Lonely in Omaha

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Lonely in Omaha

Post by theia »

Hello everyone. Well I made it. I actually flew 4000 miles and I'm now in Omaha. It's nearly 6 o' clock in the morning and I'm looking to cut my stay here and, once I've checked on how I can get back to England and I've recovered from my jet lag, I shall be returning to England. It's not that I don't like the little I've seen of the U.S. Chicago from the air is beautiful. Omaha is an ordinary city but the people seem nice and it's an experience and one that I wouldn't have missed (I think).

But I made a stupid mistake. I flew out here to stay with a man I had been mailing, talking with for nearly a year and a man that I loved and whom I thought loved me. The one thing I hadn't been honest about was that I smoked. And so the minute I touched down in America, I stopped. I had no intention of taking it up again...a new start, a new relationship, my life was changing and I was no longer a smoker. But I was stupid enough to tell him this, after 2 days, and now he has rejected me. He has told me I could stay on for the 3 weeks I had planned but, in reality, I can't. His rejection of me is more than just the smoking although he won't admit this.

I phoned my son just now and even though it was a harrowing call, we did manage a wry smile. "Why, Mum, could you not have become involved with a man in say, Totnes (Devon)?" he asked, "We could have come and picked you up then." "Oh well," I said "You know your mum. I rarely do things by halves." We also agreed, half jokingly but half seriously, that my kids would help me to get rid of my computer when I get home again.

And so, everyone, this is where theia is at present. Feeling emotionally drained, rejected and trying hard to tell herself that there is meaning in all this. And that meaning is not just about beware of those you might meet on the internet. The person I'm staying with is not a horrible person nor am I in any danger whatsoever. But, as he says, I wasn't honest about the smoking and it's something he can't bear. And so we can't go on. Oh, and incidentally, I have made several trips outside to his garden...I've taken up the cigarettes again which, as he says, proves his point that I would never be able to give up. And I thought I was doing so well. Although it lends further support to my argument to the fact that he actually didn't want me anyway and the smoking was just a reason for him to tell me this.

So, my FG friends, I've "boobed" as the saying goes. You were all so encouraging and supportive about my trip and I truly hope that you can continue to be so with what I'm going through at present. I'm going to be here for at least a couple more days and I can access FG and my email notifications on my home computer. Yes, you can tell me what an utter idiot I've been because I know I have. My ego is severely dented, my emotions all over the place, but I'll learn something from all this. At present I don't know what because I had set my heart on all this working but I have guts and I shall get through and come out the other side. In a way, this hasn't been a mistake but more an experience which will lead me to other, more fulfilling things. I just wish I could see them now :-5

But even in all this I know God is with me. I may have been naive and trusting in what I've just done but I'm still trusting in God...theia
Live the questions now. Perhaps you will then gradually, without noticing it, live along some distant day into the answers...Rainer Maria Rilke
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Post by Galbally »

Oh thats sad theia, I'm a smoker myself so I know how that feels (they really need to invent an anti-smoking device). Don't feel bad about it, you took a chance, it didn't work out, its a shame but at least you tried. You probably should have said something about the smoking as he took it very seriously, but we all make mistakes sometimes. Don't feel too bad about it.
"We are never so happy, never so unhappy, as we imagine"

Le Rochefoucauld.

"A smack in the face settles all arguments, then you can move on kid."

My dad 1986.
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Post by chrisb84uk »

Oh Theia, I'm so sorry that things didn't turn out the way that u would of liked. Cyber hugs for ya!! :yh_hugs

Anyway try and make the most out of the time that u have out there. Go out, enjoy yourself, try and take your mind off things. Remember that u are still on holiday and despite whatever has happened, you can still have a nice time out there.

Try not to go blameing yourself too much. It isn't going to help dwelling on the past, and as hard as it may seem as this moment, you have to stay positive and believe that tommorow will be a better day. I mean we've all had our fare share of bad times and moments we wish we'd rather forget, but as u say we all learn from them, and come out hopefully better people, and I'm sure that being the great person that u are, u will do the same!!

And remember how worried u were about the flight, u got over it, and you arrived safely in the US. If u keep this approach and try to stay positive, then u can get over this as well I'm sure.

Again my thoughts are with ya Theia, I wish u a happy next couple of days. :-6
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Post by chonsigirl »

Theia, he is worthy of such a woman as you. Ghads, if you were only closer to Baltimore, I'd pick you up and take you home with us to stay. You are not an idiot! He is! And will sorry one day to have lost such an intelligent and wonderful woman as you.

