sunday outing

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sunday outing

Post by gmc »

Lasr sunday cycled in to here. Really does look like that except you can't see the hills because of the rain bouncing off the grass. Used to be th route used for herding cattle to market. It's actually one of the few parts of scotland that still has remnants of the caledonian forest-temperate rain forest that used to cover the area. Open moorland ain't natural

Same route from other side. This guys a wimp, how not to mountain bike in Scotland, don't take a map and don't carry enough food or what is a pleasent day out turns in to a bit of an ordeal. My wife did this with me carryinmg her bike up the hill you see, only fell once or twice.

Same area. maybe I should get a camera
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sunday outing

Post by gmc »

Thanks for your pictures. New Hampshire is New England is it not? I've never been to america,like you I plan to go in the future.

I prefer to use a mountain bike to explore, what is a two or three day walk is a day out on a bike. i do use the downhill courses as well but they get a bit boring after a while., being 15 miles or so away from the car when a wheel collapses gives a greater sense of adventure. Don't know what new hampshire is like but in scotland you can get hypothermia in the middle of summer.
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sunday outing

Post by Tombstone »

You live in a beautiful place. Hard to beat the views. Is mountain biking fairly popular in Scotland?

gmc wrote:

Lasr sunday cycled in to here. Really does look like that except you can't see the hills because of the rain bouncing off the grass. Used to be th route used for herding cattle to market. It's actually one of the few parts of scotland that still has remnants of the caledonian forest-temperate rain forest that used to cover the area. Open moorland ain't natural

Same route from other side. This guys a wimp, how not to mountain bike in Scotland, don't take a map and don't carry enough food or what is a pleasent day out turns in to a bit of an ordeal. My wife did this with me carryinmg her bike up the hill you see, only fell once or twice.

Same area. maybe I should get a camera
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sunday outing

Post by gmc »

You live in a beautiful place. Hard to beat the views. Is mountain biking fairly popular in Scotland?

Oh yes and becoming more so all the time. Glen tress, the first one I posted was the site for the european championships, you get people coming to stay on weekend package deals. fort william is also has a championship course. A lot of hillwalkers use mountain bikes to get in to a long route rather than walk along the track leave the bike and then pick it up on the way back out. A two day route becomes a long day out. It is possible top plan 40-50 mile off road routes through the hills so long as carrying a bike when necessary doesn't phase you.

Scotland is criss crossed is criss crossed by a network of old military roads from the 18th century and numerous landrover tracks and paths that are all suitable for biking. There is also no law of trespass so you can legally take your bike anywhere that is accessible to someone on foot though cycling might be a bit impractable. There are plenty routes where you can cycle in, carry the bike over the more extreme bits and continue your route. There are also a lot of old railway lines now being turned in to cycle and walking paths so basically you can pick your level form easy peasy to really demanding. The thing is with the longer routes you also need to be able to cope with walking out if the bike fails, a fifteen mile bike ride might be an hour or so, walking takes four or five hours which is not funny if all you have is a pair of shorts and a tee shirt and its belting with rain. If you read that report from the guy going in from Morvich he wasn't well enough equipped i.e. no food, you do get cleated shoes with soles suitable for walking in, and he obviously didn't have a map with him. The gorge he's talking about took us about rwo hours, you don't push the bike you carry it across your shoulders.

Tourism is a £400 million plus industry in scotland and one thing the foot and mouth epidemic did was drive home just how much of that is people coming to take part in outdoor pursuits, its gone from a fringe activity to mainstream.

Same on the continent actually, off piste ski routes make fantastic bike runs in the summer, there are old trade routes across the alps many of which are accessable to a good mountain biker.

What about these desert gorges and places you see in films? they look like good places to explore on a mountain bike
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sunday outing

Post by Paula »

GMC., how breath-taking, ho my god, absolutely beautiful, keep sending the photos, enjoy & appreciate! :D :D

In my teens i mountain climbed the white mountains with my church group, that was tough for a week, the White Mountain Range is in New Hampshire. I remember my toes hurt, and some scary crossings.
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sunday outing

Post by gmc »

My pleasure, hope the above works if the picture is black its night time. The loch you see has a caraven site at the end of it, the glen immediately to the right is the way in to glen affric and yes I have been up all the ones you see.

For some reason the american sites aren't downloading maybe cos it's night time or something. I know you see images like this all the time on TV but I get a kick out of seeing it live and real people not actors.
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sunday outing

Post by capt_buzzard »

gmc wrote:

My pleasure, hope the above works if the picture is black its night time. The loch you see has a caraven site at the end of it, the glen immediately to the right is the way in to glen affric and yes I have been up all the ones you see.

For some reason the american sites aren't downloading maybe cos it's night time or something. I know you see images like this all the time on TV but I get a kick out of seeing it live and real people not actors.Thought you were treating us to Sunday tea
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