Russia Dumps 20% Of Its Treasury Holdings As Mystery Belgium Buyer Adds Another Who

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Russia Dumps 20% Of Its Treasury Holdings As Mystery Belgium Buyer Adds Another Who

Post by katsung47 »

Russia Dumps 20% Of Its Treasury Holdings As Mystery "Belgium" Buyer Adds Another Whopping $40 Billion

Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/15/2014 13:23 -0400

Back in mid-March, there was a brief scare after the start of the Ukraine conflict, when Fed custody holdings plunged by a record $104.5 billion (if promptly bouncing back the following week), leading many to believe that Russia may have dumped its Treasurys, or at least change its bond custodian. We noted that we wouldn't have a definitive answer until the May TIC number came out to know for sure how much Russia had sold, or if indeed, anything. Moments ago the May TIC numbers did come out, and as expected, Russia indeed dumped a record $26 billion, or some 20% of all of its holdings, bringing its post-March total to just over $100 billion - the lowest since the Lehman crisis.

Russia Dumps 20% Of Its Treasury Holdings As Mystery "Belgium" Buyer Adds Another Whopping $40 Billion | Zero Hedge
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Russia Dumps 20% Of Its Treasury Holdings As Mystery Belgium Buyer Adds Another Who

Post by katsung47 »

Russia Is Doing It – Russia Is Actually Abandoning The Dollar

By Michael Snyder, on June 10th, 2014

The Russians are actually making a move against the petrodollar. It appears that they are quite serious about their de-dollarization strategy. The largest natural gas producer on the planet, Gazprom, has signed agreements with some of their biggest customers to switch payments for natural gas from U.S. dollars to euros. And Gazprom would have never done this without the full approval of the Russian government, because the Russian government holds a majority stake in Gazprom. There hasn't been a word about this from the big mainstream news networks in the United States, but this is huge. When you are talking about Gazprom, you are talking about a company that is absolutely massive. It is one of the largest companies in the entire world and it makes up 8 percent of Russian GDP all by itself. It holds 18 percent of the natural gas reserves of the entire planet, and it is also a very large oil producer. So for Gazprom to make a move like this is extremely significant.

Russia Is Doing It – Russia Is Actually Abandoning The Dollar
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Russia Dumps 20% Of Its Treasury Holdings As Mystery Belgium Buyer Adds Another Who

Post by katsung47 »

839. Iraqi crisis created to save dollar (6/18/2014)

In early June, Russia switches the oil payment from dollars to Euros.

Gazprom Signs Agreements to Switch from Dollars to Euros

Global Research, June 07, 2014

Gazprom Neft had signed additional agreements with consumers on a possible switch from dollars to euros for payments under contracts, the oil company’s head Alexander Dyukov told a press conference.

“Additional agreements of Gazprom Neft on the possibility to switch contracts from dollars to euros are signed. With Belarus, payments in rubles are agreed on,” he said.

Dyukov said nine of ten consumers had agreed to switch to euros.

Gazprom Signs Agreements to Switch from Dollars to Euros | Global Research

This is very important news. If people starting to abandon the dollar, US will be hurt seriously in economy. Yet the news was little reported by the mainstream media. Several days later, the ISIL rebel in Iraq activates an offensive. The puppet Iraqi government retreats without any resistance. As a result, the oil price goes up.

Oil prices spike as Iraq violence flares

By Mark Thompson @MarkThompsonCNN June 12, 2014

Oil prices spiked Thursday to levels not seen in nine months as escalating violence in Iraq sparked worries about crude exports.

Light crude oil futures touched $106 a barrel, up nearly 2% and the highest price since September 2013.

Oil prices spike as Iraq violence flares - Jun. 12, 2014

Since the money used in most oil trading is dollar, the higher oil price will force the buyer to keep more dollar in bank as purchasing power. It’s a big amount if future option is included. Manipulating oil price becomes a strategy to save the dollar. Iraq is a big country of oil production and exportation. Its political stability has huge influence to oil price. US has turned it into a switch to adjust the oil price.
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Russia Dumps 20% Of Its Treasury Holdings As Mystery Belgium Buyer Adds Another Who

Post by katsung47 »

840. US keeps Iraq a battle field to adjust oil price (6/25/2014)

Since the recent Iraq crisis created by the US is to save dollar, US will maintain the current situation unchanged. A US craft carrier has been deployed in Mid-East, no air attack has done so far.

