Stopping dad's seeing their kids

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Stopping dad's seeing their kids

Post by buttercup »

Accountable's thread got me thinking about this.

Lets say a couple have been married 10 years & have 3 children. They split up, she portrays him as a monster & stops him seeing the kids. He has always been a good dad as far as anyone could see. Why is it most people on her word automatically believes he is a monster?

Would no one actually stop to look at it & think this may be her venom talking?

Ive known so many women who do this, never once has it entered their mind that whilst they are busy destroying dad the kids still love him & want to see him.
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Stopping dad's seeing their kids

Post by Peg »

Good topic! I've seen this happen way too many times. It makes me sick! 16 years ago, the other half and I split up for a while. While I was angry, hurt, and resentful, I still let him have the kids as often as he wanted and never spoke a bad word about him in front of them. Even if the guy is not Mr. Wonderful, even if he won't financially support those children, he is still their father. Why should the children be deprived of a relationship with him? There's better ways to get even with him that won't harm the children. :sneaky:
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Stopping dad's seeing their kids

Post by buttercup »

And i bet your kids love & respect you all the more for it Peg. Well done you for putting their needs above anything personal between you & him. :-6
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Stopping dad's seeing their kids

Post by Uncle Kram »

My ex wifes mendacity cost me a lot of friends. My experience tells me that most people (including my Dad it seems) believe the first version of events they hear. I phoned no-one - she phoned everyone.

She wanted to move hundreds of miles away to "Make it as hard as possible to see the kids". This may have been a reaction to the fact that both of my kids wanted to live with me, or just the nature of the beast, but all I can say is that all of the spite was one-way traffic. It has certainly made me more open minded when I hear bad things about people.

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Stopping dad's seeing their kids

Post by Accountable »

A friend a work was telling me about her ex. He "never" picks the kidlet up on time, "always" has his girlfriend pick him up instead of doing it himself, still hasn't scheduled the dental appointment even though it's "his turn" to do it, etc etc etc. And now he has the nerve to ask her if he can have an extra day so they can go camping. Of course the girlfriend is going, too. Then she asks me "should I give him the extra day?"

My response: "So you're asking whether or not you should let your son go camping with his dad? The man you told me is a good dad, that your son adores?? Oh HELL no!" (that last with heavy sarcasm, of course)

What I hadn't considered is that, despite their love and devotion for their son, BOTH parents were using him as a tool to hurt the other. He apparently keeps a record of the extra time he spends with their son and brings it up at hearings as justification why he should have custody rather than her.

I stopped having discussions with her about such things.
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Stopping dad's seeing their kids

Post by neffy »

when my first marriege ended we always kept are resentment away from shelley,well that was until he remarried and kept on letting shelley down,simon my 2nd hubby has always been there for shelley,dont get me wrong me and x are still good friends,as simon is with his first wife,i have always said that the kids feelings come first, and that me,my hubby,his first wife and my x have always maintain that.

But they are growing up, simon has got 3 boys 22,19 and 17 and there is my shelley 19 ans i am also a step-grandmother:-3
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Stopping dad's seeing their kids

Post by minks »

I think it's criminal that this happens. Kids need their fathers as much as they need their mothers and our stinking society says differently so we tend to be inclined to believe what the mothers say about the fathers. Very very sad. Here in this province when you split, you must by law take a "parenting after separation" course before you are granted a divorce. This teaches the parents how to keep the children out of the "muck" and encourages parents to share visitation and perhaps custody of course we all know its not fail proof.

When I divorced, I encouraged visitation between my girls and their father sadly, they were old enough to read the writing on the wall about him and now one rarely sees her dad, the other refuses :( but they are 20 and 16 it's out of my hands.
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Stopping dad's seeing their kids

Post by JacksDad »

My ex constantly uses the Jackster to get to me. He's quite a smart kid. I know that as he ages he will see for himself who is the more fit parent.

And I will be waiting with open arms. :-6
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Stopping dad's seeing their kids

Post by minks »

JacksDad;678785 wrote: My ex constantly uses the Jackster to get to me. He's quite a smart kid. I know that as he ages he will see for himself who is the more fit parent.

