I Believe in Reincarnation.

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jones jones
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I Believe in Reincarnation.

Post by jones jones »

Something absolutely marvellous happened today; well actually nothing happened in the sense that “something happened”, but I received an answer to a question that has been bothering me for most of my life.

Subconsciously I knew that there had to be some reason for my obsession with twins, which I have always called my “Gemini Factor.” Only I could never explain it.

This morning I started re-reading a book called “Journey through Time – A Guide to Reincarnation and Your Immortal Soul by Soozi (don’t you just love the spelling?) Holbeche. I read it once before but something, don’t ask me what, made me decide to read it again

As I always do when I read, I made notes and here are some things I jotted down. “I was one of twins in my last life. I see past & present at the same time & consider them as a single entity. Adam was not a single man but a race of men. Twin soul … twin flame. Do not knock nails into trees … it hurts them!” (Where did that come from?)

Okay, I won’t bore you with any more of my jottings so now comes the revelation. I quote from Page 191:

“A six-year old child, when asked to describe his conception, drew lots of little circular-shaped blobs attached to balloons that floated from the sky to earth, until they converged in a mass around the roof of a house, which he said was his. When questioned further, the little boy said: “They all want to come in, but there’s no room. My friend came first to look out for me and keep a space for me in case I lost my way.” The child turned out to be a second-born twin!!!!!

Suddenly the veil was lifted & I found myself grinning so broadly that my mouth hurt! Here was the answer at last to the question that had vexed me almost from day one … Here before me was the answer!

While awaiting my last reincarnation, I must have befriended a woman/girl child’s soul or life force. We agreed to be reincarnated as twins so that we would be together in our next life, but somehow and I cannot explain how, only I entered the womb of the woman we chose as our mother.

It is without a doubt the answer I have been seeking to my “Gemini Factor.” Now for the first time in my entire life I know what happened to cause this and it has made me so happy! I cannot adequately describe the amazing feeling that flooded over me as I came to this awesome conclusion.

Now I have so much to research, especially something called “The Akashi or Akasha Records. But that’s another story.
"…I hate how I don’t feel real enough unless people are watching." — Chuck Palahniuk, Invisible Monsters
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I Believe in Reincarnation.

Post by gmc »

Do you also believe in future lives? Serious quesrtion I am not being facetious.
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jones jones
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I Believe in Reincarnation.

Post by jones jones »

I cetainly do. Every incarnation I make was once a "future life." However one can generally only recall past lives.
"…I hate how I don’t feel real enough unless people are watching." — Chuck Palahniuk, Invisible Monsters
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I Believe in Reincarnation.

Post by gmc »

jones jones;1356841 wrote: I cetainly do. Every incarnation I make was once a "future life." However one can generally only recall past lives.

Thing is if you can recall past lives there is no reason why you should not also be ble to recall future lives as well is there? Especially, I wouls suggest, for those who profess a belief in predestination.

It's a convenient cop out to claim you can only renenber the past. Are the past lives linear or do they go round in a circle in which case you must inevitably catch up with yourself and the past becaimes the future.
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I Believe in Reincarnation.

Post by jones jones »

This has the appearance of one of those "lose lose" question/answer games gmc. The title of my thread is "I Believe In Reincarnation." I shall leave the future to the future ... it gets here too soon anyway. In any event I am far more interested in the past.
"…I hate how I don’t feel real enough unless people are watching." — Chuck Palahniuk, Invisible Monsters
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I Believe in Reincarnation.

Post by gmc »

jones jones;1356873 wrote: This has the appearance of one of those "lose lose" question/answer games gmc. The title of my thread is "I Believe In Reincarnation." I shall leave the future to the future ... it gets here too soon anyway. In any event I am far more interested in the past.

Not really it's one of those questions you can't really answer I just wanted to know your take on it. In a discussion it is not necessary to "win" to be able to discuss something like this, unless someone religious gets involved and starts insisting they have the answer. (predestination is something that has exercised religious iorders for some time) Just because there is no definitive answer doesn't mean it is less interesting. It makes no sense to me that you can satisfy yourself that there are past lives and believe in reincarnation but at the same time profess to believe there must be future lives as well but dismiss the puzzle by stating you can generally only remember past lives. One is as intriguing as the other. Other people believe in prescience but conveniently only ever realise what they were predicting after the event, which rather renders the prediction redundant.

