Lib dems dead, labour on life support

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Lib dems dead, labour on life support

Post by gmc »

Ah well it's all over for the lib dems. I think even die hard supporters have had it. We have AV so people can now know that their vote will make a difference but this time the SNP are winning the first votes as well as the list one.
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Lib dems dead, labour on life support

Post by spot »

The SNP will be feeling moderately pleased this morning. My congratulations to them.
Nullius in verba ... ☎||||||||||| ... To Fate I sue, of other means bereft, the only refuge for the wretched left.
When flower power came along I stood for Human Rights, marched around for peace and freedom, had some nooky every night - we took it serious.
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Lib dems dead, labour on life support

Post by gmc »

They donl;t get it do they?

Liberal Democrats have taken 'big knocks', says Nick Clegg | Politics |

The Liberal Democrats appear to have suffered their worst performance at the polls in 30 years, suffering heavy losses across the north of England, Scotland and Wales.

Nick Clegg admitted his party was taking the brunt of the blame for a perception that the coalition government is dragging Britain back to the Thatcherism of the 1980s.

Yes that plus the fact that all the principles that matter to the generally middle calss well educated liberal supporter like free access to further education went out the window when he joined the coalition. That's a long term disaster in the making. Well that's my perception anyway. The SNP are the least worst option for many. Labour have been taking the sciots vote for granted, I know very many diehard labour supporters that have had enough.
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Lib dems dead, labour on life support

Post by buttercup »

Busy doing the happy dance.
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Lib dems dead, labour on life support

Post by gmc »

Got mixed feelings about it. I don't like some of the things the SNP are doing - they're about to destroy the scottish education system - and I'd love to know how much Trump paid them. For that alone I hesitated about voting for them and the local SNP councillors here are just as bent as the labour ones. On the other hand the local former list snp msp is OK. As a long term liberal supporter I've had it with them, the coalition might have seemed a good idea for the country but to give up your main principles is just wrong. They should have made proportioonal reopresentation CONDITIONAL on any coalition being formed. A chance to make a change for the better an they throw it away. Bend over Nickie boy David saw you coming.

Bet the tories are pissing themselves laughing.

You realise of course the westminster government can't survive without the North sea oil revenues. It would be worth voting yes in a referendum just to see them wetting themselves with fear. Meanwhile the stirling labour council keeps wanting to build on the site ofthe battle of bannockburn.
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Lib dems dead, labour on life support

Post by Saint_ »

Well, be careful. The United States was doing fine as a country when the liberal Democrats were running things. But as soon as we put a right winger in as President, we got involved in two wars, bankrupted ourselves, and destroyed the planetary economy.
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Lib dems dead, labour on life support

Post by gmc »

Saint_;1358907 wrote: Well, be careful. The United States was doing fine as a country when the liberal Democrats were running things. But as soon as we put a right winger in as President, we got involved in two wars, bankrupted ourselves, and destroyed the planetary economy.

A liberal democrat here is not quite the same as a liberal democrat in the states. You don't seem to have any left of centre politics in the states or indeed any centrist parties at all. Crikey when you have numpties that think Hitler was a left wing socialist you are in deep ****. I think yopur political system is at a tipping point.

This coalition is the only time they have had any chance of making a difference since the 1920's, and they completely blew it. Tony Blair was supposed to be the leader of a socialist party and has turned the labour party in to a tory party clone actually worse than the tories. The labour party has basically had it, the lib dems I suspect have so angered their core support they will need to lynch Nick Glegg to appease them. This is the first time I have not voted liberal democrat. Scotland is very much more left wing than england people - still spit when you mention Thatcher and now mutter obscenities about tony balir and gordon brown, not beimng daft m,ost people realise they have bankrupted the country, anyone promising to bring home all the troops and castrate the bankers would win hands down. Course that's only my opinion. It's now quite a serious possibiliity imo - you will see a yes vote for independence in a referendum. Since we have the oil and are entitled to the revenues any attempt by the tiries or labour to say we can't have it is only going to make a yes vote more certain. I suspect labour telling us we couldn't have one has a lot to do with the switch in support, mislead, bullshit, lie all you want but don't patronise.
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Lib dems dead, labour on life support

