The Meteor of Revelation.

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The Meteor of Revelation.

Post by Adstar »

Hello all.

I wish to post the thoughts i have on some of the Prophecy contained in the Book of Revelation. I believe that the words of John described a Meteor impact upon the Earth that He saw when he was given a vision of the events on the future. I believe this Meteor strike will happen just before the Return of the Messiah Jesus and that this Meteor will strike the sea.

The first two scriptures deal with the description of the actual agent of destruction. John was given a front row seat for this massive end times event and for a first century man who had never seen or even imagined that such things existed, he gave a good account of it.

The Meteor:

Revelation 8

8 Then the second angel sounded: And something like a great mountain burning with fire was thrown into the sea, and a third of the sea became blood. 9And a third of the living creatures in the sea died, and a third of the ships were destroyed.

John called it like a great mountain burning with fire. John knew what a mountain was so if it was a mountain then John would have described it as such. But John says it was like a great burning mountain. A perfect first century man description of a mayor meteor strike on earth landing somewhere in the sea.

So we move onto the very next verse:

Revelation 8

11 The name of the star is Wormwood. A third of the waters became wormwood, and many men died from the water, because it was made bitter.

So the Burning Mountain that is being cast into the sea is described as a star. Of course this clearly reveals that the origin of the burning mountain is from the sky from space. John would have known "falling stars" and His linking of the two is His way to add more revelation to the message. I will reveal why the burning mountain poisons to waters later in this post.

We are told by researchers that a mayor Meteor impact on earth would cause a massive explosion upon earths surface to the extent of causing large amounts of debris being ejected into the upper atmosphere and even into lower earth orbit. Much of this debris once again enters back into the planets atmosphere causing a massive meteorite shower. Lets go back to the Book of Revelation and read the signs where John reveals uncanny similar scene.

Revelation 6

13And the stars of heaven fell to the earth, as a fig tree drops its late figs when it is shaken by a mighty wind. 14Then the sky receded as a scroll when it is rolled up, and every mountain and island was moved out of its place.

To the eyes of a first century man the massive meteor debris shower would indeed look like all the stars where falling from the sky. Note John describes the meteorite shower and likens it to all the figs falling together at one time off a fig tree late in the season when it is suddenly shaken violently. Also He describes the sky receding like a scroll. From the ground the massive amounts of debris from the impact zone would quickly fill the sky and the sky would recede into darkness like a scroll being rolled out above the world blocking out the sun.

Researchers say that an incoming debris meteorite shower will have the effect of causing a great build up of heat and massive flash fires over vast areas, in cases of a massive meteor strike they claim that all the worlds surface vegetation would be burnt up. But John indicates that only a third of earth will suffer this kind of destruction. So with that in mind lets continue with the next verse from the book of Revelation

Revelation 8

7The first angel sounded: And hail and fire followed, mingled with blood, and they were thrown to the earth. And a third of the trees were burned up, and all green grass was burned up.

So a third of all trees and grass are burned up by this shower of fire. I will now take the liberty of adding a clearer supporting verse that is in the Gospels:

Luke 17

29 but on the day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all. 30 Even so will it be in the day when the Son of Man is revealed.

Jesus states that upon His second coming the world will experience a rain for fire and brimstone aligning well with what John gives in the book of Revelation.

Researchers say that a much fine dust in the earths atmosphere would cause the blocking out of the sunlight. And in very large impacts total darkness. But John describes a one third darkening of the sky, He writes:

Revelation 8

12Then the fourth angel sounded: And a third of the sun was struck, a third of the moon, and a third of the stars, so that a third of them were darkened. A third of the day did not shine, and likewise the night.

And again He describes more effects of this darkening.

Revelation 6

12 I looked when He opened the sixth seal, and behold, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became like blood.

One of the reasons given by researchers for the moon appearing to have a red colour is:

Quote taken from


The second reason for a red moon is if there’s some kind of particle in the air. A forest fire or volcanic eruption can fill the air with tiny particles that partially obscure light from the Sun and Moon. Once again, these particles tend to scatter blue and green light away, while permitting red light to pass through more easily. When you see a red moon, high up in the sky, it’s probably because there’s a large amount of dust in the air.

Now i will backtrack a bit to other signs revealed by John in the above scriptures.

Revelation 6

13And the stars of heaven fell to the earth, as a fig tree drops its late figs when it is shaken by a mighty wind. 14Then the sky receded as a scroll when it is rolled up, and every mountain and island was moved out of its place.