Just as some claim regression to a past life there are those who under hypnosis who seem to be in a future life. It is sopmeting I have only recently come across and personally I take that with a bucket of salt but on the other hand past life regression seems interesting. So why not future as well?
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I Believe in Reincarnation.

Post by mikeinie »

Oh how times change..... if I remember correctly in your last life you didn’t believe in reincarnation…
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I Believe in Reincarnation.

Post by larrygn »

Too bad you are wrong. The Eternal God gave us the facts, and man's thoughts do not change them. The fact thqat the demon's of satan do infest men though, does cause man to make false statements, and hold incorrect beliefs.
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I Believe in Reincarnation.

Post by jones jones »

Would you like to join the Gyp Church? Sort of get in on the ground floor so to speak. I may even consider giving you a special rate.
"…I hate how I don’t feel real enough unless people are watching." — Chuck Palahniuk, Invisible Monsters
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I Believe in Reincarnation.

Post by larrygn »

Facts are facts, and you are not coming back in a new life but only the one you have now, one way or the other, so get over it.
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I Believe in Reincarnation.

Post by gmc »

larrygn;1374830 wrote: Facts are facts, and you are not coming back in a new life but only the one you have now, one way or the other, so get over it.

A fact is something you can verify objectively from experience or observation. Since you cannot prove I am not coming back any more than I can prove that I will it is a matter of opinion as to what will happen. Same with past lives, I cannot verify if I have lived before, you cannot verify that I haven't. It is an intriguing question neither of us can answer.
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jones jones
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I Believe in Reincarnation.

Post by jones jones »

Go read your Bible carefully & objectively man ... Even Jesus preached reincarnation.
"…I hate how I don’t feel real enough unless people are watching." — Chuck Palahniuk, Invisible Monsters
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I Believe in Reincarnation.

Post by larrygn »

jones jones;1374845 wrote: Go read your Bible carefully & objectively man ... Even Jesus preached reincarnation.

Jim :

You know nothing of the Bible and nothig of the pyramids of Giza. I really doubt that debate will do any good, as first you have to be able to understand the subject. To even make that statement about the Christ shows that you fail to understand anything the Bible says. But, then one can not actually read the Bible unless he is guided by the Holy Spirit, so that must leave you.
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jones jones
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I Believe in Reincarnation.

Post by jones jones »

I think that saying you have to believe in God/Jesus to understand the Bible is like saying you have to be English to enjoy Dickens.

I am an Atheist but I have read the Bible from cover to cover and I can only speak for myself and what I understand from what I have read.

So I give you these, knowing full well that you will reject the notion that they refer in any way to reincarnation. That is your right, just as it is my right to understand them as referring to reincarnation.

Matthew 17:11-13

"Elijah does come, and he will restore all things. But I tell you that Elijah has already come, and they did not recognize him, but did to him whatever they pleased. So also the Son of Man will certainly suffer at their hands." Then the disciples understood that he was speaking to them of John the Baptist.

Matthew 11:12-15

From the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven has suffered violence, and the violent take it by force. For all the Prophets and the Law prophesied until John, and if you are willing to accept it, he is Elijah who is to come. He who has ears to hear, let him hear.

1) Matthew 11,14 and 17,12-13, concerning the identity of John the Baptist;

2) John 9,2, "Who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?";

3) John 3,3, "No one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again";

4) James 3,6, "the wheel of nature";

5) Galatians 6,7, "A man reaps what he sows";

6) Matthew 26,52, "all who draw the sword will die by the sword";

7) Revelation 13,10, "If anyone is to go into captivity, into captivity he will go. If anyone is to be killed with the sword, with the sword he will be killed."

And Jeremiah stated:

Now the word of the Lord came to me saying, "Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you; and before you were born I consecrated you, and I appointed you a prophet to the nations" (Jeremiah 1:45).

A question that Jesus posed to his disciples led to what has become known as Peter's Great Confession, and is recorded in all the synoptic gospels (Matthew, Mark, and Luke). Jesus and His disciples were in Caesarea Philippi when He asked them: "Who do men say that I am?" (Mark 8:27).

And they told him, John the Baptist, and others say Elijah; and others, one of the prophets (Mark 8:28).

And he (King Herod) said that John the Baptist was risen from the dead, and therefore mighty works do show forth themselves in him. Others said that it is Elijah. And others said that it is a prophet, or as one of the prophets. But when Herod heard thereof, he said, It is John whom I beheaded; he is risen from the dead (Mark 6:14-16). (Authorized King James Version).