Post by buttercup »

Its an exciting time, bring on the referendum. Westminister must be shitting it ha
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Lib dems dead, labour on life support

Post by gmc »

buttercup;1359123 wrote: Its an exciting time, bring on the referendum. Westminister must be shitting it ha

Be entertaining if they try and block it. Most scots would vote yes in those circumstances just to make the point. Without the scots MP's labour would never ever have a majority If the results are repeated at the westminster election labour is in trouble.
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Lib dems dead, labour on life support

Post by buttercup »

Agree'd lol.

In fairness SNP are also likely shitting it, there's no sence of urgency for the referendum from them is there ha.
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Lib dems dead, labour on life support

Post by gmc »

buttercup;1359687 wrote: Agree'd lol.

In fairness SNP are also likely shitting it, there's no sence of urgency for the referendum from them is there ha.

They have always said any referendum would be towards the end of the next parliament if they got back in to power. All they're doing is sticking to what they said - or the way alex salmond put it when they make an manifesto promise they like to keep it - not that he was putting the boot in on the liberal demcrats or anything. I really think the lib dems have had at the next election. I see the tories are already asking if an independent scotland would be liable for it's share of the national debt and by the way the barnett formula will be done away with. The big issue will be the oil revenues. By all international law it belings to scotland.

remember ken klivingstone claiming london subsidised scotland? His retraction never got quite the same publicity.

Interview: Ken Livingstone « Prospect Magazine

SP You mentioned earlier London as the goose that lays the golden egg for the rest of Britain. There’s a lot of debate about this, particularly with Scottish nationalism on the rise again. How much of London’s money should it keep; should it be keeping more?

KL It should keep a bit more for investment and for redistribution of wealth, or the mayor should be given a mechanism for redistribution of wealth. We need a better mechanism for the redistribution of wealth between rich and poor Londoners, and we need more transport—Crossrail One, the upgrade of the overland trains, and then move on to Crossrail Two, a 20-year programme. Having read all the stuff the SNP is putting out, it’s most probably true that Scotland subsidises the rest of Britain if you take into account a classic international law interpretation of who the oil belongs to. It’s northern England that is the major beneficiary of our subsidy, and Northern Ireland as well.

If you look at scotland's history it's not the english who have shafted us we have always been let down by out so called political leaders putting their own interests first - from the union of parliaments to the present day. Edinburgh lawyers and bankers biggest crooks in the land.
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Lib dems dead, labour on life support

Post by buttercup »

I find the older i get the more i delve into politics and history, i'm reading John Prebble's -The Highland Clearances just now, its brought tears to my eyes more than once this week.
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Lib dems dead, labour on life support

Post by spot »

gmc;1359689 wrote: If you look at scotland's history it's not the english who have shafted us we have always been let down by out so called political leaders putting their own interests first - from the union of parliaments to the present day. Edinburgh lawyers and bankers biggest crooks in the land.

Alex Glasgow wrote a song about it a long time ago. I'm just wondering whether it might be on Youtube, hang on. Hmm. Apparently not.

Here's the lyrics, they're not on the Internet either. I dislike things being forgotten...

