Columbia / Babylon Connection

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Columbia / Babylon Connection

Post by freemind »

Do a basic search in and you will see Columbia means the same thing as Semiramis. Basically, latin for the feminine dove. Semiramis was the Queen of Babylon. She was known as the Lady of the Dove and legend tells it she was fed by Doves and transformed into one at the time of her passing.

She is the Colossus given to us by the French, we call her Lady Liberty. A smaller replica stands in front of a secret society hq building in France. But, she's known as Semiramis. The connection is even made with COLUMBIA Pictures. What's the first thing you see when the movie starts? A lady, holding a flame, with a sun burst effect behind her head... she looks just like the Statue of Liberty.

"Columbus" is supposedly the one who "found" the "New World" (coincidence we're promoting the "New World Order"?). But, there's even a controversy over his name. Regardless, we certainly didn't name the "District of Columbia" after him or it would be the "District of Columbus". Why do we have a district named after Columbia, with ancient Egyptian and Babylonian structures (obelisks, etc..) all over the place there? Why is this district the ruler and capitol of an entire nation and of the entire "free world"?

The Bible refers to a Lady at the end of times, who drinks the blood of the saints, and written on her forehead is "Mystery Babylon". I personally find it no coincidence that secret societies are shrouded in mystery and have such a fascination with Babylonian and ancient Egyptian structures, symbols, etc..
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Columbia / Babylon Connection

Post by freemind »

Wow. I was expecting some kind of reply on this topic. I got like 11 reads and no comments. Maybe it's just me that finds this stuff interesting. lol.
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Columbia / Babylon Connection

Post by chonsigirl »

freemind;577116 wrote: Do a basic search in and you will see Columbia means the same thing as Semiramis. Basically, latin for the feminine dove. Semiramis was the Queen of Babylon. She was known as the Lady of the Dove and legend tells it she was fed by Doves and transformed into one at the time of her passing.

She is the Colossus given to us by the French, we call her Lady Liberty. A smaller replica stands in front of a secret society hq building in France. But, she's known as Semiramis. The connection is even made with COLUMBIA Pictures. What's the first thing you see when the movie starts? A lady, holding a flame, with a sun burst effect behind her head... she looks just like the Statue of Liberty.

"Columbus" is supposedly the one who "found" the "New World" (coincidence we're promoting the "New World Order"?). But, there's even a controversy over his name. Regardless, we certainly didn't name the "District of Columbia" after him or it would be the "District of Columbus". Why do we have a district named after Columbia, with ancient Egyptian and Babylonian structures (obelisks, etc..) all over the place there? Why is this district the ruler and capitol of an entire nation and of the entire "free world"?

The Bible refers to a Lady at the end of times, who drinks the blood of the saints, and written on her forehead is "Mystery Babylon". I personally find it no coincidence that secret societies are shrouded in mystery and have such a fascination with Babylonian and ancient Egyptian structures, symbols, etc..

1. Why would you research names on a baby site?

2. Latin is the language of ancient Romans, not Mesopotamia or Babylon. You would have to look up names in Sumerian, Mesopotamian, Akkadian, etc.

3. Architecture copies from other cultures. Our own alphabet is adapted from another culture.

4. I hope you did not believe everything in that movie, National Treasure also. That was a laugh a minute. Don't start me on Da Vinci Code.......................
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Columbia / Babylon Connection

Post by freemind »

lol... I don't fall for movies.

We have a habit, here in the U.S. in making Latin important. Notice on the back of the dollar bill you have Novos Ordo Seclurim (sp?)... New World Order. Since these are things we named HERE, and we value Latin (for some unkown reason), to get the meaning, you need to look into Latin. I used babyname site because many find that to be a reputable source as people go there to name their own babies and to know their meanings. Every language referes to the same people with different names.. due to the meaning of their names in their own language.
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Columbia / Babylon Connection

Post by chonsigirl »

I prefer Greek myself as my favorite ancient language.

Please quote a primary source with Semiraris in it, the coalation with a website for babynames is very flimsy. (no comment on using web sites to name children, to each their own)

Why is Latin used so much here today? Because they learned those ancient language a couple of hundred years ago, it was part of a well rounded education.
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Columbia / Babylon Connection

Post by freemind »

It's very clear on, when you type in Columbia, Semarimis is in the top 10 synonymous names.
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Columbia / Babylon Connection

Post by chonsigirl »

I am asking for a primary source freemind, something from a historical source. A babyname site is not a primary source.

Synonymous names-what is your point then? That a name is similar in meaning?

Than I am going to also ask you back this up with the language definition-


a legendary Assyrian queen, the wife of Ninus and founder of Babylon, noted for her wisdom and beauty.

Columbia has multiple meanings.
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Columbia / Babylon Connection

Post by freemind »

Columba (Columbia) is mentioned along with Semerimis as being synonymous with each other.. meaning "Dove". The Queen of Babylon was known as the Lady of the Dove as she was fed by them and transformed into one at her passing.
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Columbia / Babylon Connection

Post by freemind »

Semiramis (semir'umis) [key], mythical Assyrian queen, noted for her beauty and wisdom. She was reputed to have conquered many lands and founded the city of Babylon. After a long and prosperous reign she vanished from earth in the shape of a dove and was thereafter worshiped as a deity, acquiring many of the characteristics of the goddess Ishtar. The historical figure behind this legend is probably Sammuramat, who acted as regent of Assyria from 810 to 805 B.C.

The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th ed.
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Columbia / Babylon Connection

Post by chonsigirl »

Please quote the legend, and the source.

A historical source.

