End Times Reductionism: Red haired people alone expose Evolution Theory hoax

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End Times Reductionism: Red haired people alone expose Evolution Theory hoax

Post by TruthIsNeverTooHorrible »

End Times Reductionism: Red haired people alone expose Evolution Theory, most powerful illuminati hoax

Poster replies to "What's the deal with all of these recent commercials with women with red hair?":

"Last time I checked, there are humans on this Earth with red hair."

Last Prophet replies:

The question is: for how long?

Nothing escapes the Laws of End Times Reductionism.

According to the Law ruling the reduction of the Creation:

Blond people would be soon doomed, red haired people even faster, if Illuminati End Times could last a couple more centuries.

"Coincidentally" this simple fact alone exposes the most powerful illuminati hoax, evolution theory.

Yet it was not until 1999 that it was exposed first. One of Last Prophet's posts from 2000 to the CNN forum is still available in archive (1).

Again, the Laws of End Times Reductionism at work, this time as key to the TRUTH.

CNN and how long will Illuminati End Times last

Talk of how long Illuminati End Times could still last, CNN and End Times Reductionism: illuminati actor "Ted" Turner's role goes beyond "founder of CNN".

He has also one of the roles of openly answering some questions, according to one of the principles of the illuminati religion (2).

Among what he unveiled was a detail of the illuminati script for the "end of the world": the question can be reduced to how long will CNN still broadcast (3).


(0) in page 5 of What's the deal with all of these recent commercials with women with red hair?

What's the deal with all of these recent commercials with women with red hair?

(1) Explained long ago by Last Prophet, archived first Feb 2002

http://web.archive.org/web/200202131030 ... _race.html

Archived April 2000 message to the CNN forum :

http://web.archive.org/web/200108220307 ... 77b53/6701

(2) Role of illuminati Ted Turner goes beyond CNN founder

http://www.forumgarden.com/forums/proph ... ophet.html

(3) A blonde woman stars in one of the last acts ... just before the script has the TV sets of human cattle disconnected for GOOD.

And CNN will be on air to broadcast it, as prophesized by Turner on day 1.

http://www.forumgarden.com/forums/gener ... ected.html

BASIC CONCEPTS - google it

Laws of End Times Reductionism
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End Times Reductionism: Red haired people alone expose Evolution Theory hoax

Post by Townes »

So, going bible fundie on science now?

There are no scientific theories on "end times". Let alone laws. This is not mathematics. You, sir, are an insult to science and our species' intelligence.

It is all religious pseudoscience, and you sir should be ashamed of stating any of this as a fact.

Evolution is both observed, tested, and is at this point the most well-supported scientific theory in the whole of science. Even more so than the theory of gravity, the atomic theory and the germ theory.

The illuminati have not existed for centuries. But even if they did, I can see why deluded people like you would fear them - they are in a sense not a new world order, but a new world view, free from the shackles of dogma. The Bavarian illuminati were scientists, rationalists and secularists, not some satanic conspirators. Reason is what crumbles your house of cards. And you flee from it like the plague.

Believing in a deity is called faith and is not a dangerous thing, going pants-on-head insane about conspiracies is a medical condition, and I fear for the safety of the people around end times fundamentalists like you.

There. Rant over. Now to duck for cover when mods find my post... :-3
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