Luke (9:7-9) similarly reports that people thought that Jesus was John the Baptist resurrected, or a reincarnation of Elijah or one of the old prophets.
"…I hate how I don’t feel real enough unless people are watching." — Chuck Palahniuk, Invisible Monsters
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I Believe in Reincarnation.

Post by larrygn »

jones jones;1374855 wrote: I think that saying you have to believe in God/Jesus to understand the Bible is like saying you have to be English to enjoy Dickens.

I am an Atheist but I have read the Bible from cover to cover and I can only speak for myself and what I understand from what I have read.

So I give you these, knowing full well that you will reject the notion that they refer in any way to reincarnation. That is your right, just as it is my right to understand them as referring to reincarnation.

Matthew 17:11-13

"Elijah does come, and he will restore all things. But I tell you that Elijah has already come, and they did not recognize him, but did to him whatever they pleased. So also the Son of Man will certainly suffer at their hands." Then the disciples understood that he was speaking to them of John the Baptist.

Matthew 11:12-15

From the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven has suffered violence, and the violent take it by force. For all the Prophets and the Law prophesied until John, and if you are willing to accept it, he is Elijah who is to come. He who has ears to hear, let him hear.

1) Matthew 11,14 and 17,12-13, concerning the identity of John the Baptist;

2) John 9,2, "Who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?";

3) John 3,3, "No one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again";

4) James 3,6, "the wheel of nature";

5) Galatians 6,7, "A man reaps what he sows";

6) Matthew 26,52, "all who draw the sword will die by the sword";

7) Revelation 13,10, "If anyone is to go into captivity, into captivity he will go. If anyone is to be killed with the sword, with the sword he will be killed."

And Jeremiah stated:

Now the word of the Lord came to me saying, "Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you; and before you were born I consecrated you, and I appointed you a prophet to the nations" (Jeremiah 1:45).

A question that Jesus posed to his disciples led to what has become known as Peter's Great Confession, and is recorded in all the synoptic gospels (Matthew, Mark, and Luke). Jesus and His disciples were in Caesarea Philippi when He asked them: "Who do men say that I am?" (Mark 8:27).

And they told him, John the Baptist, and others say Elijah; and others, one of the prophets (Mark 8:28).

And he (King Herod) said that John the Baptist was risen from the dead, and therefore mighty works do show forth themselves in him. Others said that it is Elijah. And others said that it is a prophet, or as one of the prophets. But when Herod heard thereof, he said, It is John whom I beheaded; he is risen from the dead (Mark 6:14-16). (Authorized King James Version).

Luke (9:7-9) similarly reports that people thought that Jesus was John the Baptist resurrected, or a reincarnation of Elijah or one of the old prophets.

As I have stated, non-believers may "read" the words of the bible, but they CAN NOT understand what the Holy Spirit is saying. Only those "in the Christ " can actually understand whatt he words are saying, as this is an 'INSPIRED' book, not a novel. You my friend are delustional if you think you have any ability to actually understand the texts without the benefit of the Holy Spirit.
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I Believe in Reincarnation.

Post by jones jones »

Wow! I have to admit that this is a first for me. I had no idea that the Bible was compiled by the Catholic Church exclusively for the use of Christians.
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I Believe in Reincarnation.

Post by larrygn »

The Bible was written by the Eternal God, through the inspired hands of men of the true faith. It does not belong to a secular denomination, but to the entire ture, Holy invisible church of the Jesus, the Ever Living Christ.

Need I explain that further?
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I Believe in Reincarnation.

Post by Bryn Mawr »

larrygn;1374871 wrote: The Bible was written by the Eternal God, through the inspired hands of men of the true faith. It does not belong to a secular denomination, but to the entire ture, Holy invisible church of the Jesus, the Ever Living Christ.

Need I explain that further?

Well you could start with your definition of the word believer because it certainly sounds as if you define it as "those that believe what I do".

Then ask yourself how many denominations of the Christian sect there are.

Finally, tell us by what right you appropriate to your particular sect the sole use of the Bible because I can guarantee that your interpretation is not shared by all Christians.
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I Believe in Reincarnation.

Post by larrygn »

Bryn Mawr;1374883 wrote: Well you could start with your definition of the word believer because it certainly sounds as if you define it as "those that believe what I do".

Then ask yourself how many denominations of the Christian sect there are.

Finally, tell us by what right you appropriate to your particular sect the sole use of the Bible because I can guarantee that your interpretation is not shared by all Christians.

