BLM to Remove Cloud's Wild Horse Herd

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BLM to Remove Cloud's Wild Horse Herd

Post by RedGlitter »

Cloud and the wild horses of Montana's Pryor Mountains are world famous but fame it appears is not going to protect the herd from a drastic government round up planned to begin September 1st in their spectacular wilderness home.

There are currently only 190 wild horses (one year and older) living in the Pryor Mountains. The BLM plans to remove 70 of them, plus foals. According to the foremost equine geneticist, Dr. Gus Cothran, 150-200 adult horses are needed in the herd to ensure their genetic diversity, which is vital to their long term survival.

These 70 horses would be placed in jeopardy. Any horses over 10 years of age can be bought directly by killer buyers and transported over the Northern border to Canadian slaughterhouses or south into Mexico. Younger horses not adopted would be put into government holding with 33,000 others that the BLM has removed from the wild and has proposed killing because they can no longer afford to feed them.

BLM cites poor range condition as the reason to remove the horses but abundant snow and rain for the past two and a half years has produced wonderful range conditions according to all who have visited Cloud and his herd. The unique Pryor Mountain wild horses are descendents of the Lewis and Clark horses who were stolen by the Crow Indians in the early 1800's. They can be traced further back to the horses brought over with the Spanish Conquistadors in 1500.

Please consider adding your name to the petition to stop this. Thank you.

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BLM to Remove Cloud's Wild Horse Herd

Post by Accountable »

Taking all the foals as well? Sounds like they are purposely setting up the heard to fail, justifying killing them all, since they wouldn't survive anyway - all of them being old, y'know. :yh_frustr

Sounds like a theme with this current government: set up impossible situations then swoop in with just the solution to this new "problem."
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Bryn Mawr
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BLM to Remove Cloud's Wild Horse Herd

Post by Bryn Mawr »

Wonderful site they have there - search the BLM site and *all* of the reports it pull back come up "Not Found" when you try to look at them.

Trying to make sense of *why* they would want to do this.
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BLM to Remove Cloud's Wild Horse Herd

Post by RedGlitter »

BLM are known for doing this type of stuff. They rounded up the herd we had where I live and they routinely round up burros. They have a "burro adoption program" where for a nominal amount one can own a wild burro but many of them still end up at the kill plant.

I wonder if they really intend to stop at 70 horses? I don't know anything about the mountains in question, but I wonder if there might be some land development in the plan? :(
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