Missing Book's Why Were They Remove And Where Are They ?

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Missing Book's Why Were They Remove And Where Are They ?

Post by Daniyal »

Why Was The Gospel of Barnabas Among Other Books Re- move From The Bible , If The Scripture's Are From The Creator Of The Heaven's And The Earth . And Who Told The Man To Re- move Then And Why . What Were They Hideing From You ? Some Book That Was Re - Move From The Bible . The Book Of The Covenant Code ( Exodus 24 ; 7 )

The Lost Book Of The Law ( 2Kings 22; 8 ) ...

The Book Of The Wars Of The Sustainer ( Numbers 21 ; 14 )

The Book Of Jasher ( The Prohet Joshua 10 ; 13 ) ...

The Book Of Shemaiah ( 2Chronicles By Prophet Ezra 12 ; 15 )

The Book Of Chronicles ( 2Kings 15 ; 15 , 1Kings 14; 19 )

The Book Of Life ( Revelation 3 ; 5 , Philippians 4 ; 3 )

The Book Of Samuel The Seer And Nathan The Prophet ( 1Chronicles 29 ; 29

The Book Acts Of Soomon ( 2Chronicles 9 ; 29 ) ..

Again I Ask Why Were These Books Remove From The Scripture If The Creator Put Them There , And What Were The Men Who Remove Them Trying To Hide ..

Ques; If Yashua Was God As Some Christian Believe Why Would He Have To Read Out Of ( Luke 4 ; 15 - 24 ) . If He Wrote The Bible
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Missing Book's Why Were They Remove And Where Are They ?

Post by spot »

When was The Gospel of Barnabas ever in the Bible?

I don't see quite how it ever could be, it has 222 chapters, it's huge. You can't really remove it from the Bible if it was never in the Bible. The Gospel of Barnabas mentions Mohammed by name and quotes from the Koran. Unless Saint Barnabas was an extremely impressive foreteller of the future that rather dates the writing of it to after the Bible was signed off and published.

Or are my facts wrong?
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Missing Book's Why Were They Remove And Where Are They ?

Post by Daniyal »

spot;1092516 wrote: When was The Gospel of Barnabas ever in the Bible?

I don't see quite how it ever could be, it has 222 chapters, it's huge. You can't really remove it from the Bible if it was never in the Bible. The Gospel of Barnabas mentions Mohammed by name and quotes from the Koran. Unless Saint Barnabas was an extremely impressive foreteller of the future that rather dates the writing of it to after the Bible was signed off and published.

Or are my facts wrong?

So you saying the book of Barnabas was Never part of the Bible But Separate , So Barnabas had it own Scriptures Yes / No ? But your right about The Prophet Muhammad ( Pbuh ) He Was Mentions In The Book Of Barnabas .
Never Argue With An Idiot. They Drag You Down To Their Level Then Beat You With Experience.

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Missing Book's Why Were They Remove And Where Are They ?

Post by spot »

Daniyal;1092564 wrote: So you saying the book of Barnabas was Never part of the Bible But Separate , So Barnabas had it own Scriptures Yes / No ? But your right about The Prophet Muhammad ( Pbuh ) He Was Mentions In The Book Of Barnabas .

So, do you think Barnabas was seeing the future and predicting the Prophet, or do you think someone wrote the book after the beginning of Islam and put Barnabas's name on it as the author? Neither of us thinks Barnabas was over six hundred years old when he died.

If the book was written after Islam had started then no, The Gospel of Barnabas wasn't written by Barnabas. There are several other books from before the Bible was collected together which have Barnabas's name on them as author though. They don't say the same things as The Gospel of Barnabas - they don't mention the Prophet by name, for example.
Nullius in verba ... ☎||||||||||| ... To Fate I sue, of other means bereft, the only refuge for the wretched left.
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Missing Book's Why Were They Remove And Where Are They ?

Post by Daniyal »

The subject of this post is one of interest to a great multitude of people . Why ? The reason is that many people who have any kind of knowldge of The Gospel of Barnabas have their own opinions of it . Some believe it exists , others do not . Some people have been programmed to believe that it was made Gospel ; and that it is not an actual Book . There are still others who do not know what to believe about it at all . The purpose of this post is to enlighten the world to the Gospel of Barnabas . It is a beautiful , awesome and insiring work , which will guide you on a journey through time to the period that holds the key to understanding this magificent story . Once you understand the true account of this worthy disciple , you will no longer be held prisoner by Belief in the Trinity , the Crucifixion of Jesus ( the Messiah , Pbuh ) and the many other Christian Falsehoods .

I exhort you to read this post and let me teach you about the man , Barnabas , and his enlightening writings that have been classed simultaneously as apocalyptic ( a writing prophesying a cataclysim in which evil forces are destroyed ) and apocryphal ( early Christian writing not included in the New Testament . Now , what would the deceivers have you believe ? How could a piece of writing be both revealing and concealing at the same time ? They have no answers , of course , because The Gospel of Barnabas does not ( Conceal ) anything . The only thing being Hidden is the Truth ; and the Devil ( ch ) is hiding it from you .

The Gospel of Barnabas ~ The four Gospels of the New Testament do not attempt to capture the whole story of the life of Jesus Christ ( Pbuh ) nor do they claim to be the only genuine record of that extraordinary event . Book Of John ( Son Of Zebedee ) 21 ; 25 , And I Quote ; And There Are Also Many Other Things Which Jesus Did , Which If They Should Be Written Every One , I Suppose That Even The World Itself Could Not Contain The Books That Should Be Written . Amen

Indeed the early centuries of the Church saw the production of many Gospels , Acts , Epistles , and Revelation which were not included in the official canon of the Bible , though some of these were highly regarded by early Christian communites , Despite their exclusion from the Bible , certain of these works called '' Apocryphal '' or Hidden '' , were works whose doctrine was true and sound and which the ( Church ) fathers allowed to be used privately , but forbade to be read publicly at the meeting of Christians Exactly which books should be included in the New Testament was a question which occupied the church for many centuries , Among the Gospels omitted by the authority of the Church were ; the Gospels of the Hebrews , the Gospels of the Egyptians , the Gospels of Peter , the Gospels of James , the Gospels of Thomas , the Gospels of Barnabas and many , many more .

The Gospel of Barnabas , like the Gospel of John , contained information on this coming of the promised Comforter ( Muhammad , Pbuh ) , Barnasbas ( Hwon ) , however , takes it further in detail and also proves that Jesus ( Pbuh ) the Messiah , was not Crucified ; and that it was Judas Iscariot who was put on the cross . For these obvious reasons , the version of Barnabas ( Hwon ) account of Jesus ( Pbuh ) life and ministry was removed from the New Testament . This removal was by decree of the Council of Nicaea , which convened in 325 A.D. under the first Christian Emperor of Rome , Constantine .

The Council of Nicaea was organized to Settle the Differences of Opinions Pertaining to the Scriptures . It indicated what Should be Taught in the Church . Among the things they sanctioned were certain Pagan ideas and Customs . These were Disguised as the true Teaching of Jesus ( Pbuh ) the Messiah . In this Council began the Doctrine of the Trinity and the Resurrection . The Council of Nicaea Subtracted The Gospel of Barnabas from the original Bible because Barnasbas ( Hwon ) recorded the prophecy and other truths that could not be altered concerning the life and teaching of Jesus ( Pbuh ) the Messiah . It Banned the publications of The Gospel of Barnabas and called it apocryphal , meaning '' Hidden ''

The Manuscript from which The Gospel of Barnabas was translated into Italian from English originally belonged to Pope Sextus ( 1521 - 1590 ) . Its resting place was The Vatican Library . A friend of his Stole this Gospel by concealing it in the Sleeve of his Robe . From him it passed through different hands , Until it found its way into Vienna where it remained . This is not the original , But it was a translation . The original was in Arabic and Hebrew where it was kept safe by the Essenne . ( In The Early Twentieth Century , An Italian Manuscript Was Translated Into English And Then Printed And Published By The ( Oxford University Press . ) All But Two Copies Of These Editions Were Burnt . One Of These Two Copies Is In The ( British Muscum ) , The Other Is In The ( Library Of Congress In Washington ) .

There are some Man - Made versions of The Gospel of Barnabas from Pakistan and Trinidad . They have distorted the words because they did not have the original Arabic Gospel of Barnabas to translate from . The following verse was translated directly from Arabic by As Sayyid Al Imaan Isa Al Haadi Al Mahdi . The Gospel of Barnabas 112 ( In Arabic ) And I Quote ; But When Ahmad shall Come , The Holy Apostle Of Allah , That Infamy Shall Be Taken Away . And This Shall Allah Do Because I Have Confessed The Truth Of The Messiah ; Who Shall Give Me This Reward . That I Shall Be Known To Be Alive And To Be A Stranger To That Death Of Infamy ( Evil ) .

Example Of The General Epistle Of Barnbas Translated The Lost Books Chapter 1 ; 1 - 2 '' All Happiness To You My Sons And Daughters , In The Name Of Our Lord Jesus Christ , Who Loved Us In Peace . Having Perceived Abundance Of Knowldge Of The Great And Excellent Laws Of God To Be In You , I Exceedingly Rejoice In Your Blessed And Admirable Soul . Because Ye Have So Worthily Received The Grace Which Was Grafted In You .

Example Of The Gospel Of Barnabas Book One Translated By Sayyid Al Imaan Isa Al Haadi Al Mahdi Chapter 1 ; 1 - 2 '' In These Last Years . A Virgin Called Mary , Of The Lineage Of David Of The Tribe Of Judah , Was Visited By The Angel Gabriel From Allah . This Virgin Living In All Holiness , Without Offense Or Blame Abided With Prayer And Fasting . One Day As She Was Alone , The Angel Gabriel Entered Her Chamber , Saluted Her And Said , ''' Allah Be With Thee , O Mary . ''

Who Was Barnabas And What Was His Lineage ? Barnabas ( Hwon ) was a Levite , of the tribe of Israel , totally comprised of the priest ( Levitical priest ) . He came from the Greek island of Cyprus , which is located in the Mediterranean Sea . Books Of Acts By Luke 4 ; 36 And I Quote ; And Joses , Who By The Apostles Was Surnamed Barnbas , ( Which Is . Being Interpreted , The Son Of Consolation , ) A Levite , And Of The Country Of Cyprus ,

The following is important , so pay close attention to what I say . Barnbas ' family were very reputable people . His mother was a woman of unquestionable virtue . Now remember , he was an ordained Levitical Priest , well informed on matters of religion and law . He was an honest man , pious , and with a great love and respect for his faith . I could go on and on . The point is Barnbas was a man of superior character and moral excellence , No One Question Him . Now , compare his reputation to that of Jesus the Messiah ( Pbuh ) . The contrast is like Night and Day . Not that this holy prophet of the Lord of the worlds was not a righteous man , but so many things raised doubt in the minds of the people . There were so many unanswered questions about his family and background . They always questioned his origin and the circumstances of his parentage . Therefore , they also questioned the virtue of his mother , Mary .

Additionally , they questioned his eductional background . How did he come by his knowldge of the Law and Religion ? How was he able to confound even the wisest and most Scholarly of the Temple Doctors when he had never sat at the feet of any learnt men of that time ? Why did he contest them at every turn , and so vigoroulsy ? What honorable person could vouch for him ? And who was this '' Father '' of whom he spoke of all the time ? This was why the Israelites always incurred the wrath of Allahu Subhaanahu Wa Ta'ala . Like most mortals , they were faithless and disputed what they did not understand . If they had truly believe in the Almighty without reservation , the unusal circumstances of Jesus the Messiah ( Pbuh ) wouldn't have mattered and they would have accepted him and his teaching as coming from him . Jesus the Messiah ( Pbuh ) made them uncomfortable because he would not allow them to carry or their abominable discourtesies commited before Allah Ta'ala and His heavenly host . He upset the delicate balance of power and wealth established before Jewish aristocrats and the Romans . He challenged the Religious authority of the ranking Jewish Churchmen and threatened to undermine and expose the dark conspiracy between them and the Roman State . No , this fanatic could not be the Messiah to their way of thinking , Barnabas was more qualified to them .

