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Question for Christians

Post by Lon »

Jester;1024863 wrote: Lon, there is no marriage in heaven, marriage ends at death, the reunion in heaven is based on worship of God.

Now that's as clear as mud.
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Question for Christians

Post by spot »

Lon;1025123 wrote: Now that's as clear as mud.

I'm sorry but the fault for that is the bible account.

Here it is, see if you can manage to get any sense from it. I can't and I've tried.Mark 10:18

Then the Sadducees, who say there is no resurrection, came to him with a question. "Teacher," they said, "Moses wrote for us that if a man's brother dies and leaves a wife but no children, the man must marry the widow and have children for his brother. Now there were seven brothers. The first one married and died without leaving any children. The second one married the widow, but he also died, leaving no child. It was the same with the third. In fact, none of the seven left any children. Last of all, the woman died too. At the resurrection whose wife will she be, since the seven were married to her?"

Jesus replied, "Are you not in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God? When the dead rise, they will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven. Now about the dead rising - have you not read in the book of Moses, in the account of the bush, how God said to him, 'I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob'? He is not the God of the dead, but of the living. You are badly mistaken!" You are badly mistaken, he says, because God is the God of the living, not the God of the dead. How that relates to their question leaves me baffled. Is he saying they're still dead after the resurrection? He's said they rose, does that equate with they're alive again? They'll be like the angels in heaven, he says, but he doesn't say what the angels in heaven are like. Created beings with no sex? In which case how are these risen creatures anything to do with those who died if they're so totally changed? Will it be impossible to tell any longer that the risen Jester was male during his earthly life? How much of Jester would that leave, if every aspect of him now is entirely masculine?

Anyhow, that's what Jester's given you. Straight from the horse's mouth.

The thing is, Christians are meant to be married to God during their life on earth[1], not to each other. Marrying is a second-best option to being chaste[2]. You're only meant to marry if the fires of the flesh burn so fiercely within you that lewd couplings and fornication would result if you didn't give in and marry. Christianity is anti-marriage, but it's anti-free-sex even more than anti-marriage so it tolerates it when it must.

[1] Isaiah 54:5 For your Maker is your husband - the LORD Almighty is his name.

[2] 1st Corinthians 7:8 Now to the unmarried and the widows I say: It is good for them to stay unmarried, as I am. But if they cannot control themselves, they should marry, for it is better to marry than to burn with passion.
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Question for Christians

Post by Lon »

[quote=spot;1025203]I'm sorry but the fault for that is the bible account.


Anyhow, that's what Jester's given you. Straight from the horse's mouth.

Sounds like something that came out the other end of the horse.
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Question for Christians

Post by Ted »

The problem is that life itself is a mystery. We are to live that mystery not solve it.

When we are speaking of such things we have no idea at all about what comes later. We cannot even grasp a concept of God. At best we use metaphor. I choose to leave those things up to God and accept my life here on earth. I will trust God for the future.

All of this is man's attempt to understand his/her experience of the Divine.


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Question for Christians

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Perhaps you should try to understand instead of judging. What can I say?


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Question for Christians

Post by Ted »

Let me see if I can make this clear.

God is a mystery.

A mystery is beyond present human understanding.

Therefore we cannot grasp the mystery of God.


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Question for Christians

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I couldn't resist this. LOL It is well known in education that you cannot teach a further concept until the first one is understood. LOL


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Question for Christians

Post by Samuel »

Lon;1022943 wrote: I was thinking the other day about Heaven and Hell, not that I plan to go to either one.

For those that do believe in Heaven, how is the re-uniting of spouses handled, specifically ex wives. Some as ex due to death and others by divorce. And mistresses, what about them? Nasty step children. Seems like it could get a bit testy with all these different relationships. Is it possible for one family member to be in Purgatory, another in Hell, and yet another in Heaven?

Jesus said we would be all like angels in heaven -- no marriage, etc.

So, ex-wives and ex-husbands, etc., if they make it to heaven, will be happy to see those they have loved.

No problem at all.
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Question for Christians

Post by Lon »

Samuel;1201233 wrote: Jesus said we would be all like angels in heaven -- no marriage, etc.

So, ex-wives and ex-husbands, etc., if they make it to heaven, will be happy to see those they have loved.

No problem at all.

Wow----does that mean that marriages will exist in hell, or maybe like some believe, marriage is hell. :wah:
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Question for Christians

Post by farmer giles »

Lon;1201234 wrote: Wow----does that mean that marriages will exist in hell, or maybe like some believe, marriage is hell. :wah:

spare a thought for bigamists they do the crime but two lots of time :yh_rotfl:yh_rotfl
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Question for Christians

Post by Samuel »

Lon;1201234 wrote: Wow----does that mean that marriages will exist in hell, or maybe like some believe, marriage is hell. :wah:

You sound bitter.
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Question for Christians

Post by Lon »

Samuel;1201382 wrote: You sound bitter.

Hardly, I am a most happily married guy. You have no sense of humour?
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Question for Christians

Post by Samuel »

Lon;1201410 wrote: Hardly, I am a most happily married guy. You have no sense of humour?

Indeed I do have a sense of humor. I think there is a time and place for it though.

Looks like you don't know the correct way to spell humor.

"humour" ?? You must be Canadian or English. They never did learn how to corectly spel wrds.
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Question for Christians

Post by YZGI »

mikeinie;1201545 wrote:


Now that right there is funny.:yh_rotfl
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Question for Christians

Post by cigar898 »

Ted;1023229 wrote: spot:-6

I know LOL

My point is that no one knows. Sure the question is valid.

