Keehans' piece on the Boer War.

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Keehans' piece on the Boer War.

Post by fuzzywuzzy »

this was the writing that won Keehan the scholarship . keesy is 11 years old . All research was left to the children to be done in the classroom with no teacher interference or spell check etc. His main sources of research was the film and a book I had in the house called Closed File.

Said to me on the day of the presentation '" in the seven years I have been running this scholarship this is the best so far. He brought tears to our eyes. " (president of the Yarram Returned servicemens league)

I'm typing this out exactly as it is written bar the spelling mistakes to make it an easier read. He decided to write it as a diary

Diary of Demetrius Mortaz

A soldier in the Boer War


by Keehan G *****

21st March 1899

I have made the most extroardinary decision I have made in my life. I am joining the army to go to Africa to fight the Boer War. I have nothing to do as all my friends have left months ago. Let me say a bit about myself before I get to the rest of my story. My name is Demetrius Mortaz and as I just said I have decided to go to Africa on a ship from the port of Melbourne. I grew up in a small country town in a cramped house with my two sister and four brothers. My father left when I was five and my mother struggled to feed us as she was out at her job in the city not too far away as a clothes washer She doesn't get paid much so we are always hungry the drought and the depression here make it hard for everyone. Iam the oldest in the family and when I turned 16 I became a carpenter I was making money and split it with mum.

I never really got a lot of money for that so I decided to go to the war for a little fun. I took the training and I am clear to go to Africa. I shall be catching a boat to Africa tommorow. I otld my mum I would be fine and nothing will happen to me The war started when people found gold and diamonds in africa. Everyone flocked there . But the Dutch who were already there didn't like it. This is also because it's a great sea routeto get to Australia and Asia and that the British wanted it for that reason. So the British decided to take over it. That's why all the Dutch who are called Boers, started the Boer War. Australia is involved because we are loyal to Britain, so many of us were born there. anyway I shall write again on the boat tomorrow.
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Keehans' piece on the Boer War.

Post by fuzzywuzzy »

22nd March 1899

I set out early to the docks where there were many boats. Lots of people were kissing and hugging young men in uniforms. Then I climbed aboard my boat. it looked quite a fine vessel as I slumped my bag onto the deck. I went below deck, I put my bag in a corner and sat on a bed. The ship was now taking on soldiers and each was chosing there bed wisely. The vessel then set off We were fed quite nicely We had nice juicy chickens that we could cook in stoves We were also given beans I don't fancy beans that much but I ate them because i was hungry After the men were sining songs and swigged drinks tha tthey brought on board. No one really talked to me much until a nice fine gentleman said "Your turn to pick a song " i smiled and simply said some random song. It sounded terrible ont he ship as most of the men had smuggled heavy rum on board and they were very drunk. Then as the men collapsed and others went to bed I started writingthis . I think I will go to bed now as the candle i'm using is getting low.
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Keehans' piece on the Boer War.

Post by fuzzywuzzy »

1st january 1900

We have arrived in Africa. I'm not entirely sure where in Africa but we are unloading food and supplies . We didn't have a lot as we had eaten so much. The rest of the entire trip was boring as we did the same thing every night. I am on a break now and about to go and help again.


We have just trekked miles upon miles and have settled down at a British campsite. It is growing dark . We have made small huts out of tin and blankets. It is a bit run down but it is the only shelter for miles anyway it is quite late and we are planning to raid a Boer camp. I am really excited. Wait! I'm being called right now to get ready I shall write more in a few days.
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Keehans' piece on the Boer War.

Post by fuzzywuzzy »

8th January 1902

I am sorry for not writing in my diary for a year ,It was stolen by the Boers ages ago. You wouldn't believe my luck. We set off to raid a campsite adn there lying in one of the tents was my diary. I barely recognised it at all. I have moved up the ranks quite quickly At the moment I have been told that I will and must be in the court room to watch harry. Apparently they shot a few people but claim to of been told to do it by some Kitchener bloke.Frankly I believe their story but it never occurred to me how unfair it was. Well at least a man in a hut next to me said khe had been through one and luckily escaped any punishment. Anyway I guess I should tell you about the raid we did not too long ago , when I shot my first boer. Well we started out late at night and went until we saw a campfire in the distance. Then all hell broke lose. There were gun shots everywhere. I was quite scared I would get hit. Then I shot a few bullets and hit a few but they were still alive. I had no idea they could stand this long under fire. Then I finally shot one and they fell to the ground dead. We then were overpowered and we had to retreat. i felt empty when I shot that bloke. I hd no idea it was this hard.......
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Keehans' piece on the Boer War.