Researchers say that a Massive shockwave would travel not only through the air but also through the crust of the earth. This shockwave would be experienced as a major earthquake. In fact John describes this earthquake as the biggest earthquake mankind will ever experience, He states:

Revelation 16

18 And there were noises and thunderings and lightnings; and there was a great earthquake, such a mighty and great earthquake as had not occurred since men were on the earth.

I will again take the liberty of going back to the OT to a verse describing the happenings at the time of the Messiah Jesus return:

Zechariah 14

4 And in that day His feet will stand on the Mount of Olives, Which faces Jerusalem on the east. And the Mount of Olives shall be split in two, From east to west, Making a very large valley; Half of the mountain shall move toward the north And half of it toward the south.

The book of Revelation has multiple verse speaking of earthquakes. It may be that the aftershock earthquakes will be very great also after such a massive earthquake caused by the Meteor impact.

Ok i will once again backtrack to a verse already given that gives another sign. One that also aligns with the latest conclusion of researchers on the effects of a meteor impact upon earth.

Revelation 8

11 The name of the star is Wormwood. A third of the waters became wormwood, and many men died from the water, because it was made bitter.

Here John states that the burning mountain/falling star would cause the Waters to be poisoned and many men would die from the water. One of the effects of a meteor strike given by researchers is acid rain over large areas causing massive poisoning. This poisoning they claim will be caused by nitric and nitrous acids. The link below is the source of this information quoted below.

Quote sourced from:


The heat from the shock wave of the entering asteroid and reprocessing of the air close to the impact produces nitric and nitrous acids over the next few months to one year. The chemical reaction chain is: 1. N2 + O2 ‚> NO (molecular nitrogen combined with molecular oxygen produces nitrogen monoxide) 2. 2NO + O2 ‚> 2NO2 (two nitrogen monoxide molecules combined with one oxygen molecule produces two nitrogen dioxide molecules) 3. NO2 is converted to nitric and nitrous acids when it is mixed with water. These are really nasty acids. They will wash out of the air when it rains---a worldwide deluge of acid rain with damaging effects:

So these acids will be produced in large quantities and will wash out of the atmosphere when it rains causing massive contamination of water supplies. and many men will die because they have no other alternative but to drink the contaminated water.

Researchers also state that the longer term effects of a meteor strike is a rapid "greenhouse effect" heating, some also speculate that the ozone layer may suffer damage during a meteor collision causing more UV radiation hitting the surface. John also gives a sign that is in alignment with these theories.

Revelation 16

9 And men were scorched with great heat, and they blasphemed the name of God who has power over these plagues; and they did not repent and give Him glory.

So there you have it. The parallels are striking between what researchers have stated about the effects of a meteor strike on the earth surface and what John describes in the Book of Revelation. From this i can only conclude that a Meteor will be the main instrument bringing about many of the signs revealed in the Book of Revelation. I hope you have been blessed by this post. I intent to add more posts closely related to this post. I even suspect i may know the actual meteor by name.

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The Meteor of Revelation.

Post by Lon »

Yea verily I say unto thee. Tis all bull___t.
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The Meteor of Revelation.

Post by K.Snyder »

Lon;1371970 wrote: Yea verily I say unto thee. Tis all bull___t.Now now Lon, let's not try and get a laugh out of the gentlemen this early on in his posting career, he may not know how to cope...

But I'd like to add that I thought john envisioned the meteor striking Las Vegas, wasn't it? He overslept by about 48,000 years and was off by about 300 miles... He should have taken 40 West to 93 North.

He was never good on land that John...Incredibly great fisherman...Did you know he once caught a 5,000 lb Lepomis macrochirus...It's true...They've all went around the world spreading the word, those bluegill
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The Meteor of Revelation.

Post by Adstar »

Meteor Name: Apophis: Named after the egyptian god of darkness and destruction

Patron of: evil and darkness.

Apophis is expected to come close enough that on April 13, 2029 (Friday the 13th) it will become as bright as magnitude 3.3 (easily visible to the naked eye). This close approach will be visible from Europe, Africa, and western Asia.

friday the 13th...

Media release about measures to move aphophis

NASA's mission to repel asteroid

· Jonathan Leake

· December 26, 2006

NASA is drawing up a shortlist of ideas to be unveiled early next year for diverting a 40 million-ton asteroid that is on course to pass dangerously close to the Earth.

Fears that the planet may be in danger from being struck by asteroids were heightened by the discovery of one orbiting the Sun that, on its present path, will pass within 35,405km -- a hair's breadth in astronomical terms -- in April 2029.