What Was His Relationship With His Mentor ? Despite the fact that Barnabas was not one of the Original Twelve Disciples , he proved himself to be one of Jesus the Messiah ( Pbuh ) most faithful and trustworty companions . Barnabas walked with Jesus the Messiah ( Pbuh ) from the inception of his mission and he remained steadfast and true the whole while . The accracy and beauty with which he wrote his Gospel proves beyond a shadow of a doubt how devoted he was to his master and how he held the hightest of esteem . He was the only one who didn't flee in time of trouble and he never denied his master ! When Jesus the Messiah ( Pbuh ) needed a confidant , Barnabas was always there to listen and offer his solace . He , more than anyone , absorbed and retained everything he had been taught .
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Missing Book's Why Were They Remove And Where Are They ?

Post by Daniyal »

Barnabas , Son Of Comfort , Son Of Prophecy ~ So powerful and eloquent a speaker was this humble disciple that he moved the masses to tears whenever he spoke . His sincerity was apparent and the conviction of Barnabas as a man capanle of giving solace and encouragement to others was what inspired the discipls and their beloved master to call him Barnabas , which means '' Son Of Comfort '' . Book Of Acts By Luke 4 ; 36 ( In Part ) And I Quote ; And Joses , Who By The Apostles Was Surnamed Barnbas , ( Which Is , Being Interpreted , The Son Of Consolation ) ....

It was only fitting that man such as Barnabas should write the only true accounts of Jesus the Messiah ( Pbuh ) life . So many events in his past pointed to his destiny as the one who would record the prophecy and identity of the Comforter ! Gospel Of Barnbas 112 And I Quote ; But When Ahmad Shall Come , The Holy Apostle Of Allah , That Infamy Shall Be Taken Away . And This Shall Allah Do Because I Have Confessed The Truth Of The Messiah ; Who Shall Give Me This Reward , That I Shall Be Known To Be Alive And To Be A Stranger To That Death Of Infamy ( Evil ) .

Book Of John ( Son Of Zebedee ) 14 ; 16 , And I Quote ; And I Pray The Fatheer , And He Shall Give You Another Comforter That He May Abide With You Forever .

There is some dissension amongs Biblical Scholars concering the correct Greek translation of the word '' Conforter '' . In one version , which is claimed as the authentic version , the Greek word used is , Parakletos . However , in another version pointed out as an '' Imperfect '' version , the Greek word is '' Perikakutos . not Perikakutos means '' Illustrious '' or '' Praise '' and is a curious word that finds irs origin in the Arabic root . '' Hamada '' means '' Praised '' and is the stew of Ahmad '' Praise '' and Muhammad '' One Who Is Worthy Of Praise '' . But what is even more curious about the whole situation is no matter which word is used - Parakletos ( Comforter ) or 'Perikakutos ( Praise ) - Both are in reference to the Prophet Mustafa Muhammad Al Amin ( Pbuh ) . The Prophecy still stands . The Truth is indeed the light . The closer you draw to that light , the brighter it grows in your hearts .

The Prophet Mustafa Muhammad Al Amin ( Pbuh ) was also known as the Prophet Apostle because he not only came with the revealed Seal of the Scriptures ; Al Qur'aan , but he would explain those laws which were revealed to man previous to him . Allah Subhaanahu Wa Ta'Ala said .... ' I shall send thee as my Apostle of salvation .... Muhammad is his blessed name ... '' In the Arabic language , Ahmad ( another name for The Prophet Mustafa Muhammad Al Amin ( Pbuh ) means '' Praise '' Allah Subhaanahu Wa Ta'Ala blessed him and called him '' Muhammad '' Which Means ; '' One Who Is Worthy Of Praise , '' Ahmad ; Praise - Muhammad ;

One Who Is Worthy Of Praise .

Book Of John ( Son Of Zebedee ) 16 ; 7 - 8 , And I Quote ; Nevertheless I Tell You The Truth ; It Is Empedient For You That I Go Away ; For If I Go Not Away , The Comforter Will Not Come Into YOU ; But If I Depart , I Will Send Him Unto . And When He Is Come He Will Reprove The World Of Sin . And Of Righteousness , And Of Judgement . .

The Prophet Mustafa Muhammad Al Amin ( Pbuh ) is this person in the Bible who Jesus The Messiah ( Pbuh ) called another Comforter ; Al Mu'aazi The Comforter or Illustrious One , Comes From The Stem Which Means '' Comfort , Console , Condole , Condole With , Take Patience '' .

Gospel Of Barnabas 72 , And I Quote ; Jesus Answered ; ''Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled , Neither Be Ye Fearful ; For I Have Not Created You , But Allah Our Created Who Hath Created You Will Protect You As For Me , I Am Now Come To The World To Prepare The Way For The Apostle Of Allah Who Shall Bring Salvation To The World . But Beware That Ye Be Not Deceived For Many False Prophets Shall Come , Who Shall Take My Words And Contaminate My Gospel .

In completing the task of bringing the prophecies of the comforter and the true account of Jesus the Messiah ( Pnuh ) to light Barnabas also fulfilled the other meaning of his blessed name ; '' Son of Prophecy '' .

Another Epithet For Muhammad ( Pbuh ) ~ If you were to read this Scriptures with an understanding heart and an open mind you would find yourself being filled with Light and Truth

. Prophecies of the Prophet Muhammad ( Pbuh ) are throughout the Scriptures from the first book of Moses ( Genesis ) to the final chapter of Revelation , if you would just open your eyes . What are you afraid of ? The Truth ? In the Torah ( 5 Book of Moses ) Genesis , The Prophet Jacob ( Yaquwb , Pbuh ) called his sons together and told them what would befall them and their seed in the future .

Torah ( 5 Books Of Moses ) Genesis 49 ; 10 , And I Quote ; The Sceptre Shall Not Depart From Judah , Nor A Lawgiver From Between His Feet , Until Shiloh Comes , And Unto Him Shall The Gathering Of The People Be .

The prophecy states that all of the future Prophets of Israel would come through Judah , until the coming of the special person termed '' Shiloh '' , at which time the responsibility for keeping the Law would pass from Israel to Ishmael . The important word which I would like you to notice here is '' Shiloh '' , In the script . The Hebrew appears thus the root of which is Shiyloh ''

In the Arabic language there is the letter '' Siyn '' ( a soft '' S '' . '' Sh '' and which is a hard '' S '' sound . In the Hebrew language you have the letter '' S '' and '' Sh '' . As you can see , the dot on the top of the letter changes the sound of the letter from '' S '' to '' Sh '' The true Arabic translation for this word . If you look at the meaning of this words below , you will understand fully why the Prophet Muhammad ( Pbuh ) is the Shiloh . - - - - to be good , upright -- one who is righteous , upright ; a reformer ...
Never Argue With An Idiot. They Drag You Down To Their Level Then Beat You With Experience.

When An Elder Passes On To Higher Life , Its Like One Of The Library Have Shut Down

To Desire Security Is A Sign Of Insecurity .

It's Not The Things One Knows That Get Him Or Her In Trouble , Its The Things One Knows That Just Isn't So That Get Them In Trouble

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Missing Book's Why Were They Remove And Where Are They ?

Post by Daniyal »

The book of Genesis is saying ( 49 ; 10 ) The Sceptre shall not depart from Judan until Shiloh

comes . Compare the meaning of the words in the chart above and the words translated from the Hebrew . Romans tell us how Allahu Subhaanahu Wa Ta'ala set aside a certain munber of people from the tribe of Judah who would survive and keep the law until the advent of that special person who would take the responsibility . I repeat this person would not come from Judan , but from the House of Ishmael . Book To Roman By Paul 11 ; 4 , And I Quote ; But What Saith The Answer Of Allah Unto Him ? I Have Reserved To My self Seven Thousand Men . Who Have Not Bowed The Knee To The Image Of Ba-al . ;..... Book Of Psalms ( Zubuwr Of David ) 60 ; 7 , And I Quote ; Judah Is My Lawgiver .

Barnabas , The Disciple ~ What could have made a man of Barnabas ' background join a band of rabblerousers ? All his life , Barnabas had been brought up in the bosom of the church . He knew the Haughtiness and Tyrannical Attitude of the Priests and Sadduces . of course . it came as no surprise to him when these people questioned the young , uneducated upstarts who dared teach concepts that ultimately challenged their authority as the religious guidance for the people . Who was their master ? Who vested them with the right to wander amongst the people teaching religion and the Law ?

Many of the teaching of the Messiah came to him secondhand . But that didn't affect his belief in it . He'd heard of the persecution suffered by the disciples , but it didn't frighten him away from the truth . In fact , he embraced it . When Barnabas joined the band of disciples , it was the marriage between the Orthodox ( Barnabas ' Training ) and the Unorthodox Jesus the Messiah ( Pbuh ) teachings . He sold all of his worldy possessions and laid the money gained from this transaction at the feet of the Apostles .

Book Of Acts By Luke 4 ; 36 - 37 , And I Quote ; And Joses , Who By The Apostles Was Surnamed Barnabas , ( Which Is , Being Interpreted , The Son Of Consolation ) A Levite , And Of The Country Of Cyprus , Having Land , Sold It , And Brought The Money , And Laid It At The Apostles ' Feet , ''

Don't forget , Barnabas was a Levitical Priest . He had been brought up in an atmosphere abounding in Knowldg and Spirituality , Just like John the Baptist ( Yahya , Pbuh ) who heralded and then followed the one whose Sandals he felt himself unworthy to loosen , Barnabas

was familiar with Old Testament Prophecies and anxiously awaited the arrival of the Prophecied One . He knew to expect a Prophet as guidance to the Lost Sheep of Israel .

During Jesus the Messiah ( Pbuh ) Ministry , the immediate disciples '' Cast Their Nets '' by plunging into the midst of the miltitudes . They sain in the Inns and the gates of the towns , In the doorways and the courts of the Temples , and along the highways and byways , teaching the good news of promised salvation with the Missiah ( Pbuh ) . They talked with all classes of people , from all walks of life . No one was turned away from the truth . Much of their time , Therefore , was spent in endless Conversation , Drinking Tea with their audiences , seemingly wasting time . Roman Society Judged them as bums and parasites . Because they didn't hold jobs and function within the norms of society , They were rejected and rebuked . Unlike them , men like Barnabas and Saul ( both of whom were of the Lost Sheep of Israel ) were dispatched to propagate in the temples of other countries . Torah ( 5 Books Of Moses ) Numbers 8 ; 14 , And I Quote ; '' Thus Shalt Thou Separate The Levites From Among The Children Of Israel ; And The Levites Shall Be Mine .

Gospel Of Barnabas

Book One Edition #148

Never Argue With An Idiot. They Drag You Down To Their Level Then Beat You With Experience.

When An Elder Passes On To Higher Life , Its Like One Of The Library Have Shut Down

To Desire Security Is A Sign Of Insecurity .

It's Not The Things One Knows That Get Him Or Her In Trouble , Its The Things One Knows That Just Isn't So That Get Them In Trouble

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Missing Book's Why Were They Remove And Where Are They ?

Post by abbey »

Merry Christmas Daniyal. :)
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Missing Book's Why Were They Remove And Where Are They ?

Post by Daniyal »

abbey;1093381 wrote: Merry Christmas Daniyal. :)

Merry Christmas To You And Your Family :)
Never Argue With An Idiot. They Drag You Down To Their Level Then Beat You With Experience.

When An Elder Passes On To Higher Life , Its Like One Of The Library Have Shut Down

To Desire Security Is A Sign Of Insecurity .