Post by fuzzywuzzy »

25th january 1902.

I have headed out for one of the court martials of that Morant bloke. it's early though. it isn't too far now actually.


I entered the court room and it was one of the last trials of Morant and the other people. There were a few wittnesses but I didn't think they gave a good accoutn of evidence. There was yelling which made me cringe a bit as it came on too suddenly. Then it was over. We walked off and started muttering to another man. I heard him say something about a german missionary. i listened more closely, " he was in a carriage and was shot by someone" said the man. I heard people talking about him. they said he was going to spread secret things to the Boers . As I got back to the camp a carriage came rolling in. We stopped it. Inside were three men, naked. Teh boers had taken their clothes. i couldn't help but smile as they scurried out and into a tent where men gave them more clothing. Then I realised there wasn't anything funny to laugh about. it was a crual and humiliating trick.
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Keehans' piece on the Boer War.

Post by fuzzywuzzy »

26th of Febuary 1902

I am going to find out what the mens sentences are. i expect they will be let off the hook but others have their doubts. anyway best I go now.


I got to the jail to find out what was happening I waited for awhile and then the men were allowed to listen to what their sentences were. Witten left his cell escorted by soldiers. he walked into a room and I listened from outside with my diary out recording what they said. he was sentenced to death but was commuted and then he got a life time in jail. He went out looking slightly sick. Then it was Morants turn. he was sentenced to death. I waited to see if it was commuted. Nothing happened. he came out calmly As he passed Wittens cell Witten ran to the barred window and was pleading to know what he was getting. He answered with a simple "Shot tomorrow morning" . then that's when I realised it was unfair. all throught the trial they said Lord Kitchener gave orders to shoot prisoners! Then it was Hancocks turn. I didn't quite hear his sentence so waited until he came out. Witten was now in tears. Then the door banged open hancock walked out Then all he said as he passed Wittens cell was "same as Morant." I was disgusted. Up until now I was yelling my head off at who ever was at the trial Then everyone got tired of me and told me to go backto my camp. I did so and now I am writing this. I am going to rest up now so I can witness the execution.
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Keehans' piece on the Boer War.

Post by fuzzywuzzy »

27th of Febuary 1902.

Waking up this morning I ahd thought about what I had got myself into . I should never have joined the war. I should never have even thought about joining.i guess i should get to the execution now.


I got tothe gaol and waited. As I waited I saw that they were making wooden coffins for them.Then over the other side of the wall I heard . "They could have at least had the decency measure us first". I smiled.

They were told to sit on chairs as I walked into the gaol. There in a large space men were holding guns and gathered around in a sort of square. a man offered them each blindfolds but both denied them. Then the call was made. The morant called. " Shoot straight you barstards don't make a mess of it" Then BANG!! The chairs flew backwards . blood flew in different directions.

As I walked away I found a torn piece of parchment floating in the wind. It landed at my feet . I picked it up and read it out.

It really ain't the time nor place

To reel off rhyming diction

But yet we'll write a final rhyme

While waiting crucifixion

It must have been Morants. I knew he was quite the poet. I slipped it in my pocket and went on walking..

The end.
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Keehans' piece on the Boer War.

Post by LarsMac »

Nice work.
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Keehans' piece on the Boer War.

Post by Bryn Mawr »

Excellent - he really thought about what he wanted to put across and how best to do it and succeeded brilliantly.
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Keehans' piece on the Boer War.

Post by AussiePam »

Gosh Fuzzy, he's got it!! Told a rollicking (and poignant) tale with style and wit. Congratulations to you both.
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Keehans' piece on the Boer War.

Post by spot »

In class with no outside resources? That's very impressive.