NASA's plan is to engineer a minor shift in the asteroid's trajectory that would make it miss Earth by a wider margin on this and all subsequent passes.

Under one possible plan, a robotic craft would be sent to the asteroid to attempt to alter its course. One option might be to install a propulsion system on the surface to nudge it onto a new course.

The schemes will be presented and discussed at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.

The studies follow the discovery of hundreds of small asteroids orbiting the Sun that repeatedly cross Earth's orbit, raising the possibility of a devastating collision. The one causing most concern is a rock of more than 304m called Apophis, the Greek name for the Egyptian god Apep, known as "the destroyer". It will come so close to Earth it will pass under many satellites and may destroy some.

Astronomers fear that although 2029 should pass without incident, coming so close to Earth might change Apophis's 323-day orbit around the Sun -- during which it crosses the planet's path twice -- creating an even bigger risk in the future. A second close encounter is predicted for 2036.

Since Apophis was discovered, NASA scientists have been drawing up proposals for diverting it or any other asteroid that might present a threat. NASA estimates that if it hit Earth, it would release energy equivalent to the detonation of 880 megatons of TNT. The 1883 eruption of Krakatoa was the equivalent of roughly 200 megatons.

One option, to be proposed by a former astronaut, Edward Lu, of NASA's Johnson Space Centre in Houston, Texas, would involve building a heavy, nuclear-powered spacecraft to act as a gravitational tug. The spacecraft would hover over the surface of Apophis, using the asteroid's gravitational pull to stay in orbit.

Lu calculates that a 20-tonne craft gently firing its thrusters could safely deflect a typical 198m asteroid in about a year, assuming there was 20 years of warning to launch and get the blocker into position.

Lu's approach is far more cautious than that proposed by Hollywood in films such as Deep Impact or Armageddon. In the latter, the character played by Bruce Willis dies leading a team of astronauts who drill into an Earth-bound asteroid to plant a nuclear weapon that destroys it, and him along with it.

Lu and others say such an approach would increase the threat by turning a single piece of rock into smaller chunks that could bombard the planet.

The Sunday Times

They assure everyone that it will not hit earth in 2029. But i believe they cannot confident of this because they do not know if Apophis has a rotation that is Prograde or Retrograde. The direction of spin on a meteor affects it's orbit. If the rotation is Prograde it will tend to maintain its orbit or start to increase its orbit but if the spin is Retrograde it will cause its orbit to diminish.

from Universe Today

Heating of an asteroid's surface by the Sun causes thermal radiation. The nett cumulative momentum of that radiation is from surfaces that have just turned out of the Sun's light (i.e. 'dusk'). In asteroids with prograde spin, this will push the asteroid into a higher orbit - i.e. further away from the Sun. But, for asteroids with retrograde rotation, the orbit decays - i.e. towards the Sun.

So not knowing the direction of rotation nor the speed of rotation makes accurate prediction of the path of apophis in 2029 unpredictable. Scientists say they will not be able to observe apophis close enough to determine it's spin until 2013.

I believe they will discover apophis has a retrograde rotation and this will cause it to come closer to the earth then the current calculation.

The other reason i believe apophis will hit in 2029 is biblical.

I believe that God has a 7000 year plan. Each 1000 years representing a day in a week. The last day the 7th day or 7th millennium will be a Sabbath, a 1000 years rest. Jesus will reign on earth for 1000 years with his saints. The impact of the meteor is one of the signs that comes just before the return of the Messiah. Jesus death and resurrection i believe marked to end of the 4th day or 4000 year. Jesus was executed on the day of Passover Wednesday April the 3rd in the year 30 AD.

30 + 2000 = 2030. So Apophis hitting earth in 2029 fits in well with a second coming of the Messiah Jesus around the same time.

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The Meteor of Revelation.

Post by -J- »

I couldn't agree with you more adstar. Thank you for writing such a detailed interpretation as well. I have been doing literally tons of research on this topic and I also came to a similar conclusion even before reading your post. I would also like to add a few things I have found that I would like a second opinion on.

First of all the additional global repercussions of such an impact on the Earth.

There would undoubtedly be a shock wave so massive that it would decimate whole cities to rubble that would spread in a circular pattern around the earth climaxing on the opposite end of the planet with almost just as devastating force. This ripple would continue to bounce across the globe slowly weakening as it lost energy.