It's Not The Things One Knows That Get Him Or Her In Trouble , Its The Things One Knows That Just Isn't So That Get Them In Trouble

When you can control a man's thinking you don't have to worry about his action ...:driving:
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Missing Book's Why Were They Remove And Where Are They ?

Post by Daniyal »

fuzzy butt;1093411 wrote: why are you using Islamic reasoning to describe and explain Christian beliefs?

And why are you constantly using "peace be Upon him " all the time? that is not the way Christians refer to 'men'

Your whole purpose here is to belittle and degrade the Christian religions and belief systems ..................who are you to "teach" us?

There are many books it doesn't make them scripture though. It just makes them a good read .

Correct The Above Or Stop Complaining Or Are You Here To Sabotage The Post Like Always ?
Never Argue With An Idiot. They Drag You Down To Their Level Then Beat You With Experience.

When An Elder Passes On To Higher Life , Its Like One Of The Library Have Shut Down

To Desire Security Is A Sign Of Insecurity .

It's Not The Things One Knows That Get Him Or Her In Trouble , Its The Things One Knows That Just Isn't So That Get Them In Trouble

When you can control a man's thinking you don't have to worry about his action ...:driving:
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Missing Book's Why Were They Remove And Where Are They ?

Post by Ted »

fuzzy butt:-6

How true and correct you are.


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Missing Book's Why Were They Remove And Where Are They ?

Post by Daniyal »

Ted;1093600 wrote: fuzzy butt:-6

How true and correct you are.



Correct The Above Or Stop Complaining Or Are You Here To Sabotage The Post Like Always ?
Never Argue With An Idiot. They Drag You Down To Their Level Then Beat You With Experience.

When An Elder Passes On To Higher Life , Its Like One Of The Library Have Shut Down

To Desire Security Is A Sign Of Insecurity .

It's Not The Things One Knows That Get Him Or Her In Trouble , Its The Things One Knows That Just Isn't So That Get Them In Trouble

When you can control a man's thinking you don't have to worry about his action ...:driving:
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Missing Book's Why Were They Remove And Where Are They ?

Post by Daniyal »

Who Is The Man Behind The Lies About Jesus ( The Messiah Pbuh ) . Book To Roman By Paul Arabic Bible 3 ; 7 - 10 , And I Quote ; For If The Truth Of Allah Hath More Abounded Through ( My Lie ) Unto His Glory ; Why Yet Am I Also Judged As A Sinner ? And Not Rather , ( As We Be Slanderously Reported , And As Some Affirm That We Say , ) Let Us Do Evil , That Good May Come ? Whose Damnation Is Just . What Then ? Are We Better Than They ? Whose Damnation Is Just . What Then ? Are We Better Than They ? No , In No Wise ; For We Have Better Than They ? No , In No Wise ; For We Have Before Proved Both Jews And Gentiles , That They Are Under Sin ; As It Is Written . There Is None Righteous , No , Not One .

In this verse from the Book of Romans , Saul ( Paul , the self - appointed apostle ) is speaking of himself . He is saying that it is Alraight to tell Lies and Distort the Truth as long as it brings Followers . In his opinion , this should not render Him a Sinner , This was his way of justifying his actios ! He also says it is alright to Do Evil in Order that Good may come .

'' Let Us Do Evil , That Good May Come , Whose Damnation Is Just What Then ? Are We Better Then They ? No , In No Wise ; For We Have Before Proven Both Jews And Gentiles , That They Are Under Sin '' .

Saul ( Paul , the self - appointed apostle ) In these verses is claiming himself to be something other than a Jew . Both Jew and Gentiles are both wrong , and none are righteous in Saul ( Paul , the self - appointed apostle ) eyes . This is to say , since no one is righteous , it is alright to do his evil works . Through the Influence of Saul ( Paul , the self - appointed apostle ) in the Christian doctrines , we can clearly see the reasons for the difference between Christianity and the Teaching of Jesus The Messiah ( Pbuh ) .

How can one account for the the difference between Christianity and the Teaching of Jesus The Messiah ( Pbuh ) ? This can only be answered by knowing the Influence of Saul ( Paul , the self - appointed apostle ) on the Christian doctrines . Saul ( Paul , the self - appointed apostle ) , Whose real name was Saul , is one of those who leaves deep impression on the pages of history . In whatever form they appear on the stage of the world , They always play a leading role . Through his inconsistent and contredictory actions , Saul ( Paul , the self - appointed apostle ) became a mystery for the world of Religion - fact that leaves the thinker's mind greatly Perplexed .

In the beginning Saul ( Paul , the self - appointed apostle ) appears before us in the matching role of a Blood - Thirsty Persecutor and a firebrand Lieutenant of the High Priest chasing and hunting the small group of humble people who had accepted the teaching of Jesus The Messiah ( Pbuh ) as their promised Messiah . But a little later we see him being himself hunted and perscuted by his former friends , the tytannical Judahites . When a Pharise , he proved himself a thorn in the side of the early teachings of Jesus The Messiah ( Pbuh ) ; and we see him standing Self-Assured in the crowd that witnessed the Martyrdom of Stephen .

But , a few years later , he himself is slain for chapioning the cause of Christianity , the teachings , which he himself taught and not the teaching of Jesus The Messiah ( Pbuh ) . When brought before King Agrippa , We see him pleading for himself in a masterly manner and claiming that he was once a very staunch and practicing Pharisee --- a very conservative sect that firmly believe in the following commandent . Torah ( 5 Books Of Mose Arabic Bible ) Exodus 30 ; 2 , And I Quote ; '' Thou Shalt Have No Other Dieties ( Gods ) Before Me , ''

A little later , we find him putting together a theory which totally opposed the root of Jesus The Messiah ( Pbuh ) teaching , that was Tawhiyd ( The Oneness Of Allah ) Although Jesus The Messiah ( Pbuh ) had repeatedly called himself '' Son Of Man '' Saul Saul ( Paul , the self - appointed apostle ) ,Insisted on making him a diety , not only equal in rank with Allahu Subhaanahu Wa Ta'Ala , But One Being as powerful as He also .

Book Of Galatian By Paul ( Arabic Bible ) 2 ; 21 And I Quote ; I Do Not Frustrate The Grace Of Allah ; For Righteousness Come By The Law . Then The Messiah Died In Vain ,

Then ( Paul , the self - appointed apostle ) spoken again on the same sunject

Book Of Romans By Paul ( Arabic Bible ) 3 ; 20 , And I Quote ; '' Therefore By The Deeds Of The Law There Shall No Flesh Be Justified In His Sight ; For By The Law Is The Knowledge Of Sin ..

Now , the question arises ; How did ( Paul , the self - appointed apostle ) manage to gain a position in control over the church and succeed in submitting these lies which were against the original teaching of Jesus The Messiah ( Pbuh ) completely ? The answer is really quite simple , Jesus The Messiah ( Pbuh ) came from a respectable and affluent family . His father had acquired Roman nationality . This fact alone guaranteed that his family possessed considerable influence in the upper Roman society and the official circle . He performed - a sect known to hold Narrow - Mineded Views . Having gained knowldge about Jesus The Messiah ( Pbuh ) and his teachings , he came down to Jerusalem to lend his aid to the High Priest and the elders in persecuting the followers of the new Prophet , Saul ( Paul , the self - appointed apostle ) weakened the Church , and entering house after house , he charged off men and women to prison and committed them .
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Missing Book's Why Were They Remove And Where Are They ?

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Book Of Acts By Luke ( Arabic Bible ) 8 ; 3 , And I Quote ; '' As For Saul , He Made Havock Of The Church , Entering Into Every House , And Haling Men And Women Committed Them To Prison .

During the entering period of the ministry of Jesus The Messiah ( Pbuh ) , Saul ( Paul , the self - appointed apostle ) remained in the forefront of the persecutors . He Had Never Seem Or Even Met Jesus The Messiah ( Pbuh ) . The only time he claimed to have seen Jesus The Messiah ( Pbuh ) was in a vision he had when he was going to Damascus on his mission of persceuting the folowers of Jesus The Messiah ( Pbuh ) . He claimed he saw a dazzling light and heard a voice saying '' Saul , Saul , Why Are You Persecuting Me ? '' Saul's ( Paul , the self - appointed apostle ) claim to the apostleship was based on this vision . According to him , Jesus The Messiah ( Pbuh ) chose him as his instrument for carrying his teachings to the Gentiles ( People Who Were Not Of The House Of Israel ) As Well As The Judahites ( The Lost Sheep Of Israel ) . This is the only evidence that Saul's ( Paul , the self - appointed apostle ) could produce for his bid for the leandership of the new Chuch . No Wonder The Judahite Were Highly Skeptical About The Whole Claim And Would Not Listen To Him .

It Is An Undisputable Fact In History That Saul's ( Paul , the self - appointed apostle ) Simply refused to get any available guidance from those who had been near and dear to Jesus The Messiah ( Pbuh ). This was because he could not stand the though of himself not being the source of information . He assumed leadership of the Church through Sheer Force of his personality . It is indeed very strange that during his Ministry while Jesus The Messiah ( Pbuh ) , was among his disciple in Palestine , he taught them that the law of Moses ( Pbuh ) Was In No Case To Be Destroyed . He Thoroughly Engraved Upon Their Minds That They Were Not To Take His Teachings To The Gentiles ( People Who Were Not Of The House Of Israel )

Book Of Matthew ( Arabic Bible ) 10 ; 5 - 6 , And I Quote ; These Twelve Jesus Sent Forth , And Commanded Them , Saying , Go Not Into The Way Of The Gentiles , And Into Any City The Samarians Enter Ye Not ; But Go Rather To The Lost Sheep Of The House Of Israel .

Book Of Matthew ( Arabic Bible ) 15 ; 24 , And I Quote ; But He Answer And Said , I Am Not Sent But Unto The Lost Sheep Of The House Of Israel .

Yet , within a very short time after The So-Called Crucifixion he appearsv in a vision to cancel his previous teaching . It is very strange indeed that he does not appear to His Own Trained And Tried Disciples , But Chooses A Person , Who Was On Of His Most Active Enemies Over His Devoted Friends And Followers , As Instructed In His Acclaimed Vision Saul's ( Paul , the self - appointed apostle ) When to Damascus where Ananias , a devoted disciple , opened his eyes fully to the truth , Having accepted Jesus The Messiah ( Pbuh ) Paul lost no time in assuming the role of the leader . The Judahites ( The Lost Sheep Of The House Of Israel ) in Damasus were anxiously awaiting the arrival of the party ,
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Missing Book's Why Were They Remove And Where Are They ?

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led by Saul's ( Paul , the self - appointed apostle ) , for arresting the followers of Jesus The Messiah ( Pbuh ) for persecution . They were flabbergasted to see their young leader mot only advocting the cause of Christians but actually exhortim them to accept Jesus The Messiah ( Pbuh ) Who they believed died on the cross . They were extremely disappointed and very much annoyed at this strange behavior of Saul's ( Paul , the self - appointed apostle ) who they though was their companion . In vengeance , they called him a turmcoat and conspired to kill him . But Saul's ( Paul , the self - appointed apostle ) heard of this conspiracy , and in that night his companios let him down in a basket through an opening in the wall . After this narrow escape , he was forced to go into hiding . .

Book Of Galatians By Paul ( Arabic Bible ) 1 ; 16 - 17 , And I Quote ; '' To Reveal His Son In Me , That I Might Preach Him Among The Heathen ; Immediately I Confessed Not Wirh Flesh And Blood ; Neither Went I Up To Jerusalem To Them Which Were Apostles Before Me ; But I Went Into Arabia , And Returned Again Unto Damascus ,

In The Arabian desert he planned his position and rucked his brian for what he would use in the future . He fully realized that very few Judahites would accept Jesus The Messiah ( Pbuh ) as a godly person . It would , therefore be necessary to think of something else . Saul's ( Paul , the self - appointed apostle ) believe that if the Judahites were convinced that he was impossible to read , the Gentiles would be easy to control . He needed some sort of further alterations in the teaching of Jesus The Messiah ( Pbuh to attract the Gentiles . Bearing this though in mind , he returned to Damasus where he worked for for some time and then went to Jerusalem . He stayed with Cephas for two weeks .