How long did he have, fuzz? And did he know the question beforehand?
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Keehans' piece on the Boer War.

Post by Clodhopper »

Very impressive. 11 years old? Well done Keehan!
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Keehans' piece on the Boer War.

Post by fuzzywuzzy »

Thanks guys I was taken aback when I read it . When he got the award I took him to the pub for chips and his favourite drink, (coke and rasberry) and an old farmer (who knows keesy well ) asked, why the ceremony? I read the last two pages to him and he had big grin on his face. Two other men asked "where'd you get that?" I told them "he wrote it", pointing at Kees. The old farmer kept saying "there's no doubt about you kid" .......

I am very proud ....but what am I to be proud about? This is keehan, nothing to do with me. This is just what he does. He has two novels on his computer already. Fantacy based. He is on the Beanie kid forums and he writes for them too. It's quite funny. He makes up stories about other peoples beanie kids. And he designs signatures for them .:wah:

Spot, the reason he did this piece in Diary form was the high mark he got for another he did on the Eureka Stockade. About some bloke who left his wife and kids in Sydney to mine the gold fields of the day. But in that one he leaves the audience hanging . Because he describes the conditions and the brutality, then this guy goes back to Sydney on the demands of his wife. But then he talks about leaving Sydney again for the gold fields. But with the dates he puts in you know this guy is about to walk into a massacre. and it ends .... I was so frustraded because I wanted to know how this bloke coped and ended his days and so forth . I actually called out to him and said. " it's not finished" and he said "Yes it is." and I said but you havent put in the actual day and night this all happened . And the little so n so, very evilly said "I know" and walked back into the house.

For this piece it's like exam conditions they were allowed to watch the movie and have other resources provided by the teacher. I volunteered the book I had 'Closed File' (the true story behind the execution of the Breaker Morant and Peter Handcock), so they could use it in the classroom. It had been sitting there in our book case forever. (I'm a collector of books, I love books, first editions mostly. that's my personal hoarding delemma) so he had the movie and the book and of course whatever the teacher has at their disposal. The reason they have to do it in class is to make sure it's their own work. I think he had two weeks.

Every year the RSL, to commemorate Rememberance day '11th November' , comes out to the school (it's an RSL scholarship) this year it was on the Boer War. They planted a 'Lone Pine' last year.

You know what's really funny about it all . Keehan thinks he plagerised his piece . He doesn't yet understand that poetic lisence is one thing plagerisation is quite another . He thinks that research is plagerism ..Isn't that weird?:wah::wah::wah: Its honest, but cute.

(and I have to apologise I put more spelling and grammatical errors copying this this than he did.)
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Keehans' piece on the Boer War.

Post by Clodhopper »

You know what's really funny about it all . Keehan thinks he plagerised his piece . He doesn't yet understand that poetic lisence is one thing plagerisation is quite another . He thinks that research is plagerism ..Isn't that weird? Its honest, but cute.

It's where he is. That's a very sophisticated understanding. In literal terms he's right.

Poor little sod. He's yet to go though puberty. Congratulations, Fuzzy. You've been special. Respect.
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Keehans' piece on the Boer War.

Post by fuzzywuzzy »

I have to laugh ...that thread on spanking and all that ....could you imagine the police statement he would write up if I hit him ?:yh_rotfl:yh_rotfl:yh_rotfl:yh_rotfl

I'd get the death sentence. :yh_rotfl:yh_rotfl:yh_rotfl

What's really cool about this child is the way adults tend to think he is rude. If an adult talks to him 'as an adult' he'll sit and listen and contribute. But the minute an adult just sees him as a 'kid' , he ignores them and there is a heap of disrespect towards that adult. And he doesn't hold back. Brett is the same . Unfortunetly during puberty I see him not being able to cope with this . He may have some problems with others of his age group and with teachers. I do fear for him. I know darn well he's going to put someone in their place ...just hoping it's not a teacher. I've been there before , although I feel I did the right thing and my eldest boy did succeed .......well you know, we're 'just' the parents.
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Keehans' piece on the Boer War.

