friends children

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friends children

Post by birdseed »

I have a friend who asked me to watch her children. They are older, 13 and 10 year old girls. I was happy to help a friend. I had them playing outside while I was making lunch for them and they were playing with my children who are younger than them.

After they had left, I discovered that they got into items I had in storage, all boxed up-and they had broken things. They were things that my children were too young to drag out (heavy) and packed too far away-in my garage-for my chldren to even reach. They went through things, left things strewn about and broken. so much damage, and they were only playing long enough for me to put together a lunch. My first feeling was rage. After that, I blamed myself for trusting that a 13 yea old would not go through packed away boxes. They tore the gutter downspouts from the back of my house and were hitting things with them-now they are dented.

I had them play outside because this has been an issue with them breaking things inside my house before. They are rough with my childrens toys and have broken and destroyed things in my house.

I had some new items I had just purchased and they went through the bags and tore off tags and broke one of the items in half. last summer, they found a cardboard box and tore it into hundreds pieces and put them in my swimming pool-it clogged and broke the filter.

I told their mother about all these things when they happened and her response is "I will talk to them." They are not instructed to apologize to me, she has never offered to replace things and she has not followed through with discipline for them.

I really enjoy my friend. But NOT her kids. What does that leave me with..."Let's get together--but your kids are not invited?"

FYI--the kids are not left to do whatever they want--it is like they can destroy things in a matter of minutes!

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friends children

Post by Peg »

The next time she wants you to watch them, offer to do it at HER house.
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friends children

Post by spot »

Surely once you describe to the friend what happened there's no possibility they'll ever be allowed within a mile of you again.
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friends children

Post by Oscar Namechange »

birdseed;1192631 wrote: I have a friend who asked me to watch her children. They are older, 13 and 10 year old girls. I was happy to help a friend. I had them playing outside while I was making lunch for them and they were playing with my children who are younger than them.

After they had left, I discovered that they got into items I had in storage, all boxed up-and they had broken things. They were things that my children were too young to drag out (heavy) and packed too far away-in my garage-for my chldren to even reach. They went through things, left things strewn about and broken. so much damage, and they were only playing long enough for me to put together a lunch. My first feeling was rage. After that, I blamed myself for trusting that a 13 yea old would not go through packed away boxes. They tore the gutter downspouts from the back of my house and were hitting things with them-now they are dented.

I had them play outside because this has been an issue with them breaking things inside my house before. They are rough with my childrens toys and have broken and destroyed things in my house.

I had some new items I had just purchased and they went through the bags and tore off tags and broke one of the items in half. last summer, they found a cardboard box and tore it into hundreds pieces and put them in my swimming pool-it clogged and broke the filter.

I told their mother about all these things when they happened and her response is "I will talk to them." They are not instructed to apologize to me, she has never offered to replace things and she has not followed through with discipline for them.

I really enjoy my friend. But NOT her kids. What does that leave me with..."Let's get together--but your kids are not invited?"

FYI--the kids are not left to do whatever they want--it is like they can destroy things in a matter of minutes!

:-5 I feel for you as due to circumstances i have had my sister children here alot of late. My sister in her own home with her children is very laid back with the kids over things like this. For example, they all go into each others bedrooms and recently one of the older girls found all her cd's scratched and strewn over the floor.

When they come to my home, they are given ground rules about what room they can go in and what room they can't. You have to explain that different people have different rules in their homes and what may apply for them at home, does not always apply in some-one elses home. Very young children need that explained to them and if the mother doesn't do it, then you must and infront of their mother so she knows where you stand as well. Tell her straight that you find it unacceptable for her children to go through your belongings and the hurt they have caused you by damaging your belongings. Tell her your happy to have the children providing every-one is fully aware that this is your home and not theirs. It sounds to me as if they have been brought up with no respect for anyone elses property and they have to understand that to be welcome in your home, they need to respect you and your rules.
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friends children

Post by Kindle »

Peg;1192632 wrote: The next time she wants you to watch them, offer to do it at HER house.

