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Post by wordwaymike »

I've been wandering in the cyber wilderness for five years before finding my way back to the FG posting portal. Which by my way of thinking (and someday I will try and explain how that process works) is the Baskin Robbins 31 forum flavors of internet interaction. So here are my "name, rank, and serial number" bonafides and a sampling of my peevish dislikes, as well as a politically incorrect cause that is close to my heart. (burn)

My name is Glen Michael Wilson. My username is wordwaymike.

Some people think that my username should be wordwayglenn, or wordwaywilson, and I suppose that it could be. If I wanted a user name that projected an image of my persona as being a sallow faced, anemic Vegan.

Now, let me say at this time that I refrain from episodes of self loathing for the most part, so I have no negative issues with people that are named Glen. But I do feel that it is pretentious to add a second n to the name. What's that all about?

Now all of you two n Glens out there just count to 10, and focus your impotent "two n" rage on some one else. OK? I'm just mad that I got painted with the same dang name brush! (Was the previous statement a joke? Or a desperate cry for help? Could it be both? Is there a fourth answer?)

Nor am I down on pasty-faced individuals as a general rule of thumb. To be honest, I must come clean and admit that I am, in fact uhhhmmm.... lacking a tan. I stated that I didn't want to be envisioned as a sallow-face, ultra-violet rays deprived type of individual. I said nothing about whether or not I resembled that remark.

And I want to make it perfectly clear that I am not so blatantly stupid as to openly, and publicly trash talk someone who has a serious blood disorder such as anemia.

Which is why I have done so anonymously, by hiding behind my fictitious username. I mean, just because some one's blood has an iron deficiency doesn't mean that he or she won't beat you like a rented mule with a pick ax handle until you're unconscious, and bleeding out faster than a Hemophiliac that's been hog-tied with razor sharp concertina wire.

As for Vegans... Personally, I feel that these lactose intolerant, meatless wonders should merely be pitied and not scorned.

I have nothing at all against vegetarians, or vegetables for that matter. In fact, I love vegetables. So much so that if them leaf eaters would just let me add a little meat to the vegi mix each week I would happily join their ranks.

But No!

Why can't these photo-synthesis dependent, green tea intoxicated malcontents and their sprout and tofu addicted cohorts let me incorporate and ounce or two of meat, or even some tasty meat by-product each week?

I would be like a Jack Vegetarian. Which is a lot like how a whiskey drinking, cigarette smoking, female chasing Mormon is referred to as a Jack Mormon.

Except that I'm without whiskey, smokes, and female hotties. Dang! Even those trouble making, bad boy fanatical Mormons are living a better life than me!

But hey! No shame to my game! I'm a flesh eating, bone gnawing, carcass loving meatie as I will call my gastro-intestinal kind, for lack of a better word springing to mind. And us meaties partake of animal protein with the same dignity and decorum that is displayed by a pack of wild Hyenas divvying up some antelope, that they just strong arm robbed from some dumbass lion.

But that's nothing compared to the ferocity exhibited by veggers fighting over the last slice of quiche. Talk about take no prisoners for god's sake!

So whether you're a meatie, or a vegger, in the final analysis a feeding frenzy is a feeding frenzy. It's all good! Errr... except for them folks that have developed a taste for meat that is considerably past its sell date.

But let ye that has never eaten an old, green slice of bologna a time or two in your life cast the first bone! (And if there's any tasty meat left on it, you know that it's gonna be gone before you get it back!)

We (meaties) need to own our bone. And beat our aggravatingly noisy spirit drums with them!

We can also make weapons with some of the bones. Then use them to bring down other animals that we can barbecue, fry, bake, broil, steam, sauté, baste, skewer, sear, etc.

Us meaties also need an organization that is similar to P.E.T.A that would represent those among us that are carnivorously inclined. We need an advocacy group to highlight any, and all beneficial rewards that are offshoots of eating flesh.

Maybe I should have worded that last sentence in a less visually descriptive manner...

But wake up and smell the beef tallow people!

That's what's going on! And we shouldn't be made to feel ashamed of our meat loving ways. We are direct descendents of those cave dwelling, flea picking, Woolly Mammoth masticating knuckle draggers. Men who never met a four-legged beast that they didn't want to part out, and then pig out on.

Which is why that every Thanksgiving since Fred and Wilma Flintstone left the cave and bought a pre-fab slab cave in Bedrock, [/IMG] the ancient carnivorous clan has united in small clusters nation wide to "have at it" as it were, until the Turkey's carcass is picked clean.

And make no mistake, we love the symbology inherent in anything that we can eat that's correctly classified as a carcass.

So... You can have your leeks, and watercress my animal protein challenged brothers and sisters. And if I am not stoned to death by the Veggie Nazis for having some roast beef on my breath, I will even join you in a reverent prayer of thanks that praises the wonders of a baked potato, with butter, sour cream, and chives.

For it is good.

Yea verily so.

Amen, and pass the Baco Bits!
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Oscar Namechange
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Post by Oscar Namechange »

You sound clinically Insane.

I like you
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Post by AnneBoleyn »

oscar;1410438 wrote: You sound clinically Insane.

I like you

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Post by Bruv »

Way too much information on a first date, there is little mystery left now.
I thought I knew more than this until I opened my mouth
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Post by along-for-the-ride »


Hello wordwaymike! Enjoy your visits with us.

Here's a welcome mat for you............:)

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Been absent from FG so long that I feel like a newbie.

Post by Saint_ »

Welcome back. What was your username before?
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Lady J
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Post by Lady J » definitely sounds like you have been away too long!

Are you a zombie?

Not that I am a vegan but you sound kinda scarey in the meat department!
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Post by wordwaymike »

Thank you Oscar, for that heartfelt response to the degenerative nature of my thought process. I yam what I yam. And that ain't no sweet potato.
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Post by wordwaymike »

Thank you Saint. As for my username in my previous FG incarnation, it was the same. I figure that it still has a lot of virtual miles left on it. Also, I hate dinking around in settings. Nothing good ever comes from it.
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