Now, as if this wouldn't be catastrophic enough, this continual shockwave as it passed through the earth's crust would set off a chain reaction of additional earthquakes by releasing the intense pressures built up by the earths tectonic plates. Some that even today scientists predict that when they break, not if, but when, they could, by themselves create tsunamis several hundred feet high and earthquakes that could quite possibly max out the Richter scale. For example the intersection of the Juan De Fuca Plate and the Pacific Plate of the Western United State's Coastline.

This brings up another point if the Meteor does hit the water, as it is said to, a few additional things would happen. First, a massive wave larger than anything ever recorded. Second, instantly vaporized water escaping into the atmosphere that would cause deadly storms and flooding. Not to mention the debris in the air you mentioned as wells as the poisoning. which would only be further worsened by the probable effects I mentioned.

Back to the shockwave, this intense global disturbance would undoubtedly set off a related reaction of mass volcanic disaster as well. This would be a significant source in the air pollution (dust, ash, poisonous gases) not to mention the fires that would start because of the destruction, volcanoes, panic, and meteor that would also add to air pollution and chaos that further help to blot out the sun, make the moon red, and heat the planet, etc.

All in all its a recipe for complete disaster that I think perfectly fits the description and, along with the economical crisis that may lead up to and undoubtedly follow, sets the stage perfectly for the following verses in revelation to take place.

As for your Apophis theory. I think it is a good guess, certainly. Granted no one can really know for sure. I have my own theory on God's timeline but it not too unlike your own. As unknowing as we all must be, I feel quite confident these things will happen in the next 50-100 years or so. In fact I'm as close to certain as I can be given the circumstances. I'd love to continue the conversation further with you as well. I'm going to do a bit of work on it to the best of my ability but I'll post my thoughts on the next few verses here within the week if I can. I just wanted to jot down my response to what you've got down thus far. I hope we, along with anyone else who wants obviously, can talk further on the subject soon.

Wow, lots of grammatical and spelling errors up there; oh well, it's just a forum... have at it if you feel so inclined.
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The Meteor of Revelation.

Post by LarsMac »

-J-;1392675 wrote:

Wow, lots of grammatical and spelling errors up there; oh well, it's just a forum... have at it if you feel so inclined.

Well, I think that if one wishes to be taken seriously, one should try to mind their grammar and spelling.

Especially when posting such a tome.

I tend to lose interest when the author cannot take the time to at least appear educated.
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The Meteor of Revelation.

Post by -J- »

I guess he felt inclined^ Hahaha.
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The Meteor of Revelation.

Post by Bryn Mawr »

-J-;1392679 wrote: I guess he felt inclined^ Hahaha.

There was a good thread around here that explored the consequences of such an impact in some detail but we don't really need to guess - it's all happened before and we can see the results.
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The Meteor of Revelation.

Post by -J- »

Bryn Mawr;1392806 wrote: There was a good thread around here that explored the consequences of such an impact in some detail but we don't really need to guess - it's all happened before and we can see the results.

You bring up a great point. However, where the guessing comes in, is concerning the size of what I suppose should technically be called the meteorite, not meteor. Obviously the Earth can and does survive meteorite collisions every day. In fact it's estimated that 51,000 meteorites bigger than 10 grams hit the earth every year. There is evidence that some of these collisions have been far larger. So, I suppose the question becomes: how many licks does it take for a meteorite to reach the size needed in order to cause the cataclysmic reactions we read about in Revelation? Assuming of course that is indeed the scene John wrote about. Too big and the results would be obvious, you are certainly right in that respect, no question about it. However, naturally there would be a "sweet spot" so to speak, that would be just the right size for the world chaos described to possibly take place. Something like "baby bear's bowl of porridge"; not too hot, not too cold.

So, our guessing, I suppose, may be justified should the rock be small enough not to decimate everything as you mentioned. Now, if you believe the Bible, as I assume some would who might to want add something to this conversation, Revelation, in this interpretation, seems to claim just that. I would like to check out that thread though to read up on and compare some of what other people are saying about such and impact without John's prophecy in mind. I appreciate the mention.
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The Meteor of Revelation.

Post by LarsMac »

It's a meteor until it collides with the Earth surface. A meteorite is some of what's left after the collision.

The meteor/asteroid that allegedly caused the Great Dinosaur die-off some 62 million years back was estimated at 3 mile diameter.

I suspect such an impact today would fairly well cause major disruption it life on earth, again.

The 1908 Siberian meteor was only about 100,000 tons. While considered the largest meteor to strike Earth in modern history,went unnoticed by a majority of Earthlings.