Book Of Galatians By Paul ( Arabic Bible ) 1 ; 19 , And I Quote ; '' But Other Of The Apostles Saw I None , Save James The Lord's Brother ,

To Be CONTINUE In Next Post
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Missing Book's Why Were They Remove And Where Are They ?

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Daniyal;1093374 wrote: The Manuscript from which The Gospel of Barnabas was translated into Italian from English originally belonged to Pope Sextus ( 1521 - 1590 ) . Its resting place was The Vatican Library . A friend of his Stole this Gospel by concealing it in the Sleeve of his Robe . From him it passed through different hands , Until it found its way into Vienna where it remained . This is not the original , But it was a translation . The original was in Arabic and Hebrew where it was kept safe by the Essenne . ( In The Early Twentieth Century , An Italian Manuscript Was Translated Into English And Then Printed And Published By The ( Oxford University Press . ) All But Two Copies Of These Editions Were Burnt . One Of These Two Copies Is In The ( British Muscum ) , The Other Is In The ( Library Of Congress In Washington ) .

There are some Man - Made versions of The Gospel of Barnabas from Pakistan and Trinidad . They have distorted the words because they did not have the original Arabic Gospel of Barnabas to translate from .

There's a couple of points to this. Yes, it's a well-known story, there are lots of Islamic publications of the Oxford translation and they do change the wording to bias the result.

There are lots of copies of the Oxford translation from 1907 though. Just looking at the Combined UK University Library search there are a dozen UK libraries with a copy of the Oxford edition (it was published by the Clarendon Press Oxford, not the Oxford University Press). The British Library catalogue lists two copies of the book too. I could, if it would help, take (say) the Edinburgh University library copy into the British Library with me on January 28th (I'm booked in to use their Audio library that day) and compare them to see if they've been tinkered with and the wording altered but it seems unlikely.

But - that's not really the point - there are also editions translating the Italian handwritten version from Vienna which supply complete a photographic facsimile of the Vienna manuscript. It's the Vienna version everyone I've mentioned has worked from and in some cases deliberately corrupted. Having that as published photos helps point out the corruptions.

No academic, as far as I know, has ever seen a Spanish version from which the Italian was allegedly translated, nor any earlier version in Arabic. That's not to say there isn't one, just that it's never been described by any academic. I note that Sayyid Al Imaan Isa Al Haadi Al Mahdi translated directly from the Arabic which is very wonderful but that's a name for Dr Malachi Z York, isn't it? Is his accurate translation of the Gospel of Barnabas available to read on the Internet? Where, now, is the Arabic version he worked from?
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Missing Book's Why Were They Remove And Where Are They ?

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spot;1095367 wrote: There's a couple of points to this. Yes, it's a well-known story, there are lots of Islamic publications of the Oxford translation and they do change the wording to bias the result.

There are lots of copies of the Oxford translation from 1907 though. Just looking at the Combined UK University Library search there are a dozen UK libraries with a copy of the Oxford edition (it was published by the Clarendon Press Oxford, not the Oxford University Press). The British Library catalogue lists two copies of the book too. I could, if it would help, take (say) the Edinburgh University library copy into the British Library with me on January 28th (I'm booked in to use their Audio library that day) and compare them to see if they've been tinkered with and the wording altered but it seems unlikely.

But - that's not really the point - there are also editions translating the Italian handwritten version from Vienna which supply complete a photographic facsimile of the Vienna manuscript. It's the Vienna version everyone I've mentioned has worked from and in some cases deliberately corrupted. Having that as published photos helps point out the corruptions.

No academic, as far as I know, has ever seen a Spanish version from which the Italian was allegedly translated, nor any earlier version in Arabic. That's not to say there isn't one, just that it's never been described by any academic. I note that Sayyid Al Imaan Isa Al Haadi Al Mahdi translated directly from the Arabic which is very wonderful but that's a name for Dr Malachi Z York, isn't it? Is his accurate translation of the Gospel of Barnabas available to read on the Internet? Where, now, is the Arabic version he worked from?

The Gospel Of Barnabas Book One Edition # 148 By As Sayyid Al Imaam Isa Al Haadi / Dr Malachi Z . York , Is Out Of Print , It Was Written And Translated In Arabic / Aramic / Hebrew When The Nubian Were Going Through One Of The Three Degrees Which Was Islam = The Nubian Islaamic Hebrew . If You Read The Beginning Of The Post I Gave You The Information Where The The Gospel Of Barnabas Book / Scriptures Can Be Found . If You Know M.Z.York Teaching As You Say Then You Know When It Came To Teaching The Three Degrees Which Are Christism / Moseism / Muhammadanism , It Taught In The Language In Which That Were Originally Written In , None Of The Scriptures Were Written In English / Greek / Latin None , Until Later On , For You See When One Changes The Language In Which It Was Originally Written It Lose It True Meaning .

Are You Trying To Flip The Script , I Know How You Like To Playing These Word Games , When It Come To Questioning People Post , That Why I Started This Post The Way I Did . By The Way Any Real Religious Scholar / Theologian Will Tell You The Key To The Scriptures Is The Original Language It Was Weitten In . You Also Speak Of Bias Result. You Must Be Talking About 90% Of Your Religious Scholar / Theologian Because They Don't Know The The Language , That Why You Have So Many Different School Though . Food Though Ok LQQK In Your Bible And You'll See Where These Language Come From Even Arabic Ok .

Can We Get Back To The Subject At Hand . Or Do You Have A Hard On For Muslims Too Like - Fuzzzzzzzzzzzzzy
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Missing Book's Why Were They Remove And Where Are They ?

Post by spot »

Daniyal;1095394 wrote: Any Real Religious Scholar / Theologian Will Tell You The Key To The Scriptures Is The Original Language It Was Weitten In .I agree with you entirely, it's why I asked where anyone could find a copy of the Arabic original which Dr Malachi Z York used in his translation. No other translator, as far as I can see, has ever had access to it. What I asked was "Where, now, is the Arabic version he worked from?".

It seems a fair question. So would where did he get it from and how did he Know it was the original, but I didn't ask that because it sounded a bit like picking a fight and I'm trying not to. I'll stick with "Where, now, is the Arabic version he worked from?".
Nullius in verba ... ☎||||||||||| ... To Fate I sue, of other means bereft, the only refuge for the wretched left.
When flower power came along I stood for Human Rights, marched around for peace and freedom, had some nooky every night - we took it serious.
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Missing Book's Why Were They Remove And Where Are They ?

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spot;1095395 wrote: I agree with you entirely, it's why I asked where anyone could find a copy of the Arabic original which Dr Malachi Z York used in his translation. No other translator, as far as I can see, has ever had access to it. What I asked was "Where, now, is the Arabic version he worked from?".

It seems a fair question. So would where did he get it from and how did he Know it was the original, but I didn't ask that because it sounded a bit like picking a fight and I'm trying not to. I'll stick with "Where, now, is the Arabic version he worked from?".

I'm not saying your picking a fight , It just you claim you know so much about him

LOLOLOL , He was born in Sudan and his native tongue is Arabic , When I say Arabic I'm not talking about some Dialect of Arabic that you have may have heard different clam of Muslims Speaking . He as also written book's Explaing / Translated El's Holy Qur'aan Plus . ( Explain The Secret Meaning Of To The A'immah Of Ansaaru Allah -- Degree Of The Pure Faith Chapter 12 / Degree The Night Of Power Chapter 67 / Degree Of The Opening Chapter ' .. This is Classical Arabic ...

As Salaamu Alaykum = Peace Be upon you

Wa Alaykum As Salaam = And on you be peace

Shukran Jaziylan = Thank VERY MUCK

Laa Shukran Ala Waajib = That's all right ( It's my obligation ) ( Reply )

Afwan = That's alright ( A pardoning )

Marhaban Bika = You're welcome

Ahlan Wa Sahlan = Welcome and peace

Ma'am = Yes

Laa = No

Laysa = Not

Min Fadlak = Please

Shukran = Thanks

Ashkuruka = I thank you

Ma As - Salaamah = Good bye ( Go with peace )

Araaka Fiy Maa Ba'd In Shaa - A Allah = See you later if Allah wills

Al - Hamdu Lillah Ala As - Salaamah = Welcome back praise to Allah on you peace

Salamaka Allah ( Thank you + Your peace comes from Allah )

Maa Ismuka = What is your name

Ismiy Ahmad = My name is Ahmad

Uqaddimu Laka Sayyid Mahmuwd = May I introduce Mr . Mahmuwd

Tasharrafnaa = I am very pleased to meet you

Sabaah An - Nuwr = Good morning

Nahaarak Sa 'iyd = Good afternoon to you

Nahaarak Mubaarak = Good afternoon with blessing to you ( Reply )

Masaa -A Al Khayr = Good evening

Masaa A An Nuwr = May your evening be bright ( Reply )

Laylat Sa'Iydah = Good Night

Hal Tatahaddthu Al Lughata Al - Iytaaliyyah = Can you converse in the Italian language ?

Aywah Atahaddathu Qaliylan = Yeah , I can converse a little .

Min Fadlak Takallam Ala Mahlik = Could you please speak more slowly please

Ana Laa Atakallamu Lughataka Jayyidan = I don't speak your language very well .

Min Fadlak Takallam Bisawtin Aaliy = Please could you speak with a higher voice ( louder ) .

Ma Ma'na Hadhaa = What does this mean ?

Ma Ma;na Dhaaka = What does that mean ?

Hal Tafhamu = Do you understand ?

Na ' Am Afhamu = Yes , I understand

Kayfa Haalaka = How are you

Kawiys Al -Hamdu Lillah Wa Anta =

Bikhayr Al -Hamdu Lillah Wa Anta = Very good , Praise to Allah , And you

Al - Hamdu Lillah Mutashukkar Wa Anta = Praise to Allah , Thank you very much , And you

Kawiys Al - Hamdu Lillah = Fine , Praise to Allah ( Reply )

Tayyis Al - Hamdu Lillah = Marvelous , Praise to Allah ( Reply )

Hal Tatakallamu Al - Lughata Al - Injiliyziyyah = Do you speak the english language ?

Na'Am Ana Atakallamu Injiliyziy Wa Firinsiywa = Yes , I speak english and french And .... Asbaaniy Wa Al - Lughatal - Arabiyyata Al - Fusha = Spanish and the language of classical Arabic ..

He as also Debated your socall Religious Christian / Muslims - Scholar / Theologian and None I mean None them could Disprove his Translation To Be Wrong . You Must Overstand Something M.Z.York has written Over 400 books On many many subject And three degrees Christism / Moseism / Muhammadism are just a few of them . He had been teaching over 30 years + . And some of these book are nolonger in print but there is a on line book store Maybe one of store's may have the book your looking for ok ..

The problem here with people accepting what post is they can't deal with the facts , And not knowing the language that the scriptures they Believe and have Faith **** them off ... They should ask these socall Minister / Teacher why aren't they being taught the language of their Belief's . No they rather cry / insult others as if thats going to change things LOLOLOLOL

Did you check out your bible to see where the language of your scriptures came from Yet ???
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Missing Book's Why Were They Remove And Where Are They ?

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Also rejected: The Gospel of St Thomas

Gospel Of St. Thomas

Recently found: The Gospel of Judas

The Lost Gospel of Judas--Photos, Time Line, Maps--National Geographic
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Missing Book's Why Were They Remove And Where Are They ?

