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Post by Galbally »

Accountable;813121 wrote: I know. I think we've understood each other for quite awhile. :-6

Who claims the lion's share of governing in your opinion, Northern Ireland or UK? A better question might be, how is responsibility divided?

I find that we tend to agree on quite a few things, but we have different perspectives on some things, its usually that European/American thing isn't it?

Anyway, as for Northern Ireland, oh I would say at this point most of the local stuff is Northern Ireland, (except the police, which is a thorny issue), but its still the UK so the parliament in Westminster still has final authority. I dunno, it seems to be working, there have been some issues (not surprising, in fact its being a lot less fractious than you might expect). Hopefully it will keep going in a positive direction, its important for us of here of course in the South, as a stable North is in everyone's interests that lives on the island. At the moment I am more worried about our Taoiseach (or Prime Minister, you may have seen him in the White House on Patricks Day), he is not an unpleasant fella, but his is a crook, a Government tribunal seems to have caught up with him, hopefully they will get to the bottom of his murky dealings.
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Post by [love]light »

[Jester;809441 wrote: Using my opinons in life in the following catagories please tell me if you fall to my left (more liberal) or my right (more conservative)

1. Marriage: Between a man and woman only, no exceptions, no domestic partnerships allowed. Why? What do you feel your protecting by excluding certain American citizens from building a marriage together?

2. Military/Diplomacy: Kill every terrorists in every country regardless of international law.Debatable

3. Total and open free trade based on product desire and let the consumer drive the economy.

4. Total balanced budget, no borrowing ever.I think that it should be possible, but it will never happen

5. No government entitlements. (no social security, no healthcare, no welfare).Healthcare is a must. Either regulate the astronomical costs of healthcare or provide insurance to the masses.

6. Legalize all substances, make laws regarding the negligent use of any product.Agreed. Make money off taxes & fines, rather than spending money to fight the unfightable.

7. Penelties for lawbreakers are severe, and swift punishment is carried out but when your are done paying you are done, no more system to track you or stigmatize you.Disagree. Patterns need to be observed in order to efficiently handle repeat offenders

8. Inact the death penelty by public hanging.Agreed... after years on death row and an exhaustive investigation to ensure the death of only the guilty

9. Outlaw all forms of abortion, its murder and is punishable by the death penalty.Disagree. This is not a black & white situation, don't punish those caught in the grey

10. Parents can legally spank thier children.Is spanking not legal?

11. Flat Tax, no more than 4%. With 2% of your total tax payment going to the agencies of your choice.Flat Tax: Agree, but unfortunately people are just not informed enough to make such important decisions

12. Public education is driven by testing to move to the next level, private education is optional. Parents are responsible either way. Disagree. I have seen many brilliant folks fall thru the cracks of public education because they were ignored by the teachers.

13. Seperation of Church and State shall be claryfied and defined to mean that no one denomination or sect shall at any time assume a role of lawmaking power in the government, but that the traditions and symbols of our founding influencial religions (Judeo-Christian) shall be permissable in public areas. The use of the generic term 'God' attributes to tradition of long helf belief and does not constitute a government recommndation to follow 'God'.AGREED, but religion should have NOTHING to do with our law making.
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Post by Bruv »

I am so far left of you Im out of sight......

Without trying to be argumentative, your discription of terrorists would condemn the american military.

Agree we need some rules to determine what a terrorsit is, Ive decided my rule to define a terrorist is someone who targets civilians in protest or to exert his will over others.
I thought I knew more than this until I opened my mouth
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'[love wrote: light;813259'] 5. No government entitlements. (no social security, no healthcare, no welfare).Healthcare is a must. Either regulate the astronomical costs of healthcare or provide insurance to the masses.
Insurance is the primary problem. Insurance is the reason costs are astronomical in the first place. Of course, we'll never get rid of the insurance industry now because they own so many politicians. That's their insurance policy.
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Post by Galbally »

Jester;813323 wrote: Sorry folks I dont mean to ignore your posts, lots of good stuff for discussions, but Ive run out of ways to explain how I feel and why I feel the way that I do. Ive seen lots of suffering of the innocent in my life, and I'm dang tired of it, I'm especially tired of those who hurt the innocent and most of my thoughts go to stopping it. I think thats why I appear so extreme. On the sodomite issue Im just anti-homosexual I believe its immoral behavior, and has no place in proper society, so Im willing to use government to stop it.

I can see now I should not have been so openly truthful about how I feel. It just causes hard feelings.

I'll be more careful in the future here in the garden the way it is now.

If I can clarify the severe punishment isasue it might make the stuff I said about law more understandable, I'll take my thoughts from petty crime to murder.

If someone commits a petty crime, say jaywalking, he gets a ticket, pays the ticket based on a percentage of his income, not a flat fee. (it should hurt everybody the same way). Lets say the same man gets angry at the cop and beats him near dead, in full view in public, with many wittnesses... he is tried, found guilty, in my opionon that man deserves death. He has demonstrated by his actions that he cannot live in peaceful society.

I realize there are other not so clear cut cases, but they would have to be tried and judged by a jury under the same system we currectly have.