I suppose the 2004 MN4 might be of some concern as it comes within 30,000 km of us in a little over a decade. IF it actually veered a little off the projected path it could create quite a show.

If it landed in the Eastern Med, it would be cataclysmic for folks in the Palestine.

Not that I much go in for all that prophecy stuff.

Jesus said no one would know when he comes again. So why waste a lot of time trying to figure it out?
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The Meteor of Revelation.

Post by -J- »

That's true. No one will know the day or hour... The point isn't to predict the time of it, that ruins, well... the point really, or at least one of them. Because no one knows when Jesus will come again for the final judgment, we must always be prepared. But that's obvious, of which we don't need to delve further as I'm sure you'd agree. What I like to think though is that by interpreting the events, and order of them, believers and non believers alike might know what to expect when it happens and thus prepare for it. (Which may or may not be relevant depending on your interpretation) If for no other reason however, I like to research it because it is there to be read and studied so those who take the time might prepare and, if you support the Christian theology, might be used as a tool of sorts.

Not to mention, it is just extremely interesting and makes for a good read as well as debate in some cases.

I'll try to not respond so frequently from now on. I've just got nothing to do at the moment and this subject interests me a lot . As I would hope it would everyone if for nothing else to educate yourself on others' beliefs and your own opinions of them, especially if you disagree in my opinion. It's hard to argue that, if nothing more, it is classic literature and it couldn't hurt for humanity to read some of its "fables" and messages even if you don't believe in what it has to offer spiritually.
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The Meteor of Revelation.

Post by Adstar »

-J-;1392675 wrote: I couldn't agree with you more adstar. Thank you for writing such a detailed interpretation as well. I have been doing literally tons of research on this topic and I also came to a similar conclusion even before reading your post. I would also like to add a few things I have found that I would like a second opinion on.

First of all the additional global repercussions of such an impact on the Earth.

There would undoubtedly be a shock wave so massive that it would decimate whole cities to rubble that would spread in a circular pattern around the earth climaxing on the opposite end of the planet with almost just as devastating force. This ripple would continue to bounce across the globe slowly weakening as it lost energy.

Now, as if this wouldn't be catastrophic enough, this continual shockwave as it passed through the earth's crust would set off a chain reaction of additional earthquakes by releasing the intense pressures built up by the earths tectonic plates. Some that even today scientists predict that when they break, not if, but when, they could, by themselves create tsunamis several hundred feet high and earthquakes that could quite possibly max out the Richter scale. For example the intersection of the Juan De Fuca Plate and the Pacific Plate of the Western United State's Coastline.

This brings up another point if the Meteor does hit the water, as it is said to, a few additional things would happen. First, a massive wave larger than anything ever recorded. Second, instantly vaporized water escaping into the atmosphere that would cause deadly storms and flooding. Not to mention the debris in the air you mentioned as wells as the poisoning. which would only be further worsened by the probable effects I mentioned.

Back to the shockwave, this intense global disturbance would undoubtedly set off a related reaction of mass volcanic disaster as well. This would be a significant source in the air pollution (dust, ash, poisonous gases) not to mention the fires that would start because of the destruction, volcanoes, panic, and meteor that would also add to air pollution and chaos that further help to blot out the sun, make the moon red, and heat the planet, etc.

All in all its a recipe for complete disaster that I think perfectly fits the description and, along with the economical crisis that may lead up to and undoubtedly follow, sets the stage perfectly for the following verses in revelation to take place.

As for your Apophis theory. I think it is a good guess, certainly. Granted no one can really know for sure. I have my own theory on God's timeline but it not too unlike your own. As unknowing as we all must be, I feel quite confident these things will happen in the next 50-100 years or so. In fact I'm as close to certain as I can be given the circumstances. I'd love to continue the conversation further with you as well. I'm going to do a bit of work on it to the best of my ability but I'll post my thoughts on the next few verses here within the week if I can. I just wanted to jot down my response to what you've got down thus far. I hope we, along with anyone else who wants obviously, can talk further on the subject soon.

Wow, lots of grammatical and spelling errors up there; oh well, it's just a forum... have at it if you feel so inclined.

Hello -J-

Don't visit this forum much. But thank you for your reply. Yes this shock wave through the Air would be considerable but to have a shock wave that would destroy cities around the world would i believe require an impact of a meteor larger than Apophis. Maybe such a shock wave might cause great damage to cities within a certain radius from the impact point. For me the shock wave that will trigger greater destruction will be transmitted through the crust. I believe this shock wave will be enough to release a lot of pet up energy fault zones that are current locked but will be jolted free by the impact of this shock wave. The combined effects of the shock wave and the released energy from the moving fault lines will bring about the prophecy stating that all the world will be shaken with the worst earthquake men have ever known.

