Halo 2: The Day Has Arrived

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Halo 2: The Day Has Arrived

Post by Tombstone »

Warsai wrote: Today, all across America and all across the world, people are lining up at stores to buy the new Halo 2. Released by Microsoft, the sequel to the original Halo will rake in $100 million today. I won't be getting the game in a while, so I can't say much about it. Has anyone bought or is planning to buy Halo 2.

Here are some news articles on it:

http://www.wired.com/news/business/0,13 ... _tophead_4

http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.c ... ST0642.DTL



I got two calls from friends the day it came out. "How do you like it?!" "How far have you gotten?!" "It's awesome! What do you think?!"

To their total and utter disgust and dismay, I had to tell them that I had not purchased the game yet! I let them down! :D

But to rectify the situation, I'm going out today or tomorrow and picking up a copy. I'll let you know how I like it. But you know....I'm going to love it!
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Halo 2: The Day Has Arrived

Post by Tombstone »

Think about this: Halo 2 Rakes in $100 Million

The launch would be one of the largest in gaming history and would dwarf the first-day figures of even the biggest historical hits in the movie and music businesses.

"In the first 24 hours we'll have an opening that's (more) popular than any motion picture has ever had in history," Microsoft chairman Bill Gates said at a shareholder's meeting Tuesday.

This is amazing. We are finally seeing the real sea-change regarding how video games are really eclipsing traditional media.
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Halo 2: The Day Has Arrived

Post by Tombstone »

Jinn wrote: I'm a pretty big bungie fan, but I'm moderately disappointed. Didn't give the hype much attention. However I was hoping for something comparable to the first giant. Even some of the production mistakes in halo made for some pretty enjoyable moments. I was a bit worried when I heard rumors of development problems. This lowered my expectations a bit considering the large out cry by the impatient horde and an appearance of a solid shipping date.

After the excitement of just popping it in and playing wained I got what I basically expected. A solid and good game, but not one up to challenge set by it's older brother. There were times in the campaign that I felt like I was dispatching waves of respawning enemies robotron style more than fighting a large opposing force (something that never arose in the first game). I also noticed some unpleasant drawing in during the cut scenes which never ruined things, but soon became somewhat of a nuisance. The new editions to the covenant ranks fit in well; the buggers can be a big pain, though its more often in a good way.

I was impressed with how dual wielding worked out. It was pretty satisfying to wear down an elites shield with an SMG or plasma pistol and finish things off with a pop from the hand gun to his cranium. While the new ability to hijack a moving vehicles worked well enough in the single player (however, a good deal of the vehicle portions themselves seemed to be a bit blend) it seem to be more of a problem with multiplayer.

Taking a run with a relative I hope never hope to play a ranked game with, I soon atemped to serve up some road kill only to meet to the fist belonging to the same person I had humiliated in the last game. This happend repeatedly, but didn't have the same feeling of oddity of spending a few seconds at turret being driven around by an opposing team member who seemed a bit confused about how we should deal with each other before we both just jumped out. As well, I was a little surprised how easy it was to get a kill once you got your hands on the energy blade.

I could go on.... but overall it seems like a good game that has it's problems. This is not what I expected to hear me say two years ago.

Oh and I have to say the physics aren't nearly as good as they once where.


Nice review. I'm finding kind of the same things. The game is still fun - but I feel I know what to expect. My 13 year old finished the game likety-split - I'm still just about 50% through it. I've been playing about 15 to 20 minutes at a time.

I am enjoying the better physics properties of the cars and the ghosts. I am not enjoying getting my clock cleaned by my sons when we play deathmatch now. :-1

I guess improvement comes with age! (Except in my case.)

Jinn, have you played Half-Life? Do you have Half-Life 2? Comments on that?
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Halo 2: The Day Has Arrived

Post by greydeadhead »

Well.. from all the reports I have read.. and some first hand reeports from fellow HL lovers.. this game just plan rocks.. the physics are supposedly killer real.. graphics everything.. of course now I have tto finde out for myself.. just have to find the time for it..

And Tombstone.. no worries man.. these are a young persons world.. course we could probably whip them in pong.. or pacman.. :wah:
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