What would you do if you won the lottery?

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lou lou belle
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What would you do if you won the lottery?

Post by lou lou belle »

I recently read an article about the guy in New York that won over 120 million dollars.

What would you do if you won the lottery?
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What would you do if you won the lottery?

Post by Rapunzel »

Spend it! :yh_rotfl:yh_rotfl
lou lou belle
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What would you do if you won the lottery?

Post by lou lou belle »

Rapunzel;1227095 wrote: Spend it! :yh_rotfl:yh_rotfl

What on?
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What would you do if you won the lottery?

Post by Rapunzel »

All my new best friends! :yh_rotfl:yh_rotfl:yh_rotfl
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What would you do if you won the lottery?

Post by Rapunzel »

lou lou belle
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What would you do if you won the lottery?

Post by lou lou belle »

Rapunzel;1227097 wrote: All my new best friends! :yh_rotfl:yh_rotfl:yh_rotfl

Thats sweet, what about giving any to your family?
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What would you do if you won the lottery?

Post by RedGlitter »

I would depend partly on how much was won and what that money could do.

The short: keep some, give some.

I would not tell anyone about it because I don't need that many fake new friends. ;)

First, whatever my dad wanted, he would have. He never asks for anything and pinches pennies to make ends meet so I would be happy to give him whatever he wanted.

New home. Probably a nice big condo where everything is taken care of for me. Trash and repairs. Not sure but definitely a new house of some sort.

Some jewelry from the Georgian and Edwardian eras.

I admit I would enjoy a big fat shopping spree and I would also invest some somehow, set it up so the money would be around for a while.

I would do something for animals. Whatever would be most beneficial. Maybe a fund for emergency medical care, or a Trap Neuter Release program for feral cats, free/low cost spay and neuter, food, something. And definitely create some educational programs for kids and adults alike. Programs that actually WORKED!

I would create a literacy program for everyone- children and adults both, because I have always believed that being able to read is an undeniable human right. I have taught people how to read myself but if I could afford a program with volunteers, then more people could be reached!

I would also have some type of food program. Soup kitchen, cafeteria, whatever I could do with the money. Anyone who was hungry would be fed because a full stomach is also an undeniable human right and I can't stand to see anyone hungry! Hungry animals would be fed too. Nobody gets turned away.

I would probably have to hire special people to advise me on how best to do these things so the money is used propely and programs run smoothly.

So I would like to give my dad something, visit Italy, get a new place, have a chauffer on hire (I don't drive and cabs get pricey) feed hungry animals and people and teach people to read.

There are other things I'd like to do but that is the most of it.

I would also make donations to charities I believed in. Mostly animal charities and human/animal medical charities that do NOT test on animals, the anti-vivisection organizations, the literacy fund, the arts and Habitat for Humanity. Rather than start my own programs like those, I'd rather give to those established who I know really work and can use the money to the best advantage.

Fun question. :)
lou lou belle
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What would you do if you won the lottery?

Post by lou lou belle »

RedGlitter;1227107 wrote: I would depend partly on how much was won and what that money could do.

The short: keep some, give some.

I would not tell anyone about it because I don't need that many fake new friends. ;)

First, whatever my dad wanted, he would have. He never asks for anything and pinches pennies to make ends meet so I would be happy to give him whatever he wanted.

New home. Probably a nice big condo where everything is taken care of for me. Trash and repairs. Not sure but definitely a new house of some sort.

Some jewelry from the Georgian and Edwardian eras.

I admit I would enjoy a big fat shopping spree and I would also invest some somehow, set it up so the money would be around for a while.

I would do something for animals. Whatever would be most beneficial. Maybe a fund for emergency medical care, or a Trap Neuter Release program for feral cats, free/low cost spay and neuter, food, something. And definitely create some educational programs for kids and adults alike. Programs that actually WORKED!

I would create a literacy program for everyone- children and adults both, because I have always believed that being able to read is an undeniable human right. I have taught people how to read myself but if I could afford a program with volunteers, then more people could be reached!

I would also have some type of food program. Soup kitchen, cafeteria, whatever I could do with the money. Anyone who was hungry would be fed because a full stomach is also an undeniable human right and I can't stand to see anyone hungry! Hungry animals would be fed too. Nobody gets turned away.

