Do You Have These Weight Loss Obstacles?

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Ken Dockins
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Do You Have These Weight Loss Obstacles?

Post by Ken Dockins »

People keep telling you how easy it is to lose weight. Yet, doesn't it really seem to you like they are overlooking one obvious fact?

Your body is not in perfect condition. In fact, almost every day you deal with all kinds of aches and pains... like sore back, swollen muscles, inflamed shoulder joint, dislocated disks, sciatica, migraine headaches, vertigo and dizziness, or bloating.

Plus, you might also sometimes experience a less-than-ideal heart rate.

Although some slight physical discomforts are quite normal and are to be expected, when you are already overweight... even simple problems can seem enormously complex and challenging for you.

Now, notice something very "idiosyncratic" about human nature and the way we often behave or react to situations that need our attention. (And, body fat is certainly no exception to this behavioral rule)...

A person may need help with something, yet he or she can so easily create or find about 67 reasons NOT to do something about it. And, the obstacles we speak of now are other than physical.

Here is where the mind often leads the body into a state of "nothingness." Almost always, the average human being will choose a less challenging alternative... in lieu of the one that goes right to the heart of the matter at hand.

You want to lose body fat? And, you are facing weight loss obstacles, correct? The logical step now is to take positive action and reclaim your satisfaction - both physically and emotionally.

As a professional weight management consultant, I've been listening for years to the problems people experience in their body fat battles. You may well want to benefit from the results of my pondering, as well. I derive my greatest satisfaction from seeing others benefit from something I've said or done to help them. I just love that look of shock upon their faces when they see themselves accomplishing something that was previously unattainable for them.

In other words, your progress literally boosts my sincere belief and trust in exercise science, nutrition, biomechanics, and anatomy.

Thanks for letting me know that expertise is no waste of time.

With all of that, here is the good news...

What if you could get:

1. A fun list of creatively new fat burning exercises; plus

2. The unique list of primary foods that help you burn fat; and

3. One docket of motivational fat loss facts to help you sail over emotional weight loss stumbling blocks; plus

4. Your personally supportive weight loss ebook, "The Body Fat Smack-Down Starter Kit," (with a currently substantial retail value). This fitness-health-wellness manuscript is a powerful weight management ebook that shows you how to start shedding pounds, seeing results, and feeling satisfied in a superior way.

And, can you have all of this detailed, helpful, and thorough assistance for next to nothing?

Yes, if you wish. Simply give me the go-ahead. Let's name this package, "Your Ten-Dollar Weight Loss Wonder Kit."

For now, you can easily send me an email or post, at your own convenience. Let me know that you have interest.
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Do You Have These Weight Loss Obstacles?

Post by flopstock »

1. A little too wordy for me to stay focused on for the entire post.

2. $10 says McDonalds run to this girl.

3. Nice to meet ya.:-6
I expressly forbid the use of any of my posts anywhere outside of FG (with the exception of the incredibly witty 'get a room already' )posted recently.

Folks who'd like to copy my intellectual work should expect to pay me for it.:-6

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Do You Have These Weight Loss Obstacles?

Post by Lon »

Isn't it a fact that if you burn more calories daily than you take in, you will loose weight? Therefore, learn how to count calories and study what activities will burn them.
Ken Dockins
Posts: 25
Joined: Wed Apr 26, 2006 12:59 am

Do You Have These Weight Loss Obstacles?

Post by Ken Dockins »

Sorry, Gang...

My mistake. I included the complete text from another article I wrote at

So, just ignore that post and start from here...

What if you could get:

1. A fun list of creatively new fat burning exercises; plus

2. The unique list of primary foods that help you burn fat; and

3. One docket of motivational fat loss facts to help you sail over emotional weight loss stumbling blocks; plus

4. Your personally supportive weight loss ebook, "The Body Fat Smack-Down Starter Kit," (with a currently substantial retail value). This fitness-health-wellness manuscript is a powerful weight management ebook that shows you how to start shedding pounds, seeing results, and feeling satisfied in a superior way.

And, can you have all of this detailed, helpful, and thorough assistance for next to nothing?

Yes, if you wish. Simply give me the go-ahead. Let's name this package, "Your Ten-Dollar Weight Loss Wonder Kit."

For now, you can easily send me an email or post, at your own convenience. Let me know that you have interest.

Thanks again for your patience, support, and time.
Posts: 25
Joined: Wed Jun 04, 2008 11:35 am

Do You Have These Weight Loss Obstacles?

Post by Bikiniguy23 »


Those alien maggots are gonna pay for screwing up my vacation, hehe
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