Red is the colour of the rosette on his lapel

And it's rumoured that his blood may be the same - though many doubt it -

While his heart is on the left you'll see his wallet's on the right

And the red he wears is only red in name

Yes the red he wears is only red in name

The Candidate is speaking to the voters in the street

He's a stranger but he greets them all as friends - the seat is marginal -

He charms the old age pensioners and banters with the young

On such as these his new career depends

Yes such as these his new career depends

And every morning early he must butter up the press

And titillate the journalists with lies - invented daily -

He'd like to make the headlines for a mention he'd be grateful

But a photograph would be a major prize

Yes a photograph would be a major prize

Every doorstep on the canvas is a challenge he enjoys

As a salesman he's a master of the trade - he sells illusions -

His arguments are polished he's persuasive and he's smooth

Once elected he will surely make the grade

Yes once elected he will surely make the grade

On the back bench he'll be noticed and he'll very quickly rise

Of some ministry he'll soon be at the head - he's sometimes sober -

His rosette lies in the cupboard for another year or five

And now it's just the wine he drinks that's red

Yes now it's just the wine he drinks that's red

Alex Glasgow

Nullius in verba ... ☎||||||||||| ... To Fate I sue, of other means bereft, the only refuge for the wretched left.
When flower power came along I stood for Human Rights, marched around for peace and freedom, had some nooky every night - we took it serious.
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Lib dems dead, labour on life support

Post by gmc »

YouTube - ‪Mark Knopfler - Why Aye Man + lyrics‬‏

posted by buttercup

I find the older i get the more i delve into politics and history, i'm reading John Prebble's -The Highland Clearances just now, its brought tears to my eyes more than once this week.

I've always found real history far more gripping than any story you could make up. Have a look for alastair moffat's books as well, the sea kingdoms and the faded map. If you look at who was doing these kind of things it was not entirely the english was it?

At least to some extebnt that you wouldn't heve been ective in the SNP if all you wanted was to get in to politics. But I don't trust them - just look at the menie estate. they're now talking abouit compulsory purchase so trumo can build his gold course, wonder how much he paid.
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Lib dems dead, labour on life support

Post by buttercup »

Oh i'm sure he paid quite a bit but i'm all for the golf course, its not far from my doorstep and will bring a lot of money to the area.

As for trust i dont think any politician can be trusted, SNP are just the best of a bad bunch at the moment.

What did you think of Alex's comment about sharing the same language in his speech? If its truly independence he is aiming for i'd be looking for some clarity on what the future plans are for my Mother tongue.
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Lib dems dead, labour on life support

Post by gmc »

buttercup;1359807 wrote: Oh i'm sure he paid quite a bit but i'm all for the golf course, its not far from my doorstep and will bring a lot of money to the area.

As for trust i dont think any politician can be trusted, SNP are just the best of a bad bunch at the moment.

What did you think of Alex's comment about sharing the same language in his speech? If its truly independence he is aiming for i'd be looking for some clarity on what the future plans are for my Mother tongue.

Which mother tongue is that? Doric, gaelic, lallans, or the nonsense that the language of burns is old scots rather than an ayshire dielect of it? Or how about the east lothian dialect? I recently met someone who claimed it was closest to proper scots, I won't tell you what the aberdionian present said to that one but it was quite funny - something along the lines of daft kwine.
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Lib dems dead, labour on life support

Post by buttercup »

I'm all for dialect afterall every country has variations but i see my Mother tongue as Gaelic. At the very least i'd like to see it in place of French or German at school.

It horrifies me that i can communicate verbally better in France than i can in the highlands of my own country.
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Lib dems dead, labour on life support

Post by gmc »

buttercup;1359813 wrote: I'm all for dialect afterall every country has variations but i see my Mother tongue as Gaelic. At the very least i'd like to see it in place of French or German at school.

It horrifies me that i can communicate verbally better in France than i can in the highlands of my own country.

My heritage is both highland scot but also strathclyde british. I live in a county named after a pictish king on a hill overlooking a river crossing where pict and scot fought for control of the land. Gaelic has a claim to be the native language of only some of the people we now call scots.

My english wife actually pronounces gaelic names hbetter than I can having hillwalked for years with native speakers before I met her. (she delights in rubbing it in) We should encourage gaelic bit also remember that not all scots spoke it and doric has as good a claim to being indigenous as any.

We've made the russian telly

British state is an artificial entity

I think the SNP owe a huge debt to Thatcher.
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