I would probably have to hire special people to advise me on how best to do these things so the money is used propely and programs run smoothly.

So I would like to give my dad something, visit Italy, get a new place, have a chauffer on hire (I don't drive and cabs get pricey) feed hungry animals and people and teach people to read.

There are other things I'd like to do but that is the most of it.

I would also make donations to charities I believed in. Mostly animal charities and human/animal medical charities that do NOT test on animals, the anti-vivisection organizations, the literacy fund, the arts and Habitat for Humanity. Rather than start my own programs like those, I'd rather give to those established who I know really work and can use the money to the best advantage.

Fun question. :)

I love what you would do, i would give some to my family.

I would donate to "Help for Heros

I would to donate to an underprivelage orphanage so they could be sustainable for years.

I am not sure i would tell many people, i would spend it wisely but also enjoy it.

You heard of stories of people saying that winning the lottery ruined their life.

I dont think i would any problem. It would be fun.:)
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What would you do if you won the lottery?

Post by Accountable »

I'd sit on my sofa laughing at the news story about the fool that won the lottery but failed to claim it.
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What would you do if you won the lottery?

Post by el guapo »

id start a home for ex models age 18 to 25
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What would you do if you won the lottery?

Post by hoppy »

I'd divide it into 8 equal portions. One portion for me, one for my X wife and one each to my kids and brother.
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What would you do if you won the lottery?

Post by along-for-the-ride »

I found this tidbit on the net. I have watched that program on TLC and I tend to agree. All the tales were cautionary.

Lucky Winner: The Lottery Changed My Life

I caught a show on TLC the other night called The Lottery Changed My Life. The show visited a variety of lottery winners including a 23-year-old in Colorado, a 22-year-old in England, and a team of Midwestern lunch ladies. The show interviewed them about what it was like to win big and strike it rich.

Some spent the money on toys like cars, motorcycles and spa treatments. The young British woman spoiled her sister by paying for her breast enlargement. One family started a foundation in their late son’s honor that helps families dealing with pediatric cancer pay their bills. When it came to the lunch ladies, most were still serving up food at a local school and living very modestly. I was a little surprised that pretty much everyone they featured on the show seemed to have been responsible with their money.

According to financial experts, 70% of lottery winners squander their money within a few years. Many winners experience broken families and friendships that are torn apart by the sudden rush of money. Statistics also show that there is a 90% chance that the money will be gone by the third generation. And the winning the lottery doesn’t make you a better person, it simply magnifies the faults you already have. So the next time you go to spend a buck on trying to strike it rich, ask yourself, so you still want to win the lottery?
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What would you do if you won the lottery?

Post by Gunslinger's Gal »

Interestingly enough, there was a conversation about just this thing in my car last weekend.

Yes - we would get a new house, on a fat piece of land far away from the city. Yes - there would be new cars in the driveway. And a couple of other toys too, I am sure.

Most of the money would be safely invested and living expenses would come out of the interest and dividends.

As for the rest of it - My husband would like to help soldiers who come home from Iraq/Afganistan and need help dealing with PTSD and other issues.

I would like to set up something to help single soldiers who are being deployed and are faced with the very real reality of putting a pet in a shelter because they don't have a friend or family member to look after it while they are gone.
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What would you do if you won the lottery?

Post by Peg »

I saw a program where most lottery winners are now broke.

If I didn't die of a heart attack from winning, I'd build 4 new houses. One for the OH and I, the other 3 for each child all complete with new furniture. Then I'd buy 4 new vehicles. This house, and the old vehicles, I'd give to people I feel are deserving of a break.

I donate to Alzheimer's research, diabetes research, and the local no kill animal shelter for pet spaying and neutering.

Anything I have left would hoard. :yh_rotfl
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What would you do if you won the lottery?

Post by Oops »

Ooooh what a lovely thought!

I'd give half of it to my mum and dad. We didnt have much money when i was growing up and no matter how bad things were they always made sure i had nice things, and that i never went without. To be able to make the rest of their lives financially secure and worry free would be wonderful :-4

I'd also probably buy our local sspca centre which has been struggling to stay open for the last few years.

