Germany Pressures US over Nuke Removal

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Germany Pressures US over Nuke Removal

Post by David813 »

spot wrote: You know, Jives - it's not relevant to the thread, just an observation - I dislike pride even more than I dislike arrogance. I was brought up to regard pride as the most uncouth and detestable of sins.

Besides, people who deserve respect tend to be cultured, not loud-mouthed braggarts.Here Here!:yh_dance
"Should any political party attempt to abolish social security, unemployment insurance, and eliminate labor laws and farm programs, you would not hear of that party again in our political history. There is a tiny splinter group that believes you can do these things. Among them are a few Texas millionaires, or businessman from other areas. Their number is negligible and they are stupid." [font=Arial Narrow][/font]

President Dwight D. Eisenhower Nov. 08, 1954
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Germany Pressures US over Nuke Removal

Post by gmc »

posted by jives

You don't think winning WWII, inventing the airplane, the phone, and the computer are things to be proud of? about walking on the Moon?

Would you cut it out, ww2, there was a lot more than america involved, yes you played an important part but if the British hadn't kept fighting europe would have been dominated by germany and Russia, what might have happened next is a kind of pointless debate.

The phone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell WHO WAS SCOTTISH he came from Edinburgh where you can go look at his house if you want.

Why do you think an american invented the computer? Like most things it was based on what went before. There are very few inventions that are wholly american in origin.

Most great developments are built on what went before and very seldom in isolation from the rest of the world.

Walking on the moon, your german scientists had more money than he russian german scientists.

I'l concede the first powered flight, personally I've always thought the real credit should have gone to the engineer that built an engine light enough, that was the really clever bit.

posted by jives

When I see the attacks, naturally I defend. Wouldn't you defend Britain?

Up to a point, I wouldn't take it personally and there is a lot to be proud of in our history just as there is a lot that does us little credit-after all who started importing afracan slaves in to america in the first place, That's right, the English :D

posted by 813

Actually I'm not a supporter of Labor in the UK. Not since the early 90's purge of the Kinnock/Scargill left wing of it. Blair is Bush's lapdog in my view and I would have preferred a Conservative victory instead. New Labor is a capitalist party, not a true labor party. We don't have one either.

We have our loony left as well, I suspect you would feel at home here nobody takes them seriously either. So you would prefer a party that wants to dismantle the welfare state and privatise everything shame on you. next you'll be taking up fox hunting and looking to but a country estate. Your kind of socialiism doesn't work, most european parties have moved beyond that. Most are social democrats of one kind or another, even the tories have learned to be careful with the NHS
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Germany Pressures US over Nuke Removal

Post by Hawke »

"I am not an Athenian or a Greek, I am a citizen of the world." - Socrates

"It is not for him to pride himself who loveth his own country, but rather for him who loveth the whole world. The earth is but one country and mankind its citizens." -Baha'u'llah

"He is a poor patriot whose patriotism does not enable him to understand how all men everywhere feel about their altars and their hearthstones, their flag and their fatherland." -Harry Emerson Fosdick

"To me, it seems a dreadful indignity to have a soul controlled by geography." -George Santayana

"The love of one's country is a splendid thing. But why should love stop at the border?" -Pablo Casals

...just some thoughts...
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Germany Pressures US over Nuke Removal

Post by spot »

Good one, Hawke.

It might be appropriate to add some words from Samuel Johnson, who famously castigated what became known later as Jingoism with the words "Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel."

With regard, then, to the Patriot Act, and the Terror Alert Color Changes which scream 'Wolf' every time your Front-man comes under pressure in public opinion polls... "The true lover of his country is ready to communicate his fears, and to sound the alarm, whenever he perceives the approach of mischief. But he sounds no alarm, when there is no enemy; he never terrifies his countrymen till he is terrified himself. The patriotism, therefore, may be justly doubted of him, who professes to be disturbed by incredibilities..."
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Germany Pressures US over Nuke Removal

Post by anastrophe »

spot wrote: What we have, David, is a functional social safety net. The party we just re-elected this evening is keeping it in good repair. That, in my book, is the essence of socialism: from each according to his ability, to each according to his need. One of our four main parties would damage that if it could.
"'From Each according to his Abilities, To Each according to his Needs' is a pretty sweet deal, if you're a needy incompetent, but it makes a slave of the capable and independent. Advocating such a position says an awful lot about the individual who does so, and which side of the equation he expects to be on."

- Richard Chandler (10/15/04)

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Germany Pressures US over Nuke Removal

Post by spot »

anastrophe wrote: "'From Each according to his Abilities, To Each according to his Needs' is a pretty sweet deal, if you're a needy incompetent, but it makes a slave of the capable and independent. Advocating such a position says an awful lot about the individual who does so, and which side of the equation he expects to be on."

- Richard Chandler (10/15/04)

Yes, if you're a needy incompetent, it's a pretty sweet deal. Yes, if you're capable and independent, it enslaves you. Where do you stand vis-a-vis the needy competent? That is, the people who are needy and ill, or needy and too old to earn an income, or needy and too young to earn an income? If society falls into the trap of helping them, who has it failed? If it falls into the trap of not helping them, who has it failed? Which would you rather it did?