Post by mikeinie »

The gospel of Mary Magdalene:

The Gospel of Mary Magdalene
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Missing Book's Why Were They Remove And Where Are They ?

Post by Daniyal »

mikeinie;1095652 wrote: The gospel of Mary Magdalene:

The Gospel of Mary Magdalene

Thankyou !
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When An Elder Passes On To Higher Life , Its Like One Of The Library Have Shut Down

To Desire Security Is A Sign Of Insecurity .

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Missing Book's Why Were They Remove And Where Are They ?

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The Early Bible Used In Britain Were Produced In The Latin Language . Abbot Aelfric Translated The Old Testament In The 10Th Century Into English . Myles Coverdale And John Rogers Revised The English Bible Which Is Called The Matthew's Bible . During The Time Of Queen Elizabeth , The Geneva Bible Came About . Two Editions Of The Bishop Bible Came About In 1568 A.D. And 1572 A.D. Which Preceeded The King James Version . The King James Version Of The Bible Is Still The Widely Used English Bible . Which Was Not Translated From The Original Language Of The Torah ( Aramic [ Hebrew ] ) .

The Many Different Versions Of The Bible Origin And Growth Of The Bible .

( 1 ) . Syraci ( Ancient ) Arabic / Phoenician / Hebrew .

( 2 ) . New Testament ( Greek ) From The Hebrew .

( 3 ) . Septuagint ( Greek ) The First Translation .

( 4 ) . The Vuigate ( Latin ) c. 400 A.D. New Latin Version By Jerome Using Greek And Hebrew Texts .

( 5 ) . Lindisfarne Gospels 698 - 721 A.D. Gospels In Latin .

( 6 ) . Bede d. 735 A.D. Part Of John Gospel In Anglo - Saxon

( 7 ) . Erasmus , Greek And Latin New Testament 1516 A.D.

( 8 ) John Wycliffe First Bible In English 1526 A.D.

( 9 ) . William Tyadale First Printed English New Testament 1526 A.D.

( 10 ) . Miles Coverdale First Printed English Bible 1535 A.D.

( 11 ) . The Great Bible 1539 .

( 12 ) . The Geneva Bible First Small Edition In Roman Type 1560 A.D.

( 13 ) . The Bishop's Bible First Printed English Bible .

( 14 ) . The Doual - Rhelms Bible Roman Catholic Version 1609 A.D.

( 15 ) . King James The Authorized Version 1611 A.D.

( 16 ) King James English Revised Version 1881 - 5 A.D.

( 17 ) . King James Revised Standard Version 1852 A.D.

( 18 ) . Jerusalem Bible 1966 A.D. / New English Bible 1970 A.D. / Good News Bible 1976 A.D. / New International Version 1979 A.D.

( 19 ) The Book Of RevelationTranslated By As Sayyid Issa Al Haadi Al Mahdi / Malachi Z.York In Arabic / Hebrew / Greek / English 1979 A.D.

It Is A Scientific Fact That Archeologists Have Found Tablets Dated Thousands Of Years Before Your Actual Adam , A Name Merely Meaning Of The '' Dark Browish Red Ground '' And Eve ( Hawwah ) Which Means '' Life Or Living '' The Earliest Known Documents In Cuneiform Were Recorded In Sumerian . The Language Of The Inhabitants Of Southern Mesopotamia And Chaldea . These Documents Were Tablets Known As ; The Atra - Hasis , The Enuma Elish , And The Gilgames Epics . Tablets Of The Descent Of Ishtar To The Underworld , Tablets Of Nergal And Arishkegal , Tablets Of Adapa , Tablets Of Etana , The Akkadian Tablets And Many More , Cuneiform Was Used As Script As Well A Spoken Language By The Eloheem , And Later From This Language Came The Language Ashuric / Syriac ( Arabic ) And Aramic / Phoenician ( Hebrew ) .

The Enuma Elish '' Means '' When On High , '' The Enuma Elish , Which Is The Babylonian Story Of Creation , Is Named After The First Two Words Of The Narrative Of The Babylonian Book '' Enuchus . '' These Tablets Were Recorded Way Before Aramic / Phoenician ( Hebrew ) Or Ashuric / Syriac ( Arabic ) Even Existed . The Ashuric Language Spelled Asshur Stemmed From Asshu , A Son Of Shem Who Was The Son Of Noah , Just Like Aram ( Genesis 10 ; 21 - 23 ) . Aramic / Phoencian ( Hebrew ) Genesis 10 ; 22 , Asshuric / Syriac ( Arabic ) Genesis 10 ; 22 , Asshur Son Of Shem And Faatin / Aram Son Of Shem And Fattin .

Aramic Comes From A Man Named Aram , The 5Th Son Of Shem As Mentioned In Genesis 10 ; 22 . Aramic ( Hebrew ) Was The Language Of The Aramaeans , The Descendants Of Aram .

Ancestral Lineage Of Aram ; Aram Son Of Genesis 10 ; 22 ... Shem Sons Of Genesis 5 ; 32 ... Noah Son Of Genesis 5 ; 32 .... Lamech Son Of Genesis 5 ; 28 - 29 .....Methusael Son Of Genesis 5 ; 25 ..... Enoch Son Of Genesis 5 ; 21 .... Jared Son Of Genesis 5 ; 18 ..... Mahalaleel Son Of Genesis 5 ; 15 ..... Kenan Son Of Genesis 5 ; 12 ..... Enosh Son Of Genesis 5 ; 9 ..... Seth Son Of Genesis 5 ; 6 ..... Adam Son Of Genesis 5 ; 3 .....

The Country Aram Settled In Was Then Called '' Aram , '' Number 23 ; 7 . The Fact . The Language Was Named After Aram Himself , Proves That He Was A Leader , A Chief , Or A Mighty Man In His Tribe . When A Dialect Evolved , It Usually Was Named After The Most Powerful , Or Outsanding Member Of The Tribe , Or Clan , In This Case It Was Aram . The Name Of The Country Of Aram Appears In The Hebrew Scriptures Psalm 60 ; 1 As Aramnaharaim Meaning '' Aram Of The Two Rivers , '' It Was Called This Because It Was Located Between The Tigris ( Idiglat ) And Euphrates ( Firattu ) Rivers . Where The Atumiy ( Watusies ) Lived . Aram Was Also Called Pdan , Or Paddan - Aram Genesis 28 ; 2 , Meaning '' The Plain ( Flatlands ) '' Of Aram In Genesis 25 ; 20 , And Comes From The Word Paddan Which Means '' A Plateau . '' In The Aramic ( Hebrew ) . It Appears In The Feminine Form As Padana Which Means '' A Plateau , '' All Of The Syrians Are Arameans , Meaning '' The People Are Called Aramaeans '' And They Are Also The Assyrian Nation, But Speaking A Different Dialect . Don't Confuse The Aramaeans , Or Syrians Of The Past With The People Who Reside In These Areas Called Iraq And Syria Today . The Aramic ( Hebrew ) Language Evoled Into Different Dialects And Is Labeled As Ancient , Official , Middle , Late , Eastern And Modern Aramic ( Hebrew ) . However , Ashuric / Syriac ( Arabic ) Was A Late Dialect Of Aramic ( Hebrew ) , Written In A Number Of Flowing Scripts .

You Might Ask . Is Aramic ( Hebrew ) And Ashuric / Syriac ( Arabic ) The Same Language ? What Is Called The Aramic ( Hebrew ) Tongue Is Translated As The Ashuric / Syriac ( Arabic ) Tongue ; And Because These Languages Were The Most Ancient , And They Sounded Similar , They Were Sometimes Thought To Be The Same Language . You Can See That The Languages Aramic ( Hebrew ) And Ashuric / Syriac ( Arabic ) Came From Accadian Also Spelled Akkadian , One Of The Languages Of Sumer Was Also A Form Of Cuneiform . In Aramic ( Hebrew ) Accad , In The Ashuric / Syriac ( Arabic ) , Acaadi Comes From Genesis 10 ; 10 , The Accadian ( Akkadian ) Language , Written In Cuneiform , Was A Semitic Tongue Related To Hebrew , Arabic , And Aramic . The Oldest Accadian ( Akkadian ) Cuneiform Inscriptions Date From The Old Accadian Or Early Accadian Period During The Inscriptions Of The Great Ruler Sargon ( 2334 - 2279 B.C.E. Isaiah 20 ; 11 ) . Excerpts From The Bible Were Extracted From These Tablets Which Help To Prove That The Bible ( Wasn't Divinely Sent By Some All Powerful Loving Deity Who Lives Up In Heaven ) .

Also The Torah Couldn't Originally Have Been Recorded In Ashuric / Syriac ( Arabic ) Or Aramic ( Hebrew ) If The First Time The Languages Were Mentioned Were In Genesis 10 ; 22 . The Gilgamesh Epic Pre-Date The Bible . The Gilgamesh Epic , Is Considered One Of The Greatest Stories Of The Accadian Language . Gilgamesh , Is Said To Be The Fifth King Of Uruk ( Around 2600 B.C.E. ) A City In Mesopotamia In Genesis 10 ; 10 As Erech ( Uruk ) . The Tablets Themselves Are Not Named ; Just The Story On The Tablets . Epic Means '' Stories Or Fables '' . Theologians Call These Writings '' The Gilgamesh Epic '' . Which Is Really The Muniyr Tablets Or Tablets Of Light . Also Known As The Illumination Tablets , Because It Focuses On A King Whose Name Was Gilgamesh ( Iz Dubar ) ; The Name Gilgamesh Is From Cuneiform Or Chaldean , The Great Rules Of The Two Rivers Tigris ( Idglat ) And Euphrates ( Furattau ) Who Was 2 / 3 Eloheem And 1 / 3 Human .

They Also Give More Accurate Accounts Of These Events Concerning The Creation , Thus , The Story On The Tablet Of Gilgamesh , Parallels With The Story Of Noah And The Food . Noah's Real Name Was Utnafishtim And He Was Also Called Ziu Sudra And Kumarbi . In Aramic ( Hebrew ) The Name No - Akh Means '' To Rest Down Upon ( Genesis 8 ; 4 ) Describing What The Ark Itself Did , And If You Read It In The Original Language , It Tells You That It Not Only Floated , But It Also Flew , Or Lifted Up Off Of The Water ; The Word Is Naw - Saw '' To Lift , Bear Up , Lift Up '' When It Landed , And Not The Person Noah , But A Craft , So How Could That Be His Name Before This Yahuwa ( Genesis 7 ; 9 ) Called Him At The Age Of 600 In Genesis 7 ; 6 To Build A Tay - Baw , '' Ark Or Craft , Or A Vessel '' , In Genesis 6 ; 14 , Another Epic Written In Cuneiform Script Is Called The Enuma Elish Which Is The Babylonian Creation Epic , The Story Has Similarities To The Biblical Story Of Creation .
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Missing Book's Why Were They Remove And Where Are They ?

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It is evident that Saul ( Paul , The Self - Appointed Apostle ) did not want to see the other disciples and the true appointed apostles of Saul ( Paul , The Self - Appointed Apostle ) . This appeared to be rather illogical and strange . It would have been normal behavior if he had shown an eagerness to see and meet those who live with Jesus The Messiah ( Pbuh ) and had been taught and trained by him . This evasion was done purposely . While Saul ( Paul , The Self - Appointed Apostle ) resided in the Arabian Desert , he marked out a course of action for himself in which he would not accept any advice or interference .

If he had discussed this matter with the other apostles or had taken any of them into his confidence , it would have meant a definite setback to his scheme of altering the religion to the Gentiles . The apostles would have very strongly opposed the whole idea , and within the New Testament where the disciples and the early followers of Jesus The Messiah ( Pbuh ) frowed on the evil intents and new ideas of Saul ( Paul , The Self - Appointed Apostle ) They were strongly against the influence and the discission made by him Certain men came from Judea and began to teach the brothers , meaning , the lost sheep of the house of Israel ;

Book Of Acts By Luke 15 ; 1 ( Arabic Bible ) And I Quote ; And Certain Men Which Came From Judea Taught The Brethen , And Said , Except Ye Be Circumcised After The Manner Of Moses , Yet Cannot Be Saved .