I'd buy a really nice house in the country.

I'd quit my job.

I'd save the rest.

It's nice to dream isnt it :-6
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lou lou belle
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What would you do if you won the lottery?

Post by lou lou belle »

Oops;1227173 wrote: Ooooh what a lovely thought!

I'd give half of it to my mum and dad. We didnt have much money when i was growing up and no matter how bad things were they always made sure i had nice things, and that i never went without. To be able to make the rest of their lives financially secure and worry free would be wonderful :-4

I'd also probably buy our local sspca centre which has been struggling to stay open for the last few years.

I'd buy a really nice house in the country.

I'd quit my job.

I'd save the rest.

It's nice to dream isnt it :-6

Oh yes, I would also buy some land and have more animals. :-6
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What would you do if you won the lottery?

Post by Nomad »

Eat cake.
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What would you do if you won the lottery?

Post by Odie »

el guapo;1227136 wrote: id start a home for ex models age 18 to 25

aren't you supposed to be sick?:sneaky::yh_rotfl:yh_rotfl
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What would you do if you won the lottery?

Post by princessladedah »

Travel the world helping others
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What would you do if you won the lottery?

Post by minks »

Some body was telling me a story about and Aussie family yesterday who won a lottery, they sold their home, moved into a nice comfortable condo (no maintenance smart eh) and then bought a lovely beach house in some secluded area where they could escape whenever they wanted.... and the entire plan involed the entire family I thought that was lovely....

What would I do, give my current home to my oldest daughter and she could do as she wished with it, I would buy the equivalent for my youngest, and make sure both were paid off. I would give money to my folks so they can live happily ever after.

I would give some money to my brother to get his self out of his current situation and with luck bring him back safely and happily to Canada.

I would then first and foremost buy a motor bike :) whooooo hooooo, then a no mantenance place for me.

Hmmm what would be left, well hopefully enough to travel, visit some special friends around the world, and donate to a couple animal groups around this city and the school I used to work at where they deal with "high risk" kids.

Anything left, Invest for my future and my kids and grandkids (education etc). I guess somewhere along the way I would need a place to live, guess that would be determined by my travels hehehehe
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What would you do if you won the lottery?

Post by WonderWendy3 »

minks;1227350 wrote: Some body was telling me a story about and Aussie family yesterday who won a lottery, they sold their home, moved into a nice comfortable condo (no maintenance smart eh) and then bought a lovely beach house in some secluded area where they could escape whenever they wanted.... and the entire plan involed the entire family I thought that was lovely....

What would I do, give my current home to my oldest daughter and she could do as she wished with it, I would buy the equivalent for my youngest, and make sure both were paid off. I would give money to my folks so they can live happily ever after.

I would give some money to my brother to get his self out of his current situation and with luck bring him back safely and happily to Canada.

I would then first and foremost buy a motor bike :) whooooo hooooo, then a no mantenance place for me.

Hmmm what would be left, well hopefully enough to travel, visit some special friends around the world, and donate to a couple animal groups around this city and the school I used to work at where they deal with "high risk" kids.

Anything left, Invest for my future and my kids and grandkids (education etc). I guess somewhere along the way I would need a place to live, guess that would be determined by my travels hehehehe

ditto....I dream about what I would do if I ever won the lottery and that is probably the closest to my plan except having the option to give the current home to any of my kids...we need a home badly still, but in good time....in good time.....or the lottery winning ticket's time!!!:-6
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What would you do if you won the lottery?

Post by along-for-the-ride »

In the news today:

Kansas man wins big in lottery for 2nd time in '09

Sun Aug 9, 6:13 am ET

WICHITA, Kan. – Edward Williams is the definition of lucky after winning the lottery for a second time in a year. Williams, 47, of Wichita won $75,000 in September playing a $10 scratch ticket. Then on Wednesday, he defied the odds again when matched all the numbers in the Super Kansas Cash drawing to win a jackpot worth nearly $900,000.

"When I hit $75,000, I figured lightning struck once, it won't ever hit again," Williams said in a prepared statement released by Kansas Lottery officials. "This one knocked me flat!"