Analysis: Obama plan leaves Iraq mostly on its own

By LARA JAKES 6/20/2014

Analysis: Obama plan leaves Iraq mostly on its own

Three hundred US military advisors were sent to Iraq. Their role likely is to instruct Iraqi troops to retreat from cities or oil fields when they want the oil price to go up. Or vice versa.

The US will turn Iraq into another battle field. Let Arabs fight Arabs. Decades ago, it was Saddam's Iraq vs. Iran. Now it will be Sunni's Iraq, Saudi, Qarda vs. Shiiti Iraq, Iran.

That's a strategy it used to play, just like it manipulates Democrats and Republicans in domestic politics.

How the US is Arming Both Sides of the Iraqi Conflict

By Tyler Durden

Global Research, June 13, 2014

How the US is Arming Both Sides of the Iraqi Conflict | Global Research
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Russia Dumps 20% Of Its Treasury Holdings As Mystery Belgium Buyer Adds Another Who

Post by katsung47 »

844. To save the dollar by hitting the Euro (7/17/2014)

Someone argues,

Originally Posted by imaginethat

Russia is the world's largest exporter of oil. Any increase in the price of oil benefits Russia.

That’s true. But oil price is the fastest way to adjust the demand of the dollar. We saw then the Euro – an alternative to the dollar, is threatened.

Portugal bank crisis shakes investor confidence

By Brigitte HagemannJuly 10, 2014

Lisbon (AFP) - Fears over the health of Portugal's largest listed bank, Banco Espirito Santo, sent its shares into freefall Thursday, shaking stock markets in Lisbon and across Europe and even the Atlantic.

Portugal bank crisis shakes investor confidence

Euro is the reserve currency next to the dollar. When dollar is weak that oil buyers have to use Euros for payment to Russian oil, what if Euro’s value is threatened? Similar situation had acted four years ago when US had a financial crisis (the bankruptcy of Leman Brothers caused by sub-prime loan collapse), US resolved it by introducing the Greek financial crisis.

Wall St. Helped to Mask Debt Fueling Europe’s Crisis


Published: February 13, 2010

Wall Street tactics akin to the ones that fostered subprime mortgages in America have worsened the financial crisis shaking Greece and undermining the euro by enabling European governments to hide their mounting debts.

As worries over Greece rattle world markets, records and interviews show that with Wall Street’s help, the nation engaged in a decade-long effort to skirt European debt limits. One deal created by Goldman Sachs helped obscure billions in debt from the budget overseers in Brussels. ... c=rss&_r=0

If the high oil price would benefit enemy Russia, then US has to dig into the foundation of ally’s wallet. Last time the ignition was Greece, this time it is Portugal.
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Russia Dumps 20% Of Its Treasury Holdings As Mystery Belgium Buyer Adds Another Who

Post by katsung47 »

845. Another way to weaken the Euro (7/21/2014)

The energy supply of Europe is heavily dependent on Russia. About one third to 40% of its natural gas and oil are imported from Russia. One important gas pipe is inside Ukraine. If there is a turmoil in Ukraine, the gas supply to Europe will be affected. The economy of Europe would be weakened, so be the Euro. That’s why we saw an upheaval in Ukraine.

Ron Paul Defends Russia After Malaysian Plane Crash


By Colin Campbell Jul 21, 2014,

One of those unreported things, Paul claimed in his weekly "Texas Straight Talk" column, was the United States' own responsibility for destabilizing the region. Ukraine is currently embroiled in violent conflict between the Ukrainian government and the pro-Russian separatists.

"They will not report that the crisis in Ukraine started late last year, when EU and US-supported protesters plotted the overthrow of the elected Ukrainian president, Viktor Yanukovych.

Without US-sponsored 'regime change,' it is unlikely that hundreds would have been killed in the unrest that followed. Nor would the Malaysian Airlines crash have happened," Paul wrote. ... 31466.html

Here EU used to be a follower of the US. I think the Europeans have sensed the coming danger the US will bring to them. German is a major power of EU. Recently, German has twice revealed two US spy cases and eventually expelled a CIA intelligence official. That’s unusual.