Excellent solution.

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friends children

Post by Victoria »

I would expect children of that age to have respect for someone elses things. I would expect my 'friend' to respect me.

In this case I feel you have neither and I would not tolerate it.
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friends children

Post by cars »

Peg;1192632 wrote: The next time she wants you to watch them, offer to do it at HER house.
What Peg said!!!
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friends children

Post by gmc »

birdseed;1192631 wrote: I have a friend who asked me to watch her children. They are older, 13 and 10 year old girls. I was happy to help a friend. I had them playing outside while I was making lunch for them and they were playing with my children who are younger than them.

After they had left, I discovered that they got into items I had in storage, all boxed up-and they had broken things. They were things that my children were too young to drag out (heavy) and packed too far away-in my garage-for my chldren to even reach. They went through things, left things strewn about and broken. so much damage, and they were only playing long enough for me to put together a lunch. My first feeling was rage. After that, I blamed myself for trusting that a 13 yea old would not go through packed away boxes. They tore the gutter downspouts from the back of my house and were hitting things with them-now they are dented.

I had them play outside because this has been an issue with them breaking things inside my house before. They are rough with my childrens toys and have broken and destroyed things in my house.

I had some new items I had just purchased and they went through the bags and tore off tags and broke one of the items in half. last summer, they found a cardboard box and tore it into hundreds pieces and put them in my swimming pool-it clogged and broke the filter.

I told their mother about all these things when they happened and her response is "I will talk to them." They are not instructed to apologize to me, she has never offered to replace things and she has not followed through with discipline for them.

I really enjoy my friend. But NOT her kids. What does that leave me with..."Let's get together--but your kids are not invited?"

FYI--the kids are not left to do whatever they want--it is like they can destroy things in a matter of minutes!


If she has so little respect for you and little concern about the hurt caused and can't even be bothered to apologise on their behalf and offer to pay for the damage I would suggest she is perhaps not that much of a friend after all.
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friends children

Post by smokin-no-more »

Your friend is not teaching her children anything by letting them get away with breaking things and not have to face up to what they did. Today it might be little things, but what about tomorrow?

When my son was little he thought it might be fun to throw rocks at the neighbors old car. He broke the windows out. Mind you this was a old junker, but it didn't belong to him and he destroyed someone else's property. He had to march over, apologize, and pay for the damage with his piggy bank full of coins he was saving.

Last year he went into a grocery store with a bunch of boys. The were horsing around and broke things. Guess what my son had to do? You got it! Go in and pay for the damages and apologize to the manager.

I guess I am a mean old mom!
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friends children

Post by Odie »

I have friends like this as well, their children have no responsibility, respect or care for others things.

They are two girls who constantly scream! They are not fighting, they just screech at the top of their mouths!:lips:

They chase my cats around the house screeching!:-5:-5

I then put the cats downstairs in the basement apartment, as no kid was ever going to that to my cats.:D

The broke a very expensive piece of mine from continually running around!:eek:

The parents say and do nothing..........:lips:

So since then, I go there.........they don't come here!:rolleyes:
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friends children

Post by birdseed »

To date--I still have not gotten an apology from her or her kids. Something interesting happened....we were together in a group at a picnic--and MY kids were playing with some other kids--and something got broken.

I marched my kids over to the owner of the them and made them apologize--she said it was cheap and not to worry about it. I told her that no matter how UNIMPORTANT it was that MY kids were going to write a note to her and give her some of their money for replacement.

she tried to assure me that it was NO BIG DEAL--and the mother of the girls that destroyed MY stuff chimed in and said to her "No--they NED to feel bad about it--they NEED to feel remorse and pay restitution..."

I sat there with my mouth open.....(really????? YOUR kids haven't apologizd to me yet for disrespecting MY stuff!! YOU shouldn't talk!!!)

arrrrgh. :-5
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