FALSE! All Christians of the true Invisible church understand the purpose and function of the Ever Living Christ in their lives. They do NOT have to accept all doctrinal positions, but it never hurts to hold those that are actually Bibilically correct. under any circumstances, the church will not allow the non-christian to define what those are, or what they really mean, since we know that those under the influence of the demons of the anti-christ can never know the truth of the texts.
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I Believe in Reincarnation.

Post by Bryn Mawr »

larrygn;1374886 wrote: FALSE! All Christians of the true Invisible church understand the purpose and function of the Ever Living Christ in their lives. They do NOT have to accept all doctrinal positions, but it never hurts to hold those that are actually Bibilically correct. under any circumstances, the church will not allow the non-christian to define what those are, or what they really mean, since we know that those under the influence of the demons of the anti-christ can never know the truth of the texts.

How can this be - look at history and the hatered between the Catholics and the Protestants, the persecution of the Huguenots for example.

Would you take Communion in an Eastern Orthodox or Coptic Church? Do you accept the teachings of the Calvinists or the Quakers?

There are as many, if not more, interpretations of the Scriptures than there are Denominations within the Church and, sure as eggs is eggs, not all of them share your take on the Bible.
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I Believe in Reincarnation.

Post by Snooz »

So, if I wanted to start going to the True Invisible Church of the Ever Living Christ, how would I find it?
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I Believe in Reincarnation.

Post by larrygn »

Bryn Mawr;1374890 wrote: How can this be - look at history and the hatered between the Catholics and the Protestants, the persecution of the Huguenots for example.

Would you take Communion in an Eastern Orthodox or Coptic Church? Do you accept the teachings of the Calvinists or the Quakers?

There are as many, if not more, interpretations of the Scriptures than there are Denominations within the Church and, sure as eggs is eggs, not all of them share your take on the Bible.

Do all accept Jesus, the Ever Living Christ, as the sole means of salvation? With the answer being yes, then they have the means of salvation, IE: the keys to the kingdom of heaven.

Other aREAS, WHERE DENOMINATIONAL CHURCHES FALTER, are not going to guarantee a lack of salvation, but this one point does. That is why these denomination churches are called Chrsitian. As for tqaking communion, if one takes communion with the understanding that true body and true blood of the Chirst are present, then there is no problem. St. Paul leaves no room for interreptation of this. Which church, or even individual offers it to the lost can not adversely affect the value, with this consideration.
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I Believe in Reincarnation.

Post by larrygn »

SnoozeAgain;1374891 wrote: So, if I wanted to start going to the True Invisible Church of the Ever Living Christ, how would I find it?

The church that one goes to makes some difference, but not total. After all, it is easier to grt correct answer to the questions if you are in the church that most closely resembles that which the Christ created. With all that in mind, find which church suffered to keep the Christ in history, and see which continued to follow His teaching. I would go to that church. For me, the reformed church under Dr. Martin Luther follows only the Bible, not man, and as the good doctor insisted, no one dared name it after him while he was alive. In death his followers did change the name to his. I find that that denomination holds firmer to the original doctrines than all others.
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I Believe in Reincarnation.

Post by gmc »

Other aREAS, WHERE DENOMINATIONAL CHURCHES FALTER, are not going to guarantee a lack of salvation, but this one point does. That is why these denomination churches are called Chrsitian. As for tqaking communion, if one takes communion with the understanding that true body and true blood of the Chirst are present, then there is no problem. St. Paul leaves no room for interreptation of this. Which church, or even individual offers it to the lost can not adversely affect the value, with this consideration.

So where do you stand on the thorny subject transubstantiation then?
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I Believe in Reincarnation.

Post by larrygn »

I Know of no denomination that adhears to transubstaniation, but I do know that many claim that is the Lutheran position, while is actually is not. Lutherans claim that the body and blood are spiritual, not physical; but that they hold the same value.
Its a narrow way
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I Believe in Reincarnation.

Post by Its a narrow way »

The bible teaches the dead are dead .

Only one man ever had a former existance before , It was Jesus before being a man he lived as the God of old testament and was even the creator of earth .

The only dead man to be living now is also Jesus . He said I am he that was dead behold im alive for ever more .

the trouble is we live with a very inteligent spirit world that will fake any thing to put you on the wrong path . you want to see a ghost? They will show you one. You want to feel pleasure ? they can do that . You want to see a former life ? they could do that .

The spirit world is more inteligent then all of us . Can give you any show you want to keep you decieved!
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