As for volcanic eruptions i agree we would see the activation of many volcanoes. I have been given a Prophetic dream about such a volcano (currently inactive) that could have an extremely violent eruption. Not sure if this will be impact related for if it will happen before that event. I will give the dream below.

The Dream.

I was having a dream and i saw a coast line. I was looking at it from the sea side. I was not far off the coast maybe 50ft. I saw one woman on the shore. The sky looked like a vary dark stormy cloud that covered the sky. There was no breaks and no sunshine passing through. As i was looking a saw white righting appear in the sky and it said "Thera is to be leveled". Immediately i was gripped by excitement because this is the first time in my dreams i had actually seen righting and a real name. "Thera". At the time of the dream i did not know if it was the name of the woman or the name of a place but i know it was something so i forced myself to wake up and i jumped out of bed and ran to my computer turned it on and googled Thera.

Well after i found out what thera was the dream became more understandable to me. See Thera is a volcano in the south eastern Mediterranean sea. It is only known as Thera in vulcanologist circles but the world and maps do not call it Thera. The maps only reveal what the tip of the volcano is called, The part that comes out of the sea and it is called the Island of Santorini. So even if i had at some stage in my life seen is on a map i never would have seen it as Thera but as Santorini.

So Thera is a mega volcano one of the biggest in the world and some day it will be leveled. This is what the dream says to me.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
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The Meteor of Revelation.

Post by Adstar »

LarsMac;1392812 wrote: It's a meteor until it collides with the Earth surface. A meteorite is some of what's left after the collision.

The meteor/asteroid that allegedly caused the Great Dinosaur die-off some 62 million years back was estimated at 3 mile diameter.

I suspect such an impact today would fairly well cause major disruption it life on earth, again.

The 1908 Siberian meteor was only about 100,000 tons. While considered the largest meteor to strike Earth in modern history,went unnoticed by a majority of Earthlings.

I suppose the 2004 MN4 might be of some concern as it comes within 30,000 km of us in a little over a decade. IF it actually veered a little off the projected path it could create quite a show.

If it landed in the Eastern Med, it would be cataclysmic for folks in the Palestine.

Not that I much go in for all that prophecy stuff.

Jesus said no one would know when he comes again. So why waste a lot of time trying to figure it out?

How is the prediction of the date of a meteor impact also a prediction of the date of the return of the Messiah Jesus? They are two different things.

As for the coming of Jesus. Jesus made it clear that no man would know the day or the hour of His coming. As a Christian i believe Him. But Jesus did not say His people would not be aware of the times, when His coming was near. He even gave signs in the Bible to look out for that would show that His return was near. Matthew 24 and other passages give these signs.

1 Thessalonians 5

2 For you yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so comes as a thief in the night. 3 For when they say, “Peace and safety!” then sudden destruction comes upon them, as labor pains upon a pregnant woman. And they shall not escape. 4 But you, brethren, are not in darkness, so that this Day should overtake you as a thief.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
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The Meteor of Revelation.

Post by rajakrsna »

I`d be between 71-72 yrs on 04.04.2029. Or exactly 72 yrs on 11.03.2029. If you take note of the figures 04.04 it`s an error code you see when your posts are not saved. It`s a glitch that disrupts systems, programs, memory of a web complex linked to a host server. This is the asteroid being referred in this thread entitled the Meteor of Revelation by Adstar. Not the asteroid which bore a large hole in Siberia that took place eons ago.

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The Meteor of Revelation.

Post by -J- »

For me the shock wave that will trigger greater destruction will be transmitted through the crust. I believe this shock wave will be enough to release a lot of pet up energy fault zones that are current locked but will be jolted free by the impact of this shock wave. The combined effects of the shock wave and the released energy from the moving fault lines will bring about the prophecy stating that all the world will be shaken with the worst earthquake men have ever known.

As for volcanic eruptions i agree we would see the activation of many volcanoes. I have been given a Prophetic dream about such a volcano (currently inactive) that could have an extremely violent eruption. Not sure if this will be impact related for if it will happen before that event. I will give the dream below.

The Dream.