And I will be waiting with open arms. :-6

excellent attitude JD (but am sorry to hear your ex is being a pill), I think its evil and nasty for mothers to use the children against their fathers. They will learn to regret it in the end I am certain, cause kids are not stupid. They know they have 2 parents and if you deny them one parent hmmmm you may end up doing your own self in. I have a few friends going through similar. And in the end the kids see each parent for what they are.
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Stopping dad's seeing their kids

Post by SuzyB »

I have stopped the children seeing their Dad once, when he kept letting them down, they would be waiting and he wouldn't show up. I was determined that he would not make them feel bad about themselves (kids tend to blame themselves rather than an absent parent). I changed my phone number and he did not see them for 2 months.

Apart from that one incident I am glad to say that I have always tried extra hard to keep things nice for the children, my ex and his partner have been invited to all school plays, birthdays etc. Unfortunately not all invites and persuasion on my part for him to see more of his children have been taken up, but that is his loss.

Now the children are older they would rather go out with friends and stay local than go to their Dads at weekends, but he calls them a couple of times a week to make sure that he talks to them.

I have never understood any parent that would use their child as a weapon, I have many friends that have done that and I have made it crystal clear how I feel, in fact I lost a very good friend for that very reason.
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Stopping dad's seeing their kids

Post by beautiful_soul »

gr, i hate it when i see this happening.
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Stopping dad's seeing their kids

Post by KB. »

Well, she carried them for nine long months in her womb; she can do what she wants with them. Don't dare think someone else wasn't thinking of saying it. That follows into this thread as well. Who gives a rat's ass if Dad is a good dad? That doesn't have one thing to do with it. Those children came straight out of mom's body; she is the one to make the choice on who sees them and when, right? All hail the life giver and life taker. God really is a woman.
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Stopping dad's seeing their kids

Post by Accountable »

Take a deep cleansing breath, KB.
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Stopping dad's seeing their kids

Post by Imladris »

KB.;679025 wrote: Well, she carried them for nine long months in her womb; she can do what she wants with them. Don't dare think someone else wasn't thinking of saying it. That follows into this thread as well. Who gives a rat's ass if Dad is a good dad? That doesn't have one thing to do with it. Those children came straight out of mom's body; she is the one to make the choice on who sees them and when, right? All hail the life giver and life taker. God really is a woman.

Not everyone thinks that!

When times have been tough in my marriage (and doesn't it in all at times) and I considered walking the one (and the only) thing that kept me there to work it out was that taking my daughter away from her dad would have been wrong as he is a brilliant dad and it would have been such a bad thing to deprive them of each other. I would have been unwittingly using her as a weapon to get back at him, I didn't hate him that much. I'm so glad I stayed.
Originally Posted by spot

She is one fit bitch innit, that Immy

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Stopping dad's seeing their kids

Post by Platypus »

Would it be out of line to ask why courts let them get away with this? I know two guys who've had to go through this. In both cases their spouses have gotten away with the most outrageous lies and false accusations, things that are clearly contradicted by documents in the court's possession. Do the courts put a stop to it? Do they penalize the person who's obviously too dishonest and selfish to be a good parent? Au contraire. The clerk and the "friend of the court" ("friend of the wife" is more like it) actively aid and abet this. Even the judge gets in on the act, changing dates on a whim and threatening him with contempt if he doesn't drive 1200 miles to be there on a day's notice. These shenanigans seriously affect his ability to keep a job, and then they use that against him in the next round. This has been going on for ten years, ruining his life and those of his children. My other friend is even worse off, to the point where none of us are even sure he's still alive.

It's bad enough that the mothers themselves act this way, but it's even worse when state and society help them. It's at the point where you could almost sue a divorce lawyer for malpractice if s/he doesn't claim the father is a child molester, no matter how specious the accusations might be. That's how routine such tactics have become, because there are no consequences for making a false accusation.

FWIW, I've been happily married for 11 years and a proud father for three, and I see no reason to suspect either will change soon. This isn't personal, but that doesn't stop me from being outraged when I see what is being done to my friends, though.
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Stopping dad's seeing their kids

Post by Accountable »

Good first post. Welcome! :-6
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Stopping dad's seeing their kids

Post by Peg »

KB.;679025 wrote: Well, she carried them for nine long months in her womb; she can do what she wants with them. Don't dare think someone else wasn't thinking of saying it. That follows into this thread as well. Who gives a rat's ass if Dad is a good dad? That doesn't have one thing to do with it. Those children came straight out of mom's body; she is the one to make the choice on who sees them and when, right? All hail the life giver and life taker. God really is a woman.

