Clearing Saudi Arabia of any responsibility

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Clearing Saudi Arabia of any responsibility

Post by spot »

"So these 28 pages I believe are going to come out and I think it's good that they come out. People shouldn't take them as evidence of Saudi complicity in the attacks," Mr Brennan said in an interview with Saudi-owned Arabiya TV.

Mr Brennan also described the 28-page section of the 2002 report as merely a "preliminary review".

"The 9/11 commission looked very thoroughly at these allegations of Saudi involvement... their conclusion was that there was no evidence to indicate that the Saudi government as an institution or senior Saudi officials individually had supported the 9/11 attacks," he said.

CIA chief Brennan: Secret US report on 9/11 'will absolve Saudi' - BBC News

CIA chief Brennan rather nicely focuses on the content of the so-far-unseen report.

What he tells us is that some Saudi officials were found to have supported - that means at least in part payrolled - the 9/11 attackers, but that the evidential paper trail wasn't traced as far as any senior Saudi official or Saudi government department or institution. Well no, it wouldn't have, would it. That's what the lower-level Saudi officials were doing, keeping the paper trail at arms length. I expect they're generically called cut-outs.

But if there were no paper-trail evidence relating to lower-level Saudi officials, he'd not have qualified his observation with the word "senior".
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Clearing Saudi Arabia of any responsibility

Post by Saint_ »

But of course we all know that it was exactly the Saudi's fault for supporting the extremist Wahabi mosques in their country. Specifically that the ruling royal family did nothing to reign in or control the out-of-control muslim extremists.

Kind of like knowing your neighbors are meth dealers, but never bothering to call the police.
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Clearing Saudi Arabia of any responsibility

Post by gmc »

Worse than that I think they used wahabism as a distraction for would be dissidents in lieu of allowing a politiocal opposition to grow. Problem is now who rulkes in saudi the royal family or the religious authorities.
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Clearing Saudi Arabia of any responsibility

Post by FourPart »

Much of the responsibility should lie with the UK Government for selling the Saudis the arms in the first place.
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