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Post by Saint_ »

Yeah, I live in a valley where three rivers meet, so there's water and color here...but desert all around! Very strange! (I have 23 separate species of trees on my land)

And yes, that is a mum hedge and a red maple.
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Post by AnneBoleyn »

Aura, your photos are truly spectacular! Thank you so much for posting them & for sharing a side of yourself that is spectacular as well!
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Thanks Ms Boleyn that's kind of you. :)
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Oscar Namechange
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Post by Oscar Namechange »

You may remember about 14 months ago my Jack Russell having 3 puppies.

This Is the one we dubbed Snowfire who later had his named changed to Patch, now all grown up doing his job... we are soooo proud of him.

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Interesting. What does he actually do?
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FourPart;1462218 wrote: Interesting. What does he actually do? He's been trianed as a sensor dog. He;s trained to sense when his owner Is about to have a seizure and alert others... He's absolutely Incredible at doing this and has proven himself on many occassions.
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How on earth do they train them to sense when they're about to have a seizure. I can understand when they have one, as the dog could be trained by acting out the situation, but about to...?
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Post by Oscar Namechange »

FourPart;1462225 wrote: How on earth do they train them to sense when they're about to have a seizure. I can understand when they have one, as the dog could be trained by acting out the situation, but about to...? Once the dog has witnessed the owner go Into a seizure they pick on body language etc etc.

TBH I don't know exactly how but his owner has several fits every week and the dog just does It.... having said that, It gets stranger...

Patch Is one of my Jack Russell's puppies. Rosie who was rescue, now 6 years old...

Long before she had her pups, she started to behave quite strangely In certain situations In the house... I have never had a dog before that has done this... I have never ever trained her either. She just started doing It. At first, a few years ago, I had absolutely no Idea why she'd suddenly start doing what she was doing and bit by bit, I twigged.

Very often at home, I'm multi-tasking and I get distracted very easily.

I started noticing her behaviour was strange about 30 seconds before my smoke detectors went off. Running around frantically, pawing me, whimpering.

I must admit, I often get distracted and turn the wrong plate on the hob or let the deep fat fryer over heat or a saucepan boil dry etc. This Is the only time she behaves like this.

If I turn the deep fat fryer on and get distracted, about 30 seconds before It really starts smoking, she acts up, same with pans about to boil dry.

Over the past few years, she'll even do It If I've forgotton I've got a bath running.

I have never trained her, no Idea how she does It either so It's no surprise one of her pups alerts others when his owner Is about to have a seizure.

I find It quite remarkable,
At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them. R.L. Binyon
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FourPart;1462225 wrote: How on earth do they train them to sense when they're about to have a seizure. I can understand when they have one, as the dog could be trained by acting out the situation, but about to...?

First as Oscar mentioned, dogs are quite remarkable.

As far as seizures go it is more about the dog's level of awareness.

There is a group here know as Fido and the dog's are trained in assistance work.

The Quick 10: Dr. Fido - 10 Ways Dogs Help in the Medical Community | Mental Floss

view the link if you want to be even more astonished about what a dog can do.:guitarist
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Here is another image I took.

I wish more would post images...what is outside you door? In your front yard? don't you ever snap photos of what you see?

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Post by Lady J »

Saint_;1461839 wrote: Yeah, I live in a valley where three rivers meet, so there's water and color here...but desert all around! Very strange! (I have 23 separate species of trees on my land)

And yes, that is a mum hedge and a red maple.

Keep posting Saint! You have a lot to show off!

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Post by Aura »

don't you ever snap photos of what you see?

here is on my uncle's farm. Take care of countryside for (because of the stupid developer who only cares about making money), it could soon be gone.
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Post by FourPart »

Not exactly a recent picture, but this is the one I use as my Desktop Background. It's taken as the view from my kitchen window, looking across the Southampton Water towards the New Forest. Nothing fancy - just a simple snap either with a cheapy Digital Camera, or with my Phone (I don't recall).

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A few more of the same area, but looking in different directions. Once again these were snapped with a pretty crappy camera, using a low-resolution, but using "Enhance Photo" function gives them a bit of an 'Oil Painting' effect (without using the 'Oil Painting' function).

These were all taken on Weston Shore at sunset - although nothing remarkable about that, due to the overcast skies.