Germany Demands Top U.S. Intelligence Officer Be Expelled

Posted 10 July 2014 - 07:36 PM

BERLIN — Germany’s relations with the United States plunged to a low point Thursday, with the government demanding the expulsion of the chief American intelligence official stationed here because, it said, Washington has refused to cooperate with German inquiries into United States intelligence activities. ... .html?_r=1

I would say German has sensed (or with its state ability, having the intelligence) that US would sacrifice European’s economy by creating a crisis in Europe. It could be terror attack; or war. The deportation of US intelligence official is just a warning or protest of disagreement. Several days later, Malaysia airliner MH17 was down in Ukraine.
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Russia Dumps 20% Of Its Treasury Holdings As Mystery Belgium Buyer Adds Another Who

Post by recovering conservative »

Thanks for continuing updates on an issue that most people won't take notice of until there's a stockmarket meltdown and Weimar Republic-level inflation.

I have noticed a steady drip of financial news in recent years on the BRICS nations making slow, cautious moves to untangle themselves from the U.S. Dollar. The moves by the Obama Administration to use financial warfare against adversaries, has sped up Russia and China's efforts to break away from Dollaraucracy.

One minor story that has been getting little attention is U.S. ally - Turkey's moves away from dealing with the U.S. and Europe towards establishing stronger commercial ties with China and supposed enemy - Russia: Don Quijones: Nato-Member Turkey Threatens Western-Owned Banks, Shifts East, Cozies up to Russia

We first started getting word that Turkey may be shifting away from its long time alliances with the West and Israel back when they hosted the Gaza Flotilla. It looks like their moves are not just about Israel or trying to establish better relations with the Arab World. They appear to have given up on the dream of joining the E.U. and are changing sides in what could turn into a re-enactment of WWI.

*I forgot to add this piece by economic forecaster - Charles Hughes Smith about the IMF last year: Will the Dollar Lose its Reserve Currency Status to an SDR Currency?

The "Special Drawing Rights" or SDR's that Smith refers to in that piece, is the fact that the IMF already is the world currency for all intents and purposes! The rest of us aren't made aware of this, but the IMF has always functioned with a "basket" of four currencies, which until now, has been dominated by the U.S. Dollar.

But as the Dollar quantitative eases its way to oblivion, the IMF draws in more of those other currencies into the SDR basket, and China is hoping to eventually displace the Dollar entirely....which would be when the real crash begins.

Up till now, we've been thinking of this Dollar issue in terms of some other currency replacing it as the global reserve trading currency. But in reality, it is already being replaced slowly, and this is the primary reason why the Obama Administration is making dangerous , high risk military moves like sponsoring the Ukraine Revolution and the civil war that has followed. The only thing that will keep the Dollar no. one, is client states having to spend billions more dollars for U.S. arms and "advisers."
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Russia Dumps 20% Of Its Treasury Holdings As Mystery Belgium Buyer Adds Another Who

Post by katsung47 »

847. Puppets show to save the dollar (8/1/2014)

The MH17 crash was obviously an attempt to draw Europe into a war crisis in Ukraine. As a result, Euro goes down wards.

Ukraine Tensions See Euro Come off Boil

LONDON — Jul 22, 2014, 11:56 AM ET

By PAN PYLAS Associated Press

The euro fell Tuesday to its lowest level against the dollar this year amid concerns that the downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 will prompt a bigger freeze in relations between the European Union and Russia.

The deterioration in relations between the two sides has worked against the euro, which is used by 18 EU countries. The crisis in Ukraine has given traders an opportunity to sell the euro, which had been at multiyear highs against the dollar despite the muted economic recovery in the eurozone and low interest rates.

Business News, Personal Finance and Money News - ABC News

Russia wants buyers to abandon the dollar and use the Euro for its oil. Ukraine crisis forces traders to sell the Euro. That’s how US to save its dollar – by creating war crisis.

Moreover, there is a turmoil in Libya lately. Libya is an oil rich country. The upheaval there not only push up the oil price, but also hurt economy of European countries. It’s not a coincidence.

US Evacuates Embassy In Libya Amid Clashes

By Matthew Lee July 26, 2014

WASHINGTON (AP) -- The United States shut down its embassy in Libya on Saturday and evacuated its diplomats to neighboring Tunisia under U.S. military escort amid a significant deterioration in security in Tripoli as fighting intensified between rival militias, the State Department said.

US Evacuates Embassy In Libya Amid Clashes

When there were “dictators”, the media blew the trumpet for “democracy”, “color revolution”, “Arab spring”. After the fall of the dictatorship, what left over are all US assets: ISIS, Iraq’s Maliki puppet government, rival militias (include Al Qaida) in Libya. Now you rarely hear the angry cry for justice although those agents are more cruel than the “dictators” – they are bombing civilians; beheading P.O.W. and doing religious extinction. Because all those puppets are working for the same master.

