Gay Day: pedophilia, GMO, marijuana, colonialism, taxes, ethnic civil war Co by vot

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Gay Day: pedophilia, GMO, marijuana, colonialism, taxes, ethnic civil war Co by vot

Post by TruthIsNeverTooHorrible »

01 or the power of a few illuminati using two bits to tame a couple hundred million beasts

Gay Day: pedophilia, GMO, marijuana, colonialism, taxes, ethnic civil war & Co - all approved by voting nachines - November 6 2012

November 6 2012 - voting machines multiply by 11 not by 12 the RMoney "votes", a detail that means the illuminati postponed once again the launch of supervised ethnic civil war (1).

The war will be launched as "Obama" is accused of "the most sophisticated conspiracy in the History of Politics", from fraud to treason and murder, stripped of all titles, with Hillary Clinton declared 44th President, the succesor of GW Bush.

It will go FULL scale with "Obama" sentended to death by SCOTUS.

The same voting machines programmed to postpone "whites against blacks and hispanics", this time only for days not for years like in 2008, were also programmed to decide a couple of other things.

Such as that "people" want :

- to be poisoned by GMO "food", the key to achieve the goal of almost instantaneous cancer (2);o

- to be officially a colony (3);

- to pay even more taxes; (4)

- to legalize "full" "homosexual marriage", the main goal being "adoption", the code used for legalizing pedophilia (5), putting partly an end to the fake war on pedophiles;

- to legalize the process of having their children become drug addicted robots, putting partly an end to the fake war on drugs (6).


(1) OCTOBER 2008 SURPRISE minor and ** MAJOR ** change in 2012 illuminati script ... cript.html

(2) California "votes" refuse labeling GMO food

"Food Labeling Proposition 37 Down By Double Digits"

Food Labeling Proposition 37 Down By Double Digits « CBS San Francisco

(3) Puerto Rico "votes" to become the 51st state of the US

BBC News - Puerto Rico wants to become the 51st state of the US

(4) This is how human cattle comments on "California aproves Prop 30", a measure to significantly rise both the state sales tax and also income tax rates on entrepreneurs and small business owners:

"I was surprised when the people of Oregon voted for a tax increase back in early 2010. ...Yesterday, the looters and moochers of the Golden State voted for Prop 30..."

California’s Economic Suicide and other News from Yesterday’s Ballot Measures « International Liberty

(5) "Gay Day" in USA: Maryland, Maine, Washington "voters" approve "homosexual marriage"

Gay Day in USA: Maryland voters approve homosexual marriage, Maine, Washington poised to follow - World - DNA

(6) "Washington voters approved a ballot measure to legalize marijuana for recreational use, making it the first U.S. state to decriminalize the practice."

Washington, Colorado Allow Recreational Use of Marijuana - Bloomberg

And the second state comes the same day:

“Marijuana prohibition has failed in Colorado and it has failed in all sorts of other places”

Colorado "Votes" In Favor Of Pot Legalization

Colorado Votes In Favor Of Pot Legalization « CBS Denver
Posts: 235
Joined: Mon Apr 13, 2009 8:56 am

Gay Day: pedophilia, GMO, marijuana, colonialism, taxes, ethnic civil war Co by vot

Post by TruthIsNeverTooHorrible »

TruthIsNeverTooHorrible;1410034 wrote:

The same voting machines programmed to postpone "whites against blacks and hispanics", this time only for days not for years like in 2008, were also programmed to decide a couple of other things.

Illuminati continue to postpone detonation of "Obama" and launch of race war because they are too weak.

Nothing shows it better than to resort to "Obama" to disarm, the opposite of the original script, with a "white republican" doing it (1).

Meanwhile they show how "strong" they are by torturing an executing real icons (2).

Unlike Lance "Obama" will not b stripped of 7 but only of two, while the stage is prepared in slow-motion (3).


(1) Lance Armstrong "confession" and the END of the WORLD as * YOU * know it ... -joke.html

(2) Disarm citizens - FULL SCRIPT

The ultimate illustration for the importance of traitors and how weak the illuminati are.

Make sure you don't miss a word here and follow each footnote link, if it is not immediatly clear to you: ... inati.html

(3) Illuminati media: Latinos take on bigger role in Obama inauguration ... itics.html
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