I was having a dream and i saw a coast line. I was looking at it from the sea side. I was not far off the coast maybe 50ft. I saw one woman on the shore. The sky looked like a vary dark stormy cloud that covered the sky. There was no breaks and no sunshine passing through. As i was looking a saw white righting appear in the sky and it said "Thera is to be leveled". Immediately i was gripped by excitement because this is the first time in my dreams i had actually seen righting and a real name. "Thera". At the time of the dream i did not know if it was the name of the woman or the name of a place but i know it was something so i forced myself to wake up and i jumped out of bed and ran to my computer turned it on and googled Thera.

Exactly, I should have been more specific but the crust shock-wave is mostly what I referring to actually. So we are on the same page there. And that is really interesting you had a dream. I actually had a tsunami dream three nights in a row a few months ago. I grew up in Seaside, Oregon and for three nights I dreamed there was a massive tsunami that swept through the city of either Seaside or Canon Beach. It was honestly a bit freaky, but I think unrelated to this because there was a lot of tsunami hype going on around that time and it was basically all that people were talking about so... yeah. I think might be safe to write off, especially because there wasn't a tsunami. And also because right after the tsunamis hit one night I decided to go to some barn and help my friend with their horses and talk about vacation. Dreams are weird.

04.04 it`s an error code you see when your posts are not saved. It`s a glitch that disrupts systems, programs, memory of a web complex linked to a host server. This is the asteroid being referred in this thread entitled the Meteor of Revelation by Adstar. Not the asteroid which bore a large hole in Siberia that took place eons ago.

As for that^ I really don't know what point you're trying to make here. It may be an odd coincidence but if, and perhaps I'm wrong in my translation of your comment, but IF you are saying that a meteor we suggest could be what is being referred to in Revelation is actually going to take place in the form of internet error code simply because of the date (Y2K ring any bells?) Then, I'm going to have to strongly disagree with you. That's quite a leap of the imagination, quite a leap. But again perhaps I misinterpreted what exactly you are trying to point out. But I highly doubt that a fiery mountain that falls into the ocean, poisons the water, darkens the sun, and causes the death of one third of earth can be at all related to the error code 404.

and... I don't remember anyone claiming anything about the Siberian collision other than perhaps to make a quick reference to devastation or feasibility.
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The Meteor of Revelation.

Post by rajakrsna »

-J-;1393177 wrote:

As for that^ I really don't know what point you're trying to make here. It may be an odd coincidence but if, and perhaps I'm wrong in my translation of your comment, but IF you are saying that a meteor we suggest could be what is being referred to in Revelation is actually going to take place in the form of internet error code simply because of the date (Y2K ring any bells?) Then, I'm going to have to strongly disagree with you. That's quite a leap of the imagination, quite a leap. But again perhaps I misinterpreted what exactly you are trying to point out. But I highly doubt that a fiery mountain that falls into the ocean, poisons the water, darkens the sun, and causes the death of one third of earth can be at all related to the error code 404.

and... I don't remember anyone claiming anything about the Siberian collision other than perhaps to make a quick reference to devastation or feasibility.

What I`m talking here is the Brahmastra.

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The Meteor of Revelation.

Post by Saint_ »

Ok...let's just say that you're right a a giant asteroid is going to destroy all life on Earth in 2029. How does talking about it and freaking out for 17 years make anyone feel better?What's the point of this thread? To make us all go home from work depressed? To commiserate uselessly?

One disaster at a time, please. Let's all get back to this year's paranoia: 2012. sheesh!
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The Meteor of Revelation.

Post by -J- »

What I`m talking here is the Brahamastra.

How is the BRAHMASTRA what you were referring to in your post about 404? The two have literally nothing in common from that video you posted. I'm more than happy to indulge with you a conversation about one or the other, even though that would hardly belong in this thread, but at least maintain some consistency. You're all over the place, and not really making any points of your own.

What's the point of this thread? To make us all go home from work depressed? To commiserate uselessly? One disaster at a time, please. Let's all get back to this year's paranoia: 2012. sheesh!

Haha, oh that's right! 2012! But in all honesty that's a pretty silly question. Why study History? Why recycle? Why practice religion? Why study Science? Why speculate anything at all for that matter? I mean in all honesty what's the point to anything? Why bother even asking the question "why?"... Because maybe, just maybe, someone thought it mattered.

But just for good measure... The point of the thread is to consider the practical application of a Biblical prophecy and, for those interested, discuss the ramifications, and point of them, it addresses as well as the very message it contains, and why it might be worth someone's time. Assuming, of course, you believe its authenticity or are interested in an intriguing perspective on culture, literature, and religious philosophy. I can elaborate further on the specifics if you still need me to.