The puppets now are acting war shows in Iraq, Libya and Ukraine(where only Russia is the real enemy), all for one purpose, to save the dollar from collapse.
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Russia Dumps 20% Of Its Treasury Holdings As Mystery Belgium Buyer Adds Another Who

Post by katsung47 »

Saddam and Gaddafi both had tried to abandon the dollar in their oil trading. All were killed in wars activated by the US.

Gaddafi gold-for-oil, dollar-doom plans behind Libya 'mission'?

Gaddafi gold-for-oil, dollar-doom plans behind Libya 'mission'? - YouTube


Iraq nets handsome profit by dumping dollar for euro

Faisal Islam, economics correspondent

The Observer, Saturday 15 February 2003

A bizarre political statement by Saddam Hussein has earned Iraq a windfall of hundreds of million of euros. In October 2000 Iraq insisted on dumping the US dollar - 'the currency of the enemy' - for the more multilateral euro.

The changeover was announced on almost exactly the same day that the euro reached its lowest ebb, buying just $0.82, and the G7 Finance Ministers were forced to bail out the currency. On Friday the euro had reached $1.08, up 30 per cent from that time.

Almost all of Iraq's oil exports under the United Nations oil-for-food programme have been paid in euros since 2001. Around 26 billion euros (£17.4bn) has been paid for 3.3 billion barrels of oil into an escrow account in New York.

Iraq nets handsome profit by dumping dollar for euro | Business | The Observer

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Russia Dumps 20% Of Its Treasury Holdings As Mystery Belgium Buyer Adds Another Who

Post by katsung47 »

An intimidation to Russia.

Does Russia (And Humanity) Have A Future?

— Paul Craig Roberts

July 25, 2014

It was obvious enough that Russia would be next.

The Russian government and Europe need to look beyond Washington’s propaganda, because the reality is much worst.

Does Russia (And Humanity) Have A Future? -- Paul Craig Roberts -

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Russia Dumps 20% Of Its Treasury Holdings As Mystery Belgium Buyer Adds Another Who

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The Nail In The Petrodollar Coffin: Gazprom Begins Accepting Payment For Oil In Ruble, Yuan

Submitted by Tyler Durden on 08/27/2014

Several months ago, when Russia announced the much anticipated "Holy Grail" energy deal with China, some were disappointed that despite this symbolic agreement meant to break the petrodollar's stranglehold on the rest of the world, neither Russia nor China announced payment terms to be in anything but dollars. In doing so they admitted that while both nations are eager to move away from a US Dollar reserve currency, neither is yet able to provide an alternative.

This changed in late June when first Gazprom's CFO announced the gas giant was ready to settle China contracts in Yuan or Rubles, and at the same time the People's Bank of China announced that its Assistant Governor Jin Qi and Russian central bank Deputy Chairman Dmitry Skobelkin held a meeting in which they discussed cooperating on project and trade financing using local currencies. The meeting discussed cooperation in bank card, insurance and financial supervision sectors.

And yet, while both sides declared their operational readiness and eagerness to bypass the dollar entirely, such plans remained purely in the arena of monetary foreplay and the long awaited first shot across the Petrodollar bow was absent.

Until now.

According to Russia's RIA Novosti, citing business daily Kommersant, Gazprom Neft has agreed to export 80,000 tons of oil from Novoportovskoye field in the Arctic; it will accept payment in rubles, and will also deliver oil via the Eastern Siberia-Pacific Ocean pipeline (ESPO), accepting payment in Chinese yuan for the transfers. Meaning Russia will export energy to either Europe or China, and receive payment in either Rubles or Yuan, in effect making the two currencies equivalent as far as the Eurasian axis is conerned, but most importantly, transact completely away from the US dollar thus, finally putin'(sic) in action the move for a Petrodollar-free world.

The Nail In The Petrodollar Coffin: Gazprom Begins Accepting Payment For Oil In Ruble, Yuan | Zero Hedge
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Russia Dumps 20% Of Its Treasury Holdings As Mystery Belgium Buyer Adds Another Who

Post by katsung47 »

556. Petro-dollar, the cause of Iran war (7/4/08)

People think the nuclear ambition of Iran is the reason for Iran war. That is only right on Israel's part. For US part, it is petro-dollar.