He traveled Friday to Topeka to collect his winnings. Super Kansas Cash jackpots are paid in a single cash lump sum. After taxes are withheld, the jackpot is worth $627,541. Also, Yogi's Grill & Bar in Wichita will be eligible for a $1,000 bonus for selling the jackpot-winning ticket.

"When I won the $75,000, I bought a car and put the rest of the winnings into a CD," Williams said. "This time, I'm saving it for retirement, which I hope to do at 55."

Williams, who is single, has worked for almost 17 years ago for Johnson Controls. Before that, he served in the Marines.

He said he has been playing Super Kansas Cash, Powerball and other lottery games consistently for 17 years.

"Just keep on playing," advised Williams, who buys a $5 Quick Pick for every Super Kansas Cash drawing. "That's the best advice I have for other people looking for that big win."

Williams isn't the first repeat lottery winner.

Keith Selix, of Waterloo, Iowa, gained notoriety in 2006 after winning three lottery prizes totaling $81,000.

At the time, he said his fortune mysteriously changed after his wife died, and he was convinced he was being "led from above."

Ironically, Selix's wife had often scolded him for wasting his money on the "those cotton-picking tickets."

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What would you do if you won the lottery?

Post by Chezzie »

pee my pants:yh_rotfl:yh_rotfl:yh_rotfl
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What would you do if you won the lottery?

Post by Oscar Namechange »

Chezzie;1227923 wrote: pee my pants:yh_rotfl:yh_rotfl:yh_rotfl
Again?? :yh_rotfl
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What would you do if you won the lottery?

Post by cars »

Squander half, & invest 1/4 for income, & donate the remaining 1/4 to needey causes!
Cars :)
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What would you do if you won the lottery?

Post by Oscar Namechange »

cars;1228147 wrote: Squander half, & invest 1/4 for income, & donate the remaining 1/4 to needey causes!
I'd give half to Nomad....... I like to help the little guys.
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What would you do if you won the lottery?

Post by Nomad »

Id buy a small island and become monarch of all that lives and breathes in its domain.

Also Id have a very opulent chair I sit in from which to rule from.
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What would you do if you won the lottery?

Post by Oops »

Nomad;1228181 wrote: Id buy a small island and become monarch of all that lives and breathes in its domain.

Also Id have a very opulent chair I sit in from which to rule from.

Dont forget your stick for pointing at people with :-2
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What would you do if you won the lottery?

Post by Nomad »

Oops;1228193 wrote: Dont forget your stick for pointing at people with :-2

Opulent scepter.
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What would you do if you won the lottery?

Post by Odie »

Nomad;1228207 wrote: Opulent scepter.

and crunchy peanut butter.
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What would you do if you won the lottery?

Post by qsducks »

Hubs & I were just talking about this the other night....if I won, I'd buy myself a Honda Passport so hubs wouldn't be able to take it:wah:...mine...all mine. He owns the Explorer which I think is clunky:wah:. Mmmm, definately get the deck fixed up, new paint job on the house, hire a landscaper to do the "works"...buy a bigger house & def. a house at the beach & go traveling. I would never let my BIL touch one dime of it...he's a cpa & into the stock market...I just am not into him at all.:wah::wah:
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What would you do if you won the lottery?

Post by Oscar Namechange »

qsducks;1228294 wrote: Hubs & I were just talking about this the other night....if I won, I'd buy myself a Honda Passport so hubs wouldn't be able to take it:wah:...mine...all mine. He owns the Explorer which I think is clunky:wah:. Mmmm, definately get the deck fixed up, new paint job on the house, hire a landscaper to do the "works"...buy a bigger house & def. a house at the beach & go traveling. I would never let my BIL touch one dime of it...he's a cpa & into the stock market...I just am not into him at all.:wah::wah:
I've always wanted to open a shop. Probably a pet shop or the like.
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What would you do if you won the lottery?

Post by Bez »

I'd find a dam good doctor to cure me of all my silly problems and make me feel 100% again.
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What would you do if you won the lottery?