Now the drug issue: We legalize drugs, if someone uses heroine and drives out and kills three kids by running over him then he is put to death under the same, rules as before.

Now I realize this is harsh, but our society has become so soft on criuminals that its nearly a joke to get incarcerated (if it wasnt for the prison gangs it owuld be a joke)

Eventually our society will get the picture that criminals will be punished and its a good thing to want to fit into society rather than deveaite form the rules as a general ideology.

On a side note, Im not a soldier of fortune reader, Nomad.

I will also leave my issues with terrorism alone here too.

Gal, The US is not religious, the US is quickly becoming anti-religious and antagonistic to religiouns, and not a very nice place to live if your a christian. There wont ever be a religious take over in the US. Mostly becasue there is so much fighting amongst Christains that they will never agree on a way to do it. And secondly most US citizens if they are religious wear it on their sleeves 'IF' they even attend church at all. I'll bet you a dollar to a donut more folks in the UK attend church services than in America on any given sunday (per capita).

Don't worry about it Jester, there are no hard feelings, its a good thread, just because I disagree with you on a lot of your ideas, that doesn't mean I am right, and you are entitled to have your opinions and to talk about them, thats what its all about. I take your point about religion in the US, thats just the way it appears to us sometimes over here in Europe, which may be an unfair or inacurate description. I would be fairly sure that Church going in England anyway is very low indeed, its famously so.

I am of course from Ireland, and we were famously Catholic for much of our history, funnily enough since the economic boom, and the scandals of the Catholic Church the Church has lost an enormous amount of respect in my society, and people have turned against it if anything, which is quite odd to watch as its all happening in my lifetime, the collapse of the Catholic Church, the end of much of the old poverty, the end of mass Irish emigration to America, the UK, and Australia and instead we now have mass immigration into Ireland (10 percent of our population are now foreign nationals, mostly Polish which has all happened in about the last 10 years), the end of the troubles in the North, and a general reconciliation between the U.K. and the Republic, its an interesting time.
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Post by Accountable »

Jester wrote: Just being prudent as to not offend the whole group! I censor myself all the time either way, this one just got away from me.
Oh, so you mean this thread cause you to have hard feelings? Well that's different, I guess. :p

Personally I think this has been one of the most invigorating discussions we've had lately. I'm disappointed sometimes when I expect you or someone else to join a debate with a differing opinion and they don't show up. I like stuff like this. It makes me think -- makes me examine my opinions to see if they hold water.
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Post by Galbally »

Accountable;813430 wrote: Oh, so you mean this thread cause you to have hard feelings? Well that's different, I guess. :p

Personally I think this has been one of the most invigorating discussions we've had lately. I'm disappointed sometimes when I expect you or someone else to join a debate with a differing opinion and they don't show up. I like stuff like this. It makes me think -- makes me examine my opinions to see if they hold water.

Yes, I agree, its been a good thread this one, lots of actually interesting opinions on things and not just a load of shouting.
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Post by Clodhopper »

Jester: My apologies if I've caused upset. I'm a bit snarly at present because I'm now 6 days into giving up smoking - tobacco and skunk after 20+ years.

I think we'd always have plenty to discuss, since I'm a Liberal Democrat and you are farther right than any mainstream political party in this country; you are a Christian Fundamentalist, and I struggle with ANY organised religion, given the amount of torture, murder and evil generally that happens and has happened in the name of organised religions, let alone Fundamentalist ones (don't get me started on Creationism :-5:-5:-5) - the attraction of Anglicanism is, for me, its lack of certainty and the humility that goes with it. Like many I wonder if there is a God at all and am at a crucial point in my internal debate on the issue.

I'll leave this now, since one of the withdrawal symptoms on giving up smoking is disturbed sleep, I had a rotten night, and this is too important and emotive an issue to write about when not reasonably compos mentis.

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Accountable;813430 wrote: makes me examine my opinions to see if they hold water.

hee hee hee...

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Post by [love]light »

Yes, Jester, its threads such as this one that make me sign on to FG as often as I have been lately. I have faith that we, as adults, can hold a healthy debate without hostility. It's obvious that we are a group spread so far over the spectrum that it would be impossible for us to agree on everything. That's the best part! It's fascinating to me to hear ideas and opinions from such a diverse crowd.


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Post by koan »

Jester wrote: When the state executes a criminal it is an execution it is not murder. Its defined as killing. Im glad we agree on the method that is less sanitized. hangin is good enough for me. If an error is made then the Jury must be hanged, they passed the judgement and examined the evidence. The Jury is the one who decides and is therefore responsible. That ought to ensure less errors.

I think we should also hang them if they find someone innocent and it turns out they did it. :yh_giggle
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Post by [love]light »

koan;813916 wrote: I think we should also hang them if they find someone innocent and it turns out they did it. :yh_giggle

I was on a murder trial jury. We found him guilty. Afterwards, the defense attorney came to see us. She told us more details that had been omitted from court.

The guilty verdict did not come easily. I wanted to find him innocent at first, because I didn't feel the evidence fully supported guilt. Had ALL the evidence been admitted, the guilty verdict would have been a no brainer.