Post by fuzzywuzzy »

the Eureka Stockade piece . I was able to copy and paste this one , so you've got his spelling mistakes and not mine. :) He was 10 when he wrote this one beginning of last year. I see where he's borrowed from this to write the other .

20th of June 1854

Wow, I jut made it to the gold fields! A city of tent greeted me as I crept over the hill to the north of my tent! I’ve just come from a long trek from Sydney. I saw the most beautiful animals on the way! I say to hear the kookaburras’ laughing is like a relaxing day playing a small game of cricket in the back yard with my children! I don’t really know what else to write about…I know, I will tell you why I am writing a diary. My wife who is in Sydney was so heart broken that I was coming to Ballarat to mine for gold. She was begging me to stay, but our family was so poor so I quit my job to come here. My wife was out raged at the fact that I quit my job to mine for gold. She said it was foolish. I bet she thought I wasn’t going to get any gold. After a few hours of reasoning we made an agreement. I was to write a diary while I was here so she could read it when I get home. So what else am I to talk about? I will talk about my supplies! Well I left with a tent and food but as soon as I got here I spent some money on more supplies. I bought the supplies and went to find a spot to pitch my tent. It was quite hard trying to get through the crowds of people! It was even harder to find a spot to pitch my tent! Tomorrow I shall buy a license so I will be able to mine. Oh I almost forgot it would be best if I bought a pick or maybe a shovel. I still do not know if I will be an alluvial miner or a shaft miner! It Is a decision I will have to make in the morning because I am feeling quite tired. I shall go to bed now!

21t of June 1854-Morning


Well I just woke up and I am eager to get to the town and buy all of the things I need. A man came round and he gave me a list of what I should get. Obviously he thought I was doing shaft mining. Here is what’s on the list.

A windlass

A shovel

A pick

2 buckets (One for holding your gold in)

I am hearing people stirring outside. They must be getting ready to mine. I guess I should leave for town now!


I just got back from mining and it was a sight I shall never forget! It was so crowded! I thought I would never find a place to dig! Well I didn’t find a place to dig. There is another story though, when I was going towards the fields I bumped into a young man roughly the same age as me! His name was James Scobie. We became friends quite quickly. He asked if I would help him dig in his shaft! I quickly agreed! I followed him through the crowds of people. We reached a 5 feet hole in the dirt. His two friends, John Scollen and Tom Smith greeted me with a quick G’day then started digging. I picked up my shovel and dived into the hole and started to dig. It was a lovely sky today It was clear blue. It was warm and it felt so relaxing! After we stopped digging we went to a pub near by. James found .0001 ounces of gold the rest of us found none. That got us heaps of things at the pub! And I heard a rumor there is a cave up in the hills where there are giant nuggets the size of Skiller our dog! I’m not getting too exited because it was just a rumor. Well it’s getting late so it’s best I go to bed.

Bill Hegernhowen
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Keehans' piece on the Boer War.

Post by fuzzywuzzy »

22nd Of June 1854


I just woke up! All I can here at the moment is the tweet of birds out In the bush! I really can’t explain what the men and woman in Sydney are missing! It isn’t that bad here.

I forgot to tell you that the gold licenses are overpriced. I was outraged at the fact that they were 4 pounds for 6 months and 8 pounds for 12 months! Well tut tut I better get going for I think that James is waiting for me outside!


I’m so angry! Some Sir Charles Hotham thinks he can just comes along and make weekly license hunts! I have already seen a few brawls and men being taken away from the gold fields! The boys at the pub say he’ll be gone in no time. I think he might be staying for a bit longer…

Later Still-

Well we found quite a bit of gold! We got some supplies straight afterwards for my mutton was starting to rot and maggots had infested it! Speaking of maggots, just the other day when I got ere’ a man had hit his eye with a windlass. The unlucky man woke up the next morning to find that it had maggots squirming through it! Well its getting dark so I better stop writing because I have a meeting with James and his friends!

Later Still-

Oh my, I have a bleeding nose a sore leg, a sore arm that I think is broken and my whole body is aching! I was in a brawl just outside the pub. I don’t remember what it was about. I caught a few words they were” get him, he disagrees” and something to do with the license hunt! I think I’ll go find a doctor! That’s if I don’t collapse on the way!