We all love you here.
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Post by lady cop »

Theia!! get on a plane and come to florida!! :-6 :-4 :yh_hugs it's more fun than where you are!!
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Post by Bez »

lady cop wrote: Theia!! get on a plane and come to florida!! :-6 :-4 :yh_hugs it's more fun than where you are!!

Could you do that Theia ? It sounds a wonderful idea.

I think you were so brave to do what you did and as you say it has been an experience....another episode in the 'Life of Theia' .

His loss....a big loss if you ask me.

I have started smoking again after 5 months giving up....I know how HARD it is.

Come home, laugh about your adventure and look forward to Christmas...xxx

A smile is a window on your face to show your heart is home
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Post by telaquapacky »

Theia, I think the guy is being a little dumb-you could be the woman of his dreams. People dream of being able to change things about their lovers and never can, and yet here you came willing to give up smoking for him. He could, if he were patient, help you do it.

I know the concern he has about your honesty, but I wouldn't be surprised there is something he keeps from you as well. Your lives prior to getting together are not relevant. That was then, this is now.

I became acquainted with the women who later became my wife just before I took a long assignment in Africa and went there alone. She and I wrote to one another extensively and developed quite a deep friendship. After I was there nine months, she came to visit me at her own expense, and she stayed with a couple who were friends of mine and served as shaperones for us (I was a single missionary- wouldn't have done good for her to stay with me!). You know what? At one point, I told her I thought it wouldn't work out for us. That night I couldn't sleep, and agonized over it, realizing that I had kicked away my best shot at happiness. I changed my heart completely, committing it to her- love is a decision. Whatever held me back before (and for the life of me I can't remember what it was) was no longer important. The next day, I picked some wildflowers and put them in a vase, and wrote a letter expressing my deepest affection and desire for her. The rest of our time together was sweet. With friends, we visited Victoria Falls and an exotic game park in Zimbabwe. I did propose to her and she accepted. Around a campfire with some other missionary friends in a pine forest on a high plateau, we announced to everyone our decision. Three of them were pastors who said, "We can marry you right now if you want!" We said, "No thank you, we want to have a ceremony with our parents and all our friends back home." We didn't touch each other intimately until after we were married. I guess this story is somewhat of an anachronism, but so is the fact that it's fifteen years now, and we are still together, and our love is growing stronger and sweeter every day.

The right partner is a gift from God. My advice is ask Him for help in this situation, if you haven't already. Maybe He can soften this guy's heart. If not, you can be confident that God has someone else for you.

Another thing. Nebraska is not America at it's best or most scenic or romantic. Gene Hackman had a line in a Clint Eastwood movie where he said, "I thought I was dead, but I wasn't. I was in Nebraska." If this thing really is a dead end, You should not return to the U.K. empty. Take another trip- Go take up Lady Cop's gracious invitation!:)
Look what the cat dragged in.
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Post by Bez »

I really enjoyed your post.....I believe that there is a soulmate for everyone somewhere....it's just a question of being patient....

telaquapacky wrote: Theia, I think the guy is being a little dumb-you could be the woman of his dreams. People dream of being able to change things about their lovers and never can, and yet here you came willing to give up smoking for him. He could, if he were patient, help you do it.

I know the concern he has about your honesty, but I wouldn't be surprised there is something he keeps from you as well. Your lives prior to getting together are not relevant. That was then, this is now.

I became acquainted with the women who later became my wife just before I took a long assignment in Africa and went there alone. She and I wrote to one another extensively and developed quite a deep friendship. After I was there nine months, she came to visit me at her own expense, and she stayed with a couple who were friends of mine and served as shaperones for us (I was a single missionary- wouldn't have done good for her to stay with me!). You know what? At one point, I told her I thought it wouldn't work out for us. That night I couldn't sleep, and agonized over it, realizing that I had kicked away my best shot at happiness. I changed my heart completely, committing it to her- love is a decision. Whatever held me back before (and for the life of me I can't remember what it was) was no longer important. The next day, I picked some wildflowers and put them in a vase, and wrote a letter expressing my deepest affection and desire for her. The rest of our time together was sweet. With friends, we visited Victoria Falls and an exotic game park in Zimbabwe. I did propose to her and she accepted. Around a campfire with some other missionary friends in a pine forest on a high plateau, we announced to everyone our decision. Three of them were pastors who said, "We can marry you right now if you want!" We said, "No thank you, we want to have a ceremony with our parents and all our friends back home." We didn't touch each other intimately until after we were married. I guess this story is somewhat of an anachronism, but so is the fact that it's fifteen years now, and we are still together, and our love is growing stronger and sweeter every day.