This obviously caused dissension between Saul ( Paul , The Self - Appointed Apostle ) and Barnabas . They violently disputed because Barnbas was an appointed apostle by the immediate disciples of Jesus The Messiah ( Pbuh ) . It was apparent also that the men from Judea had been sent by James , the head of the church in Jerusalem and the younger brother of Jesus the Messiah ( Pbuh ) . Consequently , a number or representative which included Saul ( Paul , The Self - Appointed Apostle ) Barnabas and others went to Jerusalem to discuss these matters . On their way , these representatives stopped at various places and related in detail the conversion of the Gentiles to the congregations , Through these and other nations were accepting the teaching of Jesus the Messiah ( Pbuh ) .in great numbers .

When the representatives finally reached Jerusalem , the elders of the church received them with great enthusiasm . James , the head of the earliest church in the teachings of Jesus the messiah ( Pbuh ) had called a meeting of the elders of the church to discuss the changes made by Saul ( Paul , The Self - Appointed Apostle ) and his companions . We must remember that in this congregation , though the elders and the disciples living in Jerusalem were in the majority , they found themselves utterly helpless before the rage of fiery speeches and arguments of Saul ( Paul , The Self - Appointed Apostle ) and his companions . Most of the apostles and disciples of Jesus the messiah ( Pbuh ) were from poor families and , therefore , illiterate or taughter very little .

They were no match to Saul ( Paul , The Self - Appointed Apostle ) and his companions who belonged to the upper class of society and were highly educated . Saul ( Paul , The Self - Appointed Apostle ) , and outspeken man , was not only a man of great influence , but a gifted speaker and skilled debator . He also had the support of clever companions . Through tactful handling and ingerious reasoning , they gained the sympathy of their listeners and won their admiration . It was in such an atmosphere that James the brother of Jesus the messiah ( Pbuh ) had to give his ruling . He had to show sound judgement . He stood up and said ;

Book Of Acts By Luke ( Arabic Bible ) 15 ; 19 - 21

Therefore My Sentence Is , That We Trouble Not Them , Which From Among The Gentiles Are Turned To Allah ; But That We Write Unto Them , That They Abstain From Pollutions Of Idols , And From Fornication , And From Things Stragled , And From Blood . For Moses Of Old Time Hath In Every City Them That . Preached Him , Being Read In The Synogogues Every Sabbath Day ,

The above quote proves that James , the brother of Jesus the messiah ( Pbuh ) yeilded to the general decision and granted a limited provilege in respect of circumcision to the Gentiles only . This ruling was not a charter of general liberties with the law of Moses ( Pbuh ) on the contrary , he advised the law of Moses ( Pbuh ) which was being read and explained in all the synagogues every week . The details of the law could easily be learned there . But Saul ( Paul , The Self - Appointed Apostle ) , And his companions took all sorts of liberties , Adopting the role of a law-giving prophet , he cancelled the laws by his own authority .

Book Of Romans By Paul ( Arabic Bible ) 4 ; 15

'' Because The Law Worketh Wrath ; For Where No Law Is . There Is No Transgession .

The above quote proves that James , the brother of Jesus the messiah ( Pbuh ) yoelded to the general decision and grated a limited privilege in respect of circumision to the Gentiles only . This ruling was not a charter of general liberties with the law of Moses ( Pbuh ) on the contrary , he advised the law of Moses ( Pbuh ) which was being read and explained in all the synagogues every week . The details of the law could easily be learned there , But Saul ( Paul , The Self - Appointed Apostle ) and his companions took all sorts of liberties . Adopting the role of a law-giveing Prophet , He cancelled the laws by his own authority .

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Missing Book's Why Were They Remove And Where Are They ?

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Torah ( 5 Books Of Moses Arabic Bible ) 20 ; 3

'' Thou Shalt Have No Other Deities ( Gods ) Before Me ''

The Christian church believe in two more gods beside the Creator of the Universes . Saul ( Paul

, The Self - Appointed Apostle ) had to incorporate the idea of the '' Trinity '' into his teaching as all the known Religions of his time believed in Three gods . The Cult of '' Trinity '' outside of the true way of life as taught by Jesus The Messiah ( Pbuh ) was an established fact . The oldest known cult was the one started by Nimrod , the son of Cush . He married his own mother Semirmis . Thus , it was Nimrod who was probably the first human being on the face of the Earth to be deified along with his Mother - Wife Queen Semiramis . His transgressive act of marrying his own Mother was made into a mystery as he was the Husban and the Son of his own Wife . The name of Nimrod means ; Nimrod , the mighty hunter , died young and his Mother -Wife Semiramis was accepted as the head of this new cult and she made it known that Nimrod had supposedly survived as a Spirit .

A full grown tree had sprung up overnight from the trunk of an old dried tree in front of her place . This is where the Spirit of Nimrod was supposed to be . This she claimed was the symbol of sprining forth into new life of the dead Nimrod . Her status was later raised to the '' Queen of Heaven '' . Nimrod also , therefore , became the '' Divine Son Of Heaven '' as he was also supposed to be the Son of Baal , the Sun - god . Thus , the '' Mother and Child '' concept became a chief object of worship . From Babylon this worship spread to other places , but the names varied in different countries . It was in Babylon that the idea of '' Trinity ' first appeared . This Trinity consisted of Baal , the Sun - god as father , Semiramis , the Queen Mother and Nimrod , the divine Child . A day was set aside to rejoice over and to celebrate the re-birth of the young god ( Nimrod ) . As true imitators , the Christians . The word '' Christmas '' means '' Mass Of Christ '' or as it came to be shortened ; '' Christ - Mass '' . This chif custom of Babylonian systems is denounced throughout the Scriptures , its prophecies , and teaching .

Prophet Isaiah 21 ; 9 ( In Arabic Bible )

'' And , Behold , Here Cometh A Chariot Of Men , With A Couple Of Horsemen , And He Answered And Said , Babylon Is Fallen , Is Fallen ; And All The Graven Image Of Her ( Dieties - Gods ) He Hath Broken Unto The Ground .

The Day Which Was Chosen To Be Celebrated Was December 25 , They Called It Christmas . This Was Not The Birthday Of Jesus The Messiah ( Pbuh ) , His Birthday Was Revealed To The Prophet Daniel ( Pbuh ) , By The Angel Gabriel ( Sra ) .

Prophet Daniel 9 ; 24 - 25 ( In Arabic Bible ) .

'' Seventy Weeks Are Determined Upon Thy People And Upon Thy Holy City , To Finish The Transgreeion , And To Make An End Of Sin , And To Make Reconcillation For Iniquity , And To Bring In Everlasting Righteousness , And To Seal Up The Vision And Prophecy , And To Anoint The Most Holy . Know Therefore And Understand , That From The Going Forth Of The Commandment To Restore And To Build Jerusalem Unto The Messiah The Prince Shall Be Seven Weeks , And Threescore And Two Weeks ; The Street Shall Be Built Again , And The Wall , Even In Troublous Times .

This prophecy was revealed to Damiel ( Pbuh ) , because he was asking forgiveness for the children of Israel . The seven weeks , threescore and two weeks amount to sixty-nine weeks , These are weeks of years , and according to Biblical calculation , It amounts to four hundred and eighty three years ( 69 x 7 = 483 ) , This was the duration of the period between the order to rebuild Jerusalem and the coming of the Messiah ( Pbuh ) . Jesus the Messiah ( Pbuh ) was anointed the Messiah when he was thirty years old , By then , the four hundred and eighty-three years were up and Daniel's ( Pbuh ) prophecy had been fulfilled . The worship of '' Mother and Child '' contiuned during the time of Jesus the Messiah ( Pbuh ) . In Western Asia , the god Attis was worshipped as the child or miracle , born to a virgin mother Nana . He was a shepherd and the beloved of cybele , the mother of gods . Some held that Attis was her son . He was killed in the prime of his life by a wild bear . Some others say that he castrated himself under a pine tree and bled to death .

A similar story is told about Cybele and veoius , or maybe Attis who was also known as Deoius . In Egypt , we have again the same belief with a change of names . There Isis and Osiris were worshipped as '' Mother and Child . According to the myth . Osiris was an offspring of an intrigue between the earth - god and the sky - god , her name was '' Dess Nut ' . Her husband the sun - god '' Raa '' , laid a curse that she should be delivered of child in no month and no year of the calendar . But her lover Toth had a game of draughters , he won from the moon a seventy - second part of each day . These were added to the Egyptian year of 360 days . On the first of these five days was born Osiris ; on the second day Horus ; Set was born on the third day ; goddess Isis on the fourth day and the goddess Nephthys on the fifth . Set married his sister Nephthys and Isis was married to Osiris .

In ancient art , Isis is also known suckling the infant Horus and in the annual gestival her image as '' Mother of God ' was taken out with great show . In these processions are shown scarcely dressed and shaven priests ; homage and devotion is expressed by them and the common man , the accpmpanying music and jewelled images of the 'Mother of God '' having a striking resemblance to the shows and ceremonies of the Catholic church . This resemblance is in no way accidental . It is a historial fact that Rome borrowed many things from the Egyptians . In Rome , the ''Mother of God ' deities are known as fortuna and Jupiterpuer in Greece , Demeter and Dionysus and in other countries such as India , Tibet , and China , counterparts of Madona the Catholic 'Mother of God ' Can easily be found . The '' Mother and Child '' concept was only an off - shoot of the belief in the '' Trinity '' . During his contemplations in the Arabian desert , Saul ( Paul , The Self - Appointed Apostle )was forced to realize that if he wanted quick results , he must asjust his views according to the popular concepts of the Gentile race . It was this statement that he based his future plans and actions . As he was found preaching to the house of Israel totally fruitless , he concentrated his energies in and diverted his attention wholly to the Gentile race . His eggorths were rewarding . They were indeed attracted to his new faith . It has already been stated that Saul ( Paul , The Self - Appointed Apostle ) started by revoking the law of circumcision as this was the foremost stumbling block for the Gentiles . This he removed by saying ; '' true '' righteousness did not rest merely on removing the foreskin , but rather , it rested on faith '' , He argued that Abraham ( Pbuh ) was already righteous when he was commanded to undergo circumcision .

Book Of Romans 4 ; 11 ( Arabic Bible )

And he received the sign of circumcision , A seal of righteousness of the faith which he had yet being uncircumcised ; That he might be the father of all them that believe , Though they be not circumcised ; That righteousness might be imputed unto them slso .

When the elders at Jerusalem learned about the forward advancements of Saul ( Paul , The Self - Appointed Apostle ) , they tried to undo the damage and James ( the brother of Jesus the Messiah ( Pbuh ) wrote to the new congregations ;

Book Of James ( Arabic Bible ) By Simeon Peter 2 ; 14 - 22

What doth it profit , by brethren , though a man say he hath Faith and have not Works ? can faith Save Him ? ( 15 ) . If a brother or sister be naked and destitute of daily food , ( 16 ) . And one of you say unto them , Depart in Peace , be ye warmed and filled ; notwithstanding ye give them not those things which are needful to the body ; what doth it profit ? ( 17 ) . Even so faith , if it hath not works , is Dead , being alone . ( 18 ) . Yea , aq man may say , Thou hast faith , and I have Works ; show me thy faith without thy Works , and I will show thee my faith by my Works .

( 19 ) . The Believe that there is one God thou doest well ; the Devils also believe , and tremble .

( 20 ) . But wilt thou know , O Vain man , that faith without Works is Dead ? ( 21 ) . Was not Abraham our father Justified by Works , when he had offered Isaac his son upon the altar ? ( 22 ) . See thou how faith wrought with his Works , and by Works Was faith Made Perfect ?

