Why do the big dogs always get the blame?

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Why do the big dogs always get the blame?

Post by buttercup »

I have owned dogs of all sizes all my life. So far i have found small dogs to be far more vicious than large breed dogs, the small one's tend to get away with it due to their size but bad behaviour should be corrected no matter what size of dog.

Time and time again at the dog park i see small dogs nip and bark at the big one's, if the big dog dares to bark or nip back the owners of the small dogs become hysterical and the most common statement (she's/ he's only little)

If your dog is not dog friendly no matter what size it is - keep it on a lead.
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Oscar Namechange
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Why do the big dogs always get the blame?

Post by Oscar Namechange »

buttercup;1178236 wrote: I have owned dogs of all sizes all my life. So far i have found small dogs to be far more vicious than large breed dogs, the small one's tend to get away with it due to their size but bad behaviour should be corrected no matter what size of dog.

Time and time again at the dog park i see small dogs nip and bark at the big one's, if the big dog dares to bark or nip back the owners of the small dogs become hysterical and the most common statement (she's/ he's only little)

If your dog is not dog friendly no matter what size it is - keep it on a lead. I totally agree. Small dogs get away with a snarl here and a nip there.

I have to admit that our 'Mulder' a Parson terrier who stands 14 inches high is a vicious little bugger. Mulder is a pedigree Parson who's father won best of breed at Crufts 1998 and 1999. When he got to about 12 weeks old he started to show signs of aggression totally unlike our female dog and the pup we acquired since. Mr O rang the breeder for advice and we were astonished when he said 'oh, just like his father then'!!!! We go to great lengths to protect the public although what is odd is that when small children come out of the school next door, they rush over to the gate to make a fuss of the dogs and he loves it. We have three signs on the gate and even a home made one that says 'If the front door is open, do not open the gate.' We have a digital doorbell outside the fence along with a mailbox so no-one has to open the gate and come up the path. Even local police are terrified of him :wah:

On walks, he is not let off the lead until we are in a field without a human in sight for miles. He is also like this with other dogs and i have been admitted to A & E 4 times with serious dog bites seperating him. One time I actually fainted through loss of blood and council workmen drove me to hospital as Mr O wasn't home. I have lost the tip of one little finger and on one occassion i had two broken fingers where the huge dog he picked on bit me when i tried to detatch Mulder from his throat.

His problem is jealousey and possessiveness. We had a dog expert come to the home when he was small and she only told me what i already knew. He has serious attitude and Mr O and him clash occassionaly over 'pack leader' syndrome.

One hell of a guard dog though and dispite the lengths we have to go to with him, I wouldn't swop him for the world. :-6
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Why do the big dogs always get the blame?

Post by mikeinie »

Ya, it is kind of like small people. Big guys are always looked at like ‘here comes trouble’ but it is always those little feckers who throw the first punch…
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Bill Sikes
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Why do the big dogs always get the blame?

Post by Bill Sikes »

buttercup;1178236 wrote: Time and time again at the dog park i see small dogs nip and bark at the big one's, if the big dog dares to bark or nip back the owners of the small dogs become hysterical and the most common statement (she's/ he's only little)

The problem is than a "nip" from a great big dog is in a quite different class from a "nip" a little tiny one.
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Why do the big dogs always get the blame?

Post by Rosebud »

I know this to be a pretty good generalisation from my experience. My big dog frightens the beegeezus out of little dogs (and people) but she is a big softie. If she sometimes bares her teeth and snarls at some yappy handbag dog to remind them to be nice I get withering looks. If my dog did ever decide to give someone a nip they would probably need a hundred stitches, but she is well trained and has a great disposition.

As we walk the dog friendly paths and some tiddler jumps at her and yaps I just say, "Look Lucy, a snack!".

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