The right partner is a gift from God. My advice is ask Him for help in this situation, if you haven't already. Maybe He can soften this guy's heart. If not, you can be confident that God has someone else for you.

Another thing. Nebraska is not America at it's best or most scenic or romantic. Gene Hackman had a line in a Clint Eastwood movie where he said, "I thought I was dead. But I was in Nebraska." If this thing really is a dead end, You should not return to the U.K. empty. Take another trip- Go take up Lady Cop's gracious invitation!:)
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Post by abbey »

Theia honey!:yh_hugs :yh_hugs have a fag &

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Post by Wolverine »

Omaha?? you're a stone's throw from ME!! like 3 hours west of me.

had i been paying attention and known you were coming, i would have come over and met you.

we'd have had a blast. :cool:

Get your mind out of the gutter - it's blocking my view

Mind like a steel trap - Rusty and Illegal in 37 states.

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Post by Peg »

I'm really sorry to hear it didn't work out the way you had expected. At least you will never wonder about "what if". You did meet him and it didn't work out. You learned from it so that's important. Move on and find a man who will take you just the way you are, smoker and all.
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Post by Jives »

abbey wrote: have a fag

lol. That just doesn't translate well in American.

Sorry, but I think I'm on the side of the guy who dumped you, Theia.

I'm married to a smoker and the financial, physical, and emotional toll it's taken on me has been unbelievably excrutiating. I'd avoid it if I knew how bad it would be ahead of time. Unfortunately, now I love the woman, so I'm bound to stay with her.:o
All the world's a stage and the men and women merely players...Shakespeare
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Post by abbey »

Jives wrote: lol. That just doesn't translate well in American.

LOL oops!,Theia knows i meant ciggy
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Post by pina »

Sorry to hear this Theia, I hope you dont let it spoil your time in America, its not every week you get the chance to go. Make the most of what time you have left and dont worry to much about getting a man. This one isn´t worthy of you, if it wasn´t the smoking thing then he would have found something else to use as an excuse, better now than later.


There´s always the man next door. :wah:

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Post by minks »

Awww Theia Big Huggs from me too. I guess if you suspect the smokes aren't the only reason then better it be found out now that it isn't going to work then you always trying and he already deciding it won't work. Did that make sense.

Anyway girl, try and get out and see what's there, 3 hours from wolverine, hmmm go visit him I bet he will make ya smile. How very sad your long term relationship had to end so suddenly over such a small incident. Hunny I wish you well.
�You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.�

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Post by Raven »

theia wrote: Hello everyone. Well I made it. I actually flew 4000 miles and I'm now in Omaha. It's nearly 6 o' clock in the morning and I'm looking to cut my stay here and, once I've checked on how I can get back to England and I've recovered from my jet lag, I shall be returning to England. It's not that I don't like the little I've seen of the U.S. Chicago from the air is beautiful. Omaha is an ordinary city but the people seem nice and it's an experience and one that I wouldn't have missed (I think).

But I made a stupid mistake. I flew out here to stay with a man I had been mailing, talking with for nearly a year and a man that I loved and whom I thought loved me. The one thing I hadn't been honest about was that I smoked. And so the minute I touched down in America, I stopped. I had no intention of taking it up again...a new start, a new relationship, my life was changing and I was no longer a smoker. But I was stupid enough to tell him this, after 2 days, and now he has rejected me. He has told me I could stay on for the 3 weeks I had planned but, in reality, I can't. His rejection of me is more than just the smoking although he won't admit this.

I phoned my son just now and even though it was a harrowing call, we did manage a wry smile. "Why, Mum, could you not have become involved with a man in say, Totnes (Devon)?" he asked, "We could have come and picked you up then." "Oh well," I said "You know your mum. I rarely do things by halves." We also agreed, half jokingly but half seriously, that my kids would help me to get rid of my computer when I get home again.

And so, everyone, this is where theia is at present. Feeling emotionally drained, rejected and trying hard to tell herself that there is meaning in all this. And that meaning is not just about beware of those you might meet on the internet. The person I'm staying with is not a horrible person nor am I in any danger whatsoever. But, as he says, I wasn't honest about the smoking and it's something he can't bear. And so we can't go on. Oh, and incidentally, I have made several trips outside to his garden...I've taken up the cigarettes again which, as he says, proves his point that I would never be able to give up. And I thought I was doing so well. Although it lends further support to my argument to the fact that he actually didn't want me anyway and the smoking was just a reason for him to tell me this.