Book Of Romans ( Arabic Bible ) By Paul 4 ; 15

'' Because the law worketh wrath ; For where no law is . There is no transgression .

Having rid himself of the matter of law for good to his satisfaction and the satisfaction to the '' trinity '' of the pagans . This was a very strong and important part of paganism . This gave him the opportunity to have them believe in a god who was young and handsome and was supposed to have died or mutilated himselg for the sake of mankind . These young gods were invariably supposend to be the offsprings of the ruling supreme god . . Saul ( Paul , The Self - Appointed Apostle ) pondered over the matter , and found a solution in the historical fact the Jesus the Messiah ( Pbuh ) had been put on the cross . Judahits and other who believed the crucifixion and that later his body was reported not to have been found in the grave , were now all made to wonder about Jesus the Messiah's ( Pbuh ) death . This mysterious disappearance of Jesus the Messiah's ( Pbuh ) could certainly be put to an advantageous purpose . Moreover , it was commonly known that Jesus the Messiah's ( Pbuh ) was born of a virgin mother though many were skeptical about it .

Saul ( Paul , The Self - Appointed Apostle ) turned all these ideas to his own advantage and premeditated the theory of sonship . As the Gentiles were used to or were in the habit of worshipping a number of dieties out of which three were held more important . Saul ( Paul , The Self - Appointed Apostle ) provided three deities , i .e. God the Father , God the Son , and God the Holy Ghost . This new religion of Saul ( Paul , The Self - Appointed Apostle ) had very little resemblance to the teaching of Jesus the Messiah's ( Pbuh ) and the religion of Moses ( Pbuh ) and the religion about which Jesus the Messiah's ( Pbuh ) had again and again declared that ;

Book Of Luke By Matthew 16 ; 17 ( Arabic Bible )

''And it is easier for Heaven and Earth to pass , That one tittle of a law to fail .

It is evident that Saul ( Paul , The Self - Appointed Apostle ) did succeed in bring the Gentiles into the fold of the religion conceived and devised by him , Though he preached in the name of Jesus the Messiah's ( Pbuh ) , his gospel was at complete variance with the teaching of Jesus the Messiah's ( Pbuh ). This is why James ( brother of Jesus the Messiah's ( Pbuh ) the head of the church considered Saul ( Paul , The Self - Appointed Apostle ) nothing better than a renegade and a polluted person . James ( brother of Jesus the Messiah's ( Pbuh ) advised Saul ( Paul , The Self - Appointed Apostle ) to go and cleanse himself according to the law of Moses ( Pbuh ) .

Book Of Acts By Luke 21 ; 22 - 24 ( Arabic Bible )

''What is it therefore ? The multitude must need come together ; For they will hear that thou art come . Do therefore this that we say to thee ; We have four men which have a vow on them ; Then take , And purify thyself with them , And be at changes with them . That they may shave their heads ; And all may know that those things , Whereof they were informed concerning thee . And nothing ; But that thou thyself also walketh orderly . And keepest the law .

Saul ( Paul , The Self - Appointed Apostle ) no doubt did achieve tremendous success among the Gentiles though he planned deviations from the teachings of Jesus the Messiah's ( Pbuh ) . Yet , the true church under James ( brother of Jesus the Messiah's ( Pbuh ), and Barnabas remained firm and loyal though '' The Rock of the Church '' - showed feet of clay and wavered and seldom knew his own mind , James and his fellow elder refused to budge from the original teachings of their master . They steadfastly continued to teach what they had learned directly from Jesus the Messiah's ( Pbuh ), and paid no heed to the vision that led to the darkess of pagan idolatry . Evidence of the conflict between James and his companions on the one side and Saul ( Paul , The Self - Appointed Apostle ) and his associates on the other , can be found in the New Testament even though the New Testament books strongly suppory Saul ( Paul , The Self - Appointed Apostle ) . In fact , the New Testament , as it is now , consists mostly of Saul ( Paul , The Self - Appointed Apostle ) own writings ( 13 books in all ) and the remaining books support ideas introduced by him .
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Missing Book's Why Were They Remove And Where Are They ?

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In these last years , a virgin called Maryam, of the lineage of David , of the tribe of Judah , was visited by the angel Gabriel from God ,

Book of Luke by Matthew 1 ; 27 ;...

The virgin living in all holiness without offense or blame abided with prayer and fasting , One day as she was alone , the angel Gabriel entered her chamber saluted her and said , Father be with thee , O Mary .

Book of Luke by Matthew 1; 27 ;.... Matthew 1 ; 23 ;..The virgin was frightened at the appearance of the angel , HowEver the angel comforted her and said , Fear not Mary , for thou hast found favor with God , He hasth chosen thee to be mother of an apostle whom , He will send to the people of Israel so , Book of Luke By Matthew 1 ; 29 - 30 ;...they may walk in His laws with truth of heart . The virgin answered , '' Nowhow shall I bring forth sons , as I have not known a man ? The angel answered , O Mary God who made man without a man is able to generate in thee what he wills for with Him nothing is impossible ;.... Book of Luke 1 ; 34 Mary answered , I know that God is Almighty , therefore , His will bedone The angel answered , Now be conceived in thee the apostle whom thou shall name , Yashua . Thou shalt keep him , ;.... Book of Luke 2 ; 21 ;.Book Of Matthew 1 ; 21 ;from intoxicants and from strong drinks and from every Unclean meat

( Pork ) because the child is a holy one of God , Mary prostrated herslfe with humility , saying '' Behold , the handmaid of God , be it done according to thy word The angel departed , and the virgin Glorified God saying , '' KnowO my soul the greatness of God , and exalt my spirit in God my Saviour , for He hath regananded the lowliness of His handmaiden so that I shall be called blessed by all the nations . He that is mighty hath made me great and blessed be his holy name Book of Luke by Matthew 1 ; 46 , 1; 49 , 1 ; 28 ;... For His mercy extends from generation to generation of those who fear Him . He hath made His hand mighty and He hath scattered the proud in the imagination of His heart . ( Book of Luke by Matthew 1 ; 50 - 51 ;.... He hath not put down the mighty from their seat , and hath exalted the humble , Him who hath been hungry hath , He filled with good things , and the rich He hath sent away empty Book of Luke by Matthew 1 ; 52 - 53 ) ;...For He keeps in Memory the promises Made To Abraham and to his son forever . ( Book of Luke 1 ; 54 - 55 )
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Missing Book's Why Were They Remove And Where Are They ?

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Mary having known the will of God , feared that the peoplewould take offense at her being great with childand stoneher as being guilty of fornication , Therefore , shepreferred a companion of her own lineage , a man by thename of Joseph of blameless life was chosen ; for he as a righteous man feared God and served him with fastings andprayers , living by the words of hishands , for hewas a carpenter , Such a man , the virgin knowing was chosen for her companion and she revealed to him the divine counsel . When Joseph , a righteous man perceived that Mary was great with child , he thought to put her away because he fear God. Behold , while he slept , he was rebuked by the angel of God , saying , O Joseph , why do you want to out Mary your wife away ? Know that WhatSoEver has been Wrought in her has all been doneby the will of God , Thevirgin Shall Bring Forth a son ( Book of Matthew 1 ; 20 ) ;.. whom you shall call by the name Yashua . You shall keep him from intoxicants and strong drinks and from every Unclean Meat ( Pork ) because from his mother's womb , he is a holy one of God . He isan apostle of Godwent unto thepeople of Israel so he may convert Judah to his heart , and Israel may walk in the law of the Sustainer , as it is written in thelaw of Mose . Heshall come with great power which shall be given unto him by God . He shall work great miracles , Whereby many shall be Saved Joseph arising from sleep gave thanks to God . And as he lived with Mary all of his life , he served God with all sincerity ( Book of Matthew 1 ; 24 )

Chapter Three

At that time, Herod reigned in Judea by the decree of Caesar August , and Pilate was governor in the priest - hood of Annas Caiaphas ( Book of Luke by Matthew 3 ; 1 - 2 ) ;... Wherefore , by decree of August , all of the world was enrolled . Wherefore each one went to his own county , and they presented themselves by their own tribes to be enrolled ( Book of Luke Matthew 2 ; 1, 3 ) .. Joseph departed accordingly from Nazareth , a city of Galilee , with hiswife Mary who was great with child. They went to Bethlehem ( for it was this city he being of the lineage of David ) in order that hemight be enrolled according to the decree of Caesar ( Book of Luke by Matthew 2 ; 4 - 5 ) ;.. When Joseph arrived at Bethlehem , a small city , in it a great multitude of strangers , he found no place , Whereforehe took lodging outside the city in a lodging made for a shepherd's shelter . While Joseph dwelled there , the days were fulfilled for Mary to bring forth .

Book of Luke by Matthew 2 ; 6 ) ;... The virgin who was surrounded by an exceedingly bright light , brought forth her son . She carried him in her arms wrapped in swaddling - clothes . She laid him in themanger , because therewas no room inside the Inn . The came with gladness a great multitude of angels to the Inn blessings of God , and announcing peace to those who fear God .Mary and Joseph thanked God for the birth of Yashua , and with the greatest joy rurtured him . ( Book of Luke by Matthew2 ; 13 - 14 )
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Missing Book's Why Were They Remove And Where Are They ?

Post by Daniyal »

At that time the shepherds were watching over their flock , as isthe custom ( Book of Luke by Matthew 2 ; 8 ) .. And behold they were surrounded by an exceedingly bright light , out of which appeared to them an angel , who bless God , The shepherds were filled with fear by reason of the sudden light and the appearance of theangel ( Book of Luke by Matthew 2 ; 9 ) . Whereupon the angel of the Sistainer comforted them , saying behold , I annaunce to you a great joy , for there is born in the the city of David a child who isan apostle of the Sustainer , who brings great Saluation to the house of Israel . The child Ye shall find in the manger , with his mother , who blesses God , ( Book of Luke by Matthew 2 ; 10 - 12 )

And When he had said this, there came a great mulittude of angels blessing God , announcing peace to them that have good will . When the angels were departed the shepherds spoke among themselves . Saying . Let us go even unto Bethlehem and see the Word which God , by Hisangel has announced to us . ( Book of Luke by Matthew 2 ; 13 - 15 ).. Many shepherds came to Bethlehem seeking the new born babe . They foundoutside the city the child who was born according to the word of the angel lying in the manger . They therefore made obeisance to him , and gave to the mother that which ( Book of Luke by Matthew 2 ; 18 ) . they had . They announced to her what they had heard and seen . Mary thereforekept all these things in her heart , and Joseph likewise giving thanks to God . The shepherds returned to their flock , and announced to everyone how great a thing they had seen . ( Book of Luke by Matthew 2; 17 - 20 ) . And so the whole hill country of Judea Was Filled with fear . Every man lain up this word in hisheart saying '' What do we think this child shall be .

Chapter Five .

When the eight days were fulfilled according to the law of the Sustainer , as Written in the book of Moses , they took the child and carried him to the Temple to Circancise him . And so they circumcised the child and gave him the name Yashua , as the angel of the Sustainer had said before he was conceived in the womb , Mary and Joseph perceived that the child came from the Salvation And ruin of many ( Book of Luke Matthew 2 ; 21 )

Wherefore they feared God . and kept the child with fear of God .