1. Looking downstream towards the Isle of Wight (just visible on the horizon).

2. Looking across the Southampton Water towards Hythe & the New Forest.

3. Looking upstream towards the docks. Behind where you can see the green& white (mainly white) Wallenius Lines Car Transporter is the Liner Berth, mainly used by Cunard & P&O. This was also the departure point of White Star Line's ill fated Titanic.

This is where the Southampton Water branches of into its tributaries. The River Itchen, to the right, and the River Test, to the left.

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Post by Oscar Namechange »

Lady J;1462463 wrote: First as Oscar mentioned, dogs are quite remarkable.

As far as seizures go it is more about the dog's level of awareness.

There is a group here know as Fido and the dog's are trained in assistance work.

The Quick 10: Dr. Fido - 10 Ways Dogs Help in the Medical Community | Mental Floss

view the link if you want to be even more astonished about what a dog can do.:guitarist

Thanks for the link R... how we underestimate them !!!

Rescue Puppy loving her new Daddy... may have posted this before,

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One especially for both Lady J & Oscar, involving Working Dogs & Horses, all in one...

Guide Horse Foundation - Miniature horses for the blind
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Post by Lady J »

Aura;1462472 wrote:

here is on my uncle's farm. Take care of countryside for (because of the stupid developer who only cares about making money), it could soon be gone.

Aura...I love the contrast in the image! And the cat sitting in the doorway adds so much of home. Great shot of everyday happenings.

thank you for sharing! got any more?
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FourPart;1462492 wrote: Not exactly a recent picture, but this is the one I use as my Desktop Background. It's taken as the view from my kitchen window, looking across the Southampton Water towards the New Forest. Nothing fancy - just a simple snap either with a cheapy Digital Camera, or with my Phone (I don't recall).

Doesn't matter what you shot it with shares your space! The view from your kitchen window is awesome!! I've never been to England so for you to share this with me and other is very nice.....I like it!


Tell us more about the trees/bushes in front of the photo, please.
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Oscar Namechange;1462639 wrote: Thanks for the link R... how we underestimate them !!!

Rescue Puppy loving her new Daddy... may have posted this before,

Post it as much as you like, Oscar. It is a great that will never be lost in the heart. :-4

I have found in my travels that the best dogs are rescued dogs. Odd how someone will give up a great dog cuz it barks, or chews up shoes, or goes to the bathroom inside. It always sounds to me like the Owners need to be trained and not the dogs.:-3

Great photo....and where is the one of you and your best friend walk by the river?
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Lady J;1462918 wrote:

Tell us more about the trees/bushes in front of the photo, please.
There's a row of 5 x 13 floor tower blocks here (that's not counting the ground floor, as I know Americans, and maybe other countries as well, count the 'Ground' floor as the 'First' floor. Technically, I suppose it's 14 floors (plus Ground) as there's also a communal Laundry room which now houses the central gas boiler, amongst other things.

Because of the inherently constant high winds here, being funneled either side of the Isle of Wight, along the Solent (which is why it's a Mecca for the yachting fraternity) the blocks are built slightly offset from each other to break up the resonant frequencies of the wind. The trees were also planted there to act as a windbreak for the same reason.

The land between the trees & the shore is waste land, unsuitable for building on, as in the 50s it was a Landfill site & there is still a problem with subterranean methane as a result, therefore it is left to its own devices - frequently used to graze ponies on (I think that might be one visible through the trees - either that or it's the remnants of a bin bag).

As the main thing I miss living in a tower block (much as I love it here) is a garden, so I am currently campaigning the Council to make use of the land by turning it into what I refer to as "Front Garden Allotments" (as opposed to standard vegetable allotments, which can become an eyesore). These would be for residents to care for & plant their own flowers & shrubs, etc. Either that or to make it into one communal garden.