All I'm trying to say is that the jury is not always told all the details. They have to make a decision based on what they are shown.
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Post by koan »

'[love wrote: light;813999']

All I'm trying to say is that the jury is not always told all the details. They have to make a decision based on what they are shown.

I was being sarcastic.

Just making the point that hanging the jury if they get it wrong is somewhat absurd.
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Post by Bryn Mawr »

Jester;809441 wrote: Using my opinons in life in the following catagories please tell me if you fall to my left (more liberal) or my right (more conservative)

1. Marriage: Between a man and woman only, no exceptions, no domestic partnerships allowed.

2. Military/Diplomacy: Kill every terrorists in every country regardless of international law.

3. Total and open free trade based on product desire and let the consumer drive the economy.

4. Total balanced budget, no borrowing ever.

5. No government entitlements. (no social security, no healthcare, no welfare).

6. Legalize all substances, make laws regarding the negligent use of any product.

7. Penelties for lawbreakers are severe, and swift punishment is carried out but when your are done paying you are done, no more system to track you or stigmatize you.

8. Inact the death penelty by public hanging.

9. Outlaw all forms of abortion, its murder and is punishable by the death penalty.

10. Parents can legally spank thier children.

11. Flat Tax, no more than 4%. With 2% of your total tax payment going to the agencies of your choice.

12. Public education is driven by testing to move to the next level, private education is optional. Parents are responsible either way.

13. Seperation of Church and State shall be claryfied and defined to mean that no one denomination or sect shall at any time assume a role of lawmaking power in the government, but that the traditions and symbols of our founding influencial religions (Judeo-Christian) shall be permissable in public areas. The use of the generic term 'God' attributes to tradition of long helf belief and does not constitute a government recommndation to follow 'God'.

No vote as I do not know a common definition of left / right, liberal / conservative.

However, here are my reactions to your positions :-

1) Marriage is between a woman and a man, if same sex couples wish to live together, or is mixed sex couples wish to live together, then that is their business - but it's not marriage.

2) International Law is paramount - with your avowed intent to look after your own national interest you, as a country, are in no position to decide who is a terrorist. A country has no right to take action within another countries borders - to do so is not diplomacy but terrorism.

3) With the proviso that laws are in place to prevent collusion and exploitation.

4) Agreed, the budget must be balanced but, as with a domestic budget, if by short term borrowing you can save in the long term, go for it. Flexibility is better than the application of rigid rules.

5) Disagree, primary healthcare is the right of all. anyone can fall on hard times in the short term and withholding all social assistance will damage the country in the long term. The debate lies in the level of support, not in whether it should be available.

6) Agree, as long as I read the second clause correctly. Prohibition drives demand and supports supply - education and natural selection do far more to stamp out negative behaviours.

7) Given an efficient and unbiased police and legislature I would agree. Make the penalty worse than the possible gain and release into society those who are no longer a danger to society. I suspect that we might disagree as to the details though :-)

8) Totally disagree. Given (7), what benefit is obtained? Given that there will always be a degree of doubt, how do you justify?

9) Totally disagree. Consideration has to be given to the needs of the mother as well as to the needs of the potential child. To deny abortion could be just as much murder as allowing it.

10) Agree but within strict limits.

11) See (4).

12) I'm not sure I understand your shorthand and I suspect that it vastly oversimplifies the problems of education.

13) Separation of Church and State should mean that no laws are enacted purely on the basis of religious bias. Of course the ideals of justice embodied in the law will be influenced and built on the ideals of justice promulgated by the prevailing religion but the religious strictures of any one faith.
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Post by [love]light »

koan;814319 wrote: I was being sarcastic.

Just making the point that hanging the jury if they get it wrong is somewhat absurd.

hee hee - got it.
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spot;809664 wrote:

2. Military/Diplomacy: Kill every terrorists in every country regardless of international law. I'll allow you to do that the day you give me a definition of terrorist instead of hiding behind the undefined word. You define the word, I'll allow you to kill them all, how's that? If it just means "people I've never met that I don't like" (which I guarantee is exactly what it does mean to you) then no, it's partisan and you can't.

I'm quite happy for "people I've never met that I don't like" so long as it's a reciprocal right. What I object to is "people who act against MY state's interests".
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Accountable;810079 wrote: Huh? How?

Then why let them out of prison?

Consider the difference between absolute income and disposable income - take 4% off the top of a person who hasn't enough income to live on and the effect is drastic, take 4% off the top of a person who can easily live on half his income and they won't even notice.

There is a basic cost of living in the same way as there is a basal metabolic rate - cut into the excess if you will, but leave the underlying overhead alone.
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Jester;810850 wrote: You could try.

Might makes right? I thought that had been discredited years ago?
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Post by Bryn Mawr »

Jester;813323 wrote:

I can see now I should not have been so openly truthful about how I feel. It just causes hard feelings.

I'll be more careful in the future here in the garden the way it is now.

The whole point is to be truthful as to how you feel - anything less is deceit. To make the discussion worthwhile we must all continue to be strictly honest.
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Post by Omni_Skittles »

I don't do well with testings!!! so i don't agree with that... everything else sounds good to me.
Smoke signals ftw!
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