George Starostin

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George Starostin

Post by spot »

It's just possible perhaps that maybe someone on FG hasn't yet come across George Starostin's music reviews. Anyone in that position should remedy it immediately.

I've spent years dropping in for an hour or two to read his reviews. I often disagree with him. I cannot imagine how he ever managed to produce such an astounding, influential and systematic site as this. This is, you'd think, a life's work but no, it's a sideline. The man has a world-class vocation which swamps the music part.

I'm in total awe. What's more, I'd like to express my thanks for what it's shown me, explained to me, made me think about and led me to listen to. It's not just me either. My daughter learned what music was about by using the site.

I have to point to something so here's one page - Tangerine Dream - about one of my favourite groups. Notice how his taste differs from mine just in that single comment, and how irrelevant that is. Part of what I find most readable and useful about his opinion is the passion with which he expresses himself.
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When flower power came along I stood for Human Rights, marched around for peace and freedom, had some nooky every night - we took it serious.
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