US Call Center Jobs Moving To Canada

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US Call Center Jobs Moving To Canada

Post by Tombstone »

Call me cynical. But this is nuts. I'm sure Canadians are slapping themselves on the back for a job well done! More jobs! It's a mirage. (Yes, I have a good working knowledge of this industry and this whole NAFTA garbage.)

1. As soon as the IRR (Internal rate of return) falls below the company's expectations, this call center will be quickly and silently moved offshore. (IP telephony makes this super simple nowadays.) Everyone who was employed will instantly lose their jobs. Just give it a little bit of time.

2. Call center jobs pay dirt. This is pretty self evident. Can't afford to pay Californians, or New Yorkers $12.00 an hour? Move it north! Northern States pay as little as 5.85 an hour for *Major Corporations. Too much? Move it to Canada!

They are being played for suckers.


More than 140,000 call center jobs will vanish from the United States over the next four years as companies seek to lower customer service costs by shipping work to Canada and other countries with lower labor costs, according to a study released this week. ... r.newsfeed
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Bill Sikes
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US Call Center Jobs Moving To Canada

Post by Bill Sikes »

Warsai wrote: I forgot who said this, but giving jobs away to people in other countries just because it's cheaper is unpatriotic.

It's the way of the world, as it evolves as a whole and barriers are removed

(or should be removed). Many computing and call centre jobs are being

outsourced in India, too - I wonder what things will be like in 20 years, or

even 10 years' time, when the great China develops further...
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