Craziest ever video released within days: Obama hits Hillary Clinton, she backfires

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Craziest ever video released within days: Obama hits Hillary Clinton, she backfires

Post by TruthIsNeverTooHorrible »

MAKE NO MISTAKE: video released within days: Obama hits Hillary Clinton, Hillary Clinton backfires

Craziest ever staged footage will be released within days, days after the craziest ever staged footage officially NOT captured with a hidden camera.

The craziest ever staged footage officially NOT captured with a hidden camera will be released within days or at most weeks.

It is the '"OBAMA" makes one LAST "OSAMA" video to prove that "Bin Laden's death is a lie', as it was revealed worldwide first by Last Prophet (1).

"Coincidentally" the craziest ever staged footage will be released days later.

It will be presented as officially captured with a hidden camera, starring the same actor and an actress playing herself.

Some of the similarities between both videos.

The male actor of the craziest ever staged footage:

- is the ONE and ONLY actor of the craziest ever staged footage officially NOT captured with a hidden camera;

- participates in both videos not for cash but as any member of a sect, for free (2).

His "salary": add new bombs to the endless array used in his detonation as suicide bomber.

"Coincidentally" it is the craziest suicide bombing operation in History.

"Coincidentally" his detonation signals the end of all TV productions by his sect (3).

"Coincidentally" his sect is the most prolific motion pictures company ever.

Comparison with a previous production starring both actors

The male actor of the craziest ever staged footage already appeared together with his co-star actress in an earlier short production, yet in the opposite role (4).

Coincidentally" in that movie the co-star actress played:

- an extremely milder version of his role with ... her husband in real life;

- the opposite role with her co-star as compared to the craziest ever staged footage.

Last Prophet and the three actors

"Coincidentally" by Last Prophet revealed worldide firs:

- the real life story of the co-actress and her husband, 1998 (5);

- the real role of the co-actress, 2007;

- the real life story of the actor, 2008 to 2012 (6).

All these revelations remained End Times Information Processes or ETIP (7) until the sect finally released the movie trailer.

As anyone aware of the famous final Laws (8) would have expected.


(1) "OBAMA" makes one LAST "OSAMA" video to prove that "Bin Laden's death is a lie

"OBAMA" makes one LAST "OSAMA" video to prove that "Bin Laden's death" is a lie

(2) ILLUMINATI members, like any other members of a sect, are NOT corruptible ... h-lie.html

(3) "OBAMA" TRIED TO "KILL" HILLARY CLINTON just before TV sets of human cattle disconnected for GOOD ... ected.html

(4) Human cattle comments: "hahahaha.. she refused to be kissed by bill, but she let Obama kiss her cheek."

See footage at:

Craziest ever footage: MAKE NO MISTAKE: released within days: Obama hits Clinton, she

(5) Clinton-Lewinsky was an End Times Information Process.

Clinton - Lewinsky how it was staged

#1 is the TRUTH by angelic Google ever since ... 2001


For the record, the real story

Bill Clinton e Monica Lewinsky - how it was staged - the real story

(6) The real life of "Obama" is in fact a movie script. But it remained an End Times Information Process all these years.

The original script that should be implemented after systemic collapse in July 2007 and each modified script and the date it was changed. ... inati.html

(7) TOTALLY censored in the age of global satellite TV (trademark CNN) and internet translates to End Times Information Process.

Talk of CNN: angelic Google returns the truth and almost NOTHING but the TRUTH, once you add 1+1, or more precisely you add it to what this article is about:


Information Highway Parallel Lanes - Traffic Jam in the Lane to Hell...: CNN 9/11 by Google - the BIG PICTURE of Global Coverage, from Vietnam to Serbia and Iraq

(8) The craziest of it all: nothing escapes the famous final Laws and yet they remained an ETIP.

Laws of End Times - End Times Reductionism

Nothing escapes them from land to illuminati scripts (from 911 "planes" to Oslo "victims" to megamillions and euromillions jackpot "winners").

Laws of End Times Reductionism - Google Search
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Craziest ever video released within days: Obama hits Hillary Clinton, she backfires

Post by TruthIsNeverTooHorrible »

TruthIsNeverTooHorrible;1415968 wrote:

(3) "OBAMA" TRIED TO "KILL" HILLARY CLINTON just before TV sets of human cattle disconnected for GOOD ... ected.html


Crown Jewel of very last soap opera before TV sets of human cattle are disconnected

MAKE NO MISTAKE: "OBAMA" TRIED TO KILL HILLARY CLINTON TO STOP HER FROM TESTIFYING in Benghazigate" (1) is the crime that crowns O's endless array of crimes in the very last soap opera before TV sets of human cattle are disconnected for good.

Media reductionism during each genocide setting a milestone:

- during the genocide of christian Armenians by muslim Turks, one of the milestones that marks the begin of End Times, there was yet no radio. Yet there were still reports about it in printed media.

One of the reasons that it is a milestone for the begin of end times is one of the ultimate signs of end times.

Each even greater genocide afterwards would be TOTALLY censored, although printed media would be extended with radio, TV, satellite TV ((milestone and trademark: CNN) and finally the global internet:

- during the jewish holocaust, 1937-1945, there was yet no TV, but illuminati radio, starting with BBC broadcasts to Germany, totally censored it (2);

- the ongoing genocide of undesirable at hospitals and homes for elderly in this millenium alone accounts for more than 35 million.

It became the largest genocide ever in 2007 (3), in the age of not only satellite TV but also of global internet (4).

As we are just weeks away from the begin of the "genocide to put an end to all genocides" (5), a reminder: during the final genocide in Illuminatziland media coverage will be a non-question.

Because there will be no media at all.


(1) This is as usual announced by the CIA Web of Disinfo first as a question.


In fact it is the craziest ever staged footage, to be released within days, as revealed by Last Prophet.

Obama hits Hillary Clinton, Hillary Clinton backfires:

Craziest ever footage: MAKE NO MISTAKE: released within days: Obama hits Clinton, she

(2) To get how the illuminati censored the Truth as it took place, start by how they do it NOW.

To what lengths illuminati go to censor TRUTH about Auschwitz and Holocaust

To what lengths illuminati go to censor TRUTH about Auschwitz and holocaust - Christian Forums ... caust.html

(3) 2007 or "coincidentally" at the same time of systemic collapse.

You will find systemic collapse near genocide of elderly explained in the script for the final genocide:

Disarm citizens: ULTIMATE script ILLUSTRATING importance of TRAITORS for illuminati - Christian Forums ... inati.html

2006, March: Last Prophet's words in a CIA forum adding 1 + 1 to return the data on the largest genocide ever, survived in

US Department of Energy DOE, first agency to confirm HORRIBLE TRUTH, 4 months later - Gold & Silver Forum

(4) TOTALLY censored in the age of global satellite TV (trademark CNN) and internet translates to End Times Information Process.

Talk of CNN: angelic Google returns the truth and almost NOTHING but the TRUTH, once you add 1+1, or more precisely you add it to what this article is about:


Information Highway Parallel Lanes - Traffic Jam in the Lane to Hell...: CNN 9/11 by Google - the BIG PICTURE of Global Coverage, from Vietnam to Serbia and Iraq

(5) One of the reasons that Global Slavery is the ultimate goal of the Illuminati religion is that it means fulfillment of "order out of chaos".

Global Slavery alias New World Order means no more wars, no more genocides.

2012, November: China Illuminati puppets masscre dozens of slaves owned by Apple / Foxconn - Differences to Bangladesh slaves owned by Walmart and US slaves before citizens disarmed: ... xconn.html
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