It's about time a guy realized that God is a woman! :wah:

KB, you have to realize that not all women feel that way. Unfortunately, we do not live in a perfect, or even nearly perfect, world. In the perfect world, parents would share custody, parents would support their children financially and emotionally, the court systems would work. Unfortunately, it seems in most cases, the courts do side with the woman and do not take the best interest of the child into consideration.

I did know a dad who got custody of his son. The mother was first given custody, until she showed up for court drunk. Thank God the judge immediately awarded custody to the father. While he wasn't the best father, he was the best choice for this child's safety. The father raised him, with no support from the mother. Had it been vice versa, people would have been enraged. Although the mother was an alcoholic and drug abuser, the dad never denied her visitation. She denied it to herself. She made promises that she never kept. She'd see him on Saturday, he'd wait, she wouldn't show. It was heartbreaking to watch.
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Stopping dad's seeing their kids

Post by JacksDad »

Platypus;679115 wrote: That's how routine such tactics have become, because there are no consequences for making a false accusation.

Yep. Been through all that. The problem is it's nearly impossible to prove.

And KB.

I raised my son. She worked and traveled and I took care of the kids. It doesn't take a good heart to carry a child. On the contrary. My ex is a selfish nutcase. Do you want unstable people raising children? If so all you're going to get is more unstable people.

Out of the box, Kev.
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Stopping dad's seeing their kids

Post by RedGlitter »

KB.;679025 wrote: Well, she carried them for nine long months in her womb; she can do what she wants with them. Don't dare think someone else wasn't thinking of saying it. That follows into this thread as well. Who gives a rat's ass if Dad is a good dad? That doesn't have one thing to do with it. Those children came straight out of mom's body; she is the one to make the choice on who sees them and when, right? All hail the life giver and life taker. God really is a woman.

Looks like you're still stewing over what I said, KB. At least I sure recognize the paraphrasing of my own words. :thinking:

Somebody else mentioned about "deadbeat dads" (i hate that term) seeing their kids even if they don't pay the kid's way. On one hand I think it's proper and on the other I don't.

About the only thing I'm sure on in this one, is that if the father is a wife beater, child molester, crackhead type, inmate, or out and out full time drunk, then the mom has every right to protect the child from the loser father. For the kid's safety and well being.

And if it's the mother who's a spouse slapper, incestuous, drunk or crackhead or living in the women's unit, then it's up to the dad to keep her away from the kids.

Does anyone think I'm mistaken on this?
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Stopping dad's seeing their kids

Post by Imladris »

RedGlitter;679145 wrote: Looks like you're still stewing over what I said, KB. At least I sure recognize the paraphrasing of my own words. :thinking:

Somebody else mentioned about "deadbeat dads" (i hate that term) seeing their kids even if they don't pay the kid's way. On one hand I think it's proper and on the other I don't.

About the only thing I'm sure on in this one, is that if the father is a wife beater, child molester, crackhead type, inmate, or out and out full time drunk, then the mom has every right to protect the child from the loser father. For the kid's safety and well being.

And if it's the mother who's a spouse slapper, incestuous, drunk or crackhead or living in the women's unit, then it's up to the dad to keep her away from the kids.

Does anyone think I'm mistaken on this?

I don't think that anyone would disagree that a parent that is going to damage a child physically or emotional isn't fit to call themselves a parent whatever their gender.

A child is better off with one parent that puts it first than two that are too stupid or f***ed up to see further than the end of their nose.
Originally Posted by spot

She is one fit bitch innit, that Immy

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Stopping dad's seeing their kids

Post by minks »

Some mothers make custody a huge issue for child support money, and not the child... so no no no it's not all about the mothers, it's about the child/children!!!!

I faught long and hard for my girls because I knew their father could never ever ever do a good job being their parent. I had to give up 80% of my child support to do so (his doing) but for the love of my girls, I didn't care, we changed our style of living and believe me nobody loves those girls more than I do. It's not because I carried them, or I am the rightful owner, it's because I love them more than anything else. I have and will continue to make sacrifices for them out of unconditional love.:-4

Parents who fail children should be drawn and quartered. :lips:
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Stopping dad's seeing their kids

Post by WonderWendy3 »

minks;679195 wrote: Some mothers make custody a huge issue for child support money, and not the child... so no no no it's not all about the mothers, it's about the child/children!!!!

I faught long and hard for my girls because I knew their father could never ever ever do a good job being their parent. I had to give up 80% of my child support to do so (his doing) but for the love of my girls, I didn't care, we changed our style of living and believe me nobody loves those girls more than I do. It's not because I carried them, or I am the rightful owner, it's because I love them more than anything else. I have and will continue to make sacrifices for them out of unconditional love.:-4

Parents who fail children should be drawn and quartered. :lips:

Amen Sista....

