Gotcha , Mr ISIS . You are dead .You are blown . Up .

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Gotcha , Mr ISIS . You are dead .You are blown . Up .

Post by Raphael »

Trump Makes Statement After ISIS Chief Al-Baghdadi Killed On Turkish Border


Authored together with Nauman Sadiq.

Islamic State’s self-styled Caliph Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi has been killed (once again) in a United States Special Ops overnight raid Saturday involving helicopters, warplanes and a ground clash on the Turkey-Syria border while fleeing Syria’s northwestern Idlib Governorate, Reuters and Newsweek are reporting, and President Trump is set to make the "major statement" of the biggest symbolic victory of his administration in the war against terrorism around 9am ET on Sunday.

He was targeted in an overnight raid, a U.S. official told Reuters, but could not say whether the operation was successful. A U.S. official said later that the U.S. mission involved special operations forces and took place in Syria’s Idlib region; Bloomberg adds that Iraq provided "precise information" to coalition forces that “contributed to reaching the terrorist al-Baghdadi and killing him,” while noting that the successful operation hinged on CIA info.

Baghdadi is said to have blown himself up using a suicide vest.... which is convenient considering there were at least three previous confirmed reports of his death.

Baghdadi has led the Islamic State since 2010, when it was still an underground offshoot of al Qaeda in Iraq. In recent years Islamic State has lost most of its territory, although it is still viewed as a threat. Baghdadi has long been believed to be hiding somewhere along the Iraq-Syria border and the United States has offered a $25 million reward for his capture.

What’s worth noting in the news reports about the killing of al-Baghdadi is the fact that although the mainstream media had been trumpeting for the last several years that the Islamic State chief had been hiding somewhere on the Iraq-Syria border in the east, and killed by either the Russians or the US every so often, he was found hiding in the northwestern Idlib Governorate, under the control of Turkey’s militant proxies and al-Nusra Front, and was killed while trying to flee to Turkey in Brisha village on the Syria border.

Reuters reports : “Two Iraqi security sources and two Iranian officials said they had received confirmation from inside Syria that Baghdadi had been killed. ‘Our sources from inside Syria have confirmed to the Iraqi intelligence team tasked with pursuing Baghdadi that he has been killed alongside his personal bodyguard in Idlib after his hiding place was discovered when he tried to get his family out of Idlib toward the Turkish border,’ one of the Iraqi officials said.”

The reason why the mainstream media scrupulously avoided mentioning Idlib as al-Baghdadi’s most likely hideout in Syria was to cover up the collusion between the militant proxies of Turkey and the jihadists al-Nusra Front and the Islamic State. At its peak in 2014, when the Islamic State declared its “caliphate” in Mosul in Iraq and Raqqa in Syria, the Islamic State reportedly had more than 70,000 jihadists.

The divisions within the rank and file of the terrorist organization seem to be growing as it has lost all of its territory, and thousands of Islamic State’s jihadists have been killed in airstrikes conducted by the US-led coalition against the Islamic State and the ground offensives by the Iraqi armed forces and allied militias in Iraq and the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces in Syria.

Furthermore, due to frequent desertions and detention of hundreds of hardcore militants alongside thousands of innocent Arab villagers held captive by the Kurds in northeastern Syria, the number of fighters within the Islamic State’s ranks has evidently dwindled. But a question would naturally arise in the minds of perceptive observers of the war against the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria that where did the remaining tens of thousands of Islamic State’s jihadists vanish?

The riddle can be easily solved, though, if we bear in mind the fact that although Idlib Governorate in Syria’s northwest has firmly been under the control of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) led by al-Nusra Front since 2015, its territory was equally divided between Turkey-backed rebels and al-Nusra Front.

In a brazen offensive in January, however, al-Nusra Front’s jihadists completely routed Turkey-backed militants, even though the latter were supported by a professionally trained and highly organized military of a NATO member, Turkey. And al-Nusra Front now reportedly controls more than 70% territory in the Idlib Governorate.

The reason why al-Nusra Front has been easily able to defeat Turkey-backed militants appears to be that the ranks of al-Nusra Front have now been swelled by highly motivated and battle-hardened jihadist deserters from the Islamic State after the fall of the latter’s “caliphate” in Mosul in Iraq and Raqqa in Syria.

The merger of al-Nusra Front and Islamic State in Idlib doesn’t come as a surprise, though, since the Islamic State and al-Nusra Front used to be a single organization before a split occurred between the two militant groups in April 2013 over a leadership dispute. In fact, al-Nusra Front’s chief Abu Mohammad al-Jolani was reportedly appointed as the emir of al-Nusra Front by Abu Bakr al Baghdadi, the leader of Islamic State, in January 2012.

