Want war. Let the men negotiate. Want peace. Let the women at it.

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Gnostic Christian Bishop
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Want war. Let the men negotiate. Want peace. Let the women at it.

Post by Gnostic Christian Bishop »

Want war. Let the men negotiate. Want peace. Let the women at it.

We are finding out that world affecting conflicts for resources like oil will increase over time. The Ukraine is just one on a string of oily pearls that war will visit.

Men must recognize and admit that they and their testosterone driven characters are not well suited to peace negotiations and that softer and gentler women should be recognized as the better choice. Those might not include those unfortunate women that have been made into men by their systems.

That is above the belt thinking boys.


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Want war. Let the men negotiate. Want peace. Let the women at it.

Post by AnneBoleyn »

Since women have never had a shot at such power I'm not sure there is enough evidence for what you say. Thanks for your confidence, though!
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Betty Boop
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Want war. Let the men negotiate. Want peace. Let the women at it.

Post by Betty Boop »

AnneBoleyn;1450618 wrote: Since women have never had a shot at such power I'm not sure there is enough evidence for what you say. Thanks for your confidence, though!

Me either, and given how catty some women can be, are you really sure?
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Gnostic Christian Bishop
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Want war. Let the men negotiate. Want peace. Let the women at it.

Post by Gnostic Christian Bishop »

AnneBoleyn;1450618 wrote: Since women have never had a shot at such power I'm not sure there is enough evidence for what you say. Thanks for your confidence, though!

Yes there is. I always back the right horse.

Fact. 6,000 years under primarily male dominated world governance, with the worst offenders being male, has not produced peace.

Fact. Before the Bronze Age, there was more peace under the matriarchies.

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Albert Einstein


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Gnostic Christian Bishop
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Want war. Let the men negotiate. Want peace. Let the women at it.

Post by Gnostic Christian Bishop »

Betty Boop;1450620 wrote: Me either, and given how catty some women can be, are you really sure?

If that is a problem we will put a man in charge. :-5

Better a scratch by a cat that I disturb than be bitten by a dog I did nothing to.

Most women will know that it is better to suffer a few scratches than to continue burying their children in war. Men do not seem to care.


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Want war. Let the men negotiate. Want peace. Let the women at it.

Post by AnneBoleyn »

What about Queens who did not shirk sending others to war, though they did not personally participate, like Elizabeth I, Matilda, etc? For a modern choice, Golda Meir never shrank from a fight. One might say they were protecting & defending more than being aggressive for aggressions' sake.

"Most women will know that it is better to suffer a few scratches than to continue burying their children in war. Men do not seem to care."

Modern Muslim women have been known to encourage their kids to blow themselves up. During the Vietnam War mothers encouraged sons that it would be shameful to avoid the draft. I have direct knowledge of those women.

Nah, I'm not sure you are right, DL (what does DL stand for, btw?).
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Gnostic Christian Bishop
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Want war. Let the men negotiate. Want peace. Let the women at it.

Post by Gnostic Christian Bishop »

DL is just my real initials. Business habit.

As to women, sure their are exceptions.

What % of our male dominated history of war would you assign to women? 2, maybe 3 %?

I see nothing dishonest in saying that men have fouled our nest from the time they ended the matriarchies and began to rule.


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