US dollar is appointed currency in oil trading. Because the oil trade is a huge business, a large amount of dollar is locked up in that trade. That money is called petro-dollar. Why it is so important to US? Because it acts as a long term none interest loan The prosperous US economy partly was based on the petro-dollar - a long term loan without interest. Let me depict it in this way:

US bought a house from Japan (whom represents the oil customers of Iran) for one million dollars. US also bought another house from France (whom represents other oil customers of OPEC) for one million dollars. Japan and France use these two million dollars as fund to buy oil. The money was used in oil trading circle and never back to US. US enjoys the two houses almost free. He doesn't have to pay monthly mortgage payment. Not a penny for interest, nor for principle. All the cost was the printing of a green back paper. However, that green back paper - petro dollar, is still a debit note. How long is it? So far it's more than forty years - since dollar became the appointed oil trade currency.

But suddenly, Iran refuses to accept dollar. Japan has to ask US to exchange that one million dollar into Euro or yen. What US can do is: 1. to get the dollar back by export more merchandise. But he is not able to. He has a trade deficit already. 2. To get the dollar back with gold or foreign currency reserve. But he hasn't that much reserve. 3. To lock up that extra one million dollar in US Bond by raising the interest rate to attract the buyer. But he unwilling to do it. There is a sub-prime crisis in real estate market. Any interest increase will further devalue the house. Feds holds a large amount of real estates in my case, they don't allow such thing to happen. So to solve the problem, they go to the fourth option. 4. By pushing up the oil price.

France (other oil consumption countries) keeps one million dollar as oil trading fund. How much does he need if the oil price doubled? Two million. Thus the one million dollar Japan abandoned is absorbed by France. That's why the oil price jumped like crazy in recent days - a tricky way to keep US dollar from collapsing.

US has to pay for high oil price too. Ordinary people bear the cost. But the high oil price will hurt the economy. The condition won't last long. So war on Iran is unavoidable.

Of course, US is a "democratic" country. It can't start a war because others refusing to use its currency. Then beware of another 911 style false flag attack.

We know there was an incident of live nuclear head weapons being carried over the continental US by a B-52 last August. There is attempt of dirty bomb attack in Houston this year.

Quote, "State of Emergency: The US in the Final Six Months of the George W. Bush Administration

by Lewis Seiler and Dan Hamburg

June 13, 2008 by


Former National Security Agency analyst and naval intelligence officer Wayne Madsen has been in Houston investigating the Carnaby case at great personal risk. Madsen believes Carnaby was involved both in heading off a potential war with Iran (by leaking Mossad plans to assassinate Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah just days before Carnaby himself was killed) and in trying to forestall a potential terrorist attack on the port.

According to Madsen, “federal agents in Houston fear that ‘another 9/11-type part false flag’ attack is imminent, perhaps as early as July 4.”.......

State of Emergency: The US in the Final Six Months of the George W. Bush Administration | Common Dreams | Breaking News & Views for the Progressive Community

Another time factor for Iran war is the Olympic Game in August. China has interest in Iran. He is an oil customer of Iran. Olympic Game could be an extortion chip for China's support in Iran war.
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Russia Dumps 20% Of Its Treasury Holdings As Mystery Belgium Buyer Adds Another Who

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Banned From U.S. Banks, Russian Oil Giant Turns To Even Bigger Banks In China

Russian state owned oil company Gazprom is turning to China for foreign sources of capital now that the U.S. and European financial markets are closed to them.

Beijing is trying to open its capital markets, and lending to foreign institutions is par for the course. Gazprom make for a solid borrower, with tons of collateral in the form of gold…black gold that is. For Gazprom, Chinese interest rates aren’t as low as what Western banks can offer. But they are still more attractive than Russian banks. China’s benchmark interest rate is 6%, while Russia’s rate is 8%.

Banned From U.S. Banks, Russian Oil Giant Turns To Even Bigger Banks In China - Forbes
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Russia Dumps 20% Of Its Treasury Holdings As Mystery Belgium Buyer Adds Another Who

Post by FourPart »

So what?

"East is East, and West is West & ne'er the twain shall meet".

Basically, business is business. Bank 'A' offers a better deal than Bank 'B'. Therefore, because a customer chooses to use Bank 'A' means it is because they offer a better deal than Bank 'B'. If Bank 'B' changes it's policy & decides to undercut Bank 'A's offer, then the customer will most probably switch to using Bank 'B'. It does not mean it's down to Major International Political Conspiracy Theories.

