounds

Post by Ken Dockins »


I never heard back from you about your weight loss progress or status. Just curious to know that you're still motivated and on target. You asked for help, as well, to the other members of ForumGarden, who almost all appear to extend to you good will and well wishes.

I know how valuable it is to have a support team, even better, some who really and truly recognize and relate to your experience.

Give me a shout back, if you can. I'm certainly rooting for you, as well.

Most of the items on your intended list are right on time.

See you shortly.


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i'm gona lose 30 pounds

Post by Carl44 »

[quote=Ken Dockins]Jimbo...

I never heard back from you about your weight loss progress or status. Just curious to know that you're still motivated and on target. You asked for help, as well, to the other members of ForumGarden, who almost all appear to extend to you good will and well wishes.

I know how valuable it is to have a support team, even better, some who really and truly recognize and relate to your experience.

Give me a shout back, if you can. I'm certainly rooting for you, as well.

Most of the items on your intended list are right on time.


sorry ken

to be honest ithought you were trying to sell me something like weight loss stuff

i'm not normally rude ,people usually have trouble getting rid of me

diet a slow plod have a lot going on its not top of my agenda at the mo

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i'm gona lose 30 pounds

Post by Carl44 »

i have avoided this thread like i did megenta flame after the ashes test, i have this year ,lost 15 pounds , 5.5% body fat and my liver has grown back yaay , but no for the hard part the doc says if i drink in moderation i wont damage my health , doh:-5 but i'm still not going to drink and i want to lose the next 15 pounds in time for summer , just think of the money i'll save on sun screen , to be honest its lovely not waking up with a hangover at the weekend , made even better by seeing my mates red eyed and proper ruined :wah:
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i'm gona lose 30 pounds

Post by Elvira »

jimbo;432654 wrote: the best workout i do is a bag routine on my 6 foot kick and punch bag

its an audio cd by the great bas rutten and it tells you combo's to do not for the faint hearted any one want a copy i'll post it to you willingly

good luck you'll need it :wah: :wah:

I have this on my MP3 player, and it's the only workout that makes me sweat (Spinning and circuit training don't)

I've done the Bas Rutten work out with a heart rate monitor, and my heart rate went right up to 182. It's not a fat burning workout certainly, but it's great for overall cardio fitness.
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