So, my FG friends, I've "boobed" as the saying goes. You were all so encouraging and supportive about my trip and I truly hope that you can continue to be so with what I'm going through at present. I'm going to be here for at least a couple more days and I can access FG and my email notifications on my home computer. Yes, you can tell me what an utter idiot I've been because I know I have. My ego is severely dented, my emotions all over the place, but I'll learn something from all this. At present I don't know what because I had set my heart on all this working but I have guts and I shall get through and come out the other side. In a way, this hasn't been a mistake but more an experience which will lead me to other, more fulfilling things. I just wish I could see them now :-5

But even in all this I know God is with me. I may have been naive and trusting in what I've just done but I'm still trusting in God...theia
Oh my goodness, that sucks! Honey, I'm so sorry! But you're right. It's not the smoking thats the issue. He's the one not being honest with YOU! And he IS a jacka$$! Yes you will survive. And THE one is still out there waiting to find you darling, this I KNOW from experience. Keep your chin up girl! We're all here for you!
~Quoth the Raven, Nevermore!~
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Post by lady cop »

check this out Theia...sure makes nebraska look like crap.:cool: ..........The Official Tourism Council Web Site for the Florida Keys! Key ... The Official Florida Keys and Key West Web Site is your Premier Travel Guide to the Florida Keys: Key Largo, Islamorada, Marathon, Lower Keys, Key West.

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Post by Rapunzel »

pina wrote: Sorry to hear this Theia, I hope you dont let it spoil your time in America, its not every week you get the chance to go. Make the most of what time you have left and dont worry to much about getting a man. This one isn´t worthy of you, if it wasn´t the smoking thing then he would have found something else to use as an excuse, better now than later.


Pina's right theia, this chap would have found another excuse. Better that you found out now. But DONT waste a fabulous trip because of some jerk, get your family to mail you some spare cash (you can pay them back all next year!) and pop over to visit wolverine and go kip on LCs sofa - she might even give you a ride in a cop car! Woohoo! Make it a positive experience. You've done SO well to get there - which is FAR better than spending your life wondering "what if" - now have a fabulous holiday and come home and marry a local so you can stay near your family. Wipe this man off the soles of your shoes, kick up your heels and have FUN! You deserve it! :-6
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Post by lady cop »

just curious Theia...was he as advertised? i'll bet he wasn't.
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Post by minks »

lady cop wrote: just curious Theia...was he as advertised? i'll bet he wasn't.

Brill point LC
�You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.�

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Post by Nomad »

For now the only thing I can muster up is.....what an *******. Ill have more later.
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Post by booradley »

silly sod. you haven't boobed at all. You're experiencing life's rich tapestry. Would you rather stay home and moulder?
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Post by CARLA »

I know it seem bad now, but from what I have just read your way better off.. Seems like an idiot to me.. !!:mad:

Theia you have nothing to feel bad about.. Just pull yourself up and head on home. You win some and you lose some..!! ;) Life if full of experiences that you look back on and go what the heck was I thinking..!! :confused:

Chin up and carry on bravely..!! :-4


"Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand, champagne in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming.

WOO HOO!!, what a ride!!!"

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Post by theia »

Thank you everybody for being so supportive. I haven't thanked you sooner because I've been trying to somehow make amends for whatever it is I'm not, or for the disappointent I've clearly caused this person I'm staying with. Yes, I got the nicotine patches and stopped smoking, I agreed to change the way I dressed, I tried to be as pleasant and as unobtrusive as possible. And I now know the real reason for the problems is that he is still in love with his ex wife. And I could never measure up to that love and I was stupid for even trying.

I'm now in a sort of limbo. On Monday I was going to book an early flight home. Then I made those efforts to change and thought it might work out. This morning I realised the truth of what was going on and so I have to make decisions as to what to do. This person is willing for me to stay the whole 3 weeks...

LC, I didn't join a dating site. I met this person through an ordinary epal site. Ironically I wasn't looking for a relationship :-5 but merely people to correspond with. Maybe though, subconsciously I was looking for love because I certainly became hooked into all this quite quickly.