Thankfully my drama to all of this subject is a memory, but my ex used my kids as tools to hurt me at one time and showed his true colors the last 4 years...he sees them seldomly, and that is HIS choice of an occupation to be gone, not anyone elses. I would never deny him of seeing the boys, he tried to imply that in court when the original child support was set and outside the courtroom afterwards I was speaking to his lawyer and him, and I explained that he was welcome to come see his boys be baptized in the River, and he Yelled a LOUD "NO" and got angry, the Lawyer looked at him like he was an idiot (smart lawyer!!) and he didn't get them for another 3 weeks after not seeing them for about 2-3 months and tried to make it look like it was my doing...HA....what an ass...
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Stopping dad's seeing their kids

Post by minks »

Ack WW3 my ex used my kids all through our divorce proceedings, he threatened to take them from me every step of the way....

Famous quote by him

"if you don't do this, sign this, agree to this.... you will never see your children again, you know because of your situation I can take them from you in a heart beat"

Ok boys and girls it's not just mothers who use kids as instruments in Divorce.

Both parents can be absolute "TOOLS"

WW3 I am sorry you had to go through your Hades :(
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Stopping dad's seeing their kids

Post by WonderWendy3 »

minks;679256 wrote: Ack WW3 my ex used my kids all through our divorce proceedings, he threatened to take them from me every step of the way....

Famous quote by him

"if you don't do this, sign this, agree to this.... you will never see your children again, you know because of your situation I can take them from you in a heart beat"

Ok boys and girls it's not just mothers who use kids as instruments in Divorce.

Both parents can be absolute "TOOLS"

WW3 I am sorry you had to go through your Hades

Thanks Minksy:-4:-4---So good to have you back!!

Mine DID take my children from me, only to get me to come back to him...and then when he got us all back...6 months later decided he didn't want us about your emotional roller coaster, there was no making this man happy....and THEN he didn't see the kids for about 7 months except for 1 visit where he took them to lunch and gave them the news that he was taking Flying lessons. (like that was good news for them??--while he was ignoring them, he was taking flying lessons...not to mention not giving a cent towards their needs....:-5:-5

Sorry to go on about it...but I know that there are MANY people that deal with this, and the sad part about it all is the children are the ones that's ALL about them, and having a HAPPY childhood....not their fault that the Adults can't stop living out their childhood....All of us have to grow up some time...
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Stopping dad's seeing their kids

Post by minks »

WonderWendy3;679305 wrote: Thanks Minksy:-4:-4---So good to have you back!!

Mine DID take my children from me, only to get me to come back to him...and then when he got us all back...6 months later decided he didn't want us about your emotional roller coaster, there was no making this man happy....and THEN he didn't see the kids for about 7 months except for 1 visit where he took them to lunch and gave them the news that he was taking Flying lessons. (like that was good news for them??--while he was ignoring them, he was taking flying lessons...not to mention not giving a cent towards their needs....:-5:-5

Sorry to go on about it...but I know that there are MANY people that deal with this, and the sad part about it all is the children are the ones that's ALL about them, and having a HAPPY childhood....not their fault that the Adults can't stop living out their childhood....All of us have to grow up some time...

Oh ww3 it's times like that when I think why can't us good parents make this village and raise our kids together, kids need every positive thing around them that they can get.

Hun my heart breaks to hear this
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Stopping dad's seeing their kids

Post by minks »

almostfamous;679345 wrote: :wah::rolleyes: seriously.

My thoughts exactly.

I think Kids will thrive if they see both parents smile to hell with the mess, fake it for the sake of the kids.
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Stopping dad's seeing their kids

Post by minks »

almostfamous;679403 wrote: I agree with you and that's a realistic thing that parents do for their kids. I admire those that can sacrifice their own happiness to ensure happiness for their children but in my short lifetime, I haven't seen it much. However, Stephanie, NotToday is a prime example of this, prime.

Maybe it's because I come from a small town and all there is to do here is breed and get married straight out of high school. But most of what I've seen is friends, former friends, their SO's using their children as tools and nothing more. Then, I've seen the children and how it affected them.

Maturity, responsibility, the ability to just out and out be a good person/role model/parent is the major missing factor in all of this.

couldn't have said it better myself.
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