To the left, behind the railing fence, is the Pirates & Islands Play Area, which I am proud to say I had a direct involvement in its creation. The council were going to build a standard playground - you know the sort of thing - swings, roundabout, slide & climbing frame, but I was on the Residents Committee & objected, saying that there already was something similar to this on the shore (visible straight ahead), but the local kids weren't interested in it (although parents bring their kids from miles to play there & give their dogs a run), so a few of us were charged with the task of deciding what should go there, so we got together & put together a questionnaire & asked a few of the kids hanging round at the shops if they'd be interested in filling them in. They were a bit suspicious at first, but then got interested. Suddenly one of them asked if he could take some to show his mates. We said sure, and arranged to be there the same time the following day. When we got there there were loads of kids waiting for us with their questionnaires all filled in, along with drawings of what they wanted. We presented these to the Council, and they built it. Ever since then the kids have really looked after it & I've even seen them cleaning it up after some out of neighbourhood kids had tagged it with their spray cans, and the reason they look after it is because it's THEIRS. All it is, basically, is a load of wooden huts & climbing frames, with a central zip line (which is down at the moment due to overuse & rotting wood on the frames), , and some rope swings, all based on a central Pirates theme. Simple, basic & very crude, which is just what the kids wanted.
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Post by Lady J »

Awesome!! thank you for taking the time to share!

"As the main thing I miss living in a tower block (much as I love it here) is a garden, so I am currently campaigning the Council to make use of the land by turning it into what I refer to as "Front Garden Allotments" (as opposed to standard vegetable allotments, which can become an eyesore). These would be for residents to care for & plant their own flowers & shrubs, etc. Either that or to make it into one communal garden."

this sounds like a very good idea!!

"Pirates & Islands Play Area, which I am proud to say I had a direct involvement in its creation."

I see it! Yahoo for the kids!! And I am glad to see you got the kids involved in what they wanted and they are still involved it taking care of it. Very impressive FourPart!

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Zinna in the fall sun.....

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From my 'Baby Bath Garden'...

No flowers this year, unfortunately.
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Post by Oscar Namechange »

It's hard to believe these two are not from the same litter.

On the left, my recent rescue Hanny and on the right, one of my Jack Russell's puppies, Patch having the time of their lives.

Click on pic to enlarge

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When I was first getting ready to go home from work yesterday I had to snap this view from my office window. It was one of those that went from horizon to horizon (including the echoed one).

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FourPart;1464600 wrote: From my 'Baby Bath Garden'...

No flowers this year, unfortunately.

Hi FourPart.....great image!

As usual I have a ?? or two.

why don't you have any flowers this year? I take it this was taken the year before? Still very beautiful!

And why do you call your garden a 'Baby Bath Garden'?
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Oscar Namechange;1464827 wrote: It's hard to believe these two are not from the same litter.

On the left, my recent rescue Hanny and on the right, one of my Jack Russell's puppies, Patch having the time of their lives.

Click on pic to enlarge

Hi Oscar!!

They could be twins!!! And what a great photo - they are certainly having a great time! Thanks of sharing.
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[QUOTE=FourPart;1467406]When I was first getting ready to go home from work yesterday I had to snap this view from my office window. It was one of those that went from horizon to horizon (including the echoed one).

I see the rainbow shadow! Very cool FourPart!

thank you and Oscar for keeping this thread alive while I was busy with work and is appreciated. :yh_hugs
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Hmmmmm... make a note. Attached photos/images to not come thru in replies only actual photos/images do.

The Baby Bath Garden attachment nor Oscar's playful Hanny and Patch attachments did not re-post....but FourPart rainbow did as the actual image he placed in the post.

Can management do something about this?

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I keep getting a Error 500 (Internal Server Error) when I post
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I keep getting an Error 500 (Internal Server Error) whenever I post more than a couple of lines.
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FourPart;1467570 wrote: I keep getting an Error 500 (Internal Server Error) whenever I post more than a couple of lines.

This is an ongoing problem with the security module supplied by vB being overzealous. It is triggered by odd words or phrases so try rephrasing your post or, for longer posts, posting parts of the posts until you narrow down the section containing the problem and then rephrase that.

In the mean time, we are trying to work on a fix but it is elusive and is taking a lot longer that we like.

If you are really having difficulty then send me the text of the post in an e-mail and I'll find the problem and send an amended version back for you to post - that has worked in the past and has the advantage that I get to see what triggered the error.
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Once it started messing about I copied the post & saved it as a text file so I wouldn't lose it all if it went ape on me again. I tried messaging you with the contents of the message, but it wouldn't let me post that either, as PMs work the same way as posts.