Chapter 6

During The reign of Herod , King of Judea , three magi in the parts of the east were observing the Stars of heaven When Yashua Was Born ( Book of Matthew 2 ; 1 ) .. At that time there appearred to them a star of great brightness . That moment they concluded among themselves they came to Judea guided by the star which went before them . Having arrived at Jerusalem they asked where was the King of Judah born . And when Herod heard this , he was frightened and all the city was troubled . Herod therefore called together the priests and the scribes , saying . Where should the Messiah be born ( Book of Matthew 2 ; 3 - 4 ) . They answered that he should be born in Bethlehem ; for thus it is written by the Prophet And thou Bethlehem , art not little among the princes of Juda , For out of thee shall come forth a leader who shall lead my people , Israel

( Book of Matthew 2 ; 5 - 6 ) . Herod accordingly called together the magi andasked them concerning their coming , They answered that they had seen a Star In The East , which had guided them there wherefore they wished with gifts to worship this new king ,manifested by his star .

( Book of Matthew 2 ; 7 ) Then said Herod '' Go to Bethlehem and Search out the child with all Diligence . And when Ye have found him , come and tell me , for I too shall come and worship him

Chapter Seven

The magi therefore departed out of Jerusalem , and Lo , the star which appeared to them in the East , went before them , Upon seeing the star , the magi were filled with gladness . And so having come to Bethlehem outside the city , they saw the star standing still above the Inn where Yashua was born ( Book of 2 ; 9 - 10 ) . The magi therefore went forth . And upon entering the dwelling , they found the childwith his mother . They then bent down making obeisauce to him , ( Book of Matthew 2 ; 11 ) And the magi presented unto him spices with silver and gold, recounting to the virgin all that they seen , Whereupon , while sleepy . they were warned by the angel not to return to Herod , So departing by another way

They returned to their own home , announcing all that they had seen in Judea . ( Book of Matthew 2 ; 12 ) .

Chapter Eight

Herod , seeing that the magi did not return , believed himself mocked of them . Whereupon hewas determined to kill thechild that was born ..

( Book of Matter 2 ; 16 ) .. But behold , while Joseph was sleeping , there appeared to him the angel of the Sustainer , saying ; Arise quickly and take the child with his mother and go for Herod willeth to slay him . ( Book of Matthew 2 ; 13 ) . Joseph arose with great fear . Hetook Maryam with the child , and went into There they dwelled until the death of Herod , who believeing himself derided of the magi , sent hissolders to slay all the new- born children in Bethlehem ( Book of Matthew 2 ; 14 - 16 ) . The soldiers came and slew all the children there , as Herod had commanded them . The words of the prophet were fulfilled saying '' Lamentation and great weeping are there in Ramah ; Rachel . Lamented for her sons but consolation isnot given her becausethey are not . ( Book of Matthew 2 ; 17 - 18 )
Never Argue With An Idiot. They Drag You Down To Their Level Then Beat You With Experience.

When An Elder Passes On To Higher Life , Its Like One Of The Library Have Shut Down

To Desire Security Is A Sign Of Insecurity .

It's Not The Things One Knows That Get Him Or Her In Trouble , Its The Things One Knows That Just Isn't So That Get Them In Trouble

When you can control a man's thinking you don't have to worry about his action ...:driving:
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Missing Book's Why Were They Remove And Where Are They ?

Post by Daniyal »

When Herod was dead , behold the angel of the Sustainer appeared to Joseph in a dream saying '' Return in Judea for he is dead who wished the death of the child . , Joseph therefore took Maryan and the child ( who was seven years old ) to Judea . Hearing that Archelaus , son of

( Book of Matthew 2 ; 20 ) . Herod , was reigning in Judea , he went into Galilee , fearing to remain in Judea And they went to dwell at Nazareth . The child grew in grace and wisdom before God and before men . ( Book of Matthew 2 ; 22 - 23 ; 2;40 ) Yashua , having come to the age of twelve years , went up with Maryam and Joseph to Jerusalem , to worship there according to the law of the Sustainer written in the book of Moses .

When their prayers were ended they departed and missed Yashua , Because they thought that he returned home with their kinsfolk ( Book of Luke by Matthew 2 ; 42 - 43 ) ... Maryam therefore returned with Joseph to Jerusalem , seeking Yashua amongst kinsfolk and neighbors , On the third day , they found the child in the temple , in the midst of the Doctors , Disputing with them about the law ( Book of Luke by Matthew 2; 45 - 46 )

And everyone was amazed at his Question and answer , saying Howcan there be such doctrine in him seeing heis so small and has not learned to read ? Maryam reproved him , saying , Son What hast thou done to us ?

( Book of Luke by Matthew 2 ; 47 - 48 ) Behold , I and thy father have sought thee for three days , sorrowing . Yashua answered ; Know Ye not that theservice of God ought to come before father and mother ? ( Book of Luke by Matthew 2 ; 48 - 49 ) Yashua Then Went Down with his mother and Joseph to Nazareth andwas subject to them with humility and

reverence ( Book of by Luke by Matthew 2 ; 51)

Chapter Ten

Yashua , having come to the age of thrirty years ( as he himself said to me ) went up to Mount Olives with his mother to gather olives . Then at midday as hewas praying when he came to these words; Sustainer with mercy he was surrounded by an exceedingly bright light and by an infinite multitude of angels , who were saying Blessed be God . The angel Gabriel presented to him as if it was a shining mirror , a book , which descended into the heart of Yashua , from it he had knowledge of what God had done and said , and what God willed . Everything was laid bare and open to him , as he said unto me '' Believe , Barnabas , that I know every prophet with every prophecy , andthat whatever I say , the whole hath come forth from that

book . Yashua , having received this vision and knowing that he was apostle sent to the house of Israel , revealed all to Maryam his mother , telling her that he must suffer great persecution for the honour of God , and that he could not any longer abide with her to save her , Whereupon , having heard this Maryam answered '' Son , before you were born all was announced to me ; Wherefore blessed by the holy name of God , Yashua departed thereforethat day from hismother to attendto his apostolic office

Chapter Eleven

Upon descending from the mountain to come into Jerusalm , Yashua met a leper who by divine inspiration knewYashua to be a prophet . therefore with tears he prayed to him , saying , Yashua thou son of David have mercy on me . Yashua , answered ; What do you brother , want me to do to you , The leper answered ; Lord , give me health , Yashua , reproved him , saying '' You are foolish , Pray to God who created thee , and He will give thee health , for I am a man , as you are . The

leper answered ; I know that you , Master , are a man , but a holy one of the Sustainer . Wherefore pray to God , and He will give me health . Then Yashua , sighing , said ; Sustainer , God Almighty , For the love of the holy Prophet give health to this sick man , Then having said this , he said touching the sick man with his hands in the name of God , And when he had said this , the leprosy was cleansed from the flesh of the leper , to the degree that the flesh that remained was like that of a

child . And when the leper saw that he was healed , he cried out with a loud voice , Come hither Israel to receive the prophet whom God Sends To You . Yashua prayerd to him saying , Brother , hold thy peace and say nothing , But the more he prayed to him , the more he cried out , saying '' Behold the prophet behold the holy one of God , Upon hearing these words , many that were leaving Jerusalem ran back . They then entered With Yashua into Jerusalem , recounting that which God through Yashua had done unto the leper

Chapter Twelve

The whole city of Jerusalem was moved by these words , For that reason , They all ran together to the temple to see Yashua , Who had entered therein to pray . They could not be contained there , for there was not enought room for all of them to fit inside the temple . Therefore the priest sought Yashua , saying , These people desire to see you and hear you , therefore ascend to the pinnacle . If God gives you a word speak it in the nameof the

Sustainer . Then Yashua ascended to the place where the scribes used to speak . And having beckoned with the hand for silence , he opened his mouth saying , Blessed be the holy name of God . Who of his goodness and mercy willed to create his creatures that they might glorify him , Blessed be the holy name of God . It is he who created the splendour of all the saints and prophets before all things . He sent him for the sake of the salvation of the

world , as was spoken by His servant David , , saying , Before Lucifer , in the brightness of the saints I Created thee . Blessed be the holy name of God . Who created the angels that they might serve him , And blessed be God , who punished and reprobated Satan and his followers , who would not give revernce to whom God willed to receive reverence . Blessed be the holy name of God who created man out of Black Mud of the Earth , and place him over

His Works . Blessed be the holy name of God who drove man out of Paradise for having Disobeyed His Holy Command . Bledd be the hold name of God Who with mercy looked upon the tears of Adam and Eve , The First Parents Of The Human Race . Blessed be the holy name of God Who justly punished Cain The One Who killed his own brother , God sent the flood upon the Earth , burned up three wicked cities , caused great affliction upon .

Egypt , overwhelmed Pharoah in the Red Sea , scattered the enemies of his people , chastised the Cover Of Truth and punished the ones not repentive . Blessed be the holy name of God , Who with mercy looked upon His creatures and therefore sent them His holy prophetsthat they might walk in truth and Righteousness before Him . He God delivered His

servants from every evil , and gave them this land , as he promised to our father Abraham and to his son forever . Then by his servant Moses he gave us His Holy Law , that Satan should not deceive us ; and He exalted us above all other people . But brethren , what do we today that we be not pusished for our sins ? And then Yashua with greatest Whemence rebuked the people , for they had forgotten theword of God , and gave themselves only to vanity .

He rebuked the priests for their negligence in God service , and for their worldly greed . He rebuked the scribes because they preached vain doctrine , and forsook the laws of God , He rebuked the soctors because they made the law of God of no effect through their traditions . And in such a way did Yashua speak to the people . All of them wept from the least to the greatest , crying mercy , and beseeching Yashua that hewould pray for them ;

save only their priests and leaders , who on that day Conceived Hatred against Yashua for having thus spken against the priests scribes and doctors . And they meditated upon his death , but for fear of the people who had received him as a prophet of God , they spake no word . Yashua raised his hand to the Sustainer God and prayed , and the people weeping said , So be it , O Sustainer , so be it And when the prayer ended . Yashua , descended from the temple ; and that day he departed from Jerusalem , with many who followed him

Chapter Thirteen

After some days had passed Yashua , in spirit perceived the desire of the priest and ascended the Mount of Olives To pray ( Book of Matthew 26 ; 59 27 ; 1 ) And having passed the whole night in prayer , in themorning Yashua prayed saying '' O Sustainer , I know that the scribes hate me , and the priests are minded to kill me , Thy servant ; Therefore , Sustainer God , Almighty and Merciful , in mercy hear the prayers of the servant , and save me . from their snares ; for thou are my salvation , You know O Sustainer , that I your servant , seek thee alone , O Sustainer , I speak thy word , for thy word is truth which endures forever . ( Book of Matthew 26 ; 39 ) . When Yashua had spoken these words , behold there came to him the angel Gabriel , saying '' Fear not , O Yashua , for a thousand , thousand who dwell above the heaven guard thy garments . Thou shalt not die till everything be fulfilled and the world shall be near its end . Yashua fell with his faceto the ground , saying '' O Great Sustainer , God , how great is thy mercy upon me and what shall I Give Thee , Sustainer for all that thiu has granted me ? The angel Gabriel answered Arise , Yashua and remember Abraham , who was willing to make sacrifice to God of his only begotten son Isaac , to fulfill the word of God . Thus the knife was not able to cut his son ; at my word a sheep was offered as the sacrifice . Even so , Therefore shalt thou do O Yashua , servant of God . Yashua answered , I am willing But where shall I Find the lamb , as I have no money , and it is not lawful to steal it . Thereupon the angel Gabriel showed unto him a sheep which Yashua offered in sacrifice praising and blessing God , Who is glorious forever .

The Nubiab Islaamic Hebrews

Ansaaru Allah Community

As Sayyid Al Imaam Isa Al Haadi

Al Mahdi Edition # 148

To Be CONTINUE In Next Post
Never Argue With An Idiot. They Drag You Down To Their Level Then Beat You With Experience.

When An Elder Passes On To Higher Life , Its Like One Of The Library Have Shut Down

To Desire Security Is A Sign Of Insecurity .

It's Not The Things One Knows That Get Him Or Her In Trouble , Its The Things One Knows That Just Isn't So That Get Them In Trouble

When you can control a man's thinking you don't have to worry about his action ...:driving:
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