The Real Rogue Nuclear State

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The Real Rogue Nuclear State

Post by Mezza »

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The Real Rogue Nuclear State

Post by spot »

Another totally text-free post, Mezza. Nothing to comment on except the title.

I do hope the clip's about Israel though.
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The Real Rogue Nuclear State

Post by Lon »

I just can't forget Duke being past "Grand Wizard" of the KKK. It clouds my thinking.
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The Real Rogue Nuclear State

Post by Nomad »

Lon;1352883 wrote: I just can't forget Duke being past "Grand Wizard" of the KKK. It clouds my thinking.

Clearly his current agenda is intertwined with his past agenda. Its not a very subtle message.
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The Real Rogue Nuclear State

Post by Scrat »

It's largely true from beginning to end.
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The Real Rogue Nuclear State

Post by Snowfire »

Scrat;1352921 wrote: It's largely true from beginning to end.

There is probably much in the video that is true. What I doubt is the motive. The videos purpose is not to support the position of Iran but specifically to target the Jews. It's quite deliberate. It doesnt attack Israel purely for its actions and political decisions - and goodness knows they need addressing - but a synical and not very subtle swipe at the Jews as a race. We shouldn't be suprised given this mans history. The Jews are always responsible for the world's problems. Its a tired old mantra and one that the racists like to dredge up on a regular basis, presumably as a temporary respite from the usual bilge.

What's he a Doctor of anyway ? Anything significant or substantial ?
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The Real Rogue Nuclear State

Post by Scrat »

There is probably much in the video that is true. What I doubt is the motive. The videos purpose is not to support the position of Iran but specifically to target the Jews. It's quite deliberate. It doesnt attack Israel purely for its actions and political decisions - and goodness knows they need addressing - but a synical and not very subtle swipe at the Jews as a race. We shouldn't be suprised given this mans history. The Jews are always responsible for the world's problems. Its a tired old mantra and one that the racists like to dredge up on a regular basis, presumably as a temporary respite from the usual bilge

I agree. I won't condemn him though because there are many people in the world just like him. Zionist terrorists in Israel and our old friend Al Sharpton are good examples.
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The Real Rogue Nuclear State

Post by gmc »

I see The Protocols of the Elders of Zion are still doing the round, updated for the modern day. You realise it's all a plot to restore the catholic church to it's former power and glory don't you? Now the protestant empire has had it's day the cunning plot to Catholicise the united states is under way. First of all you get religion back at the heart of America by secretly encouraging the fundamentalists, once you have a state religion and prevent the teaching of science in the schools you get up the number of catholics by immigration and them simply out-breeding the protestants and get the state religion changed to catholic - should be possible as protestants prefer fighting each other rather than uniting against mother church and there you are the pope is back where he should be as de facto ruler. Soon there won't be a president who can't get elected without the pope's blessing. It's not acceptable to openly criticise the jews as the last puppet (hitler) went a bit mad and lost the plot a bit. But spread the rumour he was an atheist and the religious will happily believe that. Anyone pointing out he was catholic and doings gods work can be discredited, people prefer to believe the church is a force for good despite all the evidence to the contrary. Russia is going back to the orthodox church but that's OK.

Mind you weren't the KKK anti-catholic as well? Brilliant, no one will suspect the truth.
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