Hell maybe like the Muslims we not only get our ex's but 72 virgins as well. The only problem with that is that eternity is a long, long, long. , , , time and all those folks won't keep one "entertained?" for that long.. It will be worn right off. LOL

I suppose one could set up bitch session with each one separately, a kind of eternal date book. Then one could set up a sexual encounter session with each and then a take you out to lunch time etc. LOL But it would still be more interesting to add in those extra 72.



Sorry but I just pictured that in my mind and......:yh_rotfl
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Question for Christians

Post by cigar898 »

Lon;1022943 wrote: I was thinking the other day about Heaven and Hell, not that I plan to go to either one.

For those that do believe in Heaven, how is the re-uniting of spouses handled, specifically ex wives. Some as ex due to death and others by divorce. And mistresses, what about them? Nasty step children. Seems like it could get a bit testy with all these different relationships. Is it possible for one family member to be in Purgatory, another in Hell, and yet another in Heaven?

First, I'm sorry for your loss Lon. But I'm also happy that you found love and happiness again.

As for meeting up in Heaven, and I believe that there is a Heaven.....I like to think that everything is copasetic there. But as a lot of people have mentioned……nobody knows. As for the 72 virgins…..where does it say that they are female for men and male for women? :)
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Question for Christians

Post by Mark Aspam »

Lon;1022943 wrote: For those that do believe in Heaven, how is the re-uniting of spouses handled, specifically ex wives. ?Well, the conventional Christian view is that marriage is for life but not beyond, and this is, of course, reflected in the marriage vows 'til death do us part' or if you prefer ' til death us do part'.

So there will be no marriage in heaven, and Jesus was asked this questioned and responded thusly. I'll let another poster cite the book, chapter and verse.

The Mormons, I think, believe otherwise, but I'll leave that for a Mormon to explain.
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Question for Christians

Post by binbag »

Lon;1022943 wrote: I was thinking the other day about Heaven and Hell, not that I plan to go to either one.

For those that do believe in Heaven, how is the re-uniting of spouses handled, specifically ex wives. Some as ex due to death and others by divorce. And mistresses, what about them? Nasty step children. Seems like it could get a bit testy with all these different relationships. Is it possible for one family member to be in Purgatory, another in Hell, and yet another in Heaven?

Supposing those deemed worthy to make it to the big meet in heaven, were in spiritual form, rather than in physical form, would that make Lon's question easier to contemplate?
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Question for Christians

Post by Lon »

binbag;1331698 wrote: Hi,

Supposing those deemed worthy to make it to the big meet in heaven, were in spiritual form, rather than in physical form, would that make Lon's question easier to contemplate?

Explain spiritual form.
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Question for Christians

Post by K.Snyder »

Lon;1022943 wrote: I was thinking the other day about Heaven and Hell, not that I plan to go to either one.

For those that do believe in Heaven, how is the re-uniting of spouses handled, specifically ex wives. Some as ex due to death and others by divorce. And mistresses, what about them? Nasty step children. Seems like it could get a bit testy with all these different relationships. Is it possible for one family member to be in Purgatory, another in Hell, and yet another in Heaven?All you need is a restraining order Lon
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Question for Christians

Post by binbag »

Lon;1331700 wrote: Explain spiritual form.
Hello Lon,

Look at it this way....

A tape recorder can record the voice of a person. The tape the voice is recorded on can reproduce that voice, even after the death of that person.

However, it's the voice that's reproduced. The tape does not reproduce the body also, only the voice.

The spirit of man....

The body decays after death, but you know that of course. So, if the body decays after death, and using the above analogy, it is the spirit of man, even years later, that goes either up, or down. Not the body also.

Just a very very simple analogy.
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Question for Christians

Post by Lon »

binbag;1331744 wrote: Hello Lon,

Look at it this way....

A tape recorder can record the voice of a person. The tape the voice is recorded on can reproduce that voice, even after the death of that person.

However, it's the voice that's reproduced. The tape does not reproduce the body also, only the voice.

The spirit of man....

The body decays after death, but you know that of course. So, if the body decays after death, and using the above analogy, it is the spirit of man, even years later, that goes either up, or down. Not the body also.

Just a very very simple analogy.
That's a bit of a stretch, but not a bad analogy. How about Soul? Would you use a similar analogy? Do you equate soul with spirit?
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Question for Christians

Post by binbag »

Lon;1331752 wrote: That's a bit of a stretch, but not a bad analogy. How about Soul? Would you use a similar analogy? Do you equate soul with spirit?In really basic terms Lon.

My belief is, the soul and the spirit are connected, but separate.

The soul is the essence of our being, it is who we are.

The spirit is the part within us which gives us the ability to connect with God.

A free, 24 hour a day telephone line if you like, that allows us to connect to Him.

(at a moments notice if necessary).

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Question for Christians

Post by K.Snyder »

binbag;1331857 wrote: In really basic terms Lon.

My belief is, the soul and the spirit are connected, but separate.

The soul is the essence of our being, it is who we are.

The spirit is the part within us which gives us the ability to connect with God.

A free, 24 hour a day telephone line if you like, that allows us to connect to Him.

(at a moments notice if necessary).

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Question for Christians

Post by binbag »

K.Snyder;1331902 wrote: Fortunately, it's called schizophrenia and we can minimize the symptoms associated with it through drug and psychological therapy

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