10th September 1854


I just got out of ‘hospital‘ and I was dieing to get back to my diary! I got to the doctors In the end it turned out I had four broken bones and I had suffered from quite a bit of blood loss! All is well now but I can’t dig for gold until the twelfth! I think I shall go for a walk in the bush soon! I can’t believe how long it took to get out of the hospital tent they have here. 19 days! I’d say I was alright for mining again but the doctor took my license just in case! I guess I shall go for that walk now for I have nothing else to say!


What a lovely walk that was! I just got back! I bumped into James and it had turned out he had been in the brawl as well! I wonder if the brawl was about him. I guess I could look into it! So about that walk! It was quite fun and it went right past a cliff over a hill and near a cave! Oh I will go on that walk again definitely! Well I’m going to sleep now!

Bill Hegernhowen
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Keehans' piece on the Boer War.

Post by fuzzywuzzy »

15th of September


I feel uncomfortable writing in this diary because there seem to be more and more people looking suspicious! I’d say that there are hidden soldiers seeing if anyone agrees with the licenses. Just about anyone that doesn’t agree with the licenses mysteriously disappear…I keep trying to tell James to get out of the habit of saying bad things but its having no effect on him…


Whoa! I went into town before and a new market had opened up! Everything was so cheap! James said it wouldn’t last too long so I stocked up! And there was a man at a stall that said he had a miracle box that kept food cool as long as you put ice in it. I didn’t find it very true but I bought one anyway! Looking at it now it looks as though it’ working! It’s keeping it quite fresh. I think I’ll go there tomorrow at dawn so I can buy another one and maybe ask what he calls it!


I didn’t leave the “City Of Tents” Instead I walked past the rows and rows of tents. I realized I had never done that before! When I walked past one tent an old man came out and asked me “Are you James Scobie?” I told him the answer and he walked away after saying he was very sorry for the inconvenience and then he handed me a picture of a man. I couldn’t find anything at the market to stick it in with so I used sap! Here it is on the next page!

Bill Hegernhowen

24th of September


If you’re wondering why I am not writing in my diary that often is that I have to keep hiding it from soldiers! Now they are doing twice weekly license checks! I showed them my license the other day and they just grunted and barged into my tent! I said that it was trespassing but they simply replied with,” it’s not your land it’s the governments! “I couldn’t argue because it wasn’t my land I just pitched my tent here! I saw my diary and remembered what I had wrote in it about how suspicious I was and how James was saying bad things! I snuck over to it and shoved it down the back of my pants! One of the soldiers caught me out of the corner of my eye. He turned towards the other soldier and whispered something into his ear. I reached into the back of my pants, grabbed the book and slipped it into my under garments! The solders walked towards me! I was told to give me what ever I had stuck down my pants! I panicked and said I didn’t put anything down my pants! I was told to strip down to my under garments. Luckily they found nothing and I was safe! I put on my clothes just in time because James walked in. I told him what just happened and I showed him my diary. He looked at the picture and told me it was Ned Stringer! He found the first gold at Walhalla! I thought about this for quite a bit of time! I wish I just found a giant nugget so I could just go home! Oh and another thing James asked me if we could build our tents together to make a big one! I thought about it and said yes! I will have to share with him and his friends but I will have MUCH more room! I am so exited now that I’m not being cooped up in a tiny tent for much longer! We made a deal that Tim and I would build the tents while the others mined in our shaft! We were also thinking about joining a big company who mines into the hills to look for gold1 they use machines and it is very easy according to James who said that his father once worked in one in another country I’d never heard of! Anyway I am going to go to the pub later to work out what our tent will look like!


Well I found a piece of parchment to draw the tent one and we came to an agreement that after it is done we will start to cover it in wood so it acts as a house! Here are the plans I copied to put in the diary!

Its very brief but it was the best I could do!