Regarding the nexus between Islamic jihadists and so-called “moderate rebels” in Syria, while the representatives of Free Syria Army (FSA) were in Washington in January last year, soliciting the Trump administration to restore the CIA’s “train and equip” program for the Syrian militants that was shuttered in July 2017, hundreds of Islamic State’s jihadists joined the moderate militants in Idlib in their battle against the advancing Syrian government troops backed by Russian airstrikes to capture the strategically important Abu Duhur airbase, according to a January last year’s AFP report authored by Maya Gebeily.

The Islamic State already had a foothold in neighboring Hama province and its foray into Idlib was an extension of its outreach. The Islamic State reportedly captured several villages and claimed to have killed two dozen Syrian soldiers and taken twenty hostages. And on January 12 last year, the Islamic State officially declared Idlib one of its “Islamic emirates,” according to the aforementioned AFP report.

In all likelihood, some of the Islamic State’s jihadists who joined the battle in Idlib in January last year were part of the same contingent of thousands of Islamic State militants that fled Raqqa in October 2017 under a deal brokered by the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF).

As for Baghdadi who was "hiding" with the blessing of Turkey, it now appears that he was the bargaining chip in the negotiations between Trump and Erdogan, and the quid for the US president's agreeing to pull out of Syria was the pro quo that Erdogan would hand Baghdadi to him on a silver platter (if true, expect a tidal wave of terrorism in Turkey in the coming weeks). Which in turn has led to today's victory lap by the US president who will now - and for the foreseeable future - trumpet the biggest victory of the US administration in the war against terrorism since Obama's killing of bin Laden in 2011.

Reprinted verbatim in Zero Hedge , now .
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Gotcha , Mr ISIS . You are dead .You are blown . Up .

Post by spot »

I confess I have very little idea why Americans appear to think a dead criminal is better than a criminal in custody, the idea has nothing to commend it and much to deplore. Have they never considered intelligence?
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Gotcha , Mr ISIS . You are dead .You are blown . Up .

Post by Raphael »

The word , criminal , does not to do justice as an accurate description of this perversion of one of our species . He stood outside of consideration.

He would cost us huge money to keep him in custody .For whose benefit ?

Fortunately he blew himself up . 'We' were saved from making a soft or hard judgement .

He declined giving himself up as others did .

In the real world you have to sometimes kill people to make sure they never return to haunt and perhaps kill you . Psychopaths are the obvious example .

It is very difficult being a Commander in Chief .
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Gotcha , Mr ISIS . You are dead .You are blown . Up .

Post by spot »

It's very odd. I mean, they could kill the chap quite legally once they've debriefed him, there's no rush. They seem not to train their goons to do anything except slaughter their target du jour, that was my point.
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Gotcha , Mr ISIS . You are dead .You are blown . Up .

Post by Raphael »

Neither of us know how he was actually killed .

The Donald might be reporting it with complete accuracy .

I doubt it . It smells of a bit of added propaganda which I can quite understand even if I question its use .

But if two of the central points are true -- he killed himself voluntarily and took three of his own children with him , he was an abomination .

If either or both turn out to be demonstrable lies , Trump has committed a huge blunder which could do irreparable damage .

P.S. Elite teams are not goon squads . Truly elite , professional and very smart .Backed up by the best techno whizz kids on the planet .

You can be certain they were not firing on him when he fled into the tunnel with three kids .

I have had enough marginal dealings with SAS personnel to know how they DO NOT operate in these types of situation , to feel 100% sure of this .

The US reporting of Trumps declaration by most of the MSM is unbelievable and despicable .

Matters are getting completely out of hand over there and something will snap very soon .
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Gotcha , Mr ISIS . You are dead .You are blown . Up .

Post by spot »

Raphael;1526764 wrote: Neither of us know how he was actually killed .

I don't rely on knowing the answer to that question. What I rely on is the several hundred such criminals who have been ambushed by US special forces, none of whom survived to face questioning. US special forces specialize in not taking prisoners which strikes me as unprofitable and probably illegal too. It certainly qualifies US special forces as despicable rogues, whether they're following orders (that's the despicable bit) or not (that being where the rogue aspect comes to the fore).

The morality of the gun-squad officers from Leman Street can be similarly analysed.
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Gotcha , Mr ISIS . You are dead .You are blown . Up .

Post by Raphael »

spot;1526772 wrote: I don't rely on knowing the answer to that question. What I rely on is the several hundred such criminals who have been ambushed by US special forces, none of whom survived to face questioning. US special forces specialize in not taking prisoners which strikes me as unprofitable and probably illegal too. It certainly qualifies US special forces as despicable rogues, whether they're following orders (that's the despicable bit) or not (that being where the rogue aspect comes to the fore).

The morality of the gun-squad officers from Leman Street can be similarly analysed.

All special forces suicide people .It is a planet wide standard practise .