Post by Oscar Namechange »

Bez;1228636 wrote: I'd find a dam good doctor to cure me of all my silly problems and make me feel 100% again. I'm a good listener if you want to vent. :)
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What would you do if you won the lottery?

Post by qsducks »

oscar;1228651 wrote: I'm a good listener if you want to vent. :)

you should have been a pyschiatrist:wah:
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What would you do if you won the lottery?

Post by Oscar Namechange »

qsducks;1228652 wrote: you should have been a pyschiatrist:wah:
I have driven a few peeps to see one in my time :wah:
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What would you do if you won the lottery?

Post by qsducks »

oscar;1228663 wrote: I have driven a few peeps to see one in my time :wah:

And I'm sure I know who:yh_rotfl
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What would you do if you won the lottery?

Post by almostfamous »

Boy would the lottery come in handy these days...

Well, I would start with a home for me and my son seeing as I recently had to move out of mine because the mold decided on a takeover. Then, a home for my parents who have been living in an RV since their home burnt in 2007. Then, a 4-door vehicle so that getting my kiddo out of the backseat won't be such a task.

I'd set him up a college fund enough for books and tuition for 4 years as well as finish my own education so that I could be financially secure enough to support him. I'd buy my grandmother a home along with a couple other family members that are struggling. Hmmmm, sounds like the only charity I've set aside for is me :thinking: :wah:

Seriously though, depending on the amount and such I would definitely make sure I gave to a charity that helped disaster victims. It's really sad how hurricanes and such can make a bad situation even worse for most and render them homeless.

I am also an animal lover so a chunk would go to the local humane societies; help staff them better and provide larger kennels or more land to enable the animals more space to get exercise. I hate how they stay so cooped up all the time.
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What would you do if you won the lottery?

Post by Nomad »

almostfamous;1228695 wrote:

Howd you end up in Fl.?

Where are you?
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What would you do if you won the lottery?

Post by qsducks »

Nomad;1228708 wrote: Howd you end up in Fl.?

Where are you?

In my living room:yh_rotfl
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What would you do if you won the lottery?

Post by almostfamous »

Nomad;1228708 wrote: Howd you end up in Fl.?

Where are you?

:wah: I wonder the same damn thing just about every day.

Not to give a freakin sob story or anything but it is what it is.... The cabin I was living in back in TN became ridden with mold. I never woulda found it had we not been doing a thorough cleaning after me being sick for almost 7 months. I coulda roughed it out and had the landlord take care of it but I'm prego and it's just not safe for me OR the baby.

As ya remember the folks lost their home back in 07. Since then, they've been living in an RV... the insurance money barely covered the remaining mortgage and the ability to buy a used RV. They're camp hosts at an RV park in FL. No rent, no utility, cable, water bills etc. They just get to stay for free by working in the park, which thankfully, my mom is able to do most of the work. Dad's still waitin on disability to come thru after his multiple heart attacks that rendered him unable to even maintain a wal-mart greeter position and I've been laid off since January.

So, yeah. Times are a lot different for me than they were three years ago when I was a GM of a hotel and my dad owned a construction company and built hotels in his spare time.

Proof it can happen to anyone but we have each other and a little bit of health on our side. We're not so destitute that we're slaughtering horses for dinner at least :rolleyes:

What was the question again? :wah:

btw nice to see ya nomie ;)
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What would you do if you won the lottery?

Post by Nomad »

almostfamous;1228727 wrote: :wah: I wonder the same damn thing just about every day.

Not to give a freakin sob story or anything but it is what it is.... The cabin I was living in back in TN became ridden with mold. I never woulda found it had we not been doing a thorough cleaning after me being sick for almost 7 months. I coulda roughed it out and had the landlord take care of it but I'm prego and it's just not safe for me OR the baby.

As ya remember the folks lost their home back in 07. Since then, they've been living in an RV... the insurance money barely covered the remaining mortgage and the ability to buy a used RV. They're camp hosts at an RV park in FL. No rent, no utility, cable, water bills etc. They just get to stay for free by working in the park, which thankfully, my mom is able to do most of the work. Dad's still waitin on disability to come thru after his multiple heart attacks that rendered him unable to even maintain a wal-mart greeter position and I've been laid off since January.

