Lesbians given equal birth rights.

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Lesbians given equal birth rights.

Post by buttercup »

Women in same-sex relationships can now register both their names on the birth certificate of a child conceived as a result of fertility treatment.

Female couples not in a civil partnership but receiving fertility treatment may also both be registered.

The law change applies to female couples in England and Wales who were having fertility treatment on or after 6 April 2009.

source - BBC NEWS | UK | Lesbians given equal birth rights

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Lesbians given equal birth rights.

Post by Accountable »

If an impotent dad gets on a birth cert even though the sperm came from a donor, then why not?

Aside: does the mom get a medical history to keep in case the kid gets sick? Lots of diseases or tendencies to catch certain diseases are hereditary.
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Lesbians given equal birth rights.

Post by buttercup »

I have no idea Accounts but would the sperm donor not have to fill out forms stating hereditary conditions within his family. If so would that not make his sperm unacceptable?
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Lesbians given equal birth rights.

Post by Accountable »

That's what I would think. I'd go do some research but I have a rejection complex. :o
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Lesbians given equal birth rights.

Post by Clodhopper »

All for equality. Especially for the child. Interesting point about donor hereditary issues. I'd sort of assumed anyone with a known hereditary issue would not be accepted as a donor...

The hereditary thing is of more than academic concern to me as I'm adopted. I have no idea what hereditary jollies may be lurking in my future. I suppose I sort of regard it as a swings and roundabouts issue - at least I'm not guaranteed the senility that wrecked my poor Dad's last years, and his Mum's.
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