I've earned more than the national average for most of my life, I've never begrudged the state my taxation. How does advocating this position say anything about which side of the equation I'm on?
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Germany Pressures US over Nuke Removal

Post by anastrophe »

spot wrote: Yes, if you're a needy incompetent, it's a pretty sweet deal. Yes, if you're capable and independent, it enslaves you.
where do you stand on slavery?

Where do you stand vis-a-vis the needy competent? That is, the people who are needy and ill, or needy and too old to earn an income, or needy and too young to earn an income?
i'm all in favor of them.

If society falls into the trap of helping them, who has it failed? If it falls into the trap of not helping them, who has it failed? Which would you rather it did?
common fallacy. equating "society" with "government".

I've earned more than the national average for most of my life, I've never begrudged the state my taxation. How does advocating this position say anything about which side of the equation I'm on?
you appear to be in favor of slavery.
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Germany Pressures US over Nuke Removal

Post by spot »

anastrophe wrote: common fallacy. equating "society" with "government".We had a prime minister here, a while back, who took that view. There is no such thing as society, she said, there are only individuals. She raised a lot of hackles.

No man is an island, entire of itself. If someone suffers, I suffer.

anastrophe wrote: you appear to be in favor of slavery.If you want to call enforced taxation slavery, then I think you're abusing the language.
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Germany Pressures US over Nuke Removal

Post by anastrophe »

spot wrote: We had a prime minister here, a while back, who took that view. There is no such thing as society, she said, there are only individuals. She raised a lot of hackles.

No man is an island, entire of itself. If someone suffers, I suffer.
that's a delightful sentiment. and one i agree with. sadly, it has absolutely nothing to do with what was said.

i like kittens. and puppies. i wish there were no people in the world, only kittens and puppies. it would be a wonderful place.

your move.

If you want to call enforced taxation slavery, then I think you're abusing the language.
slavery to the state, yes. forcible taking is known in colloquial terms as theft. when the government does it, at the barrel of a gun, it's apparently called charity.

orwell would be delighted.
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Germany Pressures US over Nuke Removal

Post by spot »

anastrophe wrote: slavery to the state, yes. forcible taking is known in colloquial terms as theft. when the government does it, at the barrel of a gun, it's apparently called charity.L'etat, c'est moi. It's a consequence of democracy. I choose collectively to tax myself in the interest of the rest of me. It has something to do with promoting the greatest good of the greatest number.
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Germany Pressures US over Nuke Removal

Post by anastrophe »

spot wrote: L'etat, c'est moi. It's a consequence of democracy. I choose collectively to tax myself in the interest of the rest of me. It has something to do with promoting the greatest good of the greatest number.
Hint: it has nothing to do with democracy. Second hint: taxation is the least effective means of promoting the greatest good of the greatest number.
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Germany Pressures US over Nuke Removal

Post by spot »

anastrophe wrote: Hint: it has nothing to do with democracy.Perhaps if I translate the French - I am the State. Democracy puts the reins of government into the hands of society at large.

anastrophe wrote: Second hint: taxation is the least effective means of promoting the greatest good of the greatest number.If this is your opinion, it differs from that of many political economists. I feel you should at least try to support it with a reason or two, rather than merely assert it as evidently incontrovertable when it so obviously isn't.

If it were true, why do you pay taxes?
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Germany Pressures US over Nuke Removal

Post by anastrophe »

spot wrote: Perhaps if I translate the French - I am the State. Democracy puts the reins of government into the hands of society at large.
what you call 'democracy' doesn't exist in most nations, and a good thing too. democracy proper formalizes the tyranny of the majority. i prefer our form of government, federal republicanism, which puts a brake on the tyranny of the majority.

If this is your opinion, it differs from that of many political economists. I feel you should at least try to support it with a reason or two, rather than merely assert it as evidently incontrovertable when it so obviously isn't.
free individuals, unfettered by onerous taxation, have shown time and time again that they wind up giving far more in *direct* aid to those in need than any government bureaucracy is capable of.

If it were true, why do you pay taxes?
see previous post. it is mandatory. the government holds the barrel of the gun in this matter. i'm not willing to trade the slavery of taxation for the slavery of time in a federal penitentiary. i'm choosing the lesser of two evils.
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Germany Pressures US over Nuke Removal

Post by spot »

anastrophe wrote: what you call 'democracy' doesn't exist in most nations, and a good thing too. democracy proper formalizes the tyranny of the majority. i prefer our form of government, federal republicanism, which puts a brake on the tyranny of the majority.Ah, well, you keep opening new barrels of pitch with each post. I use the word Democracy in the same sense that your dear President uses it when he keeps talking of spreading it around the world, like thick butter on corn cobs, where it will doubtless grease commerce. Stop weaseling.
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Germany Pressures US over Nuke Removal