So, yeah. Times are a lot different for me than they were three years ago when I was a GM of a hotel and my dad owned a construction company and built hotels in his spare time.

Proof it can happen to anyone but we have each other and a little bit of health on our side. We're not so destitute that we're slaughtering horses for dinner at least :rolleyes:

What was the question again? :wah:

btw nice to see ya nomie ;)

Not that it helps any but youre not alone. Lots of people going through devastating life altering changes.

Nothing ever stays the same for anyone.

Where in FL are you?
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What would you do if you won the lottery?

Post by almostfamous »

Nomad;1228738 wrote: Not that it helps any but youre not alone. Lots of people going through devastating life altering changes.

Nothing ever stays the same for anyone.

Where in FL are you?

Oh it does help actually. If nothing, I'm a woman of perspective. There are more than millions in WORSE situations. We have a roof over our head, we have food in our stomachs and now that I'm prego I have insurance :wah: There's a rhyme and reason for everything and only the big man upstairs knows why, I learned not to question but to just be still and wait.

We're in Perdido Key, it's about 20 miles from Pensacola. It's lovely and uber peaceful. The beach is about 300 ft in one direction and we have a bay as a back yard. It's not too hot. Because of the bay there's a constant breeze even on the hottest of days. I dig it. We're looking to get closer to my baby doc back in TN tho. In a couple more months traveling back and forth won't be so easy and obviously we're not gonna drive 9 hours while I'm in labor lol.
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What would you do if you won the lottery?

Post by cars »

This thread just reminded me to go & get at least 5 tickets for tomorrow's Powerball drawing here, it's upto $"188,000,000"! :eek:

(We can live nicely on that! ;))
Cars :)
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What would you do if you won the lottery?

Post by Odie »

cars;1228887 wrote: This thread just reminded me to go & get at least 5 tickets for tomorrow's Powerball drawing here, it's upto $"188,000,000"! :eek:

(We can live nicely on that! ;))

remember who your friends are!:yh_rotfl:yh_rotfl
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What would you do if you won the lottery?

Post by cars »

Well I did buy 5 tickets today for tonight's big drawing! Wish me luck!!! :D
Cars :)
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Oscar Namechange
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What would you do if you won the lottery?

Post by Oscar Namechange »

Nomad;1228207 wrote: Opulent scepter.
Piece of wood in your case. :wah:
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What would you do if you won the lottery?

Post by Peg »

cars;1229282 wrote: Well I did buy 5 tickets today for tonight's big drawing! Wish me luck!!! :D

Good luck! I didn't have any numbers on the mega millions. :-1
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What would you do if you won the lottery?

Post by fuzzywuzzy »

What would you do if you won the lottery?

Go hang out with my rich friends!

you guys won't be there of course:D:D:D:D:D
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What would you do if you won the lottery?

Post by fuzzywuzzy »

almostfamous;1228727 wrote: :wah: I wonder the same damn thing just about every day.

Not to give a freakin sob story or anything but it is what it is.... The cabin I was living in back in TN became ridden with mold. I never woulda found it had we not been doing a thorough cleaning after me being sick for almost 7 months. I coulda roughed it out and had the landlord take care of it but I'm prego and it's just not safe for me OR the baby.

As ya remember the folks lost their home back in 07. Since then, they've been living in an RV... the insurance money barely covered the remaining mortgage and the ability to buy a used RV. They're camp hosts at an RV park in FL. No rent, no utility, cable, water bills etc. They just get to stay for free by working in the park, which thankfully, my mom is able to do most of the work. Dad's still waitin on disability to come thru after his multiple heart attacks that rendered him unable to even maintain a wal-mart greeter position and I've been laid off since January.

So, yeah. Times are a lot different for me than they were three years ago when I was a GM of a hotel and my dad owned a construction company and built hotels in his spare time.

Proof it can happen to anyone but we have each other and a little bit of health on our side. We're not so destitute that we're slaughtering horses for dinner at least :rolleyes:

What was the question again? :wah:

btw nice to see ya nomie ;)

HOly Crap AF!!! Sorry to hear that. if I win the lottery I'll buy your folks a house.....There's a few here I'd do that for actually.
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