You really need to get a life.
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Russia Dumps 20% Of Its Treasury Holdings As Mystery Belgium Buyer Adds Another Who

Post by katsung47 »

You missed the point. It's not a business choice. It was forced to. Do you understand what "ban" means?

The Cost Of Putin’s Ukrainian Adventure: Russia’s Currency Is Plummeting

The Russian ruble is worth 41% less, in dollar terms, than it was on January 1. U.S. and E.U. sanctions, plus a big drop in oil prices, are to blame. posted on Nov. 6, 2014,

The Russian currency, the ruble, has plummeted this year, hitting fresh lows of 46 rubles to the dollar on Thursday. It traded at 40 rubles to the dollar just in the last month, and has depreciated 41.8% this year.

That means that if you had $100 worth of rubles on January 1, they would be worth less than $60 today. ... rency-is-p
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Russia Dumps 20% Of Its Treasury Holdings As Mystery Belgium Buyer Adds Another Who

Post by FourPart »

So now you're criticising the sanctions placed on Russia for their clearly illegal acts of invasion of Crimea & Ukraine? Your protests, if anything show that the sanctions are starting to have their desired effect. Good!! If they can be made to desist without the further use of bloodshed, more's the better - or are you more in favour of an all out assault which would simply lead to a Nuclear Armaggedon?

Far from the days of military supremacy, Russia is fast becoming reliant on its existence as a Capital Based State so in order to stop them in their tracks they have to be hit where it hurts. That much is common sense.

The business side of things still holds true though. Although the West would not be prepared to offer loans etc., none of them would refuse having money invested in their own coffers.

You are also treating the fact that Russia deal with China & other Communist countries like it's some Stop Press Shock Horror thing. I can assure you that's it's not. The clue's in the name of the political regime. Communist countries will side with other Communist countries, while Capitalist ones will side with Capitalist ones. The problem is that Russia is in the phase of changing from one to the other & it wants the best of both worlds.
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Russia Dumps 20% Of Its Treasury Holdings As Mystery Belgium Buyer Adds Another Who

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The Kerry-Abdullah Secret Deal And An Oil-Gas Pipeline War On Iran, Syria And Russia

By F. William Engdahl

27 October, 2014

The Kerry-Abdullah Secret Deal And An Oil-Gas Pipeline War On Iran, Syria And Russia By F. William Engdahl
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Russia Dumps 20% Of Its Treasury Holdings As Mystery Belgium Buyer Adds Another Who

Post by LarsMac »

That is interesting, however, a few facts:

Of the top five oil producers in the world, today, wanna guess how many of them are OPEC Members?

One. Saudi Arabia.

And of the top ten, only five are OPEC members.

The top three producers produce as much as all of the OPEC nations combined.

So OPEC has outlived its usefulness to the Saudis. They now compete with only two other producers.

Wanna guess who those other two are?
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Russia Dumps 20% Of Its Treasury Holdings As Mystery Belgium Buyer Adds Another Who

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Russia still adding to gold reserves big time

With an addition of 18.7 tonnes in October, Russia continues to build up its gold reserves.

Author: Lawrence Williams

Posted: Friday , 21 Nov 2014

LONDON (Mineweb) -

The latest announcement from the Russian Central Bank shows that the nation is still accumulating gold at a high level. Total gold reserves according to figures compiled by Nick Laird of Gold Charts.:.ShareLynx Gold.:.Silver.:.PGMs.:. have now reached 1,169 tonnes having been expanded by a further 600,000 ounces (18.7 tonnes) in October.

Russia still adding to gold reserves big time - GOLD NEWS - Mineweb
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Russia Dumps 20% Of Its Treasury Holdings As Mystery Belgium Buyer Adds Another Who

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Russia falls in US' oil trap, or US falls in "Putin's gold trap? Interesting article to read.

Grandmaster Putin’s Trap

Thu, Dec 25, 2014

Russia, United States

By Dmitry KALINICHENKO (Russia

Despite numerous success reports in the style of Fox News and CNN, today, Western economy, led by the United States is in Putin’s trap, the way out of which no one in the West can see or find. And the more the West is trying to escape from this trap, the more stuck it becomes.