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anastrophe wrote: free individuals, unfettered by onerous taxation, have shown time and time again that they wind up giving far more in *direct* aid to those in need than any government bureaucracy is capable of. I'm sure, if that's a quote, that it refers to *some* individuals and it relates to your own curiously generous-to-the-wealthy system of taxation, not our grind-til-the-pips-squeak version. As a means of relieving poverty, I doubt its efficacy. Some few individuals might see the light, but the majority will just swill in their troughs and snort in an amused fashion.
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Germany Pressures US over Nuke Removal

Post by anastrophe »

spot wrote: Ah, well, you keep opening new barrels of pitch with each post. I use the word Democracy in the same sense that your dear President uses it when he keeps talking of spreading it around the world, like thick butter on corn cobs, where it will doubtless grease commerce. Stop weaseling.
mmm. yes dear.
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Germany Pressures US over Nuke Removal

Post by anastrophe »

spot wrote: I'm sure, if that's a quote, that it refers to *some* individuals and it relates to your own curiously generous-to-the-wealthy system of taxation, not our grind-til-the-pips-squeak version. As a means of relieving poverty, I doubt its efficacy. Some few individuals might see the light, but the majority will just swill in their troughs and snort in an amused fashion.
never mind that you're utterly wrong. but i would expect no less bias.

i love the reference to how our tax system is generous to the wealthy. The top 10% of wage earners in the united states remit more than 2/3rds of the tax revenues the IRS collects.

yeah, the wealthy get off 'scot-free' here. sheesh.
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Germany Pressures US over Nuke Removal

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anastrophe wrote: i love the reference to how our tax system is generous to the wealthy. The top 10% of wage earners in the united states remit more than 2/3rds of the tax revenues the IRS collects.In any reasonable system of distribution of wealth, there would be no top 10%, all workers would have the same return for their labor. Each would then be taxed on her excess income, once she had covered her essential living costs. But I theorize.

Your statistic merely indicates the appalling distribution pattern of wealth that your society groans under.
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Germany Pressures US over Nuke Removal

Post by anastrophe »

spot wrote: In any reasonable system of distribution of wealth, there would be no top 10%, all workers would have the same return for their labor. Each would then be taxed on her excess income, once she had covered her essential living costs. But I theorize.

Your statistic merely indicates the appalling distribution pattern of wealth that your society groans under.
enough with this hijacking. you have again moved the discussion completely away from even the remotest basis of what i was discoursing upon. now it is that we are evil because those who work hard and enjoy the fruits of their labors are taxed relentlessly, but that's still wrong, because they should be taxed out of existence - there should be no unevenness in wealth distribution at all - everyone earns the same, the guy who empties the waste basket should earn the same as the guy who who runs the company's server infrastructure - education be damned, effort be damned, right and wrong be damned. take from the rich to give to the poor. say, what happens when you take *everything* from a rich man, and give it to the poor? you wind up with one more poor person.

argh. i keep feeding the troll.

US out of europe, i'm all for it. i can't wait for the endless handwringing when the economic infrastructure built up around earning money from the tens of thousands of US military stationed in europe dries up. 'those bloody americans! they left, and it killed our local economy! it's not right! they OWE us!'
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Germany Pressures US over Nuke Removal

Post by spot »

anastrophe wrote: US out of europe, i'm all for it. i can't wait for the endless handwringing when the economic infrastructure built up around earning money from the tens of thousands of US military stationed in europe dries up. 'those bloody americans! they left, and it killed our local economy! it's not right! they OWE us!'You speak of us as though we Europeans are peons, anastrophe. Maybe nobody's told you that the average US median family income net of taxes is now, within a thousand dollars, the same as in England and France?
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Germany Pressures US over Nuke Removal

Post by anastrophe »

spot wrote: You speak of us as though we Europeans are peons, anastrophe.
really? is that what i said? do tell. i'm sure you'll do anything to move away from the topic, and back to you.

Maybe nobody's told you that the average US median family income net of taxes is now, within a thousand dollars, the same as in England and France?
so what?
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Germany Pressures US over Nuke Removal

Post by spot »

anastrophe wrote: really? is that what i said? do tell. i'm sure you'll do anything to move away from the topic, and back to you.' "those bloody americans! they left, and it killed our local economy!". it's not right! they OWE us!'

I'm sure we both agree that you Americans owe us Europeans nothing, and I can't believe that either of us think that we'd say that if you left.
Nullius in verba ... ☎||||||||||| ... To Fate I sue, of other means bereft, the only refuge for the wretched left.
When flower power came along I stood for Human Rights, marched around for peace and freedom, had some nooky every night - we took it serious.
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Germany Pressures US over Nuke Removal

Post by anastrophe »

spot wrote: ' "those bloody americans! they left, and it killed our local economy!". it's not right! they OWE us!'

I'm sure we both agree that you Americans owe us Europeans nothing, and I can't believe that either of us think that we'd say that if you left.
we'll just have to wait and see. pullout of US nato troops from germany and the rest of europe is a long way off.
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