I'm too gutted and confused at present to even be able to glimpse what the reasons for all this might be. But I was truly moved by all your responses and I thank you all from the bottom of my heart...theia
Live the questions now. Perhaps you will then gradually, without noticing it, live along some distant day into the answers...Rainer Maria Rilke
lady cop
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Lonely in Omaha

Post by lady cop »

i didn't think you meant a dating site...i meant was he all he said he was in your communications. ...and what do you mean you changed how you dress?? now i am going to say what i think about him....f**k him and the horse he rode in on. quit apologizing for being yourself! :-4
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Post by theia »

lady cop wrote: i didn't think you meant a dating site...i meant was he all he said he was in your communications. ...and what do you mean you changed how you dress?? now i am going to say what i think about him....f**k him and the horse he rode in on. quit apologizing for being yourself! :-4

I think he probably thought he was, LC. He was being as honest as he could be but that honesty didn't involve delving into what his feelings really were. I thought he really loved me and we had such incredible plans.

And yes, I know I shouldn't even have considered changing who I am but I suppose I was desperate for everything to be okay. But any change I may have made wouldn't have been for the right reason and wouldn't have lasted.

I don't feel much like laughing but :wah: guess what was the first thing I reached for this morning when it all blew up again!! And I know all the non smokers and all the people who have been adversely affected by cigarettes will disagree, understandably, but at least they feel like a friend at present. And, hell, yes, LC, there is nothing wrong with the way I dress!! Thank you!
Live the questions now. Perhaps you will then gradually, without noticing it, live along some distant day into the answers...Rainer Maria Rilke
lady cop
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Post by lady cop »

you are NOT desperate. do not say that to yourself. he is a loser and you are a wonderful woman!! light a fag and blow the smoke in his face. :D
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Post by BabyRider »

Damn I have missed out on a lot!! Theia, I'm not quite sure why you're being so hard on yourself, but it seems like wasted energy to me. All of us here on FG seem to like you just fine just the way you are, so this guy you've met can't be all that bright. Especially if he's going to "dump" you over smoking. So, I'm not sure I'm ok with you hanging out with some guy who isn't smart. You should have better than that. Tell him I said so. Putz.
[FONT=Arial Black]I hope you cherish this sweet way of life, and I hope you know that it comes with a price.
~Darrel Worley~

Bullet's trial was a farce. Can I get an AMEN?????

We won't be punished for our sins, but BY them.

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Post by CARLA »


Sweetie you can't change who and what your are to please someone else, it never works. Be yourself damit and be proud of who you are. How dare he have you come all this way on false pretenses.. He wasn't truthful with you that speaks volumes to his lack of character... I wouldn't trust him period at this point.

If you want to stay in the states for a 3 week visit great... Just remember you were honest, you gave your heart to this man. He is the one with the problems not you... stuff like this just makes me see red...!!:- :-5

You dress how you want, and be who you are period..!! Your a wonderful women and don't let anyone bring you down...;)


"Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand, champagne in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming.

WOO HOO!!, what a ride!!!"

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Post by theia »

BabyRider wrote: Damn I have missed out on a lot!! Theia, I'm not quite sure why you're being so hard on yourself, but it seems like wasted energy to me. All of us here on FG seem to like you just fine just the way you are, so this guy you've met can't be all that bright. Especially if he's going to "dump" you over smoking. So, I'm not sure I'm ok with you hanging out with some guy who isn't smart. You should have better than that. Tell him I said so. Putz.

Thank you BR. I don't know what it means but I like that word "Putz" And, sod it, I'm going to look for my spirit again...I know it's in there somewhere.
Live the questions now. Perhaps you will then gradually, without noticing it, live along some distant day into the answers...Rainer Maria Rilke
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Post by BabyRider »

theia wrote: Thank you BR. I don't know what it means but I like that word "Putz" And, sod it, I'm going to look for my spirit again...I know it's in there somewhere.
"Putz": jerk, dork, schmuck, dufus, creep, twit, a person of less than average intelligence. I think it's Yiddish, but I'm not sure. Anyway, it fits. :yh_bigsmi
[FONT=Arial Black]I hope you cherish this sweet way of life, and I hope you know that it comes with a price.
~Darrel Worley~

Bullet's trial was a farce. Can I get an AMEN?????

We won't be punished for our sins, but BY them.