Grandmaster Putin’s Trap | Oriental Review

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Russia Dumps 20% Of Its Treasury Holdings As Mystery Belgium Buyer Adds Another Who

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Russia and China ‘Furiously’ Buying Up Gold As “a Global Currency Crisis – Albeit Unstated – is Underway”

Mac Slavo

January 20th, 2015

Russia and China 'Furiously' Buying Up Gold As "a Global Currency Crisis – Albeit Unstated – is Underway"
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Currency Wars – Russia and Netherlands Central Banks Buy 30.34 Tonnes Gold In December

By GoldCore Research / January 27, 2015

Russia and surprisingly the Netherlands were the largest central bank buyers in December – accumulating a significant 30.34 tonnes between them as currency wars intensify.

The Netherlands, which has the ninth-biggest gold reserves, raised its bullion holdings for the first time in 16 years. It added 9.61 tonnes to bring total gold reserves to 622.08 tonnes.

Russia raised its gold reserves for a ninth straight month in December as the country continued its multi month gold buying spree, adding to the fifth-biggest gold holdings in the world, data from the IMF showed yesterday.

Russia continues to dollar cost average into gold and increased its bullion holdings by another hefty 20.73 tonnes to 1,208.23 tonnes in December.

Currency Wars – Russia and Netherlands Central Banks Buy 30.34 Tonnes Gold In December - Silver For The People
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BRICS Bank to Take Major Step Forward with Russia Backing

4 February 2015

The new development bank took one step closer to becoming a reality with legislation submitted to the Russian Parliament.

BRICS Bank to Take Major Step Forward with Russia Backing | News | teleSUR
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Russia Dumps 20% Of Its Treasury Holdings As Mystery Belgium Buyer Adds Another Who

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Russia unloads 20% of its total U.S. holdings in one month

February 21, 2015

By Mac Slavo

According to a report from Zero Hedge the Russians have already started unloading their dollar reserves. In the month of December alone they sold a record $22 billion in U.S. Treasurys. While this may not seem like a big number, it is over 20% of their total US dollar holdings. ... one-month/
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Russia Dumps 20% Of Its Treasury Holdings As Mystery Belgium Buyer Adds Another Who

Post by Bryn Mawr »

katsung47;1475973 wrote: Russia unloads 20% of its total U.S. holdings in one month

February 21, 2015

By Mac Slavo

According to a report from Zero Hedge the Russians have already started unloading their dollar reserves. In the month of December alone they sold a record $22 billion in U.S. Treasurys. While this may not seem like a big number, it is over 20% of their total US dollar holdings. ... one-month/

You do realise that selling a commodity at that rate would severely reduce the value of that commodity? The fact that the dollar has not fallen in the world currency markets suggests that the report is false - unless you're also suggesting that the US is buying back its treasury bonds from its foreign currency reserves?

So I looked at the source of the report and found that there's little or no control over the content - anyone can post what they like :-

Intellihub News is a one of a kind open source agency that allows any person, of any perspective, to become a part of the conversation by contributing their own ideas and becoming part of the media themselves

So I looked at the source that the source quoted and found that it specialises in anonymous reportage :-

our method: pseudonymous speech...

anonymity is a shield from the tyranny of the majority. it thus exemplifies the purpose behind the bill of rights, and of the first amendment in particular: to protect unpopular individuals from retaliation-- and their ideas from suppression-- at the hand of an intolerant society.

So you have an unverified report quoting an anonymous source of unverified data - personally, I'll trust the visible indicators rather than the rumour mill.
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Russia Dumps 20% Of Its Treasury Holdings As Mystery Belgium Buyer Adds Another Who

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Bryn Mawr;1475984 wrote: You do realise that selling a commodity at that rate would severely reduce the value of that commodity? The fact that the dollar has not fallen in the world currency markets suggests that the report is false - unless you're also suggesting that the US is buying back its treasury bonds from its foreign currency reserves?

So I looked at the source of the report and found that there's little or no control over the content - anyone can post what they like :-

So I looked at the source that the source quoted and found that it specialises in anonymous reportage :-

So you have an unverified report quoting an anonymous source of unverified data - personally, I'll trust the visible indicators rather than the rumour mill.
ROFL. Sounds about right for Katsumg.
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Russia Dumps 20% Of Its Treasury Holdings As Mystery Belgium Buyer Adds Another Who

Post by katsung47 »

Who's Isolated Now? Kazakhstan Authorities Announce Plans To De-Dollarize Economy

Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/04/2015

Following the approval of the government, Kazakhstan's Central Bank has announced it plans to de-dollarize its economy by the end of 2016. The goal is to avoid the macroeconomic instability that the USD creates and to give priority to Tenge in trade agreements (banning price designations in foreign exchange). Coming just 2 weeks after the ratification of the $100 billion BRICS bank, and Russia's creation of a SWIFT-alternative, one wonders - as one by one foreign nations agree non-dollar trade and swap agreements - who is becoming 'isolated' now?