Bill Hergenhowen

27th of September


Well we started on the tent and it looks amazing so far! Just one problem. We have to sleep out at night! It is cold and wet but we aren’t sick! It is quite fun staring at the stars! James has completely ignored gold mining secretly so we don’t find out! I found out accidentally because I went into the bush to do some business and I saw him sneaking around! Instead he’s been trying to find a wood so we can make the tents into a hut! It’s very fun and I think I am good at planning things! By the way I saw the most spectacular bird! It was covered in gold feathers! It reminded me of that cave I saw on my walk I take. It’s sparkling with gol- YES THAT’S RIGHT! THE CAVE WITH THE NUGGGETS!


I raced up to the cave knocking down a bunch of children and women! I reached the cave and ran inside! I saw something lying on the ground! But it wasn’t sparkly… I ignored it and looked around the cave. My hopes died. The sparkly things were square. All miners no what that means… Fools gold. I ignored the shape on the ground and sadly walked to the front of the cave. I stopped. Turned around and walked over to the shape. As I got nearer I saw what it was. My heart jumped and I stepped back. A body lay in front of me. I rolled him over and examined him he was long gone and had several stab wounds to his chest. I started for the mouth of the cave in panic. Then all of a sudden I heard a rumble and small rocks started to falls from the ceiling! The cave was collapsing! I sprinted out at full speed and landed flat on the grass. I watched the cave crumble to the ground. I think I shall keep what I found a secret!

Bill Hegernhowen
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Keehans' piece on the Boer War.

Post by fuzzywuzzy »

1st of October!


Well the tent is finished and I guess we are all having fun with our mining now! We are being really lucky and where finding heaps of gold! I have had bad dreams about that cave but I find it very fascinating for a very strange reason! I no it’s quite strange. Well I will go to the pub now to discuss about the wood on our tent!


On the way to the pub I was approached my soldiers! They asked for my license so I showed them. The asked if I had any other paper with me. I lied to them and said I didn’t have any. I don’t know why they didn’t search me for some. In the distance I saw a small flame. I rushed over just incase any thing was burning down. A few miners were burning there licenses. I saw a soldier coming at them and I backed away quickly!

Bill Hergenhowen

5th of October


I just woke up! I can hear the birds tweeting and the sun is shining brightly!

I want to find a place that sells ink because I am running out.

There are soldiers looking at our tent suspiciously. More and more of us are being killed. It’s like we are in a prison camp! I think I may go home soon. I have found enough gold! Anyway I think people are planning to kill one of us so I am going to go really quick! I have already told James that I am leaving soon most likely tomorrow so I better finish packing quick!

Bill Herganhowen

10th of October

Well I am home in Sydney now! I took the fastest horse around here and was in Sydney very quickly! I have sent a letter to James so he should get it soon! This will be my second last write in my diary! My wife and kids were so excited that I was back. My wife looked through my diary and she said she was amazed at what the soldiers did and about the body! She said I could get some help about it soon! Okay I am being called for dinner so bye!

Bill Herganhowen

20th of October

I just got a letter from James’s friend. It says that James was murdered outside the pub. I can’t really write anymore. I am going back to Ballarat in a few weeks to go to his funeral. I will always remember James. Well this will be the last write in my diary before I put it in a box and bury it in the yard for future generations to dig it up.

By Yours Truly,

Bill Herganhowen
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Keehans' piece on the Boer War.

Post by fuzzywuzzy »

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ....................yes it's keehan again....he's a little strumpet but but we love him anyway, maybe you guys can help me out here .

Okay He got 103% in a maths test....can anyone else see the problem here? it was my understanding that percentage only went to 100. ~shrugs~

So anyway while I'm going on about how you can't possibly have 103% he says that's not the point he should have got 112% . So here i am getting more frustrated because he's not getting the fact that it can't happen that way so he explains to me.

Apparently there wasn't enough room on the test page to show the workings out of the bonus questions.....So as he went along with his 'workings out' he had to rub out the previous 'workings out' to get to the eventual answer.

Then he lost marks for not showing ALL the workings out. He's quite upset with this situation. I told him to see his teacher about it. And if neccesary show the teacher how he arrived at his answers to get his full marks. He feels ....ummm.... like he's been set up to fail.( Oh and the test was on pythagoris theory...blah blah blah....look at the pretty birdy out the window) :)

I need to get this kid into a private school.....some kind of scholarship or something. What's Eton and harro like these days? lol lol
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