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Post by minks »

Hold your head High Theia, and take the help that is offered to you :)
�You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.�

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Post by BabyRider »

SnoozeControl wrote: I think it loosely translates to "d*ck."
You think the guy's a duck? :yh_rotfl :yh_rotfl
[FONT=Arial Black]I hope you cherish this sweet way of life, and I hope you know that it comes with a price.
~Darrel Worley~

Bullet's trial was a farce. Can I get an AMEN?????

We won't be punished for our sins, but BY them.

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Post by valerie »

BabyRider wrote: You think the guy's a duck? :yh_rotfl :yh_rotfl

Yeah, and if it looks like a duck and waddles like a duck and QUACKS

like a duck... then the guy's a d*ck!!

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Post by BabyRider »

valerie wrote: Yeah, and if it looks like a duck and waddles like a duck and QUACKS

like a duck... then the guy's a d*ck!!

AMEN to that!!! :yh_clap
[FONT=Arial Black]I hope you cherish this sweet way of life, and I hope you know that it comes with a price.
~Darrel Worley~

Bullet's trial was a farce. Can I get an AMEN?????

We won't be punished for our sins, but BY them.

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Post by valerie »

:yh_rotfl :yh_rotfl

Now there's one for the Random Thoughts thread!!

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Post by valerie »

Theia, I hope you realize I don't mean to make light of your sitch...

but just maybe if you can smile or laugh a little... you'll feel better!

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Post by theia »

ArnoldLayne wrote: Theia, You're on holiday, ditch the dipstick and get yourself down to Florida or somewhere. Dont come home yet . See America, its much too cold and miserable to come home yet.

Take a deep breath, walk away with a smile on your face, dont look back and put this one down to experience.

YOUR life has to be on YOUR terms, nobody elses. ( agreed to change the way I dressed...no Theia, walk round in a tutu and army boots if it puts a smile on your face....I do :D )

Do you know Arnold, I spoke on the phone with a very lovely lady from Baltimore today whom we all know and love on Forum Garden. And she gave me an open invitation to go and spend some time with her and her family, whenever, ifever, whilst I'm in America. And she offered to show me Washington DC (I think it was) etc. etc. And what with everyone else's support on FG too, I'm feeling much more positive and able to cope. And one day I'll look back and laugh and say to myself "Remember that ill fated trip to Omaha :wah: "

And hey, AL, how do you know what I wear :confused:

More thanks to everyone...theia
Live the questions now. Perhaps you will then gradually, without noticing it, live along some distant day into the answers...Rainer Maria Rilke
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Post by minks »

theia wrote: Do you know Arnold, I spoke on the phone with a very lovely lady from Baltimore today whom we all know and love on Forum Garden. And she gave me an open invitation to go and spend some time with her and her family, whenever, ifever, whilst I'm in America. And she offered to show me Washington DC (I think it was) etc. etc. And what with everyone else's support on FG too, I'm feeling much more positive and able to cope. And one day I'll look back and laugh and say to myself "Remember that ill fated trip to Omaha :wah: "

And hey, AL, how do you know what I wear :confused:

More thanks to everyone...theia

Awww Theia I hope you go and stay with that lovely lady, her hearts in the right place. Keep your chin up girlie and remember things could always be worse.

�You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.�

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Post by Nomad »

Theia, I can come get you if you want. This was my wifes suggestion and I think its a good idea. If you can rent a car and drive out great, if not I can come out there. Its only 5 hrs away and we have room. Minneapolis is way better than Omaha and we have a great view here. Let me know. Im serious.
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Post by minks »

Nomad wrote: Theia, I can come get you if you want. This was my wifes suggestion and I think its a good idea. If you can rent a car and drive out great, if not I can come out there. Its only 5 hrs away and we have room. Minneapolis is way better than Omaha and we have a great view here. Let me know. Im serious.

awww Nomad that is incredibly kind of you. Ohhh Theia you are so loved :) I would do the same however I am like 5 days away :( Hunny go on take up the offers of one or the other and make your stay in the USA a happy ending.
�You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.�

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Post by Wolverine »

Jives wrote: lol. That just doesn't translate well in American.

Hahahaha. uh, no. no it doesn't.

Get your mind out of the gutter - it's blocking my view

Mind like a steel trap - Rusty and Illegal in 37 states.

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Post by abbey »

Nomad wrote: Theia, I can come get you if you want. This was my wifes suggestion and I think its a good idea. If you can rent a car and drive out great, if not I can come out there. Its only 5 hrs away and we have room. Minneapolis is way better than Omaha and we have a great view here. Let me know. Im serious.Nomad, you lovely man :-4

(note i did'nt call you gonad);)
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