Who's Isolated Now? Kazakhstan Authorities Announce Plans To De-Dollarize Economy | Zero Hedge
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katsung47;1476656 wrote: Who's Isolated Now? Kazakhstan Authorities Announce Plans To De-Dollarize Economy

Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/04/2015

Following the approval of the government, Kazakhstan's Central Bank has announced it plans to de-dollarize its economy by the end of 2016. The goal is to avoid the macroeconomic instability that the USD creates and to give priority to Tenge in trade agreements (banning price designations in foreign exchange). Coming just 2 weeks after the ratification of the $100 billion BRICS bank, and Russia's creation of a SWIFT-alternative, one wonders - as one by one foreign nations agree non-dollar trade and swap agreements - who is becoming 'isolated' now?

Who's Isolated Now? Kazakhstan Authorities Announce Plans To De-Dollarize Economy | Zero Hedge

How is it that none of these major International Economy events are ever heard of outside of your crazy blog sites?
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Russia Dumps 20% Of Its Treasury Holdings As Mystery Belgium Buyer Adds Another Who

Post by Bryn Mawr »

FourPart;1476736 wrote: How is it that none of these major International Economy events are ever heard of outside of your crazy blog sites?

Kazakhstan - major - hmmm, I'll have to think about that one
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Russia Dumps 20% Of Its Treasury Holdings As Mystery Belgium Buyer Adds Another Who

Post by katsung47 »

FourPart;1476736 wrote: How is it that none of these major International Economy events are ever heard of outside of your crazy blog sites?

Because US has an iron curtain to censor the news it disfavors.
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Russia Dumps 20% Of Its Treasury Holdings As Mystery Belgium Buyer Adds Another Who

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katsung47;1477159 wrote: Because US has an iron curtain to censor the news it disfavors.
Only within the country, at best. Do you really believe they have the power to censor the world's press? Get real.
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Russia Dumps 20% Of Its Treasury Holdings As Mystery Belgium Buyer Adds Another Who

Post by katsung47 »

FourPart;1477163 wrote: Only within the country, at best. Do you really believe they have the power to censor the world's press? Get real.

I've just talked about the censorship in my recent article.

The Feds used to make a secret deal with a hostile country to frame a case. The advantage is nobody can investigate the case in a hostile country. People also tend to believe the framed case, rarely they will think of that a hostile country would cooperate with the US intelligence.

In my case, the Feds used to bribe N. Korea. N. Korea is small and weak country, the payment it demanded is less expensive than the China. See #879 to #883.

The typical Chinese one is much bigger.

That was EP-3 spy plane hostage case took place in early April 2001. I then found an article in internet.

Red Chinese get big bucks in Secret hostage deals

By Sherman H. Skolnick 04/11/01

Entry Level Ecigs: Halo G6 or Green Smoke Express | Skolnicks Ecig Reports


A top official of the US Drug Enforcement Administration, DEA, as a signatory and guarantor binding as well on successors in office, assures that that Agency will use their best efforts and most merited personnel to prevent any publicity in the mass media news outlets, of any problem, of any problems to be publicly discussed, as to “China White”, the high-purity dope from Southwest China funneling into the U.S. principally through Chicago and the monetary proceeds of which are to be credited to payback the loans from First National Bank of Chicago now called Bank One. …… A top official of FBI Counter-Intelligence Division, in supervision of overseas offices, likewise is a guarantor and signatory to these embargo provisions”


Though the article was vague and confuse as a cover up misinformation, I still extract some information from this passage.

It was a secret deal between US intelligence and Chinese secret police. The signatory and guarantor are agents of DEA and FBI.

Chinese secret police was to provide a smuggling case of Heroin “China White” so they need a news censorship for the reputation of China.

So said mainstream media is under control of the Feds. They can guarantee what news be released or not.
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Russia Dumps 20% Of Its Treasury Holdings As Mystery Belgium Buyer Adds Another Who

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You really must stop watching all those episodes of Inspector Gadgitt.
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