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Post by shibee »

Hello everyone! How's it going?

To tell you the truth, I'm soooo tired...I can't sleep! Sound strange? Well it's true. I work overnight as a manager. I've been doing this job for 5 years...working overnight for the past 3 years. Can you believe that my body has yet to adjust to that? I work 10p-7a and I'm off every Thursday and Friday. The thing is that I feel like my body is shutting down. I'm only 24, but feel 10x my age. I am laggin, and draggin, and have put on a few unwanted pounds. I got off work this morning and it was such a beautiful day...right now it's 79 degrees, and the pool is calling me, but it just takes so much energy to get off this seat and put on a bathing suit. I was invited to a tennis game this morning, but the thought of driving to the place (which isn't even 10 miles from me) made me shudder. I feel like a zombie...I've been feeling like this for awhile now. I hate feeling like this. I have trouble sleeping because I don't get to sleep until 4p and have to get up at 8p tp get ready for work. I drink coffee (NOT GOOD) and it works it's magic for a moment and then it's gone. I feel like I'm missing out on a lot. I'm awake allll day and have not the energy to do anything. On my off days, allllll I wanna do is sleep and that sux! I need to get a life!!! I' know the first thing people will say is "Get another job!" But, the pay is toooo good to leave this one. If I get another job, it will have to be what I make now, which I know I won't get starting out...So, I'm kinda torn!! I would live to enjoy life and sleep normal hours. Does anyone have any suggestions or advice on any of this? A few people have told me to take some vitamins for energy. Good idea...haven't found any yet...but I'm looking. Does anyone have any suggestions as far as another job or anything or how to make the most out of my day? Thanx!! :-4
lady cop
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Post by lady cop »

wow can i relate! when i'm on nights (we work 12 hour shifts, 6 to 6) ALL i can do on my days off is sleep. it's really brutal, although i prefer nights (more action, less brass, no hot sun!). but you never sleep properly or eat properly. vitamins may help a little, but honestly the body never really gets used to this abuse and perpetual exhaustion. things tend to remain undone, and as you say, you're too tired to have a life. your normal friends (i don't have any normal friends, they're all cops:D ) give up on you because you are unavailable. at your young age i would suggest really trying for a day job so you can have a social life! seriously, that is important. the money may be nice, but what is it really costing you? good luck!
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Post by valerie »

I can't quote a specific study although there have been several done on

it, but there are LOTS of problems with so-called "shift" workers.

Especially if you are police (my brother was for many years) or nurses

(sister has been for years) and rotate shifts or now like my sis, works

24's for a helicopter company. Yes, she can sleep at work, they actually

have nice rooms, kitchens, vcr's or whatever, but that all means nothing

on the nights (and there are many) when you get back-to-back-to-back


The only thing I can suggest you try and do is go to sleep and get up

at the same time every day, and if you have to get up at 8p.m. then you

should be in bed at noon. Black out your windows, turn off the ringer on

the phone, (answering machine is a MUST), get a fan, quit the coffee

completely, and give it a bit to see how you do. Plan on spending time

with your friends at what would be the beginning of your shift on your

days off. Meet them for dinner at 8 on a Thursday. You're all young, you

can do it!!

There was a recent study on people not sleeping enough putting on

pounds, not surprising to me, I would think the body is trying to

compensate and get some energy from somewhere so it cues you to


Come here to the Garden, there's someone here usually at all hours.

Start a journal, write down all your thoughts even if it looks like nothing

but gibberish on the page!

All else fails, talk to a doctor about it.

I feel for ya hun, I really do.
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Post by LottomagicZ4941 »

I did good on nightshift untill they started to force me to stay over to many times.

Now my ability to stay asleep is trashed.

I wake up prematurely. It has been years since I have gotten enough sleep.


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Post by devist8me »

Is there no way to switch to days or evenings at your current job?

And as much as you just hate to, actually get out of the house for an hour....sometimes you feel so good doing it, you'll stay out longer than an hour. Go for a walk or go have dinner with someone.

I worked 12 hour night shifts for a year (7p-7a) and really liked it. But, missed the closeness of my "real" friends (not EMS friends) who worked days. There were several weeks that we were so short handed, I would work six 12 hour shifts in a row before having a day off. You know what I did on those days off? Slept and watched TV. I felt blah! After awhile, I started getting out of the house more, even for short periods, and it made me feel a lot better.
I probably posted that in an ambien trance-soryy
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Post by jahamaa »

I worked 3rd shift myself and saw many folks who just never adjusted no matter how long they stayed on the shift.

Sorry I can't give more hope but you may have to change jobs and find one on days.
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Post by CARLA »

I understand what your going through. I also worked the 3rd shift for many years. Truthfully you body never adjusts to the shift, it's not natural for our bodies to be up all night. Our body clock just doesn't like it. :o

I found it hard to go to sleep when I got home, had a baby to care for, so I would catch a few hours and then off to work. The problem is trying to sleep during the day is difficult especially if you have family, and all the stuff that goes with that.

Have you tried MELATONIN is a natural sleep aid. I started using it during Menapause. My sleep was so interupted because of hot flashes, and night sweats, the only way I got any rest was to use MELATONIN.



"Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand, champagne in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming.

WOO HOO!!, what a ride!!!"

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