It is one obvious area that delineates Government from its own Shadow self .

If you neither like or approve matters which lead to Shadow Governments , you need to

take Direct Action and not rely on moaning after the event .

As it happens, one of the key operations carried out by Intel Agencies like the CIA is

creating bogey men who are terrorists and need pursuing by any means and including

trillion dollar wars . CIA rationale . Not mine .

In the instance of Bakr al Baghdadi there is more evidence that he never even existed

than there is over the lovely recent narrative . Yes . You read correctly .

If you find this mind blowing , I suggest you listen to podcasts 366 and 295 by James

Corbett who has provided the most detailed analysis of such matters than anybody else

I have ever heard of .

Same for the official ending of Osama Dustbin who actually died of natural causes in

north Pakistan early in 2001 . According to those that attended his funeral and have so far

escaped by not being themselves suicided -- for the greater good , presumably .
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Gotcha , Mr ISIS . You are dead .You are blown . Up .

Post by Raphael »

The CIA have reported Bakr al- Baghdad's death on at least three different occasions .

Quite a guy .
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Gotcha , Mr ISIS . You are dead .You are blown . Up .

Post by spot »

Were it legal to countenance, design or even contemplate mounting a direct (or even indirect) attack on US or UK Special Forces I might accept your invitation to consider theoretical models whereby that might be achieved; but since doing so would be as illegal as attempting to burn down the gates to Her Majesty's Dockyards and is still punishable in Britain by the sentence of death imposed in open court, I must decline.

Even responding to your invitation here might qualify as a conspiracy. I therefore feel compelled to go further and to state for the record that I deplore attacks of any nature, physical, political or even theological on US or UK Special Forces. I am not now and never have been a member of any group capable of such an attack other than the 77th Thurnby Boy Scout troop, whose technical resources were considered frankly astounding by the standards of the day.
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Gotcha , Mr ISIS . You are dead .You are blown . Up .

Post by Bryn Mawr »

I assume that “suiciding people” is the latest euphemism for murdering them
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Re: Gotcha , Mr ISIS . You are dead .You are blown . Up .

Post by magentaflame »

you sure Trump has it right? He's just stated that Osama is alive and well and being protected. Sort of shocked the soldier who held his head up for the camera......sorry my bad...shocked the loser who held his head up for the camera.
The 'radical' left just wants everyone to have food, shelter, healthcare, education and a living wage. Man that's radical!....ooooohhhh Scary!
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Re: Gotcha , Mr ISIS . You are dead .You are blown . Up .

Post by spot »

magentaflame wrote: Mon Oct 19, 2020 2:38 pm you sure Trump has it right? He's just stated that Osama is alive and well and being protected. Sort of shocked the soldier who held his head up for the camera......sorry my bad...shocked the loser who held his head up for the camera.
At an NBC town hall event on Oct. 16, host Savannah Guthrie asked Trump why he had promoted the “Seal Team Six” conspiracy theory to his 87 million Twitter followers, to which the president replied, “I know nothing about it, that was a retweet, that was an opinion of somebody, and that was a retweet. I put it out there, people can decide for themselves, I don’t take a position.” ... -team-six/
So no, he didn't state it at all. The blizzard of retweets from his twitter account included a retweet of a tweet which mentioned the conspiracy theory.

Or has President Trump "just stated that Osama is alive and well and being protected" somewhere else that I didn't find?
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When flower power came along I stood for Human Rights, marched around for peace and freedom, had some nooky every night - we took it serious.
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Re: Gotcha , Mr ISIS . You are dead .You are blown . Up .

Post by magentaflame »

retweeted yes . Just like he thought that particular doctor had a cure for covid. It wasn't him he was just sayin ya know? My dad used to call it "feeding the chickens"
The 'radical' left just wants everyone to have food, shelter, healthcare, education and a living wage. Man that's radical!....ooooohhhh Scary!
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Re: Gotcha , Mr ISIS . You are dead .You are blown . Up .

Post by spot »

magentaflame wrote: Mon Oct 19, 2020 6:37 pmMy dad used to call it "feeding the chickens"
And a very good description of his entire presidency that is, too. What he's doing is diverting and distracting the news media, not claiming the tweet was accurate. He scans a lot of bullshit and retweets the material he thinks will set up a howl if he retweets it. The nedia itself has a long history of doing exactly that with their front page screamer headlines. Elvis seen in Nevada, London bus photographed by moon probe. Same principle. The sane reaction is not to buy whatever they're selling.
Nullius in verba ... ☎||||||||||| ... To Fate I sue, of other means bereft, the only refuge for the wretched left.
When flower power came along I stood for Human Rights, marched around for peace and freedom, had some nooky every night - we took it serious.
Who has a spare two minutes to play in this month's FG Trivia game! ... My other OS is Slackware.
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