I'll try attaching the text file here so you can (hopefully) get access to it. Pictures Taken By You.txt
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Post by Fuzzy »

I like stitching photos together to make them more interesting.

It would be quicker to use the appropriate lens but I only have a cheap camera.

The program, 'Photo Stitcher' I'm using does a good job though.

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Fuzzy;1467666 wrote: I like stitching photos together to make them more interesting.

It would be quicker to use the appropriate lens but I only have a cheap camera.

The program, 'Photo Stitcher' I'm using does a good job though.

Out of interest, what's the reason for the stilts? It doesn't look like flash flood territory so, maybe, the local animal life?
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I suspect that house is on uneven terrain.
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LarsMac;1467669 wrote: I suspect that house is on uneven terrain.

So it is.

Here we would tend to dig into the hillside rather than put the other end on stilts.
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Bryn Mawr;1467671 wrote: So it is.

Here we would tend to dig into the hillside rather than put the other end on stilts.

Back home in the Southeast, we did that, as well. Here in Colorado, particularly in the high country, where there is much granite and difficult terrain, bringing in the heavy equipment to do that can be quite costly.

And in hot dry climes, the reward of having a shady spot to park your car is an added bonus.
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LarsMac;1467672 wrote: Back home in the Southeast, we did that, as well. Here in Colorado, particularly in the high country, where there is much granite and difficult terrain, bringing in the heavy equipment to do that can be quite costly.

And in hot dry climes, the reward of having a shady spot to park your car is an added bonus.

Fair enough - makes sense :-)
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Post by sugarpuff »

LarsMac;1467669 wrote: I suspect that house is on uneven terrain.

I think he was trying for a replica of the Leaning Tower of Pisa

or should we say the Leaning house of fuzzy...

To be honest with you .. Fuzzy and his wife are giants ..
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Post by Fuzzy »

Building on poles has certain advantages. Apart from the free undercover car spaces.

Some people bring in truck loads of sand to put a concrete slab on top to build the house on. I was told by the builder we would have needed about 200 loads to level our slope. The west end of the decline is nearly 2metres lower than the east end.

This photo shows better the underside of the house.

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Fuzzy;1467684 wrote: Building on poles has certain advantages. Apart from the free undercover car spaces.

Some people bring in truck loads of sand to put a concrete slab on top to build the house on. I was told by the builder we would have needed about 200 loads to level our slope. The west end of the decline is nearly 2metres lower than the east end.

This photo shows better the underside of the house.

That looks to be a nice home :-)
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I wouldn't be able to trust the strength of those timbers. They'd be subject to rotting, or in high winds blowing the house sideways & snapping them altogether.

Give me Bricks & Mortar any day.
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FourPart;1467704 wrote: I wouldn't be able to trust the strength of those timbers. They'd be subject to rotting, or in high winds blowing the house sideways & snapping them altogether.

Give me Bricks & Mortar any day.

Eh. Those timbers will last a hundred years or more. That's is probably a lot longer than Fuzzy will need them.
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Post by Fuzzy »

Lars is correct, there are wooden houses in Oz over a hundred years old.

The only danger to them would be bushfires. That's why I keep the area around the house clear of combustibles and the fire pump well maintained .

By the way, our previous house was double brick and cement roof tiles. I now prefer the wooden shack.
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Post by sugarpuff »

OTE=LarsMac;1467710]Eh. Those timbers will last a hundred years or more.

Not if I am around

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Fuzzy;1467684 wrote: Building on poles has certain advantages. Apart from the free undercover car spaces.

Some people bring in truck loads of sand to put a concrete slab on top to build the house on. I was told by the builder we would have needed about 200 loads to level our slope. The west end of the decline is nearly 2metres lower than the east end.

This photo shows better the underside of the house.

Great story and very cool image, Fuzzy! Sounds like you got some good advice from your builder. Nice looking home. Thanks for sharing!
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Christmas Eve 2014

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Nice picture J.

Good grieve, is that the sky?:-3
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Fuzzy;1470147 wrote: Nice picture J.

Good grieve, is that the sky?:-3

Thank you, Fuzzy.

Yes today was very sunshine with a lot of rain. The image was taken at noon and is of a pine tree with rain droplets. Didn't make for the best Xmas eve but I reckon it was better than snow? Or maybe not....
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