Will Obama be scapegoated for the decades old U.S. illegal military crimes against hu

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Gnostic Christian Bishop
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Will Obama be scapegoated for the decades old U.S. illegal military crimes against hu

Post by Gnostic Christian Bishop »

Will Obama be scapegoated for the decades old U.S. illegal military crimes against humanity?

New world order thinking is what has driven the U.S. military ideology forever. Old agreements put in place, public and legal or not, have been in operation for generations.

The old and unelected oligarchs, who presently set the U.S. military ideology through the Pentagon, are likely thinking of a scapegoat for the upcoming United Nation guilty verdict on U.S. war crimes.

The basic charge is withholding information on the oligarchs who are paying to have people murdered.

I give high odds that Obama will be made to take the fall. I also give high odds that the overall plan of the old and unelected oligarchs in the U.S and U. K., --- will just continue with same old same old same old of unelected oligarchs using public military assets to have people murdered.

It must be nice for an oligarch to be immune from the law and justice. Oh well.

Where do you put the odds?



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