Also, just to clear things up: I think a meteor is only a probable explanation to John's prophecy; one of many interpretations. I'm not going to go as far as to put any thought into what meteor it may be, especially because often times meteors aren't discovered until they already missed the Earth. The exact time isn't even important, what is, is the fact that, according to the Bible, it could be soon. The point is to recognize to put it shortly. But that is beginning a religious discussion and becomes a philosophical debate that this thread isn't concerned with. You don't need to believe it to discuss what, if any, application is present.
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The Meteor of Revelation.

Post by rajakrsna »

-J-;1393188 wrote: How is the BRAHMASTRA what you were referring to in your post about 404? The two have literally nothing in common from that video you posted. I'm more than happy to indulge with you a conversation about one or the other, even though that would hardly belong in this thread, but at least maintain some consistency. You're all over the place, and not really making any points of your own.

Yes, I`m all over the place. I may not be making points but I`m enjoying the zeros that go with it. All I need to activate this bomb is the ONE point in front of all these zeros I`m making- the mega 404, so to speak. It`s a wayward asteroid in cyberspace that`s set to hit the internet`s master data base on doomsday. I know it`s a dream but I can dream can`t I?
Om namo bagavate vasudevaya, " God is the Cause of All causes."
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The Meteor of Revelation.

Post by Saint_ »

-J-;1393188 wrote: point of the thread is to consider the practical application of a Biblical prophecy and, for those interested, discuss the ramifications, and point of them

Oh. Well. Why didnja SAY so?! I'm ok with that. Hey, was Ezekial's "wheel in the sky" a UFO?
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The Meteor of Revelation.

Post by Adstar »

Saint_;1393186 wrote: Ok...let's just say that you're right a a giant asteroid is going to destroy all life on Earth in 2029. How does talking about it and freaking out for 17 years make anyone feel better?What's the point of this thread? To make us all go home from work depressed? To commiserate uselessly?

One disaster at a time, please. Let's all get back to this year's paranoia: 2012. sheesh!

Hello Saint_

If you read my post i stated that this Meteor would bring destruction to 1/3rd of the planet. No where did i say that it would end all life on earth.

So whats the point of posting it? Well i have posted this on more than one forum where people are very.. well dismissive of all things relation to the things of God. My hope is that if they are here on earth and see this thing come to pass they will remember that some years ago one of them "Jesus freaks" told them this would happen. Maybe just maybe if the door of Salvation has not yet closed for them they will then earnestly seek Salvation through the Messiah Jesus.

This is the same reason i revealed my dream about the Volcanic Island of Santorini in the South East Mediterranean. I am kind of hoping that this will happen before the Meteor impact. But it is possible that these two events will happen at the same time. One event triggering the other, i hope not.

Anyway as a follower of the Messiah Jesus i know i have eternal life with Him. So these things do not cause me fear. I do get discouraged when people reject the Love of Jesus though.

As for 2012. Something may happen in 2012 but i believe it is far more likely to be a manufactured happening designed to either deceive the world or it may well be another cry of Wolf designed to make people never want to listen to any future warnings of the coming troubled times revealed in scripture.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
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The Meteor of Revelation.

Post by Adstar »

-J-;1393177 wrote: Exactly, I should have been more specific but the crust shock-wave is mostly what I referring to actually. So we are on the same page there. And that is really interesting you had a dream. I actually had a tsunami dream three nights in a row a few months ago. I grew up in Seaside, Oregon and for three nights I dreamed there was a massive tsunami that swept through the city of either Seaside or Canon Beach. It was honestly a bit freaky, but I think unrelated to this because there was a lot of tsunami hype going on around that time and it was basically all that people were talking about so... yeah. I think might be safe to write off, especially because there wasn't a tsunami. And also because right after the tsunamis hit one night I decided to go to some barn and help my friend with their horses and talk about vacation. Dreams are weird.

Well i have had dreams of tsunami but i also consider that a dream that i dreamed probably related to me thinking about it. But i have heard a lot of prophecy coming from different sources stating that a major earthquake on the US west coast causing a lowing of the coastline causing the sea to come in and a new coast to be formed at the base of the Rocky Mountains. I am not saying i believe these prophecies but i know for sure that the US west coast is on a major faulting and is prone to very violent earthquakes to for that reason and that reason alone i would not chose to live in that area of America. If i lived there now i would be seeking to move to a new life somewhere Higher and inland.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
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