Please review any holdings you might have in the following stocks:

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Please review any holdings you might have in the following stocks:

Post by BTS »

Normally I avoid discussing any advice regarding buying or selling of stocks, but I felt this is important enough to share and warn you since this explosive situation might prove to be yet another ENRON.

Please review any holdings you might have in the following stocks: American Can, Interstate Water, National Gas Company, Northern Tissue Company.

Due to uncertain market conditions, I advise you to sit tight on your American Can, hold your Water, and let go of your Gas.

You may be interested to know that Northern Tissue touched a new bottom today, and millions were wiped clean.

It's a tough market out there. Be careful!

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Please review any holdings you might have in the following stocks:

Post by spot »

I don't often wince quite that visibly!

You sure picked the right day for it, too.
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When flower power came along I stood for Human Rights, marched around for peace and freedom, had some nooky every night - we took it serious.
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Please review any holdings you might have in the following stocks:

Post by Accountable »

BTS;1014712 wrote: Normally I avoid discussing any advice regarding buying or selling of stocks, but I felt this is important enough to share and warn you since this explosive situation might prove to be yet another ENRON.

Please review any holdings you might have in the following stocks: American Can, Interstate Water, National Gas Company, Northern Tissue Company.

Due to uncertain market conditions, I advise you to sit tight on your American Can, hold your Water, and let go of your Gas.

You may be interested to know that Northern Tissue touched a new bottom today, and millions were wiped clean.

It's a tough market out there. Be careful!

:wah: laughing through the pain.

Our IRAs are all money market now (cash). We're studying daily, poised to buy back in after we've clearly hit bottom. One expert last night warned that any turnaround will have a dip shortly after - maybe two weeks, two months, whatever. He called it the market testing the strength, or something like that. He said if investors aren't ready for it, it will scare them out of investing forever, and we could lose a generation of investors.
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