Need Photography mentor

Traditional or digital! Share your photos. Do you view the world a little differently through a lens? Let's discuss photos that you find interesting or worthy of discussion.
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Need Photography mentor

Post by Photobug »

Anyone interested in being my photography mentor. I am sooo interested in Photography but don't know much about it. I just purchased a really neat camera-Digital SLR Rebel. Would love some help. :confused: Thanks.
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Need Photography mentor

Post by Cass »

I am interested in some tips too.... any good phtographers out there?
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Need Photography mentor

Post by minks »

Photobug wrote: Anyone interested in being my photography mentor. I am sooo interested in Photography but don't know much about it. I just purchased a really neat camera-Digital SLR Rebel. Would love some help. :confused: Thanks.

What is your digital zoom and what is your optical zoom. Use your digital zoom for up close, like a flower as it enhances your pixel count. Optical zoom is just like the other cameras, it brings items closer to you.

Digital is easy take the pic if it dont' work scrap it and dry again using some other button on your cam hehehehe

Auto focus.... not terribly useful for those pics of the wildlife darting past you, why because the cam takes it's time to "auto focus" and the shot will be missed so be sure to un auto pilot your cam and try on your own. I do not have good luck with my dinosaur HP Digi Cam for action shots. :(

Scenery is my topic of choice and Digi cams are not so good for low light scenery as they have no time exposure to allow extra time for the lense to remain open. I believe they are coming out with or have come out with digi cams with this feature but likely it is costly.

Remember your mountain focus button and use it at the appropriate time. Yes if your taking a picture through a window at the mountains use the button that looks like mountains this means it will focus on what is far away not the glass that is up close. I learned the hard way, was in a helicopter flying of a glacier and snapped pictures like a mad person on my regular cam forgetting this magic button and ended up with lots of smudgy glacier shots. So sad as that was a once in a life time trek.

Ok enough on that topic today.

Have fun and just go shoot up a storm... sorry I took so long to reply.
�You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.�

― Mae West
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