*honest question*

Freemind, do you know what a primary source is? It is a historical artifact, writing, etc. an actual record that mentions this. You are quoting from a web site about baby names. What I have found so far, and if you google Semiraris you will not find much in English, and it is pretty scanty. Only one conspiracy site.

A website for babynames is not a primary source. It is for baby names, and so far I have seen no real definition for Semiaris. But I would be interested to find it, it is not in the Akkadian dictionary that I have looked at.
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Columbia / Babylon Connection

Post by chonsigirl »

freemind;577491 wrote: Semiramis (semir'umis) [key], mythical Assyrian queen, noted for her beauty and wisdom. She was reputed to have conquered many lands and founded the city of Babylon. After a long and prosperous reign she vanished from earth in the shape of a dove and was thereafter worshiped as a deity, acquiring many of the characteristics of the goddess Ishtar. The historical figure behind this legend is probably Sammuramat, who acted as regent of Assyria from 810 to 805 B.C.

The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th ed.

Please include the link-and I do not see the language of origin for the name.


1. Assyrian queen

2. a legend

3. characteristics of Ishtar

4. legend says she left the Earth in the shape of a dove-it does not say her name is a dove

5. You might try an Assyrian dictionary for further reference

So far, you have a nice legend. No connection with the name, just a coincidence that dove is in one.

I am waiting for Columbia, from primary sources only. Your dictionary quote is a dictionary, not a primary source. A primary source is historical evidence. I need something written from the ancients, an artifact-with a reliable explanation, etc. That is a primary source.

You still have not supplied any, but a dictionary is a step in the right direction.
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Columbia / Babylon Connection

Post by freemind »

Has anyone ever found babyname books / sites to be innaccurate? MANY people look at these sources to get the meaning of their names. When there's any kind of mystery, it usually implies there's a puzzle to piece together to solve it. I think these facts are just now coming to light as people are starting to wonder what in the world is going on. Not to mention, now that the "information highway" is out there for everyone, people are more able to put their minds together and figure things out. Much history is still yet to be found. For that matter, when we invaded Iraq, MANY Babylonian tablets, artifacts, and much history was looted. I don't think anyone can deny there are some obvious fits in this connection. I mean one can even merely see a Billion dollar company of Columbia Pictures to see her standing there with her lighted torch and sun burst behind her head to make a connection. Is this a matter of coincidence? This HUGE corporation accidentially or mistakenly referenced their Columbia with the Lady of the Dove? The Queen of Babylon? Is it by some freak accident the replica of the Statue of Liberty sits in front of a secret society building in France who gave her to us?
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Columbia / Babylon Connection

Post by chonsigirl »

You are stretching everything way too far-

If you prefer the accuracy of a website to artifacts, than there is no basis for discussion. I deal with facts, not fiction. And so far, I have read fiction. Pretty bad fiction too.

But I am sure many like to discuss conspiracy theories here, have fun.
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Columbia / Babylon Connection

Post by freemind »

I can appreciate your view on facts. However, I find it factual that there is a link. So do other sources (including babynames, legends, a huge corporation's logo, etc..). I can't remember when we got the statue of her, but I believe NY was the US capitol at sometime. Well, anyway, if it wasn't the capitol when we got her, it was still the harbor where immigrants saw her first as they came to the New World. I just don't find it factual to believe pilings of evidences stacking on top of each other are just mere coincidences. Thank you for having an interest in discussing this with me though.
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Columbia / Babylon Connection

Post by freemind »

Anyone else find this topic coincedental?
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Columbia / Babylon Connection

Post by freemind »

ya... I find it almost amusing that the statue lady of Columbia Pictures logo and the identicle statue of Liberty both hold up the lucifer (aka light). When you strike a match, isn't that really called a lucifer? Wasn't Lucifer the angel of light? Didn't the Illuminati secret society claim to be the "enlightened ones"? Isn't that what lucifer tried to do with Adam & Eve? Enlighten them to Good and Evil?
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Columbia / Babylon Connection

Post by freemind »

Now, that has me thinking what is so special about the eternal flame we put over "important" people. Isn't the eternal flame a good representation of hell? I really don't want this topic to steer on THIS comment, but I find it an interesting ad on as she is holding up a statue of the eternal flame.
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Columbia / Babylon Connection

Post by freemind »

We obviously aren't very responsible with "enlightenment" however.
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Columbia / Babylon Connection

Post by spot »

chonsigirl;577495 wrote: A website for babynames is not a primary source. It is for baby names, and so far I have seen no real definition for Semiaris. But I would be interested to find it, it is not in the Akkadian dictionary that I have looked at. ... s/2A*.html

Diodorus Siculus, Library of History, Book II:[...] about the region where the babe was exposed a great multitude of doves had their nests, and by them the child was nurtured in an astounding and miraculous manner; for some of the doves kept the body of the babe warm on all sides by covering it with their wings, while others, when they observed that the cowherds and other keepers were absent from the nearby steadings, brother milk therefrom in their beaks and fed the babe by putting it drop by drop between its lips. And when the child was a year old and in need of more solid nourishment, the doves, pecking off bits from the cheeses, supplied distant with sufficient nourishment. Now when the keepers returned and saw that the cheeses had been nibbled about the edges, they were astonished at the strange happening; they accordingly kept a look-out, and on discovering the cause found the infant, which was of surpassing beauty. At once, then, bringing it to their steadings they turned it over to the keeper of the royal herds, whose name was Simmas; and Simmas, being childless, gave every care to the rearing of the girl, as his own daughter, and called her Semiramis, a name slightly altered from the word which, in the language of the Syrians, means doves," birds which since that time all the